public static void Setup( GameControlsState controlsState, eCellType[] fieldMatrix, Position head, Position tail, ref eDirectionType currentDirection, int randomValue, ref eGameMode gameMode, ref byte baseColor) { // seed initial state FieldMatrix.Seed(fieldMatrix, head, tail); currentDirection = eDirectionType.None; switch (controlsState.keyCode) { case KeypadKeyCode.GO: FieldMatrix.PlaceNextPiece(fieldMatrix, randomValue); gameMode = eGameMode.Play; break; case KeypadKeyCode.D2: baseColor = (byte)(baseColor < 10 ? baseColor + 1 : baseColor); break; case KeypadKeyCode.D8: baseColor = (byte)(baseColor > 1 ? baseColor - 1 : baseColor); break; } }
public static void JoystickPositionToDirection( int xAxis, int yAxis, ref eDirectionType direction) { if (xAxis < 20000) { direction = eDirectionType.Up; } else if (xAxis > 40000) { direction = eDirectionType.Down; } else if (yAxis < 20000) { direction = eDirectionType.Right; } else if (yAxis > 40000) { direction = eDirectionType.Left; } else { direction = eDirectionType.None; } }
public void SnakeGame_GameIteration_SnakeCrash() { Position head = new Position(), tail = new Position(); eCellType[] field = new eCellType[64]; FieldMatrix.Seed(field, head, tail); eDirectionType currentDirection = eDirectionType.None, nextDirection = eDirectionType.Right; FieldMatrix.SetCellTypeByPosition(field, new Position() { row = head.row, col = (byte)(head.col + 1) }, eCellType.SnakeDown); Assert.ThrowsException <CrashedInSnakeException>(() => GameEngine.ApplyChange(field, head, tail, currentDirection, nextDirection, out bool expanded), "Did not crash moving to the right"); FieldMatrix.Seed(field, head, tail); FieldMatrix.SetCellTypeByPosition(field, new Position() { row = (byte)(head.row + 1), col = head.col }, eCellType.SnakeHead); nextDirection = eDirectionType.Down; Assert.ThrowsException <CrashedInSnakeException>(() => GameEngine.ApplyChange(field, head, tail, currentDirection, nextDirection, out bool expanded), "Did not crash moving down"); }
public static void ApplyDirection( Position current, Position next, eDirectionType direction) { FPGA.Runtime.DeepCopy(next, current); switch (direction) { case eDirectionType.Up: next.row--; break; case eDirectionType.Down: next.row++; break; case eDirectionType.Left: next.col--; break; case eDirectionType.Right: next.col++; break; } }
public static void GameIteration( GameControlsState controlsState, eCellType[] fieldMatrix, Position head, Position tail, ref eDirectionType currentDirection, int randomValue, FPGA.Signal <bool> TXD) { eDirectionType nextDirectionFromKeypad = eDirectionType.None; eDirectionType nextDirectionFromJoystick = eDirectionType.None; eDirectionType nextDirection = eDirectionType.None; Lookups.KeyCodeToDirection( controlsState.keyCode, ref nextDirectionFromKeypad); Lookups.JoystickPositionToDirection( controlsState.adcChannel1, controlsState.adcChannel2, ref nextDirectionFromJoystick); bool isReverse = false; Lookups.IsReverse(currentDirection, nextDirection, ref isReverse); // TODO: variable declaration from conditional expression; nextDirection = isReverse ? currentDirection : nextDirectionFromKeypad != eDirectionType.None ? nextDirectionFromKeypad : nextDirectionFromJoystick != eDirectionType.None ? nextDirectionFromJoystick : currentDirection; Diagnostics.ReportState( controlsState, nextDirectionFromKeypad, nextDirectionFromJoystick, nextDirection, TXD); bool expanded = false; ApplyChange( fieldMatrix, head, tail, currentDirection, nextDirection, out expanded); if (expanded) { FieldMatrix.PlaceNextPiece(fieldMatrix, randomValue); } currentDirection = nextDirection; }
