protected void lnkbtn_otp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (Session["CheckRefresh"].ToString() == ViewState["CheckRefresh"].ToString())
         Session["CheckRefresh"] = Server.UrlDecode(System.DateTime.Now.ToString());
         if (Page.IsValid)
             txt_otp.Text = "";
             bl.UserID    = txt_username.Text;
             dt           = dl.Select_user_detail(bl);
             if (dt.table.Rows.Count > 0)
                 Session["user"]    = bl.UserID;
                 bl1.RegistrationID = dt.table.Rows[0]["RegistrationID"].ToString();
                 dt = dl1.Select_User_detail(bl1);
                 if (dt.table.Rows.Count > 0)
                     bl1.OTP            = dl1.GenOTPString(8);
                     bl1.EmailID        = dt.table.Rows[0]["EmailID"].ToString();
                     bl1.UserID         = dt.table.Rows[0]["UserID"].ToString();
                     bl1.MobileNo       = dt.table.Rows[0]["MobileNo"].ToString();
                     bl1.Type           = "Password Forget";
                     bl1.UserIP         = ul.GetClientIpAddress(this.Page);
                     bl1.Sms_detail     = "your OTP for Userid " + bl.UserID + " is " + bl1.OTP + ". Do Not disclose Your OTP With AnyOne. it is Valid For 10 minutes.";
                     bl1.RegistrationID = dt.table.Rows[0]["RegistrationID"].ToString();
                     bl1.EmailID        = dt.table.Rows[0]["EmailID"].ToString();
                     Session.Add("OTP", bl1.OTP);
                     rb = dl1.InsertOtp(bl1);
                     if (rb.status == true)
                         div1.Visible = true;
                         div2.Visible = false;
                     Utilities.MessageBoxShow_Redirect("You Are Not Registered User ", "../Login.aspx");
                 Utilities.MessageBoxShow_Redirect("user id Not Recognised Please Create new ID ", "../Login.aspx");
 protected void btn_send_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (Session["CheckRefresh"].ToString() == ViewState["CheckRefresh"].ToString())
         Session["CheckRefresh"] = Server.UrlDecode(System.DateTime.Now.ToString());
         txt_otp.Text            = "";
         bl.RegistrationID       = Session["REGID"].ToString();
         dt = dl.Select_User_detail(bl);
         if (dt.table.Rows.Count > 0)
             bl.OTP            = dl.GenOTPString(8);
             bl.EmailID        = dt.table.Rows[0]["EmailID"].ToString();
             bl.UserID         = dt.table.Rows[0]["UserID"].ToString();
             bl.MobileNo       = txt_mobile.Text;
             bl.Type           = Session["VERIFICATION_TYPE"].ToString();
             bl.UserIP         = ul.GetClientIpAddress(this.Page);
             bl.Sms_detail     = "your OTP for Userid " + bl.UserID + " is " + bl.OTP + ". Do Not disclose Your OTP With AnyOne. it is Valid For 10 minutes.";
             bl.RegistrationID = dt.table.Rows[0]["RegistrationID"].ToString();
             bl.EmailID        = dt.table.Rows[0]["EmailID"].ToString();
             Session.Add("OTP", bl.OTP);
             rb = dl.InsertOtp(bl);
             if (rb.status == true)
                 btn_send.Text   = "Resend";
                 div_otp.Visible = true;
                 Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(udp, "One Time Password Has Been Sended To Your Mobile Please Varify");
                 btn_send.Text = "send";
    protected void btn_Submit_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Page.IsValid)
            if (Session["CheckRefresh"].ToString() == ViewState["CheckRefresh"].ToString())
                Session["CheckRefresh"] = Server.UrlDecode(System.DateTime.Now.ToString());
                bool cptch_expired = false;
                catch { cptch_expired = true; }
                txtCaptcha.Text = "";
                if (!cptch_expired)
                    if (Captcha1.UserValidated)
                        dl_RTI_Registration dl    = new dl_RTI_Registration();
                        bl_RTI_Request      objBL = new bl_RTI_Request();
                        dl_RTI_Request      objDl = new dl_RTI_Request();
                        // set data for rti_request
                        objBL.RTI_Request_id = objDl.Get_unique_RtiRequest_code(); //"<NTC>RTI Request ID from DL";//objDl.GetMaxValue("SELECT IFNULL(MAX(rti_request_id),0) as NO FROM rti_detail ");
                        objBL.UserType       = ddl_usertype.SelectedItem.Value;
                        objBL.NameEnglish    = txtName.Text;
                        objBL.Gender         = DDL_Gender.SelectedItem.Value;
                        objBL.Email          = txtEmailID.Text;
                        objBL.Address        = txtAddress.Text;
                        objBL.Country        = ddl_country.SelectedItem.Value;
                        objBL.Securitycode   = dl.GenOTPString(4);
                        HttpBrowserCapabilities browse = Request.Browser;
                        objBL.UserAgent       = Request.UserAgent.ToString();
                        objBL.Client_os       = Utilities.System_Info(this.Page);
                        objBL.ClientBrowser   = browse.Browser;
                        objBL.IsRTIFileUpload = "N";
                        objBL.IsNew           = "Y";
                        if (objBL.Country == "091")
                            objBL.State       = DDL_State.SelectedItem.Value;
                            objBL.District    = ddl_district.SelectedItem.Value;
                            objBL.CountryName = null;
                            objBL.CountryName = txtState_Other.Text;
                        objBL.Pincode            = txtPinCode.Text;
                        objBL.Mobile             = txtMobile.Text;
                        objBL.Rti_Subject        = txt_subject.Text;
                        objBL.RTI_Text           = txt_RequestApplicationText.Text;
                        objBL.RTI_login_userName = userID;
                        //objBL.RTI_request_date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                        Utilities util = new Utilities();
                        objBL.RTI_ipaddress = util.GetClientIpAddress(this.Page);//GetIPAddress();
                        objBL.RTI_Is_bpl    = DDL_BPL.SelectedItem.Value;
                        # region check for BPL
                        if (objBL.RTI_Is_bpl == "Y")
                            if (FU_BPL.PostedFile == null || FU_BPL.PostedFile.ContentLength < 1)
                                Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(update1, "Attach one BPL Supporting Document ");
                            objBL.BPL_Card_No = txtBPLNo.Text;
                            int Current_year = Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.Year);
                            int find_year    = Convert.ToInt32(txtYearOfIssue.Text);

