Exemple #1
    public override void run(GameObject pScreen)
        // First we destroy the object if it already exists
        foreach (PlayingProp p in pScreen.GetComponentsInChildren <PlayingProp>().Where(p => p.uID == uID))

        GameObject g = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(mPlayingDialoguePrefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);

        g.transform.parent = pScreen.transform;

        dfSlicedSprite sprite = g.GetComponent <dfSlicedSprite>();

        sprite.SpriteName = mSpriteName;
        sprite.Size       = new Vector2(float.Parse(mSizeX), float.Parse(mSizeY));
        sprite.Position   = new Vector2(float.Parse(mNewX), float.Parse(mNewY));
        sprite.ZOrder     = int.Parse(mZOrder);

        PlayingProp r = g.GetComponent <PlayingProp>();

        r.uID = uID;

        dfLabel l = g.GetComponentInChildren <dfLabel>();

        l.Text      = mText;
        l.TextScale = float.Parse(mTextScale);

        sprite.enabled = true;
    // Called by Unity just before any of the Update methods is called the first time.
    public void Start()
        _sprite           = GetComponent <dfSprite>();
        _sprite.IsVisible = false;

        _label = _sprite.Find <dfLabel>("Count");
Exemple #3
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        this._panel     = GetComponent <dfPanel>();
        this._indicator = Indicator;
            this._removeButton = transform.Find("Remove").GetComponent <dfButton>();
            if (RemoveRemove)
            _removeButton.Click += RemoveButton_Click;
        catch (Exception)

            this._indicator = transform.Find("Indicator").GetComponent <dfSprite>();
        catch (Exception)
        this._label = transform.Find("Label").GetComponent <dfLabel>();
        this.name   = gameObject.name;

        color = _panel.BackgroundColor;
        _panel.BackgroundColor = grey;

        // print("Init");
     * Create an info box for another player
    void CreatePlayerInfoBox(Player pPlayer)
        GameObject playerInfo = (GameObject)Instantiate(mPlayerInfoPrefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);

        playerInfo.transform.parent = mPlayersList.gameObject.transform;

        dfLabel nameLabel = (dfLabel)playerInfo.GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(dfLabel))[0];

        dfPropertyBinding.Bind(nameLabel.gameObject, pPlayer, "uName", nameLabel, "Text");

        dfLabel stationLabel = (dfLabel)playerInfo.GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(dfLabel))[1];

        dfPropertyBinding.Bind(stationLabel.gameObject, pPlayer, "uStationName", stationLabel, "Text");

        dfTextureSprite stationLogo = playerInfo.transform.FindChild("StationLogo").GetComponent <dfTextureSprite>();

        dfPropertyBinding.Bind(stationLogo.gameObject, pPlayer, "uStationLogo", stationLogo, "Texture");

        PlayerInfoBox p = (PlayerInfoBox)playerInfo.GetComponent(typeof(PlayerInfoBox));

        p.uID = pPlayer.uID;

        dfTextureSprite d = playerInfo.transform.FindChild("IsPlayerReady").GetComponent <dfTextureSprite>();

        dfPropertyBinding.Bind(d.gameObject, pPlayer, "uReadyTexture", d, "Texture");
    // Called by Unity just before any of the Update methods is called the first time.
    public void Start()
        _sprite = GetComponent<dfSprite>();
        _sprite.IsVisible = false;

        _label = _sprite.Find<dfLabel>( "Count" );
Exemple #6
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     combat = false;
     beginRound = 3;
     start = GameObject.Find("StartPanel").GetComponent<dfPanel>();
     startTxt = gameObject.GetComponent<dfLabel>();
    void GenerateList(string filter)
        var children = new List <GameObject>();

        foreach (Transform child in PlayerPanel.transform)
        children.ForEach(child => Destroy(child));


