}//end of create_xml private void create_xml(string s, bool incontrol, string inxml_file_name, string inUser_ID) { DataSet ds_insertDB = new DataSet(); string sysid = "ARY_HOLD_LOT", xml_file_name = ""; ArrayList element = new ArrayList(); ArrayList element_text = new ArrayList(); DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(Server.MapPath(".") + "/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "_ALCS_" + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString()); if (!di.Exists) { di.Create(); } file xmlw = new file(); element.Add("EVENTID"); element_text.Add("AlarmReport"); element.Add("SYSTEMID"); element_text.Add(sysid); element.Add("EQPID"); element_text.Add(inxml_file_name); element.Add("ALARMID"); element_text.Add("MSG"); element.Add("ALARMTEXT"); element_text.Add(s); xml_file_name = sysid + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "_" + inxml_file_name + ".xml"; xmlw.Create_ALCS_xml(Server.MapPath(".") + "/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "_ALCS_" + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString(), xml_file_name, element, element_text); if (incontrol == true) { FTPFactory ff = new FTPFactory(); ff.setDebug(true); ff.setRemoteHost(""); ff.setRemoteUser("CIMFTP"); ff.setRemotePass("ALCS_cim13579"); ff.login(); try { ff.upload(Server.MapPath(".") + "/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "_ALCS_" + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + "/" + xml_file_name); //sp.Send_mail("File Upload Success","CIM CENTRAL MAIL SYSTEM<*****@*****.**>","*****@*****.**","[Array Hold Lot] XML File Upload ALCS Success",1,Server.MapPath(".")+"/"+ DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")+"_ALCS_" + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + "/" + xml_file_name); string insertDB_phone = " begin insert into std_alarm_event_history@ods2stdman ( SYSTEM,TYPE,USER_ID,USER_LEVEL,PHONE_DTTM ) " + " values('Array_Hold_Lot','PHONE','" + inUser_ID + "','" + inxml_file_name + "',sysdate); commit; end;"; ds_insertDB = db.GetDataset(insertDB_phone, 1); } catch (Exception ex) { //sp.Send_mail("File Upload Fail"+ex.Message,"CIM CENTRAL MAIL SYSTEM<*****@*****.**>","*****@*****.**","[CIM REPORT MSG] :WeekendReport MSG:XML File Upload ALCS Fail",0,null); sp.Send_mail("File Upload Fail" + ex.Message, "CIM CENTRAL MAIL SYSTEM<*****@*****.**>", "*****@*****.**", "[Array Hold Lot] XML File Upload ALCS Fail", 0, null); } } }
public void updateFtime() { _sample2 = new NHibernateSample.Data.NHibernateSample(typeof(file)); DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; file fl = _sample2.GetFileById(16); fl.changetime(); DateTime time = _sample2.GetFileById(16).time; Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(dt, time); }
public Entity.ActionStatus UploadFiles(List <Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IFormFile> files, string generatorId) { Entity.ActionStatus actionStatus = new Entity.ActionStatus(true); try { if (files.Count > 0) { List <file> lstFileUploaded = new List <file>(); System.Text.StringBuilder strFileNotUploaded = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); foreach (var formFile in files) { file obj = new file(); string filePath = SaveGenaratorFiles(Guid.NewGuid(), formFile); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)) { obj.path = filePath.ToString(); obj.desc = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(formFile.FileName); lstFileUploaded.Add(obj); } else { strFileNotUploaded.Append(formFile.FileName + " is invalid! "); } } if (lstFileUploaded.Count > 0) { var xmlfiles = ObjectToXMLGeneric <List <file> >(lstFileUploaded); xmlfiles = xmlfiles.Replace("ArrayOfFile", "files"); actionStatus = _generatorRepository.UploadFiles(xmlfiles, generatorId); } else { actionStatus.Success = false; actionStatus.Message = strFileNotUploaded.ToString(); } } else { actionStatus.Success = false; actionStatus.Message = "Something Went Wrong!"; } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.InfoLog(Constants.ACTION_EXCEPTION, "GeneratorService.UploadFiles " + ex); return(new Entity.ActionStatus { Success = false, Message = ex.Message }); } return(actionStatus); }
private void lbReports_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.lbReports.SelectedItems.Count == 0) { return; } file file = (file)this.lbReports.SelectedItem; this.txtReportContent.Text = File.ReadAllText(file.FullName); }
