Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// MutualAuthBind
        /// This action is used to do Mutual authentication.
        /// This method is used to authenticate the Domain user
        /// on both regular and protected LDAP ports between client and server mutually
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userName">Contains username in Domain</param>
        /// <param name="passWord">Contains the password to the username</param>
        /// <param name="validSPN">This variable i used to state when we are using valid SPN </param>
        /// <returns>Returns Success if the method is successful
        /// Returns InvalidCredentials if the passed in credentials are invalid</returns>
        public errorstatus MutualAuthBind(name userName,
                                          Password passWord,
                                          bool validSPN)
            if (userName == name.nonexistUserName)
                //get from config file
                user = MS_ADTS_SecurityRequirementsValidator.NonExistUserName;
            else if (userName == name.validUserName)
                //Current user
                user = ClientUserName;
            if (passWord == Password.invalidPassword)
                //get from config file
                userPassword = MS_ADTS_SecurityRequirementsValidator.InvalidPassword;
            else if (passWord == Password.validPassword)
                userPassword = ClientUserPassword;

            //Mutual Bind
            strResult = adtsRequirementsValidation.MutualBind(user, userPassword, validSPN);

            //returned result
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// SicilyBind
        /// This method is used for modeling behaviors pertaining to
        /// SicilyBind. Similar to SASL GSSSPNEGO type of binding
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userName">Contains username in Domain</param>
        /// <param name="passWord">Contains the password to the username</param>
        /// <param name="portNum">Contains the port number over which the bind will accomplish</param>
        /// <param name="enableTLS">This variable is used to state when we are using TLS </param>
        /// <returns>Returns Success if the method is successful
        /// Returns InvalidCredentials if the passed in credentials are invalid</returns>
        public errorstatus SicilyBind(name userName,
                                      Password passWord,
                                      Port portNum,
                                      bool enableTLS)
            //Assigning Authorization mechanism to Bind
            strAuthMech = authenticationMech.sicily;

            //Assigning port number .
            enumPortNum = portNum;

            //if invalid user name
            if (userName == name.nonexistUserName)
                //get from config file
                user = MS_ADTS_SecurityRequirementsValidator.NonExistUserName;
            //valid user
            else if (userName == name.validUserName)
                //Current user
                user = ClientUserName;

            //invalid password
            if (passWord == Password.invalidPassword)
                //get from config file
                userPassword = MS_ADTS_SecurityRequirementsValidator.InvalidPassword;
            else if (passWord == Password.validPassword)
                //get from config file
                userPassword = ClientUserPassword;

                if (userName == name.anonymousUser)
                    //anonymous user password.
                    userPassword = null;

            //SicilyBind Authentication
            strResult = adtsRequirementsValidation.SicilyBind(PdcFqdn, (uint)enumPortNum, user, userPassword, enableTLS);

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// The following authentication mechanisms are covered under SASL authentication:
        ///     GSS-SPNEGO
        ///     GSSAPI
        ///     External
        ///     Digest-MD5/
        /// This action is used to do SPNEGOBind, GSSAPI, External or Digest-MD5
        /// authentication as per authMech passed from InitializeSession.
        /// This method is used to authenticate the Domain user
        /// on both regular and protected LDAP ports
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userName">Contains username in Domain</param>
        /// <param name="passWord">Contains the password to the username</param>
        /// <param name="saslMech">Specifies the SASL Mechanism preferred</param>
        /// <param name="portNum">Contains the port number over which the bind will accomplish</param>
        /// <param name="enableTLS">This variable i used to state when we are using TLS </param>
        /// <returns>Returns Success if the method is successful
        /// Returns InvalidCreadentials if the passed in credentials are invalid</returns>
        public errorstatus SASLAuthentication(name userName,
                                              SASLChoice saslMech,
                                              Password passWord,
                                              Port portNum,
                                              bool enableTLS)
            //get the port number
            enumPortNum = portNum;

            //specifies invalidSPN.
            bool invalidSPN = false;

            if (userName == name.nonexistUserName)
                //get from config file
                user = MS_ADTS_SecurityRequirementsValidator.NonExistUserName;
            else if (userName == name.validUserName)
                //Current user
                user = ClientUserName;
            if (passWord == Password.invalidPassword)
                //get from config file
                userPassword = MS_ADTS_SecurityRequirementsValidator.InvalidPassword;
            else if (passWord == Password.validPassword)
                userPassword = ClientUserPassword;

            //SASL Bind
            strResult = adtsRequirementsValidation.SASLBind(PdcFqdn,

            //returned result
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// SimpleBind
        /// This action is used for doing simple authentication.
        /// This method is used for authenticating the Domain user and anonymous user
        /// on both regular and protected LDAP ports
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userName">Contains username in Domain</param>
        /// <param name="passWord">Contains the password to the username</param>
        /// <param name="portNum">Contains the port number over which the bind will accomplish</param>
        /// <param name="enableTLS">This variable i used to state when we are using TLS </param>
        /// <returns>Returns Success if the method is successful
        ///  Returns InvalidCredentials if the passed in credentials are invalid</returns>
        public errorstatus SimpleBind(name userName,
                                      Password passWord,
                                      Port portNum,
                                      bool enableTLS)
            //Assigning Authorization mechanism to Bind
            strAuthMech = authenticationMech.simple;

            //Assigning port number .
            enumPortNum = portNum;

            //Valid nameMapsMoreThanOneObject user and valid password
            if ((userName == name.nameMapsMoreThanOneObject) && (passWord == Password.validPassword))
                //name maps more than one object.
                //To validate if name maps more than object
                user = MS_ADTS_SecurityRequirementsValidator.NameMapsMorethanOneObject;

                //Create  an AD User.
                ADTSHelper.CreateActiveDirUser(PdcFqdn, userName, ClientUserPassword, PdcDN);
                //Change the attribute
                ADTSHelper.ModifyOperation(PdcFqdn, userName, adTestType, ClientUserName, ClientUserPassword, PrimaryDomainDnsName, PDCOSVersion);

            else if ((userName == name.nameMapsMoreThanOneObject) && (passWord == Password.invalidPassword))
                //name maps more than one object.
                user = MS_ADTS_SecurityRequirementsValidator.NameMapsMorethanOneObject;
                //Invalid password
                userPassword = MS_ADTS_SecurityRequirementsValidator.InvalidPassword;
            //if invalid user name
            else if (userName == name.nonexistUserName)
                //get from config file
                user = MS_ADTS_SecurityRequirementsValidator.NonExistUserName;
            //valid user
            else if (userName == name.validUserName)
                //get the Current username from config file
                user = ClientUserName;
            //Anonymous user
            else if (userName == name.anonymousUser)
                //Empty user name and Empty password
                //Anonymous user should have (null,null) credentials
                //Setting the credentials to null
                user = null;
            //invalid password
            if ((passWord == Password.invalidPassword) && (userName != name.anonymousUser))
                //get from config file
                userPassword = MS_ADTS_SecurityRequirementsValidator.InvalidPassword;

            if ((passWord == Password.invalidPassword) && (userName == name.anonymousUser))
                //Anonymous user passowrd.
                userPassword = null;

            else if (passWord == Password.validPassword)
                //get from config file
                userPassword = ClientUserPassword;

                if (userName == name.anonymousUser)
                    //anonymous user password.
                    userPassword = null;

            //SimpleBind Authentication
            strResult = adtsRequirementsValidation.SimpleBind(PdcFqdn, (uint)enumPortNum, user, userPassword, enableTLS, adTestType);