public PlayerDetails(eSymboleType i_Symbole, eSymboleType i_KingSymbole, string i_PlayerName) { r_PlayerName = i_PlayerName; r_PlayerSymbole = i_Symbole; r_KingSymbole = i_KingSymbole; initializeScores(); r_Direction = getPlayerDirection(); r_ListOfGamePawns = new List <CheckersCell <eSymboleType> >(); }
public static void ApplyChange( eCellType[] fieldMatrix, Position head, Position tail, eDirectionType currentDirection, eDirectionType nextDirection, out bool expanded) { expanded = false; if (nextDirection == eDirectionType.None) { return; } eCellType nextDirectionCellType = eCellType.None; Lookups.DirectionTypeToCellType(nextDirection, ref nextDirectionCellType); Position nextHeadPosition = new Position(); Lookups.ApplyDirection(head, nextHeadPosition, nextDirection); ThrowIfCrashed(fieldMatrix, nextHeadPosition); eCellType tailCellType, nextHeadCellType; FieldMatrix.GetCellTypeByPosition(fieldMatrix, tail, out tailCellType); FieldMatrix.GetCellTypeByPosition(fieldMatrix, nextHeadPosition, out nextHeadCellType); // move head FieldMatrix.SetCellTypeByPosition(fieldMatrix, head, nextDirectionCellType); FieldMatrix.SetCellTypeByPosition(fieldMatrix, nextHeadPosition, eCellType.SnakeHead); FPGA.Runtime.DeepCopy(head, nextHeadPosition); if (nextHeadCellType == eCellType.NextPart) { expanded = true; return; } // move tail eDirectionType tailDirection = eDirectionType.None; // get value at current tail Lookups.CellTypeToDirectionType(tailCellType, ref tailDirection); // clear current tail FieldMatrix.SetCellTypeByPosition(fieldMatrix, tail, eCellType.None); // move tail Lookups.ApplyDirection(tail, tail, tailDirection); }
public static void IsReverse( eDirectionType currentDirection, eDirectionType nextDirection, ref bool shouldReverse) { shouldReverse = currentDirection == eDirectionType.Up && nextDirection == eDirectionType.Down || currentDirection == eDirectionType.Down && nextDirection == eDirectionType.Up || currentDirection == eDirectionType.Left && nextDirection == eDirectionType.Right || currentDirection == eDirectionType.Right && nextDirection == eDirectionType.Left; }
public static void KeyCodeToDirection( KeypadKeyCode keyCode, ref eDirectionType direction) { var lookup = new FPGA.Collections.ReadOnlyDictionary <KeypadKeyCode, eDirectionType>() { { KeypadKeyCode.D2, eDirectionType.Up }, { KeypadKeyCode.D8, eDirectionType.Down }, { KeypadKeyCode.D4, eDirectionType.Left }, { KeypadKeyCode.D6, eDirectionType.Right } }; direction = lookup[keyCode]; }
public static void CellTypeToDirectionType( eCellType cellType, ref eDirectionType directionType) { var lookup = new FPGA.Collections.ReadOnlyDictionary <eCellType, eDirectionType>() { { eCellType.SnakeUp, eDirectionType.Up }, { eCellType.SnakeDown, eDirectionType.Down }, { eCellType.SnakeLeft, eDirectionType.Left }, { eCellType.SnakeRight, eDirectionType.Right } }; directionType = lookup[cellType]; }
public void SnakeGame_GameIteration_SimpleMove() { Position head = new Position(), tail = new Position(); eCellType[] field = new eCellType[64]; field[0] = eCellType.SnakeHead; eDirectionType currentDirection = eDirectionType.None, nextDirection = eDirectionType.None; GameEngine.ApplyChange(field, head, tail, currentDirection, nextDirection, out bool expanded); Assert.AreEqual(eCellType.SnakeHead, field[0], "Head should not move"); nextDirection = eDirectionType.Right; GameEngine.ApplyChange(field, head, tail, currentDirection, nextDirection, out expanded); Assert.AreEqual(eCellType.None, field[0], "Tail did not move"); Assert.AreEqual(eCellType.SnakeHead, field[1], "Head did not move"); }