// // GET: /File/Details/5 public ActionResult Details(bool?isFile, int id = 0) { ViewBag.isFile = isFile.HasValue && isFile.Value; file file = db.files.Find(id); if (file == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(PartialView(file)); }
private void openFile(file a) { mainForm.setAndReadCurrentFileProject(a); this.Hide(); using (frmWaitForm frm = new frmWaitForm(mainForm.readContentFile)) { //mainForm.readContentFile(); frm.ShowDialog(this); } closeForm(); mainForm.openEditorForm(); }
public ActionResult fileEdit([Bind(Include = "Id,name,filepath,filetypeId,personId")] file file) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(file).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("fileList")); } ViewBag.filetypeId = new SelectList(db.filetypes, "Id", "name", file.filetypeId); ViewBag.personId = new SelectList(db.people, "Id", "fullname", file.personId); return(View(file)); }
public ActionResult DownloadFile(int?id) { if (id.HasValue) { file file = db.files.FirstOrDefault(p => p.id == id.Value); if (file != null) { return(File(file.file_detail.data, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, file.name)); } } return(HttpNotFound()); }
private List <file> getFilesList(string sourcePath) { List <file> fileList = new List <file>(); UploadDetail upDetail = Session["UploadDetail"] as UploadDetail; DataTable OrdreTypeList = Session["OrdreTypeList"] as DataTable; if ((Directory.Exists(sourcePath))) { DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(sourcePath); foreach (FileInfo files in dir.GetFiles("*.*")) { string str = files.Name; string orderUmber = str.Substring(0, str.IndexOf(" ")); if (orderUmber == upDetail.OrderUmber.ToString()) //根据订单号找对应文件 { file theFile = new file(); theFile.orderID = upDetail.OrderUmber; theFile.fileName = files.Name; theFile.filepath = sourcePath; theFile.printTypeTable = OrdreTypeList; theFile.onePagePrice = float.Parse(OrdreTypeList.Rows[0]["SinglePagePrice"].ToString()); //默认黑白打印的价格 theFile.count = 1; //默认打印一份 //(str.Substring(0, str.LastIndexOf(".")) // string db = str.Trim(); string suffixName = str.Substring(str.LastIndexOf(".") + 1); if (suffixName == "doc" || suffixName == "docx") { string path = sourcePath + @"\" + files.Name; theFile.numberOfPages = GetPageCount(path); // 加这个方法时报错 theFile.price = (theFile.numberOfPages) * (theFile.onePagePrice) * (theFile.count); fileList.Add(theFile); } else if (suffixName == "pdf") { string path = sourcePath + @"\" + files.Name; theFile.numberOfPages = GetPDFPageCountByDll(path); theFile.price = (theFile.numberOfPages) * (theFile.onePagePrice) * (theFile.count); fileList.Add(theFile); } } } return(fileList); } else { return(null); } }
public ActionResult AddOrEdit(int id = 0) { //got to figure out how to make this page unbrowseable var user = Request.Cookies["EDMSuser"].Value.Trim().ToLower(); var person = db.people.Where(dbl => dbl.email.Trim().ToLower() == user).FirstOrDefault <person>(); file emp = new file(); if (id != 0) { emp = db.files.Where(dbl => dbl.person.Id == person.Id && dbl.Id == id).FirstOrDefault(); } return(View(emp)); }
public void GetfileByIdTest() { _sample2 = new NHibernateSample.Data.NHibernateSample(typeof(file)); var tempfile = new file { id = 16, title = "Javahomework" }; _sample2.CreatFile(tempfile); file fl = _sample2.GetFileById(16); int fileId = fl.id; Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(16, fileId); }
public ActionResult fileCreate([Bind(Include = "Id,name,filepath,filetypeId,personId")] file file) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.files.Add(file); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } ViewBag.filetypeId = new SelectList(db.filetypes, "Id", "name", file.filetypeId); ViewBag.personId = new SelectList(db.people, "Id", "fullname", file.personId); return(View(file)); }
public void openEditor() { txt txt = new txt(); rtbTutorial.Visible = false; editorGrid.Visible = true; lblEditor.Text = txt.CAT_EDITOR_LABEL; if (mainForm != null) { file a = mainForm.project.getCurrentFile(); } setSentencesToGridview(); }
public ActionResult SaveAs(file myFile) { try { //students=myFile.students; saveToFile(myFile.fileName); return(View("Details", students)); } catch { return(View()); } }
public ActionResult OpenFromFile(file myFile) { try { readFromFile(myFile.fileName); readStudentsFromFile(); return(View("Details", students)); } catch { return(View()); } }
