public string Upload_File(List <string> file_name)
                // file_list part
                // need to add

                // Packet_type = 0x20
                byte   Packet_type = 0x20;
                byte   Device_id   = 0x02;
                byte[] file_data;

                // 0xffff - 300 - 2
                int MessageBody_Length_Max = 65233;

                for (int i = 0; i < file_name.Count; i++)
                    //read file
                    //for test
                    FileStream file = new FileStream(PATH + file_name[i], FileMode.Open);
                    file.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    long file_length = file.Length;

                    file_data = null;

                    // MessageBody Length
                    int MessageBody_Length = 0;

                    if (file_length <= MessageBody_Length_Max)
                        MessageBody_Length = (int)file_length;

                        // 8 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 300 + len(MessageBody) + 16 +2
                        byte[] MessageBodyByte = new byte[MessageBody_Length + 30 + 300];

                        // Packet Initiator[ 8 bytes] 0x11 0xff 0x6c 0x6f 0x6e 0x64 0x6f 0x6e
                        byte[] Initiator = { 0x11, 0xff, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x6f, 0x6e };
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(Initiator, 0, MessageBodyByte, 0, Initiator.Length);

                        // Packet Content Length [ 2 bytes ]
                        // Context_Length = 2 + 300 <file_index_json> + len(MessageBody)
                        int    Context_Length = (2 + 300 + MessageBody_Length);
                        byte[] length         = { (byte)(Context_Length >> 8), (byte)(Context_Length & 0xff) };
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(length, 0, MessageBodyByte, 8, length.Length);

                        // Packet Type [ 1 byte ]
                        MessageBodyByte[10] = Packet_type;

                        // Packet ID [ 1 byte ]
                        MessageBodyByte[11] = Device_id;

                        byte[] file_json = new byte[300];

                        file_index_json f_js = new file_index_json()
                            Name = file_name[i], Num = 0x1, Index = 0
                        string f_js_str   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(f_js);
                        byte[] f_js_bytes = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(f_js_str);
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(f_js_bytes, 0, file_json, 0, f_js_str.Length);

                        /** for 1.txt file (cmd = 1)
                         * demo
                         * {
                         *      "Name": "1.txt",
                         *      "Num": 2,
                         *      "Index": 0
                         * }
                         * {
                         *      "Name": "1.txt",
                         *      "Num": 2,
                         *      "Index": 1
                         * }

                        //copy json data
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(file_json, 0, MessageBodyByte, 12, file_json.Length);

                        //read file data
                        file_data = new byte[MessageBody_Length];
                        file.Read(file_data, 0, (int)MessageBody_Length);
                        //copy file data  from index = 312
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(file_data, 0, MessageBodyByte, 12 + 300, MessageBody_Length);

                        // Check_sum
                        byte[] md5 = GetCheck_sum(Packet_type, Device_id, file_data, true);

                        Buffer.BlockCopy(md5, 0, MessageBodyByte, 12 + 300 + MessageBody_Length, md5.Length);

                        // end with 0xff 0xee
                        MessageBodyByte[MessageBody_Length + 28 + 300] = 0xff;
                        MessageBodyByte[MessageBody_Length + 29 + 300] = 0xee;


                        byte[] res_flag = ReceiveMessage();
                        // result == "ok"
                        if (res_flag[0] == 0x6f && res_flag[1] == 0x6b)

                            return("failed upload" + file_name[i]);

                        // Rounds
                        double Packet_num = Math.Ceiling((double)file_length / (double)MessageBody_Length_Max);

                        // Json - Packet Num
                        byte Packet_Num = (byte)Packet_num;
                        // Json - Packet Index
                        byte index = 0;
                        file_data = null;

                        byte[] MessageBodyByte;
                        while (Packet_num > 0)
                            if (Packet_num != 1)
                                MessageBody_Length = MessageBody_Length_Max;
                                MessageBody_Length = (int)(file_length - MessageBody_Length_Max * index);

                            MessageBodyByte = new byte[MessageBody_Length + 30 + 300];
                            // Packet Initiator[ 8 bytes] 0x11 0xff 0x6c 0x6f 0x6e 0x64 0x6f 0x6e
                            byte[] Initiator = { 0x11, 0xff, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x6f, 0x6e };
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(Initiator, 0, MessageBodyByte, 0, Initiator.Length);

