Exemple #1
        public static async Task <IActionResult> Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req,
            ILogger log)
            log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Task to check Scaling requirement.. Started (ASM Version : V3.1)");
            var subscriptionId          = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SUBSCRIPTION_ID", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
            var resoureGroupName        = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
            var vmScalesetName          = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VMSS_NAME", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
            var minFTDCountStr          = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MIN_FTD_COUNT", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
            var maxFTDCountStr          = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MAX_FTD_COUNT", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
            var sampleTimeMin           = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SAMPLING_TIME_MIN", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
            var scaleOutThresholdCpuStr = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SCALE_OUT_THRESHLD_CPU", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
            var scaleInThresholdCpuStr  = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SCALE_IN_THRESHLD_CPU", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
            var scaleOutThresholdMemStr = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SCALE_OUT_THRESHLD_MEM", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
            var scaleInThresholdMemStr  = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SCALE_IN_THRESHLD_MEM", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
            var initialDeployMethod     = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("INITIAL_DEPLOYMENT_MODE", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); //supported STEP / BULK
            var scalingPolicy           = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SCALING_POLICY", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);          // POLICY-1 / POLICY-2
            var metrics = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SCALING_METRICS_LIST", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process).ToLower();

            int    minFTDCount          = Convert.ToInt32(minFTDCountStr);
            int    maxFTDCount          = Convert.ToInt32(maxFTDCountStr);
            double scaleOutThresholdCpu = Convert.ToDouble(scaleOutThresholdCpuStr);
            double scaleInThresholdCpu  = Convert.ToDouble(scaleInThresholdCpuStr);
            double scaleOutThresholdMem = Convert.ToDouble(scaleOutThresholdMemStr);
            double scaleInThresholdMem  = Convert.ToDouble(scaleInThresholdMemStr);
            int    currentVmCapacity    = 0;
            string scaleStr             = "";

            log.LogInformation("CPU Scale Out threshold: {0}%, Scale In threshold : {1}%", scaleOutThresholdCpu, scaleInThresholdCpu);
            // log.LogInformation("Memory Scale Out threshold: {0}%, Scale In threshold : {1}%", scaleOutThresholdMem, scaleInThresholdMem);

            //Reject if CPU scale Out Threshold < scale In Threshold
            if (scaleOutThresholdCpu <= scaleInThresholdCpu)
                log.LogError("AutoScaleManager:::: CPU metrics ScaleOut Threshold ({0}) is less than or equal to ScaleIn Threshold ({1}) this is not correct", scaleOutThresholdCpu, scaleInThresholdCpu);
                return((ActionResult) new BadRequestObjectResult("ERROR: CPU Metrics ScaleOut threshold is less than or equal to ScaleIn threshold"));

            //Validate Metrics
            if ((!metrics.Contains("cpu")) && (!metrics.Contains("memory")))
                log.LogError("AutoScaleManager:::: Invalid metrics specified : {0} (valid metrics are CPU or CPU, Memory)", metrics);
                return((ActionResult) new BadRequestObjectResult("ERROR: Invalid Metrics..Can not continue"));

            //Check FMC connection, If we can not connect to FMC do not continue
            log.LogInformation("AutoScaleManager:::: Checking FMC connection");

            var    getAuth   = new fmcAuthClass();
            string authToken = getAuth.getFmcAuthToken(log);

            if ("ERROR" == authToken)
                log.LogError("AutoScaleManager:::: Failed to connect to FMC..Can not continue");
                return((ActionResult) new BadRequestObjectResult("ERROR: Failed to connet to FMC..Can not continue"));

            log.LogInformation("AutoScaleManager:::: Sampling Resource Utilization at {0}min Average", sampleTimeMin);

            var factory = new AzureCredentialsFactory();
            var msiCred = factory.FromMSI(new MSILoginInformation(MSIResourceType.AppService), AzureEnvironment.AzureGlobalCloud);
            var azure   = Azure.Configure().WithLogLevel(HttpLoggingDelegatingHandler.Level.Basic).Authenticate(msiCred).WithSubscription(subscriptionId);

            string resourceUri = null;
            var    vmss        = azure.VirtualMachineScaleSets.GetByResourceGroup(resoureGroupName, vmScalesetName);

            resourceUri = vmss.Id;

            if (null == resourceUri)
                log.LogError("AutoScaleManager:::: Unable to get resource uri");
                return((ActionResult) new BadRequestObjectResult("ERROR: Unable to get resource uri"));

            currentVmCapacity = vmss.Capacity;
            log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Current capacity of VMSS : {0}", currentVmCapacity);