        IEnumerable <Player> filtered = users.Where(t => t.Username.ToLower().Contains(filter.ToLower()))
                                        .OrderByDescending(t => pinnedPlayers.Any(u => u.ObjectId.Equals(t.ObjectId))).ThenBy(t => t.Username);

        foreach (Player player in filtered)
            // GameObject ListItem = Instantiate(Resources.Load("List Item")) as GameObject;
            dfPanel listItem = PlayerPanel.AddPrefab(ListItem) as dfPanel; // as UserListItem;
            listItem.Width = PlayerPanel.Width - PlayerPanel.FlowPadding.left - PlayerPanel.FlowPadding.right;

            listItem.Click += new MouseEventHandler(listItem_Click);

            ListItemExtras extras = listItem.GetComponent <ListItemExtras>();
            extras.Player = player;

            dfLabel username = listItem.Find("Username Label").GetComponent <dfLabel>();
            username.Text          = player.Username;
            username.DisabledColor = new Color32(100, 100, 100, 255);

            dfSprite onlineSprite = listItem.Find("Online Sprite").GetComponent <dfSprite>();
            if (player.IsOnline)
                onlineSprite.SpriteName = "OUYA_O 24px";
                onlineSprite.SpriteName = "OUYA_A 24px";

            dfButton actionButton = listItem.Find("Action Button").GetComponent <dfButton>();

            bool f = pinnedPlayers.Any(t => t.ObjectId.Equals(player.ObjectId));

            if (f)
                actionButton.Text = "Unpin";
                //  listItem.BackgroundColor = new Color32(200, 255, 200, 255);
                listItem.BackgroundColor = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255);

                actionButton.Click += new MouseEventHandler(actionButtonUnpin_Click);
                actionButton.Text   = "Pin";
                actionButton.Click += new MouseEventHandler(actionButtonPin_Click);
        void Start()
            string text = "HI IM LARRY";

            if (namesDB != null)
                text = namesDB[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, namesDB.Count)];
            sprite = this.gameObject.GetComponent <tk2dSprite>();
            GameObject gameObject = (GameObject)UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(BraveResources.Load("DamagePopupLabel", ".prefab"), GameUIRoot.Instance.transform);

            Vector3 worldPosition = this.transform.position;

            nameLabel = gameObject.GetComponent <dfLabel>();

            NamerModuleClassic.onNameSizeChanged      += this.OnNameSizeChanged;
            NamerModuleClassic.onOpacityAmountChanged += this.OnOpacityAmountChanged;

            if (UnityEngine.Random.value > 0.995f)
                nameLabel.Glitchy = true;
            nameLabel.Text               = text;
            nameLabel.Color              = Color.HSVToRGB(UnityEngine.Random.value, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            nameLabel.Opacity            = Larry.opacityAmount;
            nameLabel.transform.position = dfFollowObject.ConvertWorldSpaces(worldPosition, GameManager.Instance.MainCameraController.Camera, GameUIRoot.Instance.Manager.RenderCamera).WithZ(0f);
            nameLabel.transform.position = nameLabel.transform.position.QuantizeFloor(nameLabel.PixelsToUnits() / (Pixelator.Instance.ScaleTileScale / Pixelator.Instance.CurrentTileScale));
            nameLabel.TextScale          = Larry.nameSize;
            xOffSet = CalculateCenterXoffset(nameLabel);
    public void ShowDialog(string text)
        dfLabel label = panel.transform.FindChild("Text Label").GetComponent <dfLabel>();

        label.Text = text;
    private void ShowFloatingText(float damage)
        dfTweenVector3 tween = label.GetComponent <dfTweenVector3>();

        tween.StartValue = GUI.WorldPointToGUI(gameObject.transform.position) + new Vector2(0, -50);;
        //print("Pos: " + label.transform.position);
        //dfFollowObject follow = label.GetComponent<dfFollowObject>();
        //follow.attach = gameObject;
        //follow.mainCamera = Camera.main;

        dfLabel glabel = GUI.AddPrefab(label) as dfLabel;

