Exemple #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("ID,summary,experienceID")] duties duties)
            if (id != duties.ID)

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                    if (!dutiesExists(duties.ID))
            ViewData["experienceID"] = new SelectList(_context.experience, "ID", "placeWorked", duties.experienceID);
 duties GetShowduty(duties d)
     d.department = (this.cb_department.SelectedItem as department).guid;
     d.dutiesName = this.tb_dutyname.Text.Trim();
     d.comment    = this.tb_comm.Text.Trim();
Exemple #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("ID,summary,experienceID")] duties duties)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

 bool save(duties d)
     //List<duties> dl = UserDuty.SelectByName(d.dutiesName);
     //List<department> dpl = Department.Select();
     //if (dpl.Count < 0)
     //    MessageAlert.Warning("当前系统还没有任何部门信息请先添加部门!");
     //    return false;
     //if (dl.Count > 0) { return false; }
     //d.department = dpl.First().id.ToString ();
        public bool Add(List <Model.users> userlist)
                string sql = "";
                foreach (users user in userlist)
                    string  sqldep = string.Format("select * from department where id='{0}'", user.department);
                    DataSet dps    = SqliteHelper.ExecuteDataSet(con, sqldep, CommandType.Text);
                    if (dps != null && dps.Tables.Count > 0)
                        department dep = DataTableToList.GetList <department>(dps.Tables[0]).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (dep != null)
                            user.department = dep.guid;

                    string sqlduty = string.Format("select * from duties where id='{0}'", user.duties);
                    dps = SqliteHelper.ExecuteDataSet(con, sqlduty, CommandType.Text);
                    if (dps != null && dps.Tables.Count > 0)
                        duties dep = DataTableToList.GetList <duties>(dps.Tables[0]).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (dep != null)
                            user.duties = dep.guid;

                    sql +=
                            "INSERT INTO users(username,is_superuser,password,is_staff,joinDate,department_id,duties_id,empID,cardID,phoneNumber,IDNum,mail,comment,guid) VALUES('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}','{13}');",
                            user.username, user.is_superuser == true?1:0, user.password, user.is_staff == true?1:0, user.joinDate, user.department, user.duties, user.empID, user.cardID, user.phoneNumber, user.IDNum, user.mail, user.comment, user.guid
                        ) + "\r";
                sql += "select last_insert_rowid()";
                var ds = SqliteHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(con, sql, CommandType.Text);
                if (Convert.ToInt32(ds) > 0)
        bool IsRepeat(duties d)
            List <duties> duty = UserDuty.SelectByName(this.tb_dutyname.Text.Trim());

            foreach (duties dy in duty)
                if (dy != null && dy.guid != d.guid)

 private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (!Validate())
         if (isadd)
             duties d = new duties();
             d.dutiesName = this.tb_dutyname.Text.Trim();
             d.comment    = this.tb_comm.Text.Trim();
             d.guid       = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
             d.department = this.cb_department.SelectedValue.ToString();
             //if (IsExit())
             //    return;
             if (save(d))
             duties duty = new duties();
             duty.department = _duty.department;
             duty.dutiesName = _duty.dutiesName;
             duty.comment    = _duty.comment;
             duty.guid       = _duty.guid;
             duty.id         = _duty.id;
             duty            = GetShowduty(duty);
             //if (IsRepeat(duty))
             //    return;
             if (UserDuty.Update(GetShowduty(duty)))
     catch { MessageAlert.Alert("保存失败!"); }
        public List <UserModel> GetUserModel()
            List <UserModel> uml = new List <UserModel>();
            List <QDDL.Model.UserToRoleModel.usertorole> utr = new List <UserToRoleModel.usertorole>();