                            // Packet Content Length [ 2 bytes ]
                            // Context_Length = 2 + 300 <file_index_json> + len(MessageBody)
                            int    Context_Length = (2 + 300 + MessageBody_Length);
                            byte[] length         = { (byte)(Context_Length >> 8), (byte)(Context_Length & 0xff) };
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(length, 0, MessageBodyByte, 8, length.Length);

                            // Packet Type [ 1 byte ]
                            MessageBodyByte[10] = Packet_type;

                            // Packet ID [ 1 byte ]
                            MessageBodyByte[11] = Device_id;

                            byte[]          file_json = new byte[300];
                            file_index_json f_js      = new file_index_json()
                                Name = file_name[i], Num = Packet_Num, Index = index
                            string f_js_str   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(f_js);
                            byte[] f_js_bytes = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(f_js_str);
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(f_js_bytes, 0, file_json, 0, f_js_str.Length);

                            //copy json data
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(file_json, 0, MessageBodyByte, 12, file_json.Length);

                            //read file
                            file_data = new byte[MessageBody_Length];
                            //it will continue reading from last position
                            file.Read(file_data, 0, MessageBody_Length);
                            //copy file data
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(file_data, 0, MessageBodyByte, 12 + 300, MessageBody_Length);

                            // Check_sum

                             * ** FILE data
                            byte[] md5 = GetCheck_sum(Packet_type, Device_id, file_data, true);

                            Buffer.BlockCopy(md5, 0, MessageBodyByte, 12 + 300 + MessageBody_Length, md5.Length);

                            // end with 0xff 0xee
                            MessageBodyByte[MessageBody_Length + 28 + 300] = 0xff;
                            MessageBodyByte[MessageBody_Length + 29 + 300] = 0xee;



                        byte[] res_flag = ReceiveMessage();
                        if (res_flag[0] == 0x6f && res_flag[1] == 0x6b)

                            return("failed upload" + file_name[i]);
                // socketClient.Close();
                return("success upload");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);
Exemple #2
        public void Upload_File_differ(byte[] file_id, string file_name)
            SendMessage(BuildDataPackage_For_Pull(file_id, 0x22, Device_id));
            byte[] result    = ReceiveMessage();
            byte[] hash_json = new byte[300];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(result, 0, hash_json, 0, hash_json.Length);
            int index = hash_json.ToList().IndexOf(0);

            byte[] hash_json_new = new byte[index];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(hash_json, 0, hash_json_new, 0, hash_json_new.Length);

            string          str             = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(hash_json_new);
            file_index_json File_index_json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <file_index_json>(str);

            string Path = PATH + File_index_json.Name;

            int           hash_list_num = (result.Length - 300) / 16;
            List <string> md5_list      = new List <string>();
            bool flag = true;

            while (flag)
                index = 0;
                if (hash_list_num != 0)
                    byte[] md5 = new byte[16];
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(result, 300 + index * 16, md5, 0, md5.Length);

                    md5_list.Add(BitConverter.ToString(md5, 0).Replace("-", string.Empty).ToLower());
                    flag = false;
            differ_info_json_list diff_json = new differ_info_json_list();

            byte[] filedata = null;
            lib.Search_block_index(Path, md5_list, out diff_json, out filedata, file_name);

            byte[] Diff_json = new byte[1000];

            int filedata_lenth = filedata.Length;

            double num = Math.Ceiling((double)filedata_lenth / (double)(0xffff - 2 - 1000));

            if (filedata_lenth > (0xffff - 2 - 1000))
                int idx = 0;
                while (true)
                    if (filedata_lenth > 0)
                        diff_json.Idx = idx;
                        diff_json.Num = (int)num;
                        byte[] Diff_json_new = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(diff_json));

                        Buffer.BlockCopy(Diff_json_new, 0, Diff_json, 0, Diff_json_new.Length);
                        byte[] Msg = new byte[1000 + filedata_lenth];
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(Diff_json, 0, Msg, 0, 1000);
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(filedata, (0xffff - 2 - 1000) * idx, Msg, 0, filedata_lenth);
                        SendMessage(BuildDataPackage_For_Pull(Msg, 0x22, Device_id));
                    filedata_lenth -= (0xffff - 1000 - 2);
                byte[] Diff_json_new = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(diff_json));

