GetCharInfo() public méthode

public GetCharInfo ( int _id ) : CharInfo,
_id int
Résultat CharInfo,
Exemple #1
    // Functions

    /*public CharInfo GetCharInfo ( char _symbol ) {
     *  if (bitmapFont_ != null) {
     *      return bitmapFont_.GetCharInfo(_symbol);
     *  }
     *  if (dynamicFont_ != null) {
     *      //// yes, Unity's GetCharacterInfo have y problem, you should get lowest character j's y-offset adjust it.
     *      CharacterInfo jCharInfo;
     *      dynamicFont_.RequestCharactersInTexture("j", dynamicFontSize_, dynamicFontStyle_);
     *      dynamicFont_.GetCharacterInfo('j', out jCharInfo, dynamicFontSize_, dynamicFontStyle_);
     *      int ttf_offset = (int)(dynamicFontSize_ + jCharInfo.vert.yMax);
     *      CharacterInfo dynamicCharInfo;
     *      dynamicFont_.GetCharacterInfo(_symbol, out dynamicCharInfo, dynamicFontSize_, dynamicFontStyle_);
     *      Texture texture = dynamicFont_.material.mainTexture;
     *      CharInfo charInfo = new CharInfo(); // TODO: use static char info
     * = _symbol;
     *      charInfo.trim_x = 0;
     *      charInfo.trim_y = 0;
     *      charInfo.x = (int)(dynamicCharInfo.uv.x * texture.width);
     *      charInfo.y = (int)(dynamicCharInfo.uv.yMax * texture.height);
     *      charInfo.width = (int)dynamicCharInfo.vert.width;
     *      charInfo.height = - (int)dynamicCharInfo.vert.height;
     *      charInfo.xoffset = (int)dynamicCharInfo.vert.x;
     *      charInfo.yoffset = - (int)dynamicCharInfo.vert.y;
     *      charInfo.xadvance = (int)dynamicCharInfo.width;
     *      charInfo.rotated = dynamicCharInfo.flipped;
     *      return charInfo;
     *  }
     *  return null;
     * }*/

    public bool GetCharInfo(char _symbol, out CharacterInfo _charInfo)
        if (bitmapFont_ != null)
            exBitmapFont.CharInfo bitmapCharInfo = bitmapFont_.GetCharInfo(_symbol);
            if (bitmapCharInfo != null)
                _charInfo.flipped = bitmapCharInfo.rotated;
                _charInfo.index   =;
                _charInfo.size    = 0;
         = FontStyle.Normal;
                if (bitmapFont_.texture != null)
                    Vector2 texelSize = bitmapFont_.texture.texelSize;
                    if (bitmapCharInfo.rotated)
                        _charInfo.uv = new Rect((bitmapCharInfo.x + bitmapCharInfo.rotatedWidth) * texelSize.x,
                                                bitmapCharInfo.y * texelSize.y,
                                                -bitmapCharInfo.rotatedWidth * texelSize.x,
                                                bitmapCharInfo.rotatedHeight * texelSize.y);
                        _charInfo.uv = new Rect(bitmapCharInfo.x * texelSize.x,
                                                bitmapCharInfo.y * texelSize.y,
                                                bitmapCharInfo.rotatedWidth * texelSize.x,
                                                bitmapCharInfo.rotatedHeight * texelSize.y);
                    _charInfo.uv = new Rect();
                _charInfo.vert = new Rect(bitmapCharInfo.xoffset, -bitmapCharInfo.yoffset, bitmapCharInfo.width, -bitmapCharInfo.height);
                float baselineOffset = bitmapFont_.size - bitmapFont_.baseLine;
                _charInfo.vert.y += baselineOffset;
                _charInfo.width   = bitmapCharInfo.xadvance;
        else if (dynamicFont_ != null)
            if (dynamicFont_.GetCharacterInfo(_symbol, out _charInfo, dynamicFontSize_, dynamicFontStyle_))
                _charInfo.vert.y -= baseline;
        _charInfo = new CharacterInfo();
Exemple #2
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Desc: This only calculate result in one line
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    public static void BuildTextLine( Vector3[] _vertices, Vector2[] _uvs, 
                                       string _text, 
                                       exBitmapFont _font, 
                                       int _lineHeight,
                                       int _fontSize, 
                                       int _wordSpacing, 
                                       int _letterSpacing )
        int cur_x = 0;
        int cur_y = 0;

        for ( int i = 0; i < _text.Length; ++i ) {
            char cur_char = _text[i];

