Exemple #1
        public List <ReservationCollection> ReservationsByTime(DateTime date)
            using (var context = new eRestaurantContext())
                var result = (from data in context.Reservations
                              where data.ReservationDate.Year == date.Year &&
                              data.ReservationDate.Month == date.Month &&
                              data.ReservationDate.Day == date.Day
                              // && data.ReservationDate.Hour == timeSlot.Hours
                              && data.ReservationStatus == Reservation.BOOKED
                              select new ReservationSummary()
                    ID = data.ReservationID,
                    Name = data.CustomerName,
                    Date = data.ReservationDate,
                    NumberInParty = data.NumberInParty,
                    Status = data.ReservationStatus,
                    Event = data.Event.Description,
                    Contact = data.ContactPhone

                var finalResult = from item in result
                                  orderby item.NumberInParty
                                  group item by item.Date.Hour into itemGroup
                                  select new ReservationCollection()
                    Hour         = itemGroup.Key,
                    Reservations = itemGroup.ToList()

                return(finalResult.OrderBy(x => x.Hour).ToList());
Exemple #2
 public List <Waiter> Waiters_List()
     using (eRestaurantContext context = new eRestaurantContext())
         return(context.Waiters.OrderBy(x => x.FirstName).ToList());
Exemple #3
        public List <ReservationByDate> GetReservationsByDate(string date)
            if (date == "" || date == null)
                return(new List <ReservationByDate>());
            using (var context = new eRestaurantContext())
                // remember linq does not like using datetime casting.
                int year  = (DateTime.Parse(date)).Year;
                int month = (DateTime.Parse(date)).Month;
                int day   = (DateTime.Parse(date)).Day;

                //query syntax
                var results = from item in context.SpecialEvents
                              orderby item.Description
                              select new ReservationByDate()
                    Description  = item.Description,
                    Reservations = from row in item.Reservations
                                   where row.ReservationDate.Year == year &&
                                   row.ReservationDate.Month == month &&
                                   row.ReservationDate.Day == day
                                   select new ReservationDetail()               // POCO
                        CustomerName      = row.CustomerName,
                        ReservationDate   = row.ReservationDate,
                        NumberInParty     = row.NumberInParty,
                        ContactPhone      = row.ContactPhone,
                        ReservationStatus = row.ReservationStatus
Exemple #4
 public Waiter Waiter_GetWaiterById(int id)
     using (eRestaurantContext context = new eRestaurantContext())
Exemple #5
        public List <ReservationsByDate> GetReservationsByDate(string reservationdate)
            using (var context = new eRestaurantContext())
                //Linq is not very playful or cooperative with

                //extract the year, month and day ourselves out
                //of the passed parameter value
                int theYear  = (DateTime.Parse(reservationdate)).Year;
                int theMonth = (DateTime.Parse(reservationdate)).Month;
                int theDay   = (DateTime.Parse(reservationdate)).Day;

                var results = from eventitem in context.SpecialEvents
                              orderby eventitem.Description
                              select new ReservationsByDate() //a new instance for each specialevent row on the table
                    Description  = eventitem.Description,
                    Reservations = from row in eventitem.Reservations
                                   where row.ReservationDate.Year == theYear &&
                                   row.ReservationDate.Month == theMonth &&
                                   row.ReservationDate.Day == theDay
                                   select new ReservationDetail()               // a new for each reservation of a particular specialevent code
                        CustomerName      = row.CustomerName,
                        ReservationDate   = row.ReservationDate,
                        NumberInParty     = row.NumberInParty,
                        ContactPhone      = row.ContactPhone,
                        ReservationStatus = row.ReservationStatus
Exemple #6
        public List <eRestaurantSystem.Entities.DTOs.CategoryMenuItems> GetCategoryMenuItems_List()
            using (var context = new eRestaurantContext())
                //remember LINQ does not like using DateTime casting

                //Query syntax
                var results = from category in context.MenuCategories
                              orderby category.Description
                              select new eRestaurantSystem.Entities.DTOs.CategoryMenuItems() //DTO
                    Description = category.Description,
                    MenuItems   = from row in category.MenuItems