                Buffer.BlockCopy(Diff_json_new, 0, Diff_json, 0, Diff_json_new.Length);
                byte[] Msg = new byte[1000 + filedata.Length];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(Diff_json, 0, Msg, 0, 1000);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(filedata, 0, Msg, 1000, filedata.Length);
                SendMessage(BuildDataPackage_For_Pull(Msg, 0x22, Device_id));
        public string ReceiveMessage_For_download()
            // timer
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
            stopwatch.Start();     //  start

            byte[] recvBytes;

            byte   Packet_Num;
            string File_Name;

            // 8 + 2
            int Tcp_header_length = 10;
            int Tcp_body_length   = 0;

            byte[] Tcp_header = new byte[Tcp_header_length];

            socketClient.Receive(Tcp_header, 0, Tcp_header_length, 0);

            Tcp_body_length = ((int)Tcp_header[8] << 8) + ((int)Tcp_header[9]);

            // Context Length
            byte[] Packet_type = new byte[1];
            int    File_data_Length;

            byte[] file_json = new byte[300];
            // 65234
            File_data_Length = Tcp_body_length - 300 - 1;
            recvBytes        = new byte[File_data_Length];
            socketClient.Receive(Packet_type, 0, 1, 0);
            socketClient.Receive(file_json, 0, 300, 0);

            // get Packet Num
            int End_file_json_flag = Array.IndexOf(file_json, (byte)0x00);

            byte[] File_json = new byte[End_file_json_flag];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(file_json, 0, File_json, 0, End_file_json_flag);
            file_index_json F_json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <file_index_json>(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(File_json));

            // return File_Name + Packet_Num
            File_Name  = F_json.Name;
            Packet_Num = F_json.Num;

            //create file or find file
            string     filePath = PATH + File_Name;
            FileStream fs       = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);

            // receive file data
            int index = 0;

            // set Buffer size = 1024

            while (true)
                if (File_data_Length > Buffer_Length_Max)
                    socketClient.Receive(recvBytes, index * Buffer_Length_Max, Buffer_Length_Max, 0);
                    File_data_Length -= Buffer_Length_Max;

                    socketClient.Receive(recvBytes, index * Buffer_Length_Max, File_data_Length, 0);


                // wair for 1ms
                // .Net have the speed limit
                // control received speed in order not to loss packet

            byte[] md5 = new byte[16];
            socketClient.Receive(md5, 0, 16, 0);

            byte[] End_flag = new byte[2];
            socketClient.Receive(End_flag, 0, 2, 0);
            // check End_flag
            if (End_flag[0] == 0xff && End_flag[1] == 0xee)
                // socketClient.Close();

                fs.Write(recvBytes, 0, recvBytes.Length);
                fs.Position = fs.Length;
                if (Packet_Num == 1)
                    stopwatch.Stop();                                 //  stop watch
                    TimeSpan timespan = stopwatch.Elapsed;            // Get the elapsed time as a TimeSpan value.
                                                                      // double hours = timespan.TotalHours; // hours
                                                                      // double minutes = timespan.TotalMinutes;  // Minutes
                                                                      // double seconds = timespan.TotalSeconds;  //  Seconds
                    double milliseconds = timespan.TotalMilliseconds; //  Milliseconds
                    double fs_size = fs.Length;
                    double speed   = fs_size / milliseconds * 1000 / 1024;   // kb/s


                    return(File_Name + ": download successfully");

                    while (Packet_Num > 1)
                        byte[] file_data = UnpackData(ReceiveMessage());
                        fs.Write(file_data, 0, file_data.Length);
                        fs.Position = fs.Length;


                    stopwatch.Stop();                                 // stop watch
                    TimeSpan timespan = stopwatch.Elapsed;            // Get the elapsed time as a TimeSpan value.
                                                                      // double hours = timespan.TotalHours; // hours
                                                                      // double minutes = timespan.TotalMinutes;  // Minutes
                                                                      // double seconds = timespan.TotalSeconds;  //  Seconds
                    double milliseconds = timespan.TotalMilliseconds; //  Milliseconds
                    double fs_size = fs.Length;
                    double speed   = fs_size / milliseconds * 1000 / 1024;   // kb/s


                    return(File_Name + ": download successfully");

                stopwatch.Stop();     //  stop watch
                // socketClient.Close();