            // NOTE: we skip new-line operation, since we believe this function only have one-line text
            if ( cur_char == '\n' ) {

            // generate mesh
            exBitmapFont.CharInfo charInfo = _font.GetCharInfo(cur_char);
            if ( charInfo != null ) {
                int idx = 4*i;
                float x = cur_x + charInfo.xoffset;
                float y = cur_y + charInfo.yoffset;

                Vector2 texelSize = _font.texture.texelSize;
                Vector2 start = new Vector2( charInfo.x * texelSize.x,
                                             charInfo.y * texelSize.y );
                Vector2 end = new Vector2( (charInfo.x + charInfo.rotatedWidth) * texelSize.x,
                                           (charInfo.y + charInfo.rotatedHeight) * texelSize.y );

                // build vertices
                _vertices[idx + 0] = new Vector3(x,                  y, 0.0f);
                _vertices[idx + 1] = new Vector3(x + charInfo.width, y, 0.0f);
                _vertices[idx + 2] = new Vector3(x + charInfo.width, y + charInfo.height, 0.0f);
                _vertices[idx + 3] = new Vector3(x,                  y + charInfo.height, 0.0f);

                // build uv
                if ( charInfo.rotated ) {
                    _uvs[idx + 0] = new Vector2(end.x,   start.y);
                    _uvs[idx + 1] = new Vector2(end.x,   end.y);
                    _uvs[idx + 2] = new Vector2(start.x, end.y);
                    _uvs[idx + 3] = new Vector2(start.x, start.y);
                else {
                    _uvs[idx + 0] = new Vector2(start.x, end.y);
                    _uvs[idx + 1] = new Vector2(end.x,   end.y);
                    _uvs[idx + 2] = new Vector2(end.x,   start.y);
                    _uvs[idx + 3] = new Vector2(start.x, start.y);

                // advance x
                cur_x += (int)charInfo.xadvance + _letterSpacing;
                if ( cur_char == ' ' )
                    cur_x += _wordSpacing;
Exemple #3
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Desc: This only calculate result in one line
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------

    public static void BuildTextLine(Vector3[] _vertices, Vector2[] _uvs,
                                     string _text,
                                     exBitmapFont _font,
                                     int _lineHeight,
                                     int _fontSize,
                                     int _wordSpacing,
                                     int _letterSpacing)
        int cur_x = 0;
        int cur_y = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < _text.Length; ++i)
            char cur_char = _text[i];

            // NOTE: we skip new-line operation, since we believe this function only have one-line text
            if (cur_char == '\n')

            // generate mesh
            exBitmapFont.CharInfo charInfo = _font.GetCharInfo(cur_char);
            if (charInfo != null)
                int   idx = 4 * i;
                float x   = cur_x + charInfo.xoffset;
                float y   = cur_y + charInfo.yoffset;

                Vector2 texelSize = _font.texture.texelSize;
                Vector2 start     = new Vector2(charInfo.x * texelSize.x,
                                                charInfo.y * texelSize.y);
                Vector2 end = new Vector2((charInfo.x + charInfo.rotatedWidth) * texelSize.x,
                                          (charInfo.y + charInfo.rotatedHeight) * texelSize.y);

                // build vertices
                _vertices[idx + 0] = new Vector3(x, y, 0.0f);
                _vertices[idx + 1] = new Vector3(x + charInfo.width, y, 0.0f);
                _vertices[idx + 2] = new Vector3(x + charInfo.width, y + charInfo.height, 0.0f);
                _vertices[idx + 3] = new Vector3(x, y + charInfo.height, 0.0f);