                            if (find_year > Current_year)
                                // Utilities.MessageBoxShow("Year should not be greater then current year");
                                Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(update1, "Year should not be greater then current year ");
                                objBL.BPL_Issue_Year = txtYearOfIssue.Text;
                            objBL.BPL_Issuing_Authority = txtIssuingAuthority.Text;
                            //objBL.RTI_Fees = "0";

                            //objBL.RTI_Fees = "10";
                        #endregion BPL
                        // set data for rti_filed_user
                        // objBL.RTI_filed_user_id = objDl.GetMaxValueRtiFiledUser();//"<NTC>RTI Filed user ID from DL"; //objDl.GetMaxValue("SELECT IFNULL(MAX(rti_FiledUserID),0) as NO FROM rti_filed_user ");
                        # region file submit problem is generating here
                        objBL.RTI_filed_user_id = objBL.RTI_Request_id;
                        objBL.Rti_Status        = "REG"; //Initial status of RTI Filed
                        objBL.Action_id         = "";
                        objBL.IsValid           = "N";
                        objBL.Office_mapping_id = DDL_RTI_Officer.SelectedValue;
                        objBL.Action_date       = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); // Need to ask
                        //objBL.Rti_Status = "registered"; // initial status
                        //set data for rti_file
                        string RTI_fileID = objDl.GetMaxValueRtiFiles();// "<NTC> file iD";//objDl.GetMaxValue("SELECT IFNULL(MAX(rti_fileID),0) as NO FROM rti_files ");

