public RFEConfiguration()
                fStartMHZ             = 0.0;
                fStepMHZ              = 0.0;
                fAmplitudeTopDBM      = 0.0;
                fAmplitudeBottomDBM   = 0.0;
                nFreqSpectrumSteps    = 0;
                bExpansionBoardActive = false;
                eMode         = eMode.MODE_NONE;
                fMinFreqMHZ   = 0.0;
                fMaxFreqMHZ   = 0.0;
                fMaxSpanMHZ   = 0.0;
                fRBWKHZ       = 0.0;
                fOffset_dB    = 0.0f;
                nBaudrate     = 0;
                eModulation   = eModulation.MODULATION_NONE;
                fThresholdDBM = 0.0f;

                nRFEGenSweepWaitMS     = 0;
                bRFEGenHighPowerSwitch = false;
                nRFEGenPowerLevel      = 0;
                fRFEGenCWFreqMHZ       = 0.0;
                bRFEGenPowerON         = false;

                bRFEGenStartHighPowerSwitch = false;
                bRFEGenStopHighPowerSwitch  = false;
                nRFEGenStartPowerLevel      = 0;
                nRFEGenStopPowerLevel       = 1;
                nRFGenSweepPowerSteps       = 0;

                eCalculator = eCalculator.UNKNOWN;
            public RFEConfiguration(RFEConfiguration objSource)
                fStartMHZ             = objSource.fStartMHZ;
                fStepMHZ              = objSource.fStepMHZ;
                fAmplitudeTopDBM      = objSource.fAmplitudeTopDBM;
                fAmplitudeBottomDBM   = objSource.fAmplitudeBottomDBM;
                nFreqSpectrumSteps    = objSource.nFreqSpectrumSteps;
                bExpansionBoardActive = objSource.bExpansionBoardActive;
                eMode         = objSource.eMode;
                fMinFreqMHZ   = objSource.fMinFreqMHZ;
                fMaxFreqMHZ   = objSource.fMaxFreqMHZ;
                fMaxSpanMHZ   = objSource.fMaxSpanMHZ;
                fRBWKHZ       = objSource.fRBWKHZ;
                fOffset_dB    = objSource.fOffset_dB;
                eCalculator   = objSource.eCalculator;
                nBaudrate     = objSource.nBaudrate;
                eModulation   = objSource.eModulation;
                fThresholdDBM = objSource.fThresholdDBM;

                bRFEGenHighPowerSwitch = objSource.bRFEGenHighPowerSwitch;
                nRFEGenPowerLevel      = objSource.nRFEGenPowerLevel;
                fRFEGenCWFreqMHZ       = objSource.fRFEGenCWFreqMHZ;
                nRFEGenSweepWaitMS     = objSource.nRFEGenSweepWaitMS;
                bRFEGenPowerON         = objSource.bRFEGenPowerON;

                bRFEGenStartHighPowerSwitch = objSource.bRFEGenStartHighPowerSwitch;
                bRFEGenStopHighPowerSwitch  = objSource.bRFEGenStopHighPowerSwitch;
                nRFEGenStartPowerLevel      = objSource.nRFEGenStartPowerLevel;
                nRFEGenStopPowerLevel       = objSource.nRFEGenStopPowerLevel;
                nRFGenSweepPowerSteps       = objSource.nRFGenSweepPowerSteps;
            public bool ProcessReceivedString(string sLine)
                bool bOk = true;

                    sLineString = sLine;

                    if ((sLine.Length >= 60) && ((sLine.StartsWith("#C2-F:")) || (sLine.StartsWith("#C2-f:"))))
                        //Spectrum Analyzer mode, can be C2-F for steps < 10000 or C2-f for steps >=10000
                        fStartMHZ           = Convert.ToInt32(sLine.Substring(6, 7)) / 1000.0;     //note it comes in KHZ
                        fStepMHZ            = Convert.ToInt32(sLine.Substring(14, 7)) / 1000000.0; //Note it comes in HZ
                        fAmplitudeTopDBM    = Convert.ToInt32(sLine.Substring(22, 4));
                        fAmplitudeBottomDBM = Convert.ToInt32(sLine.Substring(27, 4));
                        int nPos = 32;
                        if (sLine.StartsWith("#C2-f:"))
                            nFreqSpectrumSteps = Convert.ToUInt16(sLine.Substring(nPos, 5));
                            nFreqSpectrumSteps = Convert.ToUInt16(sLine.Substring(nPos, 4));
                        nPos += 4; //we use this variable to keep state for long step number

                        bExpansionBoardActive = (sLine[nPos + 1] == '1');
                        eMode       = (eMode)Convert.ToUInt16(sLine.Substring(nPos + 3, 3));
                        fMinFreqMHZ = Convert.ToInt32(sLine.Substring(nPos + 7, 7)) / 1000.0;
                        fMaxFreqMHZ = Convert.ToInt32(sLine.Substring(nPos + 15, 7)) / 1000.0;
                        fMaxSpanMHZ = Convert.ToInt32(sLine.Substring(nPos + 23, 7)) / 1000.0;