            //throw new Exception(ex.Message);
Exemple #4
        public double Upload_File(string file_name, int upload_type)
                // upload the whole file -> 20
                // differ upload -> 22
                byte Packet_type;
                if (upload_type == 0)
                    Packet_type = 0x20;
                    Packet_type = 0x22;

                byte   Device_id = 0x02;
                byte[] file_data;

                // 0xffff - 300 - 2
                int MessageBody_Length_Max = 0xffff - 300 - 2;

                // read file
                // for test
                FileStream file = new FileStream(PATH + file_name, FileMode.Open);
                file.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                long file_length = file.Length;

                file_data = null;

                // MessageBody Length
                int MessageBody_Length = 0;

                if (file_length <= MessageBody_Length_Max)
                    MessageBody_Length = (int)file_length;

                    // 8 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 300 + len(MessageBody) + 16 +2
                    byte[] MessageBodyByte = new byte[MessageBody_Length + 30 + 300];

                    // Packet Initiator[ 8 bytes] 0x11 0xff 0x6c 0x6f 0x6e 0x64 0x6f 0x6e
                    byte[] Initiator = { 0x11, 0xff, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x6f, 0x6e };
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(Initiator, 0, MessageBodyByte, 0, Initiator.Length);

                    // Packet Content Length [ 2 bytes ]
                    // Context_Length = 2 + 300 <file_index_json> + len(MessageBody)
                    int    Context_Length = (2 + 300 + MessageBody_Length);
                    byte[] length         = { (byte)(Context_Length >> 8), (byte)(Context_Length & 0xff) };
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(length, 0, MessageBodyByte, 8, length.Length);

                    // Packet Type [ 1 byte ]
                    MessageBodyByte[10] = Packet_type;

                    // Packet ID [ 1 byte ]
                    MessageBodyByte[11] = Device_id;

                    byte[] file_json = new byte[300];

                    file_index_json f_js = new file_index_json()
                        Name = file_name, Num = 0x1, Index = 0
                    string f_js_str   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(f_js);
                    byte[] f_js_bytes = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(f_js_str);
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(f_js_bytes, 0, file_json, 0, f_js_str.Length);

                    /** for 1.txt file (cmd = 1)
                     * demo
                     * {
                     *      "Name": "1.txt",
                     *      "Num": 2,
                     *      "Index": 0
                     *  }
                     *  {
                     *      "Name": "1.txt",
                     *      "Num": 2,
                     *      "Index": 1
                     *  }

                    //copy json data
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(file_json, 0, MessageBodyByte, 12, file_json.Length);

                    switch (upload_type)
                    case 0:
                        //read file data
                        file_data = new byte[MessageBody_Length];
                        file.Read(file_data, 0, (int)MessageBody_Length);
                        //copy file data  from index = 312
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(file_data, 0, MessageBodyByte, 12 + 300, MessageBody_Length);

                    case 1:
                        //read file data -- rsync
                        file_data = new byte[MessageBody_Length];
                        file.Read(file_data, 0, (int)MessageBody_Length);
                        //copy file data  from index = 312
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(file_data, 0, MessageBodyByte, 12 + 300, MessageBody_Length);

                    // Check_sum
                    byte[] all_data = new byte[file_data.Length + file_json.Length];
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(file_json, 0, all_data, 0, file_json.Length);
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(file_data, 0, all_data, file_json.Length, file_data.Length);
                    byte[] md5 = GetCheck_sum(Packet_type, Device_id, all_data, true);

                    Buffer.BlockCopy(md5, 0, MessageBodyByte, 12 + 300 + MessageBody_Length, md5.Length);

                    // end with 0xff 0xee
                    MessageBodyByte[MessageBody_Length + 28 + 300] = 0xff;
                    MessageBodyByte[MessageBody_Length + 29 + 300] = 0xee;