                int count = 0;
                utr = GetUserToRole(programname);
                foreach (QDDL.Model.UserToRoleModel.usertorole ur in utr)
                    users      us = User.SelectByguid(ur.user);
                    role       r  = UserRole.SelectByGuid(ur.role);
                    department d  = Department.SelectByGuid(us.department);
                    duties     du = new duties();
                    du = UserDuty.SelectByGuid((us == null || us.duties == null) ? "" : us.duties);
                    uml.Add(new UserModel()
                        username     = us.username,
                        id           = count,
                        password     = us.password,
                        is_superuser = us.is_superuser,
                        is_staff     = us.is_staff,
                        //joinDate =us.joinDate.Replace ('T',' ') ,
                        joinDate    = us.joinDate,
                        duties      = us.duties,
                        empID       = us.empID,
                        cardID      = us.cardID,
                        phoneNumber = us.phoneNumber,
                        IDNum       = us.IDNum,
                        mail        = us.mail,
                        department  = us.department,
                        comment     = us.comment,
                        guid        = us.guid,
                        departName  = (d == null || d.departmentName == null) ? "" : d.departmentName,
                        roleName    = (r == null || r.roleName == null) ? "" : r.roleName,
                        roleID      = (r == null || r.roleDM == null) ? "" : r.guid,
                        dutyname    = (du == null || du.dutiesName == null) ? "" : du.dutiesName
            catch (Exception ep) { return(uml = null); }
Exemple #9
        void ShowUser(users user)
            tbox_UserName.Text = user.username;
            tbox_EmpId.Text    = user.empID;
            QDDL.Model.UserToRoleModel.usertorole usertorolemodel = UserToRole.selectbyuserid(user.guid).FirstOrDefault();
            if (usertorolemodel != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < cbox_role.Items.Count; i++)
                    role r = cbox_role.Items[i] as role;
                    if (r.guid == usertorolemodel.role)
                        cbox_role.SelectedItem = r;

            for (int j = 0; j < cbox_department.Items.Count; j++)
                department d = cbox_department.Items[j] as department;
                if (d.guid == user.department)
                    cbox_department.SelectedItem = d;

            for (int k = 0; k < cb_duty.Items.Count; k++)
                duties d = cb_duty.Items[k] as duties;
                if (d.guid == user.duties)
                    cb_duty.SelectedItem = d;
            tb_cardid.Text        = user.cardID;
            tb_pwd.Text           = user.password;
            tb_phone.Text         = user.phoneNumber;
            this.dp_jointime.Text = user.joinDate.ToString();
        public string addreturnid(Model.users user)
                string  sqldep = string.Format("select * from department where id='{0}'", user.department);
                DataSet dps    = SqliteHelper.ExecuteDataSet(con, sqldep, CommandType.Text);
                if (dps != null && dps.Tables.Count > 0)
                    department dep = DataTableToList.GetList <department>(dps.Tables[0]).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (dep != null)
                        user.department = dep.guid;

                string sqlduty = string.Format("select * from duties where id='{0}'", user.duties);
                dps = SqliteHelper.ExecuteDataSet(con, sqlduty, CommandType.Text);
                if (dps != null && dps.Tables.Count > 0)
                    duties dep = DataTableToList.GetList <duties>(dps.Tables[0]).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (dep != null)
                        user.duties = dep.guid;

                string sql =
                        "INSERT INTO users(username,is_superuser,password,is_staff,joinDate,department_id,duties_id,empID,cardID,phoneNumber,IDNum,mail,comment,guid) VALUES('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}','{13}') ;select last_insert_rowid()",
                        user.username, user.is_superuser == true?1:0, user.password, user.is_staff == true?1:0, user.joinDate, user.department, user.duties, user.empID, user.cardID, user.phoneNumber, user.IDNum, user.mail, user.comment, user.guid
                var ds = SqliteHelper.ExecuteScalar(con, sql, CommandType.Text);
        public userinfo getuserinfo(List <users> u)
            List <users> us    = u;
            userinfo     ui    = new userinfo();
            system       s     = getsystem(programname);
            List <role>  rlist = new List <role>();
            department   d     = new department();
            duties       duty  = new duties();
            List <QDDL.Model.UserToRoleModel.usertorole> ur = new List <UserToRoleModel.usertorole>();