        glabel.RelativePosition = GUI.WorldPointToGUI(gameObject.transform.position) + new Vector2(0, -50);
        if (damage > 0)
            glabel.Text        = string.Format("-{0:#.##}!", damage);
            glabel.BottomColor = new Color32(254, 0, 0, 254);
        else if (damage < 0)
            glabel.Text        = string.Format("+{0:#.##}!", damage);
            glabel.BottomColor = new Color32(0, 254, 0, 254);
            glabel.Text        = "Hit!";
            glabel.BottomColor = new Color32(100, 100, 254, 254);
Exemple #11
 public override void run(GameObject pScreen)
     foreach (PlayingProp p in pScreen.GetComponentsInChildren <PlayingProp>().Where(p => p.uID == uID))
         dfLabel l = p.GetComponentInChildren <dfLabel>();
         l.TextScale = float.Parse(mTextScale);
Exemple #12
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        _label  = transform.Find("Label").GetComponent <dfLabel>();
        _button = transform.Find("Button").GetComponent <dfButton>();
        _panel  = GetComponent <dfPanel>();

        _button.Click += button_Click;
    private void Refresh()
        _container = GetComponent <dfPanel>();
        _sprite    = _container.Find("Icon") as dfSprite;
        _label     = _container.Find("Count") as dfLabel;

        _sprite.SpriteName = this.Icon;
        _label.Text        = (this.Count > 1) ? Count.ToString() : "";
    void Awake()
        mQuestionPanel      = FindObjectOfType <QuestionPanel>();
        mLabel              = GetComponentInChildren <dfLabel>();
        mDialogueSizeTester = FindObjectOfType <DialogueSizeTester>();

        mLabel.Text = "";
    void Awake()
        mPanel         = gameObject.GetComponent <dfPanel>();
        mLabel         = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <dfLabel>();
        mTextBox       = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <dfTextbox>();
        mPanel.enabled = false;

    void Awake()
        mPanel = gameObject.GetComponent<dfPanel>();
        mLabel = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<dfLabel>();
        mTextBox = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<dfTextbox>();
        mPanel.enabled = false;

        DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);
    public void UpdateGUIScores()
        dfLabel rs = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("RomanScore").GetComponent <dfLabel> ();

        rs.Text = I18n.T("ROMAN_SCORE_%%", GameManager.i.romanPoints);
        dfLabel gs = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GermanicScore").GetComponent <dfLabel> ();

        gs.Text = I18n.T("GERMANIC_SCORE_%%", GameManager.i.germanicPoints);
        public new void OnEnteredRange(PlayerController interactor)
            if (!this)
            SpriteOutlineManager.RemoveOutlineFromSprite(base.sprite, false);
            SpriteOutlineManager.AddOutlineToSprite(base.sprite, Color.white);
            Vector3            offset    = new Vector3(base.sprite.GetBounds().max.x + 0.1875f, base.sprite.GetBounds().min.y, 0f);
            EncounterTrackable component = this.item.GetComponent <EncounterTrackable>();
            string             arg       = (!(component != null)) ? this.item.DisplayName : component.journalData.GetPrimaryDisplayName(false);
            string             text      = this.ModifiedPrice.ToString();

            if (this.m_baseParentShop != null)
                if (this.CurrencyType == CustomShopItemController.ShopCurrencyType.META_CURRENCY)
                    text += "[sprite \"hbux_text_icon\"]";
                else if (this.CurrencyType == CustomShopItemController.ShopCurrencyType.COINS)
                    text += "[sprite \"ui_coin\"]";
                else if (this.CurrencyType == CustomShopItemController.ShopCurrencyType.KEYS)
                    text += "[sprite \"ui_key\"]";
                else if (this.CurrencyType == CustomShopItemController.ShopCurrencyType.BLANKS)
                    text += "[sprite \"ui_blank\"]";
                else if (this.CurrencyType == CustomShopItemController.ShopCurrencyType.CUSTOM)
                    text += "[sprite \"" + customPriceSprite + "\"]";
                    text += "[sprite \"ui_coin\"]";
            string text2;

            if ((this.m_baseParentShop && (this.m_baseParentShop.IsCapableOfBeingStolenFrom) || interactor.IsCapableOfStealing) && this.m_baseParentShop.canBeRobbed)
                text2 = string.Format("[color red]{0}: {1} {2}[/color]", arg, text, StringTableManager.GetString("#STEAL"));
                text2 = string.Format("{0}: {1}", arg, text);
            GameObject gameObject          = GameUIRoot.Instance.RegisterDefaultLabel(base.transform, offset, text2);
            dfLabel    componentInChildren = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <dfLabel>();

            componentInChildren.ColorizeSymbols = false;
            componentInChildren.ProcessMarkup   = true;
    public void Start()
        // Obtain a reference to the dfLabel control that will
        // render the tooltip data
        this._tooltip = GetComponent <dfLabel>();