                                  select new MenuItem()
                        Description = row.Description,
                        Price       = row.CurrentPrice,
                        Calories    = row.Calories,
                        Comment     = row.Comment
 public List <Reservation> ReservationbyEvent(string eventcode)
     using (eRestaurantContext context = new eRestaurantContext())
         return(context.Reservations.Where(anItem => anItem.Eventcode == eventcode).ToList());
Exemple #8
        public List <WaiterBilling> GetWaiterBillingReport()
            using (eRestaurantContext context = new eRestaurantContext())
                var results = from abillrow in context.Bills
                              where abillrow.BillDate.Month == 5
                              orderby abillrow.BillDate,
                    select new WaiterBilling()
                    BillDate = abillrow.BillDate.Year + "/" +
                               abillrow.BillDate.Month + "/" +
                    WaiterName = abillrow.Waiter.LastName + ", " +
                    BillID    = abillrow.BillID,
                    BillTotal = abillrow.Items.Sum(eachbillitemrow =>
                                                   eachbillitemrow.Quantity * eachbillitemrow.SalePrice),
                    PartySize = abillrow.NumberInParty,
                    Contact   = abillrow.Reservation.CustomerName

Exemple #9
 public List <Reservations> Reservation_List()
     using (eRestaurantContext context = new eRestaurantContext())
Exemple #10
        public List <ReservationCollection> ReservationsByTime(DateTime date)
            using (eRestaurantContext context = new eRestaurantContext())
                var results = from data in context.Reservations
                              where data.ReservationDate.Year == date.Year &&
                              data.ReservationDate.Month == date.Month &&
                              data.ReservationDate.Day == date.Day &&
                              data.ReservationStatus == "B"
                              select new POCOs.ReservationSummary
                    Name          = data.CustomerName,
                    Contact       = data.ContactPhone,
                    Date          = data.ReservationDate,
                    NumberInParty = data.NumberInParty,
                    Status        = data.ReservationStatus,
                    EventType     = data.SpecialEvent.Description

                //Example of Grouping.
                var finalResults = from data in results
                                   orderby data.NumberInParty
                                   group data by data.Date.TimeOfDay into itemGroup
                                   select new DTOs.ReservationCollection
                    SeatingTime  = itemGroup.Key.ToString(),
                    Reservations = itemGroup.ToList()

Exemple #11
 public List <ReservationCollection> ReservationsByTime(DateTime date)
     using (eRestaurantContext context = new eRestaurantContext())  //remember to add e to eRestaurantContext and replace var with the eRestaurantContext datatype
         var result = (from data in context.Reservations
                       where data.ReservationDate.Year == date.Year &&
                       data.ReservationDate.Month == date.Month &&
                       data.ReservationDate.Day == date.Day
                       // && data.ReservationDate.Hour == timeSlot.Hours
                       && data.ReservationStatus == Reservation.Booked
                       select new ReservationSummary()
             ID = data.ReservationID,
             Name = data.CustomerName,
             Date = data.ReservationDate,
             NumberInParty = data.NumberInParty,
             Status = data.ReservationStatus,
             Event = data.Event.Description,
             Contact = data.ContactPhone
         }).ToList();                //causes execution of the query so that the retrieved data
                                     //is in memory.
         var finalResult = from item in result
                           orderby item.NumberInParty
                           group item by item.Date.Hour into itemGroup //temporary data collection
                           select new ReservationCollection()          //DTO
             Hour         = itemGroup.Key,
             Reservations = itemGroup.ToList()
         return(finalResult.OrderBy(x => x.Hour).ToList()); //method syntax
        public List <ReservationByDate> GetReservationsByDate(string reservationdate)
            using (var context = new eRestaurantContext())
                //remember Linq does not like using DateTime casting
                int theYear  = (DateTime.Parse(reservationdate)).Year;
                int theMonth = (DateTime.Parse(reservationdate)).Month;
                int theDay   = (DateTime.Parse(reservationdate)).Day;