public HttpResponseMessage downloadByCode(string code) { file targetFile = getFileUrl(code); if (targetFile == null) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "No such file")); } //TODO: get the download path Download download = new Download(); string path = ""; if (targetFile.size > 20 * 1024) { path = download.multiThreadDownload(targetFile.url, targetFile.name); } else { path = download.singleThreadDownload(targetFile.url, targetFile.name); } if (path == "") { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Fail to download")); } string fileName = Path.GetFileName(path); FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open); HttpResponseMessage response = null; try { response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK); response.Content = new StreamContent(fileStream); response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/octet-stream"); response.Content.Headers.ContentDisposition = new System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue("attachment") { FileName = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(fileName) }; response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Expose-Header", "FileName"); response.Headers.Add("FileName", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(fileName)); addUpDownloadTimes(targetFile.id); } catch (Exception e) { response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Fail to download"); } //finally //{ // fileStream.Close(); //} return(response); }
public void openEditor() { txt txt = new txt(); rtbTutorial.Visible = false; editorGrid.Visible = true; //UpdateFont(); if (mainForm != null) { file a = mainForm.project.getCurrentFile(); groupBox1.Text = mainForm.project.getCurrentFile().getFileName(); } setSentencesToGridview(); }
// GET: files/Delete/5 public ActionResult fileDelete(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } file file = db.files.Find(id); if (file == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(file)); }
// store the file into the database public async Task StoreFileToDB(file file) { // using transaction scope using (var scope = new TransactionScope()) { using (FileEntitiesFinal entity = new FileEntitiesFinal()) { entity.file.Add(file); await entity.SaveChangesAsync(); scope.Complete(); } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Upload(IFormFile filesData, int idPost, string fname) { if (filesData == null) { return(BadRequest("Null File")); } if (filesData.Length == 0) { return(BadRequest("Empty File")); } if (filesData.Length > 10 * 1024 * 1024) { return(BadRequest("Max file size exceeded.")); } if (!ACCEPTED_FILE_TYPES.Any(s => s == Path.GetExtension(filesData.FileName).ToLower())) { return(BadRequest("Invalid file type.")); } var uploadFilesPath = Path.Combine(host.WebRootPath, "uploads"); if (!Directory.Exists(uploadFilesPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(uploadFilesPath); } // var fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + Path.GetExtension(filesData.FileName); var fileName = fname + Path.GetExtension(filesData.FileName); var filePath = Path.Combine(uploadFilesPath, fileName); using (var stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create)) { await filesData.CopyToAsync(stream); } var photo = new file { FileName = fileName, idPostu = idPost }; context.files.Add(photo); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Ok()); }
public ActionResult FileDeletes(int[] id) { if (id == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Site")); } //file file = data.files.Find(id); foreach (var item in id) { file file = db.files.Find(item); file.Status = "no"; db.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
private bool isFileNameExisted(String name) { using (FileEntitiesFinal entity = new FileEntitiesFinal()) { file tempFile = entity.file.Where(f => f.name.Equals(name)).FirstOrDefault(); if (tempFile == null) { return(false); } else { return(true); } } }
private void PushData(System.IO.FileStream input, System.IO.Stream output, file mfi) { byte[] buffer = new byte[32768]; int bytesRead; int iRead = 0; while ((bytesRead = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0) { iRead = iRead + buffer.Length; mfi.Progress = iRead;//Math.Round((double.Parse(input.Length.ToString()) / double.Parse(iRead.ToString())) * 100, 0); output.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } mfi.Do = false; ListFiles(); }
