Exemple #1
    private static void FindCrossedTilesInternal_NoBevel(fix2 start, fix2 end, NativeList <int2> crossedTiles)
        Line2D line = new Line2D(start, end);

        int vDir = (int)sign(end.y - start.y);

        int y       = vDir == 1 ? floorToInt(start.y) : ceilToInt(start.y);
        int endY    = vDir == 1 ? floorToInt(end.y) : ceilToInt(end.y);
        int yOffset = vDir == 1 ? 0 : -1;

        int x1 = (int)start.x;
        int x2;

        while (y != endY)
            x2 = (int)line.SolveX(y + vDir);

            AppendHorizontalTiles(crossedTiles, y + yOffset, x1, x2);

            x1 = x2;
            y += vDir;

        x2 = (int)end.x;

        AppendHorizontalTiles(crossedTiles, y + yOffset, x1, x2);
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new 3d vector.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">X component of the vector.</param>
 /// <param name="yz">Y and Z components of the vector.</param>
 /// <param name="w">W component of the vector.</param>
 public fix4(fix x, fix2 yz, fix w)
     this.x = x;
     this.y = yz.x;
     this.z = yz.y;
     this.w = w;
    private bool VerifyEntityForParameters(Entity entity)
        GameActionParameterEntity.Description paramDescription = CurrentContext.GetQueryParam <GameActionParameterEntity.Description>();

        if (!paramDescription.IncludeSelf && entity == Cache.LocalPawn)

        if (paramDescription.RequiresAttackableEntity)
            if (!Cache.SimWorld.HasComponent <Health>(entity))

        if (paramDescription.CustomPredicate != null)
            if (paramDescription.CustomPredicate(SimWorld, entity) == false)

        fix2 targetPos       = Cache.SimWorld.GetComponent <FixTranslation>(entity);
        fix  squaredDistance = fixMath.distancesq(Cache.LocalPawnPosition, targetPos);

        if (squaredDistance > paramDescription.RangeFromInstigator * paramDescription.RangeFromInstigator)

    private void DestroyTiles(fix2 position, fix radius)
        TileWorld         tileWorld = CommonReads.GetTileWorld(Accessor);
        NativeList <int2> tiles     = new NativeList <int2>(Allocator.Temp);

        var transformTileRequests = GetSingletonBuffer <SystemRequestTransformTile>();

        Job.WithCode(() =>
            TilePhysics.GetAllTilesWithin(position, radius, tiles);

            for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++)
                Entity tileEntity           = tileWorld.GetEntity(tiles[i]);
                TileFlagComponent tileFlags = tileWorld.GetFlags(tileEntity);

                if (!tileFlags.IsOutOfGrid && tileFlags.IsDestructible)
                    // remove ladder and terrain flags
                    tileFlags.Value &= ~(TileFlags.Ladder | TileFlags.Terrain);
                    transformTileRequests.Add(new SystemRequestTransformTile()
                        Tile         = tiles[i],
                        NewTileFlags = tileFlags
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new 3d vector.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="xy">X and Y components of the vector.</param>
 /// <param name="zw">Z and W components of the vector.</param>
 public fix4(fix2 xy, fix2 zw)
     this.x = xy.x;
     this.y = xy.y;
     this.z = zw.x;
     this.w = zw.y;
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new 3d vector.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">X component of the vector.</param>
 /// <param name="y">Y and Z components of the vector.</param>
 /// <param name="zw">W component of the vector.</param>
 public fix4(fix x, fix y, fix2 zw)
     this.x = x;
     this.y = y;
     this.z = zw.x;
     this.w = zw.y;
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new 3d vector.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="xy">X and Y components of the vector.</param>
 /// <param name="z">Z component of the vector.</param>
 /// <param name="w">W component of the vector.</param>
 public fix4(fix2 xy, fix z, fix w)
     this.x = xy.x;
     this.y = xy.y;
     this.z = z;
     this.w = w;
    void IWorldUIPointerClickHandler.OnPointerClick()
        if (!Cache.LocalPawnAlive)

        fix2 entityPosition = SimWorld.GetComponent <FixTranslation>(SimEntity);
        fix2 pawnPosition   = Cache.LocalPawnPosition;

        if (fixMath.distancemanhattan(entityPosition, pawnPosition) > SimulationGameConstants.InteractibleMaxDistanceManhattan)
            PresentationHelpers.RequestFloatingText((Vector2)entityPosition, "Trop loin", Color.white);

        switch (_clickAction)
        case ClickAction.OpenChest:
            if (InteractableInventoryDisplaySystem.Instance != null)