                    // timer
                    System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
                    stopwatch.Start(); //  start


                    byte[] res_flag = ReceiveMessage();
                    // result == "ok"
                    if (res_flag[0] == 0x6f && res_flag[1] == 0x6b)
                        stopwatch.Stop();                                 // stop watch
                        TimeSpan timespan = stopwatch.Elapsed;            // Get the elapsed time as a TimeSpan value.
                                                                          // double hours = timespan.TotalHours; // hours
                                                                          // double minutes = timespan.TotalMinutes;  // Minutes
                                                                          // double seconds = timespan.TotalSeconds;  //  Seconds
                        double milliseconds = timespan.TotalMilliseconds; //  Milliseconds
                        double fs_size      = file_length;

                        double speed = fs_size / milliseconds * 1000 / 1024; // kb/s


                    // Rounds
                    double Packet_num = Math.Ceiling((double)file_length / (double)MessageBody_Length_Max);

                    // Json - Packet Num
                    byte Packet_Num = (byte)Packet_num;
                    // Json - Packet Index
                    byte index = 0;
                    file_data = null;

                    byte[] MessageBodyByte;

                    // timer
                    System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
                    stopwatch.Start(); //  start

                    while (Packet_num > 0)
                        if (Packet_num != 1)
                            MessageBody_Length = MessageBody_Length_Max;
                            MessageBody_Length = (int)(file_length - MessageBody_Length_Max * index);

                        MessageBodyByte = new byte[MessageBody_Length + 30 + 300];
                        // Packet Initiator[ 8 bytes] 0x11 0xff 0x6c 0x6f 0x6e 0x64 0x6f 0x6e
                        byte[] Initiator = { 0x11, 0xff, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x6f, 0x6e };
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(Initiator, 0, MessageBodyByte, 0, Initiator.Length);

                        // Packet Content Length [ 2 bytes ]
                        // Context_Length = 2 + 300 <file_index_json> + len(MessageBody)
                        int    Context_Length = (2 + 300 + MessageBody_Length);
                        byte[] length         = { (byte)(Context_Length >> 8), (byte)(Context_Length & 0xff) };
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(length, 0, MessageBodyByte, 8, length.Length);

                        // Packet Type [ 1 byte ]
                        MessageBodyByte[10] = Packet_type;

                        // Packet ID [ 1 byte ]
                        MessageBodyByte[11] = Device_id;

                        byte[]          file_json = new byte[300];
                        file_index_json f_js      = new file_index_json()
                            Name = file_name, Num = Packet_Num, Index = index
                        string f_js_str   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(f_js);
                        byte[] f_js_bytes = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(f_js_str);
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(f_js_bytes, 0, file_json, 0, f_js_str.Length);

                        //copy json data
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(file_json, 0, MessageBodyByte, 12, file_json.Length);

                        //read file
                        file_data = new byte[MessageBody_Length];
                        //it will continue reading from last position
                        file.Read(file_data, 0, MessageBody_Length);
                        //copy file data
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(file_data, 0, MessageBodyByte, 12 + 300, MessageBody_Length);

                        // Check_sum

                         * ** FILE data
                        // Check_sum
                        byte[] all_data = new byte[file_data.Length + file_json.Length];
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(file_json, 0, all_data, 0, file_json.Length);
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(file_data, 0, all_data, file_json.Length, file_data.Length);
                        byte[] md5 = GetCheck_sum(Packet_type, Device_id, all_data, true);

                        Buffer.BlockCopy(md5, 0, MessageBodyByte, 12 + 300 + MessageBody_Length, md5.Length);

                        // end with 0xff 0xee
                        MessageBodyByte[MessageBody_Length + 28 + 300] = 0xff;
                        MessageBodyByte[MessageBody_Length + 29 + 300] = 0xee;


                    byte[] res_flag = ReceiveMessage();
                    if (res_flag[0] == 0x6f && res_flag[1] == 0x6b)
                        TimeSpan timespan = stopwatch.Elapsed;                      // Get the elapsed time as a TimeSpan value.
                                                                                    // double hours = timespan.TotalHours; // hours
                                                                                    // double minutes = timespan.TotalMinutes;  // Minutes
                                                                                    // double seconds = timespan.TotalSeconds;  //  Seconds
                        double milliseconds = timespan.TotalMilliseconds;           //  Milliseconds
                        double fs_size      = file_length;
                        double speed        = fs_size / milliseconds * 1000 / 1024; // kb/s

            catch (Exception ex)