                        if (sLine.Length > nPos + 30)
                            fRBWKHZ = Convert.ToInt32(sLine.Substring(nPos + 31, 5));
                        if (sLine.Length > nPos + 36)
                            fOffset_dB = Convert.ToInt32(sLine.Substring(nPos + 37, 4));
                        if (sLine.Length > nPos + 41)
                            eCalculator = (eCalculator)Convert.ToUInt16(sLine.Substring(nPos + 42, 3));
                    else if ((sLine.Length >= 29) && (sLine.Substring(0, 4) == "#C3-"))
                        //Signal generator CW, SweepFreq and SweepAmp modes
                        switch (sLine[4])
                        case '*':
                            fStartMHZ                   = Convert.ToInt32(sLine.Substring(6, 7)) / 1000.0;  //note it comes in KHZ
                            fRFEGenCWFreqMHZ            = Convert.ToInt32(sLine.Substring(14, 7)) / 1000.0; //Note it comes in KHZ
                            nFreqSpectrumSteps          = Convert.ToUInt16(sLine.Substring(22, 4));
                            fStepMHZ                    = Convert.ToInt32(sLine.Substring(27, 7)) / 1000.0; //Note it comes in KHZ
                            bRFEGenHighPowerSwitch      = (sLine[35] == '1');
                            nRFEGenPowerLevel           = Convert.ToByte(sLine[37] - 0x30);
                            nRFGenSweepPowerSteps       = Convert.ToUInt16(sLine.Substring(39, 4));
                            bRFEGenStartHighPowerSwitch = (sLine[44] == '1');
                            nRFEGenStartPowerLevel      = Convert.ToByte(sLine[46] - 0x30);
                            bRFEGenStopHighPowerSwitch  = (sLine[48] == '1');
                            nRFEGenStopPowerLevel       = Convert.ToByte(sLine[50] - 0x30);
                            bRFEGenPowerON              = (sLine[52] == '1');
                            nRFEGenSweepWaitMS          = Convert.ToUInt16(sLine.Substring(54, 5));
                            eMode = eMode.MODE_NONE;

                        case 'A':
                            //Sweep Amplitude mode
                            fRFEGenCWFreqMHZ            = Convert.ToInt32(sLine.Substring(6, 7)) / 1000.0; //note it comes in KHZ
                            nRFGenSweepPowerSteps       = Convert.ToUInt16(sLine.Substring(14, 4));
                            bRFEGenStartHighPowerSwitch = (sLine[19] == '1');
                            nRFEGenStartPowerLevel      = Convert.ToByte(sLine[21] - 0x30);
                            bRFEGenStopHighPowerSwitch  = (sLine[23] == '1');
                            nRFEGenStopPowerLevel       = Convert.ToByte(sLine[25] - 0x30);
                            bRFEGenPowerON     = (sLine[27] == '1');
                            nRFEGenSweepWaitMS = Convert.ToUInt16(sLine.Substring(29, 5));
                            eMode = RFECommunicator.eMode.MODE_GEN_SWEEP_AMP;

                        case 'F':
                            //Sweep Frequency mode
                            fStartMHZ              = Convert.ToInt32(sLine.Substring(6, 7)) / 1000.0;  //note it comes in KHZ
                            nFreqSpectrumSteps     = Convert.ToUInt16(sLine.Substring(14, 4));
                            fStepMHZ               = Convert.ToInt32(sLine.Substring(19, 7)) / 1000.0; //Note it comes in KHZ
                            bRFEGenHighPowerSwitch = (sLine[27] == '1');
                            nRFEGenPowerLevel      = Convert.ToByte(sLine[29] - 0x30);
                            bRFEGenPowerON         = (sLine[31] == '1');
                            nRFEGenSweepWaitMS     = Convert.ToUInt16(sLine.Substring(33, 5));
                            eMode = RFECommunicator.eMode.MODE_GEN_SWEEP_FREQ;

                        case 'G':
                            //Normal CW mode
                            fRFEGenCWFreqMHZ       = Convert.ToInt32(sLine.Substring(14, 7)) / 1000.0; //Note it comes in KHZ
                            nFreqSpectrumSteps     = Convert.ToUInt16(sLine.Substring(22, 4));
                            fStepMHZ               = Convert.ToInt32(sLine.Substring(27, 7)) / 1000.0; //Note it comes in KHZ
                            bRFEGenHighPowerSwitch = (sLine[35] == '1');
                            nRFEGenPowerLevel      = Convert.ToByte(sLine[37] - 0x30);
                            bRFEGenPowerON         = (sLine[39] == '1');
                            eMode = RFECommunicator.eMode.MODE_GEN_CW;

                            eMode = eMode.MODE_NONE;
                            bOk   = false;
                    else if ((sLine.Length >= 10) && (sLine.StartsWith("#C4-F:")))
                        //Sniffer mode
                        fStartMHZ             = Convert.ToInt32(sLine.Substring(6, 7)) / 1000.0; //note it comes in KHZ
                        bExpansionBoardActive = (sLine[14] == '1');
                        eMode = (eMode)Convert.ToUInt16(sLine.Substring(16, 3));
                        int nDelay = Convert.ToInt16(sLine.Substring(20, 5));
                        nBaudrate     = (UInt32)Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(RFECommunicator.FCY_CLOCK) / nDelay);
                        eModulation   = (eModulation)Convert.ToUInt16(sLine.Substring(26, 1));
                        fRBWKHZ       = Convert.ToInt32(sLine.Substring(28, 5));
                        fThresholdDBM = (float)(-0.5 * Convert.ToDouble(sLine.Substring(34, 3)));
                        bOk = false;
                catch (Exception)
                    bOk = false;