            //If the VMSS capacity is '0' consider this as first deployment and spawn 'minimum FTD count' at a time
            if ((0 == currentVmCapacity) && (0 != minFTDCount))
                log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Current VMSS capacity is 0, considering it as first deployment (min FTD count needed : {0}", minFTDCount);
                if ("BULK" == initialDeployMethod)
                    log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Selected initial deployment mode is BULK");
                    log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Deploying {0} number of FTDvs in scale set", minFTDCount);
                    scaleStr = "{ \"COMMAND\": \"SCALEOUT\", \"COUNT\": \"" + minFTDCount + "\", \"TYPE\": \"INIT\" }";
                    return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult(scaleStr));
                    log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: BULK method is not selected for initial deployment.. proceeding with STEP");
                    scaleStr = "{ \"COMMAND\": \"SCALEOUT\", \"COUNT\": \"1\", \"TYPE\": \"REGULAR\"}";
                    return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult(scaleStr));

            //If current capacity is less than minimum FTD count requied then we need to scale-out
            if (currentVmCapacity < minFTDCount)
                log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Current VMSS Capacity({0}) is less than minimum FTD count ({1}) needed.. time to SCALE-OUT", currentVmCapacity, minFTDCount);
                scaleStr = "{ \"COMMAND\": \"SCALEOUT\", \"COUNT\": \"1\", \"TYPE\": \"REGULAR\"}";
                return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult(scaleStr));

            //-------------------------------------------------Scaling decission based on Metrics------------------------------------------------------
            log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Scaling Policy : {0}", scalingPolicy);

            var sampleIntervalMin = System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(Convert.ToDouble(sampleTimeMin));
            MonitorManagementClient metricClient = new MonitorManagementClient(msiCred);
            double ftdCpuUsage            = 0;
            double groupCpuUsage          = 0;
            double consolidatedCpuUsage   = 0;
            bool   scaleInRejectFlag      = false;
            double minFtdCpuUsage         = 9999;
            string leastCpuLoadedFtd      = "";
            string leastCpuLoadedFtdIndex = "";
            bool   memoryMetricsEnabled   = false;

            double ftdMemUsage                   = 0;
            double groupMemUsage                 = 0;
            double consolidatedMemUsage          = 0;
            string ftdNameWithHighMemUtilization = "";

            //Get FTD's Memory if 'Memory' metrics is enabled
            if (metrics.Contains("memory"))
                memoryMetricsEnabled = true;
                log.LogInformation("Memory metrics enabled");
                log.LogInformation("Memory Scale Out threshold: {0}%, Scale In threshold : {1}%", scaleOutThresholdMem, scaleInThresholdMem);

                //Reject if Memory scale Out Threshold < scale In Threshold
                if (scaleOutThresholdMem <= scaleInThresholdMem)
                    log.LogError("AutoScaleManager:::: Memory metrics ScaleOut Threshold ({0}) is less than or equal to ScaleIn Threshold ({1}) this is not correct", scaleOutThresholdMem, scaleInThresholdMem);
                    return((ActionResult) new BadRequestObjectResult("ERROR: Memory Metrics ScaleOut threshold is less than or equal to ScaleIn threshold"));

                var getMetrics = new getMetricsClass();
                var getId      = new getDevIdByNameClass();
                var devIds     = getId.getAllDevId(authToken, log);
                if ("ERROR" == devIds)
                    log.LogError("AutoScaleManager::::Unable to get device IDs");
                    return((ActionResult) new StatusCodeResult(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError));
                //parse json object
                JObject o = JObject.Parse(devIds);