            if (us != null && us.Count > 0)
                ur   = UserToRole.selectbyuserid(us.FirstOrDefault().guid);
                d    = Department.SelectByGuid(us.FirstOrDefault().department);
                duty = UserDuty.SelectByGuid(us.FirstOrDefault().duties);
            if (s != null)
                foreach (QDDL.Model.UserToRoleModel.usertorole um in ur)
                    List <role> r = UserRole.selectSysidandguid(s.guid, um.role);
                    if (r.Count > 0)
                if (rlist != null && rlist.Count > 0)
                    ui.user = us.FirstOrDefault();
                    ui.role = rlist.FirstOrDefault();
                    if (d.guid != null)
                        ui.department = d;
                    ui.duty = duty;
        public static void Initialize(ResumeContext context)
            // Look for any applicants
            if (!context.applicant.Any())
                var applicants = new applicant[]
                    new applicant {
                        FirstName = "Carson", LastName = "Alexander", City = "ABQ", State = "NM", Phone = "505-933-9799", Email = "*****@*****.**", WebAddress = "kellycockrell.net"
                    //            new applicant {FirstName="Johnson",LastName="Joan",City="ABQ", State="NM", Phone="505-933-9799", Email="*****@*****.**", WebAddress="kellycockrell.net"},
                    //            new applicant {FirstName="Raphael",LastName="Lobato",City="ABQ", State="NM", Phone="505-933-9799", Email="*****@*****.**", WebAddress="kellycockrell.net"},
                    //            new applicant {FirstName="Elsa",LastName="Castillo",City="ABQ", State="NM", Phone="505-933-9799", Email="*****@*****.**", WebAddress="kellycockrell.net"},
                    //            new applicant {FirstName="Cassiano",LastName="de Oliveira",City="ABQ", State="NM", Phone="505-933-9799", Email="*****@*****.**", WebAddress="kellycockrell.net"},
                    //            new applicant {FirstName="Brendaleigh",LastName="Lobato",City="ABQ", State="NM", Phone="505-933-9799", Email="*****@*****.**", WebAddress="kellycockrell.net"},
                foreach (applicant a in applicants)

            if (!context.education.Any())
                var education = new education[]
                    new education {
                        degreeType = "Bachelors", subject = "Fine Arts", institution = "University of New Mexico", city = "Albuquerque", state = "NM", gradDate = "May 1994", applicantID = context.applicant.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FirstName == "Carson").ID
                    new education {
                        degreeType = "Bachelors", subject = "Electrical Engineering", institution = "University of Texas", city = "Austin", state = "NM", gradDate = "May 1994", applicantID = context.applicant.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FirstName == "Carson").ID
                    new education {
                        degreeType = "Masters", subject = "Physics", institution = "Boston College", city = "Boston", state = "MA", gradDate = "May 2016", applicantID = context.applicant.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FirstName == "Carson").ID
                    //new education {degreeType = "PhD", subject = "Sociology", institution = "Harvard University", city = "Cambridge", state = "MA", gradDate = "December 2010",applicantID = context.applicant.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FirstName == "Carson").ID },
                    //new education {degreeType = "PhD", subject = "Nuclear Engineering", institution = "Imperial College", city = "London", state = "UK", gradDate = "May 1989",applicantID = context.applicant.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FirstName == "Carson").ID },
                    //new education {degreeType = "Associates", subject = "Business Administration", institution = "Santa Fe Community College", city = "Santa Fe", state = "NM", gradDate = "May 2018",applicantID = context.applicant.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FirstName == "Carson").ID },
                    //new education {degreeType = "Bachelors", subject = "Biology", institution = "University of Colorado", city = "Boulder", state = "CO", gradDate = "December 1994",applicantID = context.applicant.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FirstName == "Carson").ID }
                foreach (education e in education)