                        List <bl_RTI_RequestFiles> objList = new List <bl_RTI_RequestFiles>();

                        int maxCountFileID = Convert.ToInt32(RTI_fileID);
                        if (FU_BPL.PostedFile != null && FU_BPL.PostedFile.FileName != "")
                            if (FU_BPL.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0)
                                bl_RTI_RequestFiles objBLFile  = new bl_RTI_RequestFiles();
                                HttpPostedFile      postedFile = FU_BPL.PostedFile;

                                objBLFile.FileDescription  = txt_FU_BPL_Disc.Text;
                                objBLFile.RTI_fileID       = maxCountFileID.ToString();
                                objBLFile.RTI_fileName     = Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName);
                                objBLFile.RTI_fileType     = postedFile.ContentType;
                                objBLFile.BPL_RTI_FileType = "BPL_DOC";  // it is a BPL Supporting Document
                                objBLFile.RTI_Request_id   = objBL.RTI_Request_id;
                                Stream fs = postedFile.InputStream;

                                if ((objBLFile.RTI_fileType == "application/pdf" || objBLFile.RTI_fileType == "application/x-pdf" || objBLFile.RTI_fileType == "application/x-unknown") && fs.Length < 2097152)
                                    BinaryReader br    = new BinaryReader(fs);
                                    byte[]       bytes = br.ReadBytes((Int32)fs.Length);
                                    objBLFile.RTI_fileData = bytes;
                                    maxCountFileID         = maxCountFileID + 1;
                                    objList.Add(objBLFile);   // Add into the list
                                    //statusCount = 1;
                                    // Utilities.MessageBoxShow("Only Image File and less then 1000 KB is accepted");
                                    //lbl_status.Text = " Only Image File and less then 1000 KB is accepted ";
                                    Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(update1, " Only PDF File and less then 2000 KB is accepted for BPL File");
                                Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(update1, " BPL File Size Must be great then Zero");
                        // RTI File Insert in data base
                        if (FU_RTI.PostedFile != null && FU_RTI.PostedFile.FileName != "")
                            if (FU_RTI.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0)
                                bl_RTI_RequestFiles objBLFile  = new bl_RTI_RequestFiles();
                                HttpPostedFile      postedFile = FU_RTI.PostedFile;

                                objBLFile.FileDescription  = txt_FU_RTI_Disc.Text;
                                objBLFile.RTI_fileID       = maxCountFileID.ToString();
                                objBLFile.RTI_fileName     = Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName);
                                objBLFile.RTI_fileType     = postedFile.ContentType;
                                objBLFile.BPL_RTI_FileType = "RTI_DOC";    // it is RTI Document
                                objBLFile.RTI_Request_id   = objBL.RTI_Request_id;
                                Stream fs = postedFile.InputStream;

                                if ((objBLFile.RTI_fileType == "application/pdf" || objBLFile.RTI_fileType == "application/x-pdf" || objBLFile.RTI_fileType == "application/x-unknown") && fs.Length < 2097152)
                                    BinaryReader br    = new BinaryReader(fs);
                                    byte[]       bytes = br.ReadBytes((Int32)fs.Length);
                                    objBLFile.RTI_fileData = bytes;
                                    maxCountFileID         = maxCountFileID + 1;
                                    objList.Add(objBLFile);   // Add into the list
                                    //statusCount = 1;
                                    // Utilities.MessageBoxShow("Only Image File and less then 1000 KB is accepted");
                                    //lbl_status.Text = " Only Image File and less then 1000 KB is accepted ";
                                    Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(update1, " Only PDF File and less then 2000 KB is accepted for RTI File");

                                Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(update1, "RTI File Size Must be greater then Zero");
                            objBL.IsRTIFileUpload = "Y";
                        if (objBL.Mobile == H_LoginMobileNo.Value)
                            objBL.IsValid = "Y";