                foreach (var vm in vmss.VirtualMachines.List())
                    var vmName = vm.Name.ToString();
                    var devId  = "";
                        foreach (var item in o["items"])
                            if (vmName == item["name"].ToString())
                                devId = item["id"].ToString();
                        if (0 == devId.Length)
                            log.LogError("AutoScaleManager:::: Unable to get Device ID for Device Name({0})", vmName);
                            return((ActionResult) new StatusCodeResult(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError));
                        log.LogError("AutoScaleManager:::: Exception Occoured while parsing device id response");
                        return((ActionResult) new StatusCodeResult(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError));

                    ftdMemUsage = Convert.ToDouble(getMetrics.getFtdMemoryMetrics(devId, authToken, log));
                    if (-1 == ftdMemUsage)
                        log.LogError("AutoScaleManager:::: Failed to get Memory usage of {0}", vmName);
                        return((ActionResult) new StatusCodeResult(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError));
                    if (ftdMemUsage > scaleInThresholdMem)
                        //No need to Scale-In
                        scaleInRejectFlag = true;
                    log.LogInformation("AutoScaleManager:::: Memory usage of {0} is {1} %", vmName, ftdMemUsage);
                    if ("POLICY-1" == scalingPolicy)
                        if (ftdMemUsage > scaleOutThresholdMem)
                            log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: FTD {0} has Memory Utilization of {1} % which is greater than Scale Out threshold", vmName, ftdMemUsage);
                            ftdNameWithHighMemUtilization = vmName;
                    else if ("POLICY-2" == scalingPolicy)
                        groupMemUsage += ftdMemUsage;
                groupMemUsage /= vmss.Capacity;
                if ("POLICY-2" == scalingPolicy)
                    log.LogInformation("AutoScaleManager:::: Group Memory average usage : {0} %", groupMemUsage);
                //Memory metrics not enabled, reset thresholds
                scaleOutThresholdMem = 0;

            if ("POLICY-2" == scalingPolicy)
                log.LogInformation("AutoScaleManager:::: Scaling Policy-2 Selected..Getting average CPU utilization of scale set");
                var response = await metricClient.Metrics.ListAsync(resourceUri, null, null, sampleIntervalMin, "Percentage CPU", "Average");

                foreach (var metric in response.Value)
                    foreach (var series in metric.Timeseries)
                        foreach (var point in series.Data)
                            if (point.Average.HasValue)
                                groupCpuUsage = point.Average.Value;
                                log.LogDebug("AutoScaleManager:::: avg cpu: {0}", groupCpuUsage);
                log.LogInformation("AutoScaleManager:::: Group CPU average usage : {0} %", groupCpuUsage);

            foreach (var vm in vmss.VirtualMachines.List())
                var vmName = vm.Name;
                ftdCpuUsage = 0;
                //Metrics filter
                ODataQuery <MetadataValue> odataFilterMetrics = new ODataQuery <MetadataValue>(string.Format("VMName eq '{0}'", vmName));

                // log.LogInformation("AutoScaleManager:::: Getting Metrics for : {0}", vmName);
                var response = await metricClient.Metrics.ListAsync(resourceUri, odataFilterMetrics, null, sampleIntervalMin, "Percentage CPU", "Average");

                foreach (var metric in response.Value)
                    foreach (var series in metric.Timeseries)
                        foreach (var point in series.Data)
                            if (point.Average.HasValue)
                                ftdCpuUsage = point.Average.Value;
                                log.LogDebug("AutoScaleManager:::: avg cpu: {0}", ftdCpuUsage);

                log.LogInformation("AutoScaleManager:::: Avg CPU Utilizatio of VM({0}) in last {1}min : {2}%", vmName, sampleTimeMin, ftdCpuUsage);