            if (!context.references.Any())
                var references = new references[]
                    new references {
                        firstName = "Barack", lastName = "Obama", companyName = "Former President of the United States", mailingAddress = "P.O. Box 91000", city = "Washington DC", state = "", emailAddress = "*****@*****.**", phone = "212-444-5555", applicantID = context.applicant.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FirstName == "Carson").ID
                    new references {
                        firstName = "Vladimir", lastName = "Putin", companyName = "President and DIctator of Russia", mailingAddress = "P.O. Box 666661", city = "Moscow", state = "Russia", emailAddress = "*****@*****.**", phone = "33-433-4424-09090", applicantID = context.applicant.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FirstName == "Carson").ID
                    new references {
                        firstName = "Barack", lastName = "Obama", companyName = "Former President of the United States", mailingAddress = "P.O. Box 91000", city = "Washington DC", state = "", emailAddress = "*****@*****.**", phone = "212-444-5555", applicantID = context.applicant.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FirstName == "Carson").ID
                    //new references {firstName= "Barack", lastName = "Obama", companyName = "Former President of the United States", mailingAddress = "P.O. Box 91000", city="Washington DC", state="",  emailAddress= "*****@*****.**", phone = "212-444-5555" },
                    //new references {firstName= "Barack", lastName = "Obama", companyName = "Former President of the United States", mailingAddress = "P.O. Box 91000", city="Washington DC", state="",  emailAddress= "*****@*****.**", phone = "212-444-5555" },
                    //new references {firstName= "Barack", lastName = "Obama", companyName = "Former President of the United States", mailingAddress = "P.O. Box 91000", city="Washington DC", state="",  emailAddress= "*****@*****.**", phone = "212-444-5555" }

                foreach (references r in references)
            if (!context.skills.Any())
                var skills = new skills[]
                    new skills {
                        skillName = "Javascript", experienceLevel = "Advanced", yearsUsed = "3", applicantID = context.applicant.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FirstName == "Carson").ID
                    new skills {
                        skillName = "Adobe Photoshop", experienceLevel = "Expert", yearsUsed = "10", applicantID = context.applicant.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FirstName == "Carson").ID
                    new skills {
                        skillName = "Adobe Illustrator", experienceLevel = "Advanced", yearsUsed = "8", applicantID = context.applicant.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FirstName == "Carson").ID
                    new skills {
                        skillName = "C#", experienceLevel = "Novice", yearsUsed = "1", applicantID = context.applicant.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FirstName == "Carson").ID
                    new skills {
                        skillName = "HTML/CSS", experienceLevel = "Expert", yearsUsed = "10", applicantID = context.applicant.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FirstName == "Carson").ID
                    new skills {
                        skillName = "Microsoft Office", experienceLevel = "Advanced", yearsUsed = "20", applicantID = context.applicant.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FirstName == "Carson").ID
                foreach (skills s in skills)