                //query status
                var results = from item in context.SpecialEvents
                              orderby item.Description
                              select new ReservationByDate() //DTO
                    EventDescription = item.Description,
                    Reservations     = from row in item.Reservations            //collection of navigated rows of ICollection in SpecialEvent entity
                                       where row.ReservationDate.Year == theYear &&
                                       row.ReservationDate.Month == theMonth &&
                                       row.ReservationDate.Day == theDay
                                       select new ReservationDetail()           //POCO class
                        CustomerName      = row.CustomerName,
                        ReservationDate   = row.ReservationDate,
                        NumberInParty     = row.NumberInParty,
                        ContactPhone      = row.ContactPhone,
                        ReservationStatus = row.ReservationStatus
 public List <ReservationByDate> GetReservationsByDate(string reservationdate)
     using (var context = new eRestaurantContext())
         int theYear  = (DateTime.Parse(reservationdate)).Year;
         int theMonth = (DateTime.Parse(reservationdate)).Month;
         int theDay   = (DateTime.Parse(reservationdate)).Day;
         //query syntax
         var results = from item in context.SpecialEvents
                       orderby item.Description
                       select new ReservationByDate()
             Description  = item.Description,
             Reservations = from r in item.Reservations
                            where r.ReservationDate.Year == theYear &&
                            r.ReservationDate.Month == theMonth &&
                            r.ReservationDate.Day == theDay
                            select new ReservationDetail()
                 CustomerName      = r.CustomerName,
                 ReservationDate   = r.ReservationDate,
                 NumberInParty     = r.NumberInParty,
                 ContactPhone      = r.ContactPhone,
                 ReservationStatus = r.ReservationStatus,
Exemple #14
        public List <ReservationCollection> ReservationsByTime(DateTime date)
            using (var context = new eRestaurantContext())
                var result = (from eachReservationRow in context.Reservations    //take each row from the Reservation
                              where eachReservationRow.ReservationDate.Year == date.Year &&
                              eachReservationRow.ReservationDate.Month == date.Month &&
                              eachReservationRow.ReservationDate.Day == date.Day
                                                                             // && data.ReservationDate.Hour == timeSlot.Hours
                              && eachReservationRow.ReservationStatus == "B" //Reservation.Booked
                              select new ReservationSummary()
                    ID = eachReservationRow.ReservationID,
                    Name = eachReservationRow.CustomerName,
                    Date = eachReservationRow.ReservationDate,
                    NumberInParty = eachReservationRow.NumberInParty,
                    Status = eachReservationRow.ReservationStatus,
                    Event = eachReservationRow.Event.Description,
                    Contact = eachReservationRow.ContactPhone
                }).ToList();                  //causes execution of the query so
                                              //that the retrieved data is in memory
                                              //so as to be used in the following query

                var finalResult = from item in result
                                  orderby item.NumberInParty
                                  group item by item.Date.Hour into itemGroup //Datetime is not liked for C#;
                                                                              //temporary data collection, put result into new 'itemGroup' collection
                                  select new ReservationCollection()          //DTO
                    Hour         = itemGroup.Key,
                    Reservations = itemGroup.ToList()
                return(finalResult.OrderBy(x => x.Hour).ToList());   //method syntax
        //seating of walkins
        /// <summary>
        /// Seats a customer that is a walk-in
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="when">A mock value of the date/time (Temporary - see remarks)</param>
        /// <param name="tableNumber">Table number to be seated</param>
        /// <param name="customerCount">Number of customers being seated</param>
        /// <param name="waiterId">Id of waiter that is serving</param>
        public void SeatCustomer(DateTime when, byte tableNumber, int customerCount, int waiterId)
            var availableSeats = AvailableSeatingByDateTime(when.Date, when.TimeOfDay);

            using (var context = new eRestaurantContext())
                List <string> errors = new List <string>();
                // Rule checking:
                // - Table must be available - typically a direct check on the table, but proxied based on the mocked time here
                // - Table must be big enough for the # of customers
                if (!availableSeats.Exists(x => x.Table == tableNumber))
                    errors.Add("Table is currently not available");
                else if (!availableSeats.Exists(x => x.Table == tableNumber && x.Seating >= customerCount))
                    errors.Add("Insufficient seating capacity for number of customers.");
                if (errors.Count > 0)
                    throw new BusinessRuleException("Unable to seat customer", errors);
                Bill seatedCustomer = new Bill()
                    BillDate      = when,
                    NumberInParty = customerCount,
                    WaiterID      = waiterId,
                    TableID       = context.Tables.Single(x => x.TableNumber == tableNumber).TableID
        public List <ReservationByDate> GetReservationsByDate(string reservationdate)
            using (var context = new eRestaurantContext())
                //remember LINQ does not like using DateTime casting
                int theYear  = DateTime.Parse(reservationdate).Year;
                int theMonth = DateTime.Parse(reservationdate).Month;
                int theDay   = DateTime.Parse(reservationdate).Day;