        case ClickAction.TriggerSignal:
            PresentationHelpers.RequestFloatingText((Vector2)entityPosition, "Click", Color.white);
            SimWorld.SubmitInput(new SimPlayerInputClickSignalEmitter(SimEntity));
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a displacement and a gravity, returns the smallest launch required launch velocity for a projectile.
        /// <para/>
        /// <b>NB:</b> If gravity is 0, the return vector will be 0.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dx">The horizontal displacement. finalPosition.x - startPosition.x</param>
        /// <param name="dy">The vertical displacement. finalPosition.y - startPosition.y</param>
        /// <param name="g">The 2D gravity.</param>
        /// <returns>The smallest launch required launch velocity.</returns>
        public static fix2 SmallestLaunchVelocity(fix dx, fix dy, fix2 g)
            // No gravity ? return 0
            if (lengthsq(g) < global::fix.Epsilon)
                return(new fix2(0, 0));

            // Gravity already 1D ? Don't rotate
            if (g.x == 0)
                return(SmallestLaunchVelocity(dx, dy, g.y));

            // Rotate all the values so the gravity points downward
            fix    gravityAngleAdjustment = angle2d(g) + global::fix.PiOver2;
            fix2x2 rot = fix2x2.Rotate(-gravityAngleAdjustment);

            fix2 d = new fix2(dx, dy);

            d = mul(rot, d);
            g = mul(rot, g);

            fix2 result = SmallestLaunchVelocity(d.x, d.y, g.y);

            // Rotate the result in opposite direction
            return(mul(inverse(rot), result));
Exemple #10
    public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
        SerializedProperty xProp = property.FindPropertyRelative(nameof(fix2.x)).FindPropertyRelative(nameof(fix.RawValue));
        SerializedProperty yProp = property.FindPropertyRelative(nameof(fix2.y)).FindPropertyRelative(nameof(fix.RawValue));

        fix xVal;
        fix yVal;

        xVal.RawValue = xProp.longValue;
        yVal.RawValue = yProp.longValue;

        fix2 oldFixVec = new fix2(xVal, yVal);

        // Using BeginProperty / EndProperty on the parent property means that
        // prefab override logic works on the entire property.
        EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property);

        // Editor Field
        Vector2 oldVec = oldFixVec.ToUnityVec();
        Vector2 newVec = EditorGUI.Vector2Field(position, label, oldVec);

        // Change ?
        if (oldVec != newVec)
            fix2 newFixVec = newVec.ToFixVec();

            xProp.longValue = newFixVec.x.RawValue;
            yProp.longValue = newFixVec.y.RawValue;

Exemple #11
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        .ForEach((Entity nextLevelPortal, ref NextLevelPortalData nextLevelPortalData, in FixTranslation portalPos) =>
            bool allPlayersInsidePortal = true;
            fix2 portalPosition         = portalPos.Value;
            fix2 nextLevelPosition      = nextLevelPortalData.NextLevelPos;
            .ForEach((Entity playerController, in PersistentId playerID, in ControlledEntity pawnControlled) =>
                if (allPlayersInsidePortal)
                    fix2 pawnPosition = GetComponent <FixTranslation>(pawnControlled).Value;
                    if ((pawnPosition.x > (portalPosition.x + (fix)0.5)) || (pawnPosition.x < (portalPosition.x - (fix)0.5)) ||
                        (pawnPosition.y > (portalPosition.y + (fix)0.5)) || (pawnPosition.y < (portalPosition.y - (fix)0.5)))
                        allPlayersInsidePortal = false;

            if (allPlayersInsidePortal)
                .ForEach((Entity playerController, in PersistentId playerID, in ControlledEntity pawnControlled) =>
                    SetComponent(pawnControlled.Value, new FixTranslation()
                        Value = nextLevelPosition
Exemple #12
    /// <summary>
    /// Transforms the vector by the matrix.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="v">FixVector2 to transform.  Considered to be a column vector for purposes of multiplication.</param>
    /// <param name="matrix">FixMatrix to use as the transformation.</param>
    /// <param name="result">Column vector product of the transformation.</param>
    public static void Transform(ref fix3 v, ref fix2x3 matrix, out fix2 result)
        result = new fix2();
        result.x = matrix.M11 * v.x + matrix.M12 * v.y + matrix.M13 * v.z;
        result.y = matrix.M21 * v.x + matrix.M22 * v.y + matrix.M23 * v.z;
Exemple #13
    /// <summary>
    /// Transforms the vector by the matrix.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="v">FixVector2 to transform.  Considered to be a row vector for purposes of multiplication.</param>
    /// <param name="matrix">FixMatrix to use as the transformation.</param>
    /// <param name="result">Row vector product of the transformation.</param>
    public static void Transform(ref fix3 v, ref fix3x2 matrix, out fix2 result)
        result = new fix2();
        result.x = v.x * matrix.M11 + v.y * matrix.M21 + v.z * matrix.M31;
        result.y = v.x * matrix.M12 + v.y * matrix.M22 + v.z * matrix.M32;
Exemple #14
    public static fix2 rotateTowards(fix2 currentVector, fix targetAngle, fix maxDeltaAngle)
        fix angle = angle2d(currentVector);