                        ReturnClass.ReturnBool dt = objDl.Insert_RTI_Info(objBL, objList);
                        if (dt.status == true)
                            if (objBL.Mobile == H_LoginMobileNo.Value)
                            {      // Directly go to success page No Need OTP
                                string rti_message = "RTI Submition successfull your Registration no. is: " + objBL.RTI_Request_id + "  And  Your Security Code is:  " + objBL.Securitycode + "   please save  details for further Information.";
                                Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel_Redirect(update1, rti_message, "./UserWelcome.aspx");
                                Session["RTI_ID"]            = objBL.RTI_Request_id;
                                Session["VERIFICATION_TYPE"] = "Rti";

                                Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel_Redirect(update1, "Your RTI Request has been submited Need Mobile Verification for Registeration", "./User_Mobile_Varification.aspx");
                            Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(update1, "RTI Submition Failed");
                    }//end of captcha1 validated
                        Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(update1, "Incorrect Security Code");
                } // If ! captch expired
            }     // End of If checkRefresh
Exemple #4
    protected void btn_send_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Session["CheckRefresh"].ToString() == ViewState["CheckRefresh"].ToString())
            Session["CheckRefresh"] = Server.UrlDecode(System.DateTime.Now.ToString());
            txt_otp.Text            = "";
            bl.RegistrationID       = Session["REGID"].ToString();
            dt = dl.Select_User_detail(bl);
            if (dt.table.Rows.Count > 0)
                bl.OTP            = dl.GenOTPString(8);
                bl.EmailID        = dt.table.Rows[0]["EmailID"].ToString();
                bl.UserID         = dt.table.Rows[0]["UserID"].ToString();
                bl.MobileNo       = txt_mobile.Text;
                bl.Type           = Session["VERIFICATION_TYPE"].ToString();
                bl.UserIP         = ul.GetClientIpAddress(this.Page);
                bl.Sms_detail     = "your OTP for Userid " + bl.UserID + " is " + bl.OTP + ". Do Not disclose Your OTP With AnyOne. it is Valid For 10 minutes.";
                bl.RegistrationID = dt.table.Rows[0]["RegistrationID"].ToString();
                bl.EmailID        = dt.table.Rows[0]["EmailID"].ToString();
                Session.Add("OTP", bl.OTP);
                rb = dl.InsertOtp(bl);
                if (rb.status == true)
                    div_otp.Visible = true;
                    // Email sending Code Added By Naveen on 09-oct-2017 Start
                    // The below code for sending email is working need to give the from account mail id and password

                     * string fromMail = "From gmail ID here";
                     * string fromPass = "******";
                     * using (MailMessage mm = new MailMessage(fromMail, bl.EmailID))
                     * {
                     *  mm.Subject = "Registration OTP";
                     *  mm.Body = bl.Sms_detail;
                     *  mm.IsBodyHtml = false;
                     *  SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();
                     *  smtp.Host = "";
                     *  smtp.EnableSsl = true;
                     *  NetworkCredential NetworkCred = new NetworkCredential(fromMail, fromPass);
                     *  smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
                     *  smtp.Credentials = NetworkCred;
                     *  smtp.Port = 587;
                     *  smtp.Send(mm);
                     * }
                    // Email sending Code Added By Naveen on 09-oct-2017 end

                    string str_msg = "";
                    if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB")
                        btn_send.Text = "Resend";
                        str_msg       = "One Time Password Has Been Sended To Your Mobile Please Verify";
                        btn_send.Text = "फिर से भेजें";
                        str_msg       = "आपका वन टाइम पासवर्ड आपके मोबाईल न. पर भेज दिया गया है|कृपया जाँच कर लें| ";

                    Utilities.MessageBox_UpdatePanel(udp, str_msg);
                    if (Session["language"].ToString() == "en-GB")
                        btn_send.Text = "send";
                        btn_send.Text = "भेजें";
                    // btn_send.Text = "send";