                //Maintain the FTD with minimum utilization to scale-in if needed
                if (ftdCpuUsage < minFtdCpuUsage)
                    minFtdCpuUsage         = ftdCpuUsage;
                    leastCpuLoadedFtd      = vmName;
                    leastCpuLoadedFtdIndex = vm.InstanceId;

                if ("POLICY-1" == scalingPolicy)
                    //Average usage of individual Instance
                    consolidatedCpuUsage = ftdCpuUsage;
                    consolidatedMemUsage = ftdMemUsage;
                else if ("POLICY-2" == scalingPolicy)
                    //Scale Set average utilization
                    consolidatedCpuUsage = groupCpuUsage;
                    consolidatedMemUsage = groupMemUsage;
                    log.LogError("AutoScaleManager:::: Invalid Scaling Policy {0}", scalingPolicy);
                    return((ActionResult) new BadRequestObjectResult("ERROR: Invalid Scaling Policy"));

                //If CPU utilization is greater than scale-out threshold then Scale-Out
                //Note: if memory metrics is not enabled then consolidatedMemUsage will be always 0
                if ((consolidatedCpuUsage > scaleOutThresholdCpu) || (consolidatedMemUsage > scaleOutThresholdMem))
                    //If current capacity is equal to max FTD count required then do nothing
                    //If current capacity is more than max FTD count (This should never happen) do nothing
                    if (currentVmCapacity >= maxFTDCount)
                        log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Current VMSS Capacity({0}) is greater than or equal to max FTD count ({1}) needed.. No action needed", currentVmCapacity, maxFTDCount);
                        return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult("NOACTION"));
                    if ("POLICY-1" == scalingPolicy)
                        log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Avg CPU Utilizatio of VM({0}) in last {1}min is {2}% ", vmName, sampleTimeMin, consolidatedCpuUsage);
                        if (memoryMetricsEnabled && (consolidatedMemUsage > scaleOutThresholdMem))
                            log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Avg Memory Utilizatio of VM({0}) is {1}% ", ftdNameWithHighMemUtilization, consolidatedMemUsage);
                        log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Time to SCALE OUT");
                    else if ("POLICY-2" == scalingPolicy)
                        log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Avg CPU Utilizatio of Scale Set in last {0}min is {1}% ", sampleTimeMin, consolidatedCpuUsage);
                        if (memoryMetricsEnabled)
                            log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Avg Memory Utilizatio of Scale Set is {0}% ", consolidatedMemUsage);
                        log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Average resource utilization of scale set is more than Scale Out threshold.. Time to SCALE OUT");
                    scaleStr = "{ \"COMMAND\": \"SCALEOUT\", \"COUNT\": \"1\", \"TYPE\": \"REGULAR\" }";
                    return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult(scaleStr));
                //If any VM's CPU utilization is greater than scale-in threshold then Scale-In is not needed
                else if (ftdCpuUsage > scaleInThresholdCpu)
                    scaleInRejectFlag = true;

            //if scaleInRejectFlag is not set, it means all the VM's CPU & Memory utilization is less than or equal to Scale-In threshold
            //Hence considering only least CPU consuming FTDv for Scale-In operation
            if (false == scaleInRejectFlag)
                //If current capacity is less than or equal to minimum FTD count requied then scale-in should not be done
                if (currentVmCapacity <= minFTDCount)
                    log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Scale-In needed but Current VMSS Capacity({0}) is less than or equal to minimum FTD count ({1}) needed.. No Action done", currentVmCapacity, minFTDCount);
                    return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult("NOACTION"));
                var networkInterfaceName = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MNGT_NET_INTERFACE_NAME", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
                var ipConfigurationName  = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MNGT_IP_CONFIG_NAME", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
                var publicIpAddressName  = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MNGT_PUBLIC_IP_NAME", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);

                var NmClient = new NetworkManagementClient(msiCred)
                    SubscriptionId = azure.SubscriptionId
                var publicIp = NmClient.PublicIPAddresses.GetVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddress(resoureGroupName, vmScalesetName, leastCpuLoadedFtdIndex, networkInterfaceName, ipConfigurationName, publicIpAddressName).IpAddress;