        fix newAngle = moveTowardsAngle(angle, targetAngle, maxDeltaAngle);

        return(rotate(currentVector, newAngle - angle));
Exemple #15
        public static fix TravelDurationApprox(fix2 velocity, fix2 gravity, fix traveledDistance, fix precision)
            if (traveledDistance <= global::fix.Epsilon) // if distance 0, already reached!

            fix vl2 = lengthsq(velocity);
            fix gl2 = lengthsq(gravity);

            if (vl2 + gl2 < global::fix.Epsilon * 2) // if moving or accelerating to slow, takes infinit time

            // Try approximating the needed travel duration. Slowly getting closer to the real value
            // NB: With a precision of 0.01f, results usually take between 8 and 20 iterations
            // WHY ? Why not find the actual formula for this? Because it's hell'a complicated. Try to isolate X in the 'TraveledDistance' formula if you want.

            fix time = 5 + sqrt(traveledDistance / max(gl2, (fix)0.0001f));

            fix  radius       = time * global::fix.Half;
            bool maxRadiusSet = false;

            int iterations = 0;

            while (radius > precision)
                var dist = Trajectory.TravelDistance(velocity, gravity, time);

                if (dist > traveledDistance)
                    time -= radius;

                    maxRadiusSet = true;
                    if (!maxRadiusSet)
                        time   *= 2;
                        radius *= 2;
                        time += radius;

                radius *= maxRadiusSet ? global::fix.Half : 1;

            //Log.Info($"Iterations: {iterations}");

Exemple #16
    /// <summary>
    /// Transforms the vector by the matrix.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="v">FixVector2 to transform.  Considered to be a row vector for purposes of multiplication.</param>
    /// <param name="matrix">FixMatrix to use as the transformation.</param>
    /// <param name="result">Row vector product of the transformation.</param>
    public static void Transform(ref fix2 v, ref fix2x3 matrix, out fix3 result)
        result = new fix3();
        result.x = v.x * matrix.M11 + v.y * matrix.M21;
        result.y = v.x * matrix.M12 + v.y * matrix.M22;
        result.z = v.x * matrix.M13 + v.y * matrix.M23;
Exemple #17
    /// <summary>
    /// Transforms the vector by the matrix.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="v">FixVector2 to transform.  Considered to be a column vector for purposes of multiplication.</param>
    /// <param name="matrix">FixMatrix to use as the transformation.</param>
    /// <param name="result">Column vector product of the transformation.</param>
    public static void Transform(ref fix2 v, ref fix3x2 matrix, out fix3 result)
        result = new fix3();
        result.x = matrix.M11 * v.x + matrix.M12 * v.y;
        result.y = matrix.M21 * v.x + matrix.M22 * v.y;
        result.z = matrix.M31 * v.x + matrix.M32 * v.y;
Exemple #18
    /// <summary>
    /// Rotate the vector v by the given radian value
    /// </summary>
    public static fix2 rotate(fix2 v, fix radians)
        fix sin = fixMath.sin(radians);
        fix cos = fixMath.cos(radians);

        return(new fix2(
                   (cos * v.x) - (sin * v.y),   // x
                   (sin * v.x) + (cos * v.y))); // y
Exemple #19
    public static fix2 clampLength(fix2 v, fix min, fix max)
        fix l = length(v);

        if (l <= global::fix.Epsilon)
            return(new fix2(min, 0));
        return(clamp(l, min, max) * (v / l));
Exemple #20
    /// <summary>
    /// Transforms the vector by the matrix.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="v">FixVector2 to transform.</param>
    /// <param name="matrix">FixMatrix to use as the transformation.</param>
    /// <param name="result">Product of the transformation.</param>
    public static void Transform(ref fix2 v, ref fix2x2 matrix, out fix2 result)
        fix vX = v.x;
        fix vY = v.y;

        result = new fix2();
        result.x = vX * matrix.M11 + vY * matrix.M21;
        result.y = vX * matrix.M12 + vY * matrix.M22;
Exemple #21
    public static void RaycastAll(fix2 start, fix2 end, fix bevel, NativeList <int2> crossedTiles)
        int2 tileStart = int2((int)start.x, (int)start.y);
        int2 tileEnd   = int2((int)end.x, (int)end.y);