                // build uv
                if (charInfo.rotated)
                    _uvs[idx + 0] = new Vector2(end.x, start.y);
                    _uvs[idx + 1] = new Vector2(end.x, end.y);
                    _uvs[idx + 2] = new Vector2(start.x, end.y);
                    _uvs[idx + 3] = new Vector2(start.x, start.y);
                    _uvs[idx + 0] = new Vector2(start.x, end.y);
                    _uvs[idx + 1] = new Vector2(end.x, end.y);
                    _uvs[idx + 2] = new Vector2(end.x, start.y);
                    _uvs[idx + 3] = new Vector2(start.x, start.y);

                // advance x
                cur_x += (int)charInfo.xadvance + _letterSpacing;
                if (cur_char == ' ')
                    cur_x += _wordSpacing;
Exemple #4
    // mesh building functions

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Desc:
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------

    public void CalculateSize(out float[] _lineWidths,
                              out float[] _kernings,
                              out float _halfWidthScaled,
                              out float _halfHeightScaled,
                              out float _offsetX,
                              out float _offsetY)
        if (useMultiline_)
            long lines = exStringHelper.CountLinesInString(text_);
            _lineWidths = new float[lines];
            _lineWidths = new float[0];
        _kernings = new float[Mathf.Max(text_.Length - 1, 0)];
        float maxWidth = 0.0f;
        float curWidth = 0.0f;
        float height   = fontInfo_.lineHeight;

        int curLine = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < text_.Length; ++i)
            char c = text_[i];
            if (c == '\n')
                if (useMultiline_)
                    if (curWidth > maxWidth)
                        maxWidth = curWidth;
                    _lineWidths[curLine] = curWidth;
                    curWidth             = 0.0f;
                    height = height + fontInfo_.lineHeight + lineSpacing_;

            // if we don't have the character, it will become space.
            exBitmapFont.CharInfo charInfo = fontInfo_.GetCharInfo(c);
            if (charInfo != null)
                curWidth = curWidth + charInfo.xadvance + tracking_;
                if (useKerning_)
                    if (i < text_.Length - 1)
                        for (int idx = 0; idx < fontInfo_.kernings.Count; ++idx)
                            exBitmapFont.KerningInfo k = fontInfo_.kernings[idx];
                            if (k.first == c && k.second == text_[i + 1])
                                curWidth    += k.amount;
                                _kernings[i] = k.amount;
        if (curWidth > maxWidth)
            maxWidth = curWidth;
        if (useMultiline_)
            _lineWidths[curLine] = curWidth;

        Vector2 finalScale = new Vector2(scale_.x * ppfScale_.x, scale_.y * ppfScale_.y);

        _halfWidthScaled  = maxWidth * finalScale.x * 0.5f;
        _halfHeightScaled = height * finalScale.y * 0.5f;
        _offsetX          = 0.0f;
        _offsetY          = 0.0f;

        // calculate anchor offset
        switch (anchor_)
        case Anchor.TopLeft: _offsetX = -_halfWidthScaled;  _offsetY = -_halfHeightScaled; break;

        case Anchor.TopCenter: _offsetX = 0.0f;               _offsetY = -_halfHeightScaled; break;

        case Anchor.TopRight: _offsetX = _halfWidthScaled;   _offsetY = -_halfHeightScaled; break;

        case Anchor.MidLeft: _offsetX = -_halfWidthScaled;  _offsetY = 0.0f;               break;

        case Anchor.MidCenter: _offsetX = 0.0f;               _offsetY = 0.0f;               break;

        case Anchor.MidRight: _offsetX = _halfWidthScaled;   _offsetY = 0.0f;               break;

        case Anchor.BotLeft: _offsetX = -_halfWidthScaled;  _offsetY = _halfHeightScaled;  break;

        case Anchor.BotCenter: _offsetX = 0.0f;               _offsetY = _halfHeightScaled;  break;

        case Anchor.BotRight: _offsetX = _halfWidthScaled;   _offsetY = _halfHeightScaled;  break;

        default: _offsetX = 0.0f;               _offsetY = 0.0f;               break;
        _offsetX -= offset_.x;
        _offsetY += offset_.y;