// GET: User/Details/5 public ActionResult Details(int?id) { var usr = Session["usr"].ToString(); if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } file file = db.files.Find(id); if (file == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } return(View(file)); }
// GET: files/Edit/5 public ActionResult fileEdit(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } file file = db.files.Find(id); if (file == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } ViewBag.filetypeId = new SelectList(db.filetypes, "Id", "name", file.filetypeId); ViewBag.personId = new SelectList(db.people, "Id", "fullname", file.personId); return(View(file)); }
public ActionResult Malicious(int id, bool?isFile, bool isChecked) { ViewBag.isFile = isFile.HasValue && isFile.Value; file file = null; if (isFile.HasValue && isFile.Value) { file = db.files.Find(id); } else { file = db.file_detail.Find(id).files.FirstOrDefault(); } ViewBag.isChecked = isChecked; return(PartialView(file)); }
public String downloadFile(int fileId) { using (FileEntitiesFinal entity = new FileEntitiesFinal()) { file tempFile = entity.file.Where(f => f.id == fileId).FirstOrDefault(); if (tempFile == null) { return("FileNotExist"); } else { addUpDownloadTimes(tempFile.id); return(tempFile.url.ToString() + "?attname="); } } }
public data_controller(int u_c, int f_c) { Get_filecount = f_c; Get_usercount = u_c; users = new user[u_c]; users[0] = new user("Адміністратор", new marker(3), 0); for (int i = 1; i < u_c; i++) { users[i] = new user("Користувач " + i.ToString(), new marker(r.Next(0, 4)), i); } files = new file[f_c]; for (int i = 0; i < f_c; i++) { files[i] = new file("файл " + (i + 1).ToString(), new marker(r.Next(0, 4))); } }
/// <summary> /// Insertion des information d'un fichier dans la base de données /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private Boolean InsertInDataBase(file File) { Boolean InsertCompleted = false; try { fileService.InsertFileInformations(File); InsertCompleted = true; } catch (Exception error) { Debug.WriteLine(error.Message); throw new ControllerException(error.Message); } return(InsertCompleted); }
/// <summary> /// Method to add both physically on the server and in the database a file associated to a group. /// The file must be passed as a Byte array parameter. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileByteArray">The Byte array of the file itself.</param> /// <param name="groupID">The group ID (Int32) of the group the file is associated to.</param> /// <param name="originalFileName">The original file name (String) saved by the database for later user readability</param> public void AddAssociatedFileToGroup(Byte[] fileByteArray, int groupID, string originalFileName) { try { file Fichier = new file(); Fichier.FileURL = SaveByteFile(fileByteArray, originalFileName); Fichier.Group_ID = groupID; Fichier.FileName = originalFileName; fileService.InsertFileInformations(Fichier); } catch (Exception error) { Debug.WriteLine(error.Message); throw new ControllerException(error.Message); } }
void fileCreated(object sender, FileSystemEventArgs e) { indexEntities db = new indexEntities(); FileInfo info = new FileInfo(e.FullPath); file newFile = new file() { lastModified = info.LastWriteTime, origFileName = info.Name }; foreach (RootFolder folder in FileStructure.Index.IndexRoots) { if (e.FullPath.Contains(folder.RootFolderName)) { newFile.rootFolder = folder.RootFolderName; newFile.relativeFilePath = info.FullName.Replace(folder.RootFolderName, ""); newFile.service = Enum.GetName(typeof(StorageServices), FileStructure.Index.algo.SortingHat(info)); break; } } Exception error; do { error = null; newFile.guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); try { newFile = db.files.Add(newFile); db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { error = ex; } } while (error != null); newFile.serviceFileId = Unity.UploadFile(newFile); db.SaveChanges(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("A file has been uploaded"); }