        // Same tile optim
        if (tileStart.Equals(tileEnd))

        // Only 1 axis optim
        int2 v = tileEnd - tileStart;

        if (v.x == 0)
            AppendVerticalTiles(crossedTiles, tileStart.x, tileStart.y, tileEnd.y);
        if (v.y == 0)
            AppendHorizontalTiles(crossedTiles, tileStart.y, tileStart.x, tileEnd.x);

        bool rotateOptim = abs(v.y) > abs(v.x);

        if (rotateOptim)
            start = rotate90(start);
            end   = rotate90(end);

        if (bevel > 0)
            FindCrossedTilesInternal_WithBevel(start, end, bevel, crossedTiles);
            FindCrossedTilesInternal_NoBevel(start, end, crossedTiles);

        if (rotateOptim)
            for (int i = 0; i < crossedTiles.Length; i++)
                crossedTiles[i] = rotate270(crossedTiles[i]);

    protected override void OnUpdate()
        Entity playerGroupEntity   = GetSingletonEntity <PlayerGroupDataTag>();
        fix    memberOffset        = GetComponent <PlayerGroupSpacing>(playerGroupEntity);
        fix2   playerGroupPosition = GetComponent <FixTranslation>(playerGroupEntity);
        fix    deltaTime           = Time.DeltaTime;

        Entities.ForEach((ref PhysicsVelocity velocity, in FixTranslation position, in PlayerGroupMemberIndex playerGroupIndex) =>
            fix2 playerDestination = playerGroupPosition + new fix2(playerGroupIndex.Value * -memberOffset);

            velocity.Linear.x = (playerDestination.x - position.Value.x) / deltaTime;
    protected override void OnUpdate()

        var ecb = _ecbSytem.CreateCommandBuffer();

        .WithAll <PhysicsVelocity>()
        .ForEach((Entity entity, ref HookData hookData, in FixTranslation position) =>
            bool destroy = false;

            // If hook is uninitialized, initialize it
            if (hookData.State == HookData.EState.Uninitialized)
                hookData.StartPosition = position;
                hookData.State         = HookData.EState.TravelingForward;

            // If hook is traveling back (after contact), set its velocity and the contact entity
            if (hookData.State == HookData.EState.TravelingBack)
                fix2 d = hookData.StartPosition - position;

                fix dLength = length(d);

                if (dLength < (fix)0.25)
                    destroy = true;
                    fix2 dir = d / dLength;

                    var newVelocity = new PhysicsVelocity(hookData.TravelBackSpeed * dir);
                    SetComponent(entity, newVelocity);

                    // give same velocity to captured entity
                    if (HasComponent <PhysicsVelocity>(hookData.TouchedEntity))
                        SetComponent(hookData.TouchedEntity, newVelocity);

            if (destroy)
Exemple #24
    public static fix2 moveTowards(fix2 current, fix2 target, fix maxDistanceDelta)
        fix2 delta  = target - current;
        fix  sqdist = lengthsq(delta);

        if (sqdist == 0 || sqdist <= maxDistanceDelta * maxDistanceDelta)

        fix  dist = sqrt(sqdist);
        fix2 dir  = delta / dist;

        return(current + (dir * maxDistanceDelta));
Exemple #25
        public static bool OverlapPoint(ISimGameWorldReadWriteAccessor accessor, fix2 position, NativeList <OverlapPointHit> outHits, Entity ignoreEntity = default)
            var physicsSystem = accessor.GetExistingSystem <PhysicsWorldSystem>();

            OverlapPointInput pointDistanceInput = OverlapPointInput.Default;

            pointDistanceInput.Position = (float2)position;

            if (ignoreEntity != Entity.Null)
                pointDistanceInput.Ignore = new IgnoreHit(physicsSystem.GetPhysicsBodyIndex(ignoreEntity));

            return(physicsSystem.PhysicsWorld.OverlapPoint(pointDistanceInput, ref outHits));
Exemple #26
    private static void FindCrossedTilesInternal_WithBevel(fix2 start, fix2 end, fix bevel, NativeList <int2> crossedTiles)
        Line2D line   = new Line2D(start, end);
        int    startX = (int)start.x;
        int    endX   = (int)end.x;

        int hDir = sign(endX - startX);
        int m    = startX;

        fix x1;
        fix x2;

        if (hDir == 1)
            x1 = start.x;
            x2 = max(start.x, (m + 1) - bevel);
            x1 = min(start.x, m + bevel);
            x2 = start.x;

        while (m != endX)
            AppendVerticalTiles(crossedTiles, m, (int)line.SolveY(x1), (int)line.SolveY(x2));

            m += hDir;

            x1 = m + bevel;
            x2 = (m + 1) - bevel;

        if (hDir == 1)
            x1 = min(x1, end.x);
            x2 = end.x;
            x1 = end.x;
            x2 = max(x2, end.x);