                log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: CPU Utilization of all the FTD's is less than or equal to CPU Scale-In threshold({0}%).. Time to SCALE-IN", scaleInThresholdCpu);
                if (memoryMetricsEnabled)
                    log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Memory Utilization of all the FTD's is less than or equal to Memory Scale-In threshold({0}%).. Time to SCALE-IN", scaleInThresholdMem);
                log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Least loaded FTD is : {0} with Utilization : {1}%", leastCpuLoadedFtd, minFtdCpuUsage);
                scaleStr = "{ \"COMMAND\": \"SCALEIN\", \"ftdDevName\": \"" + leastCpuLoadedFtd + "\", \"ftdPublicIp\": \"" + publicIp + "\", \"instanceid\" : \"" + leastCpuLoadedFtdIndex + "\"  }";

                return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult(scaleStr));
            //Scaling not needed
            log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: FTD scaleset utilization is within threshold.. no action needed");
            return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult("NOACTION"));
Exemple #2
        public static async Task <IActionResult> Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req,
            ILogger log)
            log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Task to check Scaling requirement.. Started (ASM Version : V2.0)");
            var resoureGroupName     = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
            var vmScalesetName       = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VMSS_NAME", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
            var minFTDCountStr       = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MIN_FTD_COUNT", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
            var maxFTDCountStr       = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MAX_FTD_COUNT", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
            var sampleTimeMin        = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SAMPLING_TIME_MIN", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
            var scaleOutThresholdStr = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SCALE_OUT_THRESHLD", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
            var scaleInThresholdStr  = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SCALE_IN_THRESHLD", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
            var initialDeployMethod  = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("INITIAL_DEPLOYMENT_MODE", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); //supported STEP / BULK
            var scalingPolicy        = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SCALING_POLICY", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);          // POLICY-1 / POLICY-2
            var subscriptionId       = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SUBSCRIPTION_ID", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);

            int    minFTDCount       = Convert.ToInt32(minFTDCountStr);
            int    maxFTDCount       = Convert.ToInt32(maxFTDCountStr);
            double scaleOutThreshold = Convert.ToDouble(scaleOutThresholdStr);
            double scaleInThreshold  = Convert.ToDouble(scaleInThresholdStr);
            int    currentVmCapacity = 0;
            string scaleStr          = "";

            //Reject if scaleOutThreshold < scaleInThreshold
            if (scaleOutThreshold <= scaleInThreshold)
                log.LogError("AutoScaleManager:::: ScaleOut Threshold ({0}) is less than or equal to ScaleIn Threshold ({1}) this is not correct", scaleOutThreshold, scaleInThreshold);
                return((ActionResult) new BadRequestObjectResult("ERROR: ScaleOut threshold is less than or equal to ScaleIn threshold"));

            //Check FMC connection, If we can not connect to FMC do not continue
            log.LogInformation("AutoScaleManager:::: Checking FMC connection");

            var    getAuth   = new fmcAuthClass();
            string authToken = getAuth.getFmcAuthToken(log);

            if ("ERROR" == authToken)
                log.LogError("AutoScaleManager:::: Failed to connect to FMC..Can not continue");
                return((ActionResult) new BadRequestObjectResult("ERROR: Failed to connet to FMC..Can not continue"));

            log.LogInformation("AutoScaleManager:::: Sampling Resource Utilization at {0}min Average", sampleTimeMin);

            var factory = new AzureCredentialsFactory();
            var msiCred = factory.FromMSI(new MSILoginInformation(MSIResourceType.AppService), AzureEnvironment.AzureGlobalCloud);
            var azure   = Azure.Configure().WithLogLevel(HttpLoggingDelegatingHandler.Level.Basic).Authenticate(msiCred).WithSubscription(subscriptionId);

            string resourceUri = null;
            var    vmss        = azure.VirtualMachineScaleSets.GetByResourceGroup(resoureGroupName, vmScalesetName);

            resourceUri = vmss.Id;

            if (null == resourceUri)
                log.LogError("AutoScaleManager:::: Unable to get resource uri");
                return((ActionResult) new BadRequestObjectResult("ERROR: Unable to get resource uri"));

            currentVmCapacity = vmss.Capacity;
            log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Current capacity of VMSS : {0}", currentVmCapacity);

