public dynPortViewModel(dynPortModel port, dynNodeModel node)
            _node = node;
            _port = port;

            _port.PropertyChanged += _port_PropertyChanged;
            _node.PropertyChanged += _node_PropertyChanged;
Exemple #2
        //construct a view and start drawing.
        public dynConnectorViewModel(dynPortModel port)
            //var bc = new BrushConverter();
            //StrokeBrush = (Brush)bc.ConvertFrom("#777");
            const string colour = "#777";
            Color        c      = Color.FromArgb(
                Convert.ToByte(colour.Substring(1, 1), 16),
                Convert.ToByte(colour.Substring(2, 1), 16),
                Convert.ToByte(colour.Substring(3, 1), 16));

            StrokeBrush = new SolidBrush(c);

            IsConnecting     = true;
            _activeStartPort = port;

            // makes sure that all of the positions on the curve path are
            // set