public void SnakeGame_GameIteration_TurnUp() { Position head = new Position(), tail = new Position(); eCellType[] field = new eCellType[64]; FieldMatrix.Seed(field, head, tail); eDirectionType currentDirection = eDirectionType.None, nextDirection = eDirectionType.Up; GameEngine.ApplyChange(field, head, tail, currentDirection, nextDirection, out bool expanded); Assert.AreEqual(3, field.Count(c => c != eCellType.None)); Assert.AreEqual(eCellType.SnakeRight, field[TestOffset(3, 3)], "Tail did not move to the right"); Assert.AreEqual(eCellType.SnakeUp, field[TestOffset(3, 4)], "Body did not move to the right"); Assert.AreEqual(eCellType.SnakeHead, field[TestOffset(2, 4)], "Head did not move up"); }
public static void ReportState( GameControlsState controlsState, eDirectionType nextDirectionFromKeypad, eDirectionType nextDirectionFromJoystick, eDirectionType nextDirection, FPGA.Signal <bool> TXD ) { SnakeDBG dbg = new SnakeDBG(); dbg.C1 = controlsState.adcChannel1; dbg.C2 = controlsState.adcChannel2; dbg.KD = nextDirectionFromKeypad; dbg.JD = nextDirectionFromJoystick; dbg.ND = nextDirection; JSON.SerializeToUART(ref dbg, TXD); }
public void SnakeGame_GameIteration_WallCrash(int row, int col, eDirectionType direction) { Position head = new Position() { row = (byte)row, col = (byte)col }, tail = new Position() { row = (byte)row, col = (byte)col }; eCellType[] field = new eCellType[64]; byte offset = 0; Lookups.PositionToOffset(head, ref offset); field[offset] = eCellType.SnakeHead; Assert.ThrowsException <CrashedInWallException>(() => GameEngine.ApplyChange(field, head, tail, eDirectionType.None, direction, out bool expanded)); }
/// <summary> /// 移动 /// </summary> /// <param name="distance">移动距离</param> /// <param name="time">时间</param> /// <param name="direction">方向,x,y,z轴</param> public void Move(float distance, float time, eDirectionType direction) { Vector3 deltaPos =;//移动的距离 if (direction == eDirectionType.x) { deltaPos.x = 1; } else if (direction == eDirectionType.y) { deltaPos.y = 1; } else { deltaPos.z = 1; } deltaPos = deltaPos * distance; //移动的目标位置 Vector3 destPos = transform.localPosition + deltaPos; iTween.MoveTo(gameObject, iTween.Hash("position", destPos, "time", time, "islocal", true, "easetype", iTween.EaseType.linear)); }
public void SnakeGame_GameIteration_Expanded() { Position head = new Position(), tail = new Position(); eCellType[] field = new eCellType[64]; FieldMatrix.Seed(field, head, tail); field[TestOffset(3, 5)] = eCellType.NextPart; eDirectionType currentDirection = eDirectionType.None, nextDirection = eDirectionType.Right; GameEngine.ApplyChange(field, head, tail, currentDirection, nextDirection, out bool expanded); Assert.IsTrue(expanded, "Snake did not expand"); Assert.AreEqual(4, field.Count(c => c != eCellType.None)); Assert.AreEqual(eCellType.SnakeRight, field[TestOffset(3, 2)], "Tail moved"); Assert.AreEqual(eCellType.SnakeRight, field[TestOffset(3, 3)], "Body moved"); Assert.AreEqual(eCellType.SnakeRight, field[TestOffset(3, 4)], "Body moved"); Assert.AreEqual(eCellType.SnakeHead, field[TestOffset(3, 5)], "Head did not extend"); }