            //If the VMSS capacity is '0' consider this as first deployment and spawn 'minimum FTD count' at a time
            if ((0 == currentVmCapacity) && (0 != minFTDCount))
                log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Current VMSS capacity is 0, considering it as first deployment (min FTD count needed : {0}", minFTDCount);
                if ("BULK" == initialDeployMethod)
                    log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Selected initial deployment mode is BULK");
                    log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Deploying {0} number of FTDvs in scale set", minFTDCount);
                    scaleStr = "{ \"COMMAND\": \"SCALEOUT\", \"COUNT\": \"" + minFTDCount + "\", \"TYPE\": \"INIT\" }";
                    return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult(scaleStr));
                    log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: BULK method is not selected for initial deployment.. proceeding with STEP");
                    scaleStr = "{ \"COMMAND\": \"SCALEOUT\", \"COUNT\": \"1\", \"TYPE\": \"REGULAR\"}";
                    return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult(scaleStr));

            //If current capacity is less than minimum FTD count requied then we need to scale-out
            if (currentVmCapacity < minFTDCount)
                log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Current VMSS Capacity({0}) is less than minimum FTD count ({1}) needed.. time to SCALE-OUT", currentVmCapacity, minFTDCount);
                scaleStr = "{ \"COMMAND\": \"SCALEOUT\", \"COUNT\": \"1\", \"TYPE\": \"REGULAR\"}";
                return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult(scaleStr));

            //-------------------------------------------------Scaling decission based on Metrics------------------------------------------------------
            var sampleIntervalMin = System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(Convert.ToDouble(sampleTimeMin));
            MonitorManagementClient metricClient = new MonitorManagementClient(msiCred);
            double ftdUsage            = 0;
            double groupUsage          = 0;
            double consolidatedUsage   = 0;
            bool   scaleInRejectFlag   = false;
            double minFtdUsage         = 9999;
            string leastLoadedFtd      = "";
            string leastLoadedFtdIndex = "";

            log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Scaling Policy : {0}", scalingPolicy);
            if ("POLICY-2" == scalingPolicy)
                log.LogInformation("AutoScaleManager:::: Scaling Policy-2 Selected..Getting average CPU utilization of scale set");
                var response = await metricClient.Metrics.ListAsync(resourceUri, null, null, sampleIntervalMin, "Percentage CPU", "Average");

                foreach (var metric in response.Value)
                    foreach (var series in metric.Timeseries)
                        foreach (var point in series.Data)
                            if (point.Average.HasValue)
                                groupUsage = point.Average.Value;
                                log.LogDebug("AutoScaleManager:::: avg cpu: {0}", ftdUsage);
                log.LogInformation("AutoScaleManager:::: Group average usage : {0}", groupUsage);

            foreach (var vm in vmss.VirtualMachines.List())
                var vmName = vm.Name;
                ftdUsage = 0;
                //Metrics filter
                ODataQuery <MetadataValue> odataFilterMetrics = new ODataQuery <MetadataValue>(string.Format("VMName eq '{0}'", vmName));

                log.LogInformation("AutoScaleManager:::: Getting Metrics for : {0}", vmName);
                var response = await metricClient.Metrics.ListAsync(resourceUri, odataFilterMetrics, null, sampleIntervalMin, "Percentage CPU", "Average");

                foreach (var metric in response.Value)
                    foreach (var series in metric.Timeseries)
                        foreach (var point in series.Data)
                            if (point.Average.HasValue)
                                ftdUsage = point.Average.Value;
                                log.LogDebug("AutoScaleManager:::: avg cpu: {0}", ftdUsage);

                log.LogInformation("AutoScaleManager:::: Avg CPU Utilizatio of VM({0}) in last {1}min : {2}%", vmName, sampleTimeMin, ftdUsage);

