Exemple #1
        //endpoint is asynchronous, actual work involved e.g. sending the message, doesn't block the thread where the controllers run on
        //while the message is sent, controllers are able to process other requests
        public async Task <ActionResult> Confirm(Order order)
            //await endpoint.Send("eCommerce.Order", new ProcessOrderCommand
            //Routing is done in the config file
            await endpoint.Send(message : new ProcessOrderCommand
                OrderId     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                AddressFrom = order.AddressFrom,
                AddressTo   = order.AddressTo,
                Price       = order.Price,
                Weight      = order.Weight
            // prevent the passing in of the controls thread context into the new
            // thread, which we don't need for sending a message
            .ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

Exemple #2
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index(Order order)
            //Routing is done in the config file
            //var options = new SendOptions();

            //Call Request on the endpoint where we specify PriceResponse as response,
            //we have to set up a RoutingTo for PriceRequest in the web.config (UnicastBusConfig section).
            //For the Request method to work, we need install also the NServiceBus Callbacks NuGet package.
            //In addition to that, we have to configure a uniqueId in the endpoint configuration for the service.
            //Request is an extension method in the NServiceBus.Callbacks NuGet package
            var priceResponse = await endpoint.Request <PriceResponse>(
                new PriceRequest { Weight = order.Weight }
                //, options //Routing is done in the config file

            order.Price = priceResponse.Price;

            //Request is an extension method in the NServiceBus.Callbacks NuGet package
            //You also need to assign a unique id to the endpoint
            return(View("Review", order));