/// <summary> /// 获取对应方向的数组下标 /// </summary> /// <param name="dir"></param> /// <param name="tempColumn"></param> /// <param name="tempRow"></param> private void GetRowAndColumnIndex(eDirectionType dir, ref int tempColumn, ref int tempRow) { switch (dir) { case eDirectionType.Up: tempRow = -1; break; case eDirectionType.Down: tempRow = 1; break; case eDirectionType.Left: tempColumn = -1; break; case eDirectionType.Right: tempColumn = 1; break; default: break; } }
/// <summary> /// 获取随机移动方向 /// </summary> public static eDirectionType[] GetRandomDirection() { eDirectionType[] direction = new eDirectionType[] { eDirectionType.Up, eDirectionType.Down, eDirectionType.Left, eDirectionType.Right }; return direction; }
public static void SnakeControl( GameControlsState controlsState, FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> DOUT, FPGA.OutputSignal <bool> TXD) { bool internalDOUT = false; FPGA.Config.Link(internalDOUT, DOUT); FPGA.Register <int> randomValue = 0; RandomValueGenerator.MakeRandomValue(controlsState, randomValue); eCellType[] fieldMatrix = new eCellType[64]; var head = new Position(); var tail = new Position(); eDirectionType currentDirection = eDirectionType.None; byte baseColor = 0x1; eGameMode gameMode = eGameMode.Setup; // drawing Sequential drawHandler = () => { try { switch (gameMode) { case eGameMode.Setup: { GameEngine.Setup( controlsState, fieldMatrix, head, tail, ref currentDirection, randomValue, ref gameMode, ref baseColor); } break; case eGameMode.Play: { GameEngine.GameIteration( controlsState, fieldMatrix, head, tail, ref currentDirection, randomValue, TXD); } break; default: if (controlsState.keyCode == Drivers.KeypadKeyCode.PWR) { gameMode = eGameMode.Setup; } break; } } catch (GameCompletedException) { FieldMatrix.DrawCross(fieldMatrix, eCellType.GreenCross); gameMode = eGameMode.Completed; } catch (Exception) { FieldMatrix.DrawCross(fieldMatrix, eCellType.RedCross); gameMode = eGameMode.Failed; } Graphics.DrawFieldMatrix(baseColor, fieldMatrix, out internalDOUT); }; FPGA.Config.OnTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(400), drawHandler); }
/// <summary> ///按方向计算是否赢 /// </summary> /// <param name="list"></param> /// <param name="currentEnt"></param> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static bool CatulateByDirection(List <GoBangEntity> list, GoBangEntity currentEnt, eDirectionType type) { bool result = false; int count = 0; int beginX = currentEnt.PositionX - 5; int beginY = currentEnt.PositionY - 5; int cx = 0; int cy = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { if (type == eDirectionType.横轴) { cx = beginX + i; cy = currentEnt.PositionY; } else if (type == eDirectionType.斜45 || type == eDirectionType.斜135) { cx = beginX + i; cy = beginY + i; } else if (type == eDirectionType.纵轴) { cx = currentEnt.PositionX; cy = beginY + i; } GoBangEntity selectEnt = list.Where(x => x.PositionX == cx && x.PositionY == cy).FirstOrDefault(); if (selectEnt.Status == currentEnt.Status) { count++; if (count >= 5) { result = true; break; } } else { count = 0; continue; } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 旋转主角 /// </summary> /// <param name="direction"></param> /// <param name="player"></param> private void RotatePlayer(eDirectionType direction,Transform player) { int angle = 0; switch(direction) { case eDirectionType.Left: angle = -135; break; case eDirectionType.Right: angle = 45; break; case eDirectionType.Up: angle = -45; break; case eDirectionType.Down: angle = 135; break; } player.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(player.eulerAngles.x, angle, 0)); }