                //Maintain the FTD with minimum utilization to scale-in if needed
                if (ftdUsage < minFtdUsage)
                    minFtdUsage         = ftdUsage;
                    leastLoadedFtd      = vmName;
                    leastLoadedFtdIndex = vm.InstanceId;

                if ("POLICY-1" == scalingPolicy)
                    //Average usage of individual Instance
                    consolidatedUsage = ftdUsage;
                else if ("POLICY-2" == scalingPolicy)
                    //Scale Set average utilization
                    consolidatedUsage = groupUsage;
                    log.LogError("Invalid Scaling Policy {0}", scalingPolicy);
                    return((ActionResult) new BadRequestObjectResult("ERROR: Invalid Scaling Policy"));

                //If CPU utilization is greater than scale-out threshold then Scale-Out
                if (consolidatedUsage > scaleOutThreshold)
                    //If current capacity is equal to max FTD count required then do nothing
                    //If current capacity is more than max FTD count (This should never happen) do nothing
                    if (currentVmCapacity >= maxFTDCount)
                        log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Current VMSS Capacity({0}) is greater than or equal to max FTD count ({1}) needed.. No action needed", currentVmCapacity, maxFTDCount);
                        return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult("NOACTION"));
                    if ("POLICY-1" == scalingPolicy)
                        log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Avg CPU Utilizatio of VM({0}) in last {1}min is {2}% which is greater than ScaleOut threshold({3}%) .. Time to SCALE-OUT", vmName, sampleTimeMin, consolidatedUsage, scaleOutThreshold);
                    else if ("POLICY-2" == scalingPolicy)
                        log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Avg CPU Utilizatio of Scale Set in last {0}min is {1}% which is greater than ScaleOut threshold({2}%) .. Time to SCALE-OUT", sampleTimeMin, consolidatedUsage, scaleOutThreshold);
                    scaleStr = "{ \"COMMAND\": \"SCALEOUT\", \"COUNT\": \"1\", \"TYPE\": \"REGULAR\" }";
                    return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult(scaleStr));
                //If any VM's CPU utilization is greater than scale-in threshold then Scale-In is not needed
                else if (ftdUsage > scaleInThreshold)
                    scaleInRejectFlag = true;

            //if scaleInRejectFlag is not set, it means all the VM's CPU utilization is less than or equal to Scale-In threshold
            if (false == scaleInRejectFlag)
                //If current capacity is less than or equal to minimum FTD count requied then scale-in should not be done
                if (currentVmCapacity <= minFTDCount)
                    log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Scale-In needed but Current VMSS Capacity({0}) is less than or equal to minimum FTD count ({1}) needed.. No Action done", currentVmCapacity, minFTDCount);
                    return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult("NOACTION"));
                var networkInterfaceName = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MNGT_NET_INTERFACE_NAME", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
                var ipConfigurationName  = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MNGT_IP_CONFIG_NAME", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
                var publicIpAddressName  = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MNGT_PUBLIC_IP_NAME", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);

                var NmClient = new NetworkManagementClient(msiCred)
                    SubscriptionId = azure.SubscriptionId
                var publicIp = NmClient.PublicIPAddresses.GetVirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIPAddress(resoureGroupName, vmScalesetName, leastLoadedFtdIndex, networkInterfaceName, ipConfigurationName, publicIpAddressName).IpAddress;

                log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: CPU Utilization of all the FTD's is less than or equal to Scale-In threshold({0}%).. Time to SCALE-IN", scaleInThreshold);
                log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: Least loaded FTD is : {0} with Utilization : {1}%", leastLoadedFtd, minFtdUsage);
                scaleStr = "{ \"COMMAND\": \"SCALEIN\", \"ftdDevName\": \"" + leastLoadedFtd + "\", \"ftdPublicIp\": \"" + publicIp + "\", \"instanceid\" : \"" + leastLoadedFtdIndex + "\"  }";

                return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult(scaleStr));
            //Scaling not needed
            log.LogWarning("AutoScaleManager:::: FTD scaleset utilization is within threshold.. no action needed");
            return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult("NOACTION"));