        AppendVerticalTiles(crossedTiles, m, (int)line.SolveY(x1), (int)line.SolveY(x2));
    private void HandleDirectionalMove()
        fix2 input = fix2.zero;

        bool up    = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W);
        bool down  = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S);
        bool left  = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A);
        bool right = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D);

        if (_muteVerticalInputUntilRelease && !up && !down)
            _muteVerticalInputUntilRelease = false;

        if (UIStateMachineController.Instance.CurrentSate.Type == UIStateType.Gameplay)
            if (right)
                input.x += 1;

            if (left)
                input.x += -1;

            if (up && !_muteVerticalInputUntilRelease)
                input.y += 1;

            if (down && !_muteVerticalInputUntilRelease)
                input.y += -1;


        // NB: we only send an input if the direction changes. That way, we minimize network messages
        if (_moveInput.ClearDirty())
            SimPlayerInputMove simInput = new SimPlayerInputMove(_moveInput);
Exemple #28
    private void HandleRadialImpulseRequests()
        DynamicBuffer <RadialImpulseRequestData> radialImpulses = GetBuffer <RadialImpulseRequestData>(GetRequestSingleton());

        if (radialImpulses.Length > 0)
            DynamicBuffer <DirectImpulseRequestData> directImpulseRequests = GetBuffer <DirectImpulseRequestData>(GetRequestSingleton());

            foreach (RadialImpulseRequestData request in radialImpulses)
                if (!HasComponent <PhysicsColliderBlob>(request.Target))

                var colliderRef = GetComponent <PhysicsColliderBlob>(request.Target).Collider;
                if (!colliderRef.IsCreated)

                ref Collider collider = ref colliderRef.Value;

                fix2 pos             = GetComponent <FixTranslation>(request.Target);
                fix2 centerOfMass    = pos + (fix2)collider.MassProperties.MassDistribution.LocalCenterOfMass;
                fix2 v               = centerOfMass - request.Position;
                fix  distance        = length(v);
                fix  impulseStrength = remap(
                    0, request.Radius,
                    request.StrengthMax, request.StrengthMin,

                fix2 direction = distance < fix.Epsilon ? new fix2(0, 1) : v / distance;

                directImpulseRequests.Add(new DirectImpulseRequestData()
                    IgnoreMass = request.IgnoreMass,
                    Strength   = impulseStrength * direction,
                    Target     = request.Target

Exemple #29
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        fix deltaTime = Time.DeltaTime;

        // Influence velocity from moveInput when pawn is on ground or ladder
        Entities.ForEach((ref PhysicsVelocity velocity, ref ActionPoints ap, in MoveInput moveInputComp, in MoveSpeed moveSpeed, in NavAgentFootingState footing, in MoveCost moveCost) =>
            if (footing.Value == NavAgentFooting.Ground || footing.Value == NavAgentFooting.Ladder)
                fix2 moveInput = moveInputComp.Value;

                if (footing.Value == NavAgentFooting.Ground)
                    // NB: If we ever get slopped terrain, we might want to set the move perpendicular to the normal of the floor
                    moveInput.y = 0;

                moveInput = clampLength(moveInput, 0, 1);

                if (ap.Value == 0)
                    moveInput *= 0;

                // consume energy
                if (moveInput.x != 0 || moveInput.y != 0)
                    ap.Value = max(0, ap.Value - (deltaTime * moveCost.Value));

                fix2 newVelocity = velocity.Linear;

                newVelocity.x = moveInput.x * moveSpeed;

                if (footing.Value == NavAgentFooting.Ladder)
                    newVelocity.y = moveInput.y * moveSpeed;

                velocity.Linear = newVelocity;
Exemple #30
    public static bool Raycast <T>(fix2 start, fix2 end, fix bevel, T predicate, out int2 result) where T : struct, ITilePredicate
        // fbessette: this could be optimized by not performing a 'Raycast All'

        NativeList <int2> tiles = new NativeList <int2>(Allocator.Temp);

        RaycastAll(start, end, bevel, tiles);

        for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++)
            if (predicate.Evaluate(tiles[i]))
                result = tiles[i];

        result = default;