        // We don't want the tooltip to intercept mouse messages
        _tooltip.IsInteractive = false;
        _tooltip.IsEnabled     = false;
    public void Start()
        // Obtain a reference to the dfLabel control that will
        // render the tooltip data
        this._tooltip = GetComponent<dfLabel>();

        // We don't want the tooltip to intercept mouse messages
        _tooltip.IsInteractive = false;
        _tooltip.IsEnabled = false;
 public void Display(string s)
     if (tween != null)
     if (l == null)
         l = GetComponent<dfLabel>();
     l.Text = s;
Exemple #22
    private float timeleft; // Left time for current interval

    #endregion Fields

    #region Methods

    void Start()
        label = GetComponent<dfLabel>();
        if( label == null )
            Debug.LogError( "FPS Counter needs a Label component!" );

        timeleft = updateInterval;
    void Start()
        info = GetComponent<dfLabel>();
        if( info == null )
            this.enabled = false;
            throw new InvalidProgramException( "No Label component found" );

        view = info.GetManager();
 void OnMouseExit()
     mouseOnObject = false;
     if (healthBar != null)
         dfPanel dfp = healthBar.GetComponent <dfPanel> ();
         dfp.IsVisible = false;
         dfLabel minus = healthBar.GetComponentInChildren <dfLabel> ();
         minus.IsVisible = false;
Exemple #25
    void Awake()
        mPanel         = gameObject.GetComponent <dfPanel>();
        mErrorText     = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <dfLabel>()[1];
        mPanel.enabled = false;

         * Persist the LoadingPanel between scenes
    void Start()
        info = GetComponent <dfLabel>();
        if (info == null)
            this.enabled = false;
            throw new Exception("No Label component found");

        info.Text = "";
Exemple #27
 public static ISubscription bind(
     this IObservable <ValueWithStorage> subject, dfLabel control
     return(withTween(set => subject.subscribe(value => set(Go.to(
                                                                    () => ValueWithStorage.parse(control.Text).AsVector2(),
                                                                    v => control.Text = new ValueWithStorage(v).AsString()
                                                                    ), TWEEN_DURATION, tCfg.vector2Prop(TF.Prop, value.AsVector2())
    void Start()
        info = GetComponent<dfLabel>();
        if( info == null )
            this.enabled = false;
            throw new Exception( "No Label component found" );

        info.Text = "";
Exemple #29
    void Awake()
        mPanel         = (dfPanel)gameObject.GetComponent(typeof(dfPanel));
        mAlertText     = (dfLabel)gameObject.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(dfLabel));
        mPanel.enabled = false;

         * Persist the LoadingPanel between scenes
    void Awake()
        mPanel = (dfPanel)gameObject.GetComponent (typeof(dfPanel));
        mAlertText = (dfLabel)gameObject.GetComponentInChildren (typeof(dfLabel));
        mPanel.enabled = false;

         * Persist the LoadingPanel between scenes
        DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);
    void Awake()
        mPanel = gameObject.GetComponent<dfPanel>();
        mErrorText = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<dfLabel>()[1];
        mPanel.enabled = false;

         * Persist the LoadingPanel between scenes
        DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);
Exemple #32
    void Start()
        label = GetComponent <dfLabel>();
        if (label == null)
            Debug.LogError("FPS Counter needs a Label component!");

        timeleft = updateInterval;

        label.Text = "";
    protected override void initialize()

        tooltip = findControl( "Tooltip" ) as dfLabel;
        if( tooltip != null )
            tooltip.Text = "";

Exemple #34
 public static ISubscription bind <T>(
     this IRxRef <T> subject, dfLabel control,
     Fn <T, string> mapper, Fn <string, T> comapper
                mapper, comapper,
                text => control.Text = text,
                handler => control.TextChanged += handler,
                handler => control