            if (!context.experience.Any())
                var experience = new Experience[]
                    new Experience {
                        jobName = "Internship Coordinator and Graphic Designer", placeWorked = "University of New Mexico", city = "Albuquerque", state = "NM", startDate = "June 2015", endDate = "present", applicantID = context.applicant.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FirstName == "Carson").ID
                    new Experience {
                        jobName = "Teacher of Computer Science and Technology", placeWorked = "The Meadows School", city = "Las Vegas", state = "NV", startDate = "August 2013", endDate = "June 2015", applicantID = context.applicant.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FirstName == "Carson").ID
                    new Experience {
                        jobName = "Director of Technology", placeWorked = "Steamboat Mountain School", city = "Steamboat Springs", state = "CO", startDate = "June 2012", endDate = "July 2013", applicantID = context.applicant.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FirstName == "Carson").ID
                    new Experience {
                        jobName = "Technology Lab Coordinator", placeWorked = "Rowland Hall-St. Mark's School", city = "Salt Lake City", state = "UT", startDate = "August 2007", endDate = "June 2012", applicantID = context.applicant.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FirstName == "Carson").ID
                    new Experience {
                        jobName = "Web and UX Designer", placeWorked = "University of Arkansas", city = "Fayetteville", state = "AR", startDate = "November 2006", endDate = "August 2007", applicantID = context.applicant.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FirstName == "Carson").ID
                    new Experience {
                        jobName = "Marketing Advertising Executive", placeWorked = "Lovely County Citizen", city = "Eureka Springs", state = "AR", startDate = "Jan 2005", endDate = "October 2006", applicantID = context.applicant.FirstOrDefault(y => y.FirstName == "Carson").ID
                foreach (Experience e in experience)
            if (!context.duties.Any())
                var duty = new duties[]
                    new duties {
                        summary = "• Coordinates mentoring and internship program under a grant from the National Science Foundation.", experienceID = context.experience.FirstOrDefault(y => y.placeWorked == "University of New Mexico").ID
                    new duties {
                        summary = "• Organizes and expedites mentoring events and meetings with faculty and students.", experienceID = context.experience.FirstOrDefault(y => y.placeWorked == "University of New Mexico").ID
                    new duties {
                        summary = "• Advises and mentors students in meaningful development of careers. ", experienceID = context.experience.FirstOrDefault(y => y.placeWorked == "University of New Mexico").ID
                    new duties {
                        summary = "• Conceptualizes and designs advertising campaigns for School of Engineering.", experienceID = context.experience.FirstOrDefault(y => y.placeWorked == "The Meadows School").ID
                    new duties {
                        summary = "• Photographs students, faculty, and departmental events, to be used for publication", experienceID = context.experience.FirstOrDefault(y => y.placeWorked == "The Meadows School").ID
                    new duties {
                        summary = "• Conceptualized, designed, and taught computer science and technology curriculum to students in a project-based environment at rigorous private middle school.", experienceID = context.experience.FirstOrDefault(y => y.placeWorked == "The Meadows School").ID
                    new duties {
                        summary = "• Oversaw entire technology department for an independent boarding school,grades 9-12.", experienceID = context.experience.FirstOrDefault(y => y.placeWorked == "Steamboat Mountain School").ID
                    new duties {
                        summary = "• Configured and administered firewall, wireless network, and Active Directory Server.", experienceID = context.experience.FirstOrDefault(y => y.placeWorked == "Steamboat Mountain School").ID
                    new duties {
                        summary = "• Oversaw budget, recommended to and consulted with Head of School or purchases.", experienceID = context.experience.FirstOrDefault(y => y.placeWorked == "Steamboat Mountain School").ID
                    new duties {
                        summary = "• Taught graphic design; advised and supervised students in the creation of theschool yearbook.", experienceID = context.experience.FirstOrDefault(y => y.placeWorked == "Rowland Hall-St. Mark's School").ID
                    new duties {
                        summary = "• Managed the scheduling, maintenance, and security of computer labs.", experienceID = context.experience.FirstOrDefault(y => y.placeWorked == "Rowland Hall-St. Mark's School").ID
                    new duties  {
                        summary = "• Recommended hardware, software and learning resources to teachers.", experienceID = context.experience.FirstOrDefault(y => y.placeWorked == "Rowland Hall-St. Mark's School").ID
                    new duties {
                        summary = "• First responder for end - user and technical support to faculty and students.", experienceID = context.experience.FirstOrDefault(y => y.placeWorked == "Rowland Hall-St. Mark's School").ID
                foreach (duties d in duty)
Exemple #13
        public bool Del(duties duty)
            string contion = string.Format("id='{0}'", duty.id);

            return(ServerHelp.deleteDataByWhere <duties>(_webip, contion));
Exemple #14
 public bool Add(duties duty)
     return(ServerHelp.addSingleInfoNotReturnID(duty, _webip));