                var results = from item in context.SpecialEvents
                              orderby item.Description
                              select new ReservationByDate() //DTO
                    Description  = item.Description,
                    Reservations = from row in item.Reservations
                                   where row.ReservationDate.Year == theYear &&
                                   row.ReservationDate.Month == theMonth &&
                                   row.ReservationDate.Day == theDay
                                   select new ReservationDetail()
                        CustomerName      = row.CustomerName,
                        ReservationDate   = row.ReservationDate,
                        NumberInParty     = row.NumberInParty,
                        ContactPhone      = row.ContactPhone,
                        ReservationStatus = row.ReservationStatus
Exemple #17
        public List <MenuCategoryFoodItems> MenuCategoryFoodItemsDTO_Get()
            //set up transaction area
            using (var context = new eRestaurantContext())
                var results = from food in context.Items
                              group food by new { food.MenuCategoryID, food.CurrentPrice } into tempdataset
                orderby food.MenuCategory.Description
                    select new MenuCategoryFoodItems
                    MenuCategoryDescription = tempdataset.Key.Description,
                    FoodItems = (from x in tempdataset

                //ItemID = food.ItemID,
                //FoodDescription = food.Description,
                //CurrentPrice = food.CurrentPrice
                // TimeSaved = 10

                //              };
                //from x in tempdataset
                //select new
                //    ItemID = x.ItemID,
                //    FoodDescription = x.Description,
                //    TimesServed = x.BillItems.Count()
        public List <MenuCategoryFoodItemsDTO> MenuCategoryFoodItemsDTO_Get()
            //Setup transaction area
            using (var context = new eRestaurantContext()) //Goes to the appropiate context class
                //Gets the data using the Linq query
                //When you bring your query from Linqpad to your program you must change your reference(s) to the data source
                //You may also need to change your navigation referencing use in Linqpad
                //to the navigation properties you stated in the Entity class definitions
                var results = from food in context.Items
                              group food by new { food.MenuCategory.Description } into tempdataset
                    select new MenuCategoryFoodItemsDTO
                    MenuCategoryDescription = tempdataset.Key.Description,

                    FoodItems = (from x in tempdataset
                                 select new FoodItemCount
                        ItemID = x.ItemID,
                        FoodDescription = x.Description,
                        CurrentPrice = x.CurrentPrice,
                        TimesServed = x.BillItems.Count()

                //The following requires the query data in memory
                //At this point the query will actually execute
 public SpecialEvent SpecialEventByEventCode(string eventcode)
     using (eRestaurantContext context = new eRestaurantContext())
 public Waiter GetWaiter(int waiterid)
     using (eRestaurantContext context = new eRestaurantContext())
 public DateTime GetLastBillDateTime()
     using (eRestaurantContext context = new eRestaurantContext())
         var result = context.Bills.Max(x => x.BillDate);
 public void Waiters_Update(Waiter item)
     using (eRestaurantContext context = new eRestaurantContext())
         context.Entry <Waiter>(context.Waiters.Attach(item)).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
Exemple #23
 public DateTime GetLastBillDateTime()
     using (var context = new eRestaurantContext())
         var result = context.Bills.Max(eachBillrow => eachBillrow.BillDate);
Exemple #24
 public DateTime GetLastBillDate()
     using (var context = new eRestaurantContext())
         var results = context.Bill.Max(x => x.BillDate);
 public List <Reservation> Reservation_List()
     //interfacing with our Context class
     using (eRestaurantContext context = new eRestaurantContext())
Exemple #26
 public List <Reservations> ReservationByEvent(string eventCode)
     using (eRestaurantContext Context = new eRestaurantContext())
         //Foreach rowIndicator the EventCode must equal the passed in event code.
         return(Context.Reservations.Where(rowIndicator => rowIndicator.EventCode == eventCode).ToList());
 public List <SpecialEvent> Reservation_List()
     //interfacing with our context class which inherits from DbContext
     using (eRestaurantContext context = new eRestaurantContext())
Exemple #28
 public Waiter GetWaiter(int waiterID)
     using (eRestaurantContext Context = new eRestaurantContext())
         //Foreach rowIndicator the EventCode must equal the passed in event code.
 public void SpecialEvents_Update(SpecialEvent item)
     using (eRestaurantContext context = new eRestaurantContext())
         context.Entry <SpecialEvent>(context.SpecialEvents.Attach(item)).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
Exemple #30
 public List <SpecialEvent> SpecialEvent_List()
     //interfacing with our Context class
     using (eRestaurantContext context = new eRestaurantContext())