public ViewWindow(file filename) { InitializeComponent(); if (filename.Name.EndsWith("xlsx")) { SheetList.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; dataGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; fsc.GetExcelDocumentCompleted += (a, b) => { Exceldocument = b.Result; SheetList.SetBinding(ListBox.ItemsSourceProperty, new Binding("WorkSheets") { Source = Exceldocument, BindsDirectlyToSource = true, Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger = UpdateSourceTrigger.Default }); }; fsc.GetExcelDocumentAsync(filename.Name); } else if (filename.Name.EndsWith("pdf")) { UriBuilder ub = new UriBuilder(fsc.Endpoint.Address.Uri.AbsoluteUri.Replace("FileService.svc", "sender.ashx")); ub.Query = string.Format("filename={0}", filename.Name); webbrowser.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; webbrowser.NavigateToString("<html><body><iframe src='"+ ub.Uri.AbsoluteUri +"&mime=true' id='ifrm' style='width:100%;height:100%;border:solid 10px green;margin:0;padding:0;'></iframe></body></html>"); } else if (filename.Name.ToLower().EndsWith("jpg")) { UriBuilder ub = new UriBuilder(fsc.Endpoint.Address.Uri.AbsoluteUri.Replace("FileService.svc", "sender.ashx")); ub.Query = string.Format("filename={0}", filename.Name); ImageSourceConverter isc = new ImageSourceConverter(); image.Source= isc.ConvertFromString(ub.Uri.OriginalString) as ImageSource; image.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } }
public static string MoveService(file f, StorageServices newService) { f.service = Enum.GetName(typeof(StorageServices), newService); return UploadFile(f); }
private void addButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var trans = new TransactionScope()) { DateTime teraz = DateTime.Now; file add_new = new file { u_id = userid, path = fileNameBox.Text, add_time = teraz }; database.files.InsertOnSubmit(add_new); database.SubmitChanges(); var get_files = from f in database.files where f.u_id == userid select new { f.f_id, f.path, f.add_time }; FilesGridView1.DataSource = get_files; FilesGridView1.Refresh(); var fid = 0; foreach (var f in get_files) { fid = f.f_id; } action fileadd_act = new action { u_id = userid, act_type = "AFI", action_time = teraz, fi_id = fid }; database.actions.InsertOnSubmit(fileadd_act); database.SubmitChanges(); trans.Complete(); } UpdateHistory(); label1.Visible = false; fileNameBox.Visible = false; addButton.Visible = false; button1.Text = "Add new"; act_f++; var toFilesCounter = mf - act_f; FilesCounterLabel.Text = "Files left: " + toFilesCounter.ToString(); if (toFilesCounter == 0) button1.Enabled = false; }
private static void UpdateRemoteIndex(file file, FileOperation op) { }
private void UploadFile(file mfi, System.IO.FileStream data) { UriBuilder ub = new UriBuilder(fsc.Endpoint.Address.Uri.AbsoluteUri.Replace("FileService.svc", "receiver.ashx")); ub.Query = string.Format("filename={0}", mfi.Name); WebClient wc = new WebClient(); wc.OpenWriteCompleted += (sender, e) => { try { PushData(data, e.Result, mfi); e.Result.Close(); data.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { lbl.Content += ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace + "\n"; } }; wc.OpenWriteAsync(ub.Uri); }
public static string UploadFile(file newFile) { StorageServices service = (StorageServices)Enum.Parse(typeof(StorageServices), newFile.service); try { switch (service) { case StorageServices.Dropbox: Dropbox.Api.FileSystemInfo file = DropboxApi.Api.UploadFile("sandbox", newFile.guid, newFile.fullpath); return file.Path; case StorageServices.GoogleDrive: var gfile = GoogleDrive.Api.UploadFile(newFile.guid, newFile.fullpath); break; case StorageServices.SkyDrive: SkyDrive.Api.UploadFile(newFile.guid, newFile.fullpath); break; case StorageServices.UbuntuOne: throw new NotImplementedException(); case StorageServices.Box: throw new NotImplementedException(); default: throw new Exception("how'd you manage that one?"); } return "Test"; } catch (Exception) { return "Failure"; } }
public void Add(file fi) { _files.Add(fi); InvokePropertyChanged("Files"); }
public static bool UpdateFile(file uploadFile) { bool result = true; try { switch (uploadFile.service) { case "Dropbox": var file = DropboxApi.Api.UploadFile("sandbox", uploadFile.guid, uploadFile.fullpath); break; case "GoogleDrive": throw new NotImplementedException(); case "SkyDrive": SkyDrive.Api.UploadFile(uploadFile.guid, uploadFile.fullpath); break; case "UbuntuOne": throw new NotImplementedException(); case "Box": throw new NotImplementedException(); default: throw new Exception("how'd you manage that one?"); } } catch (Exception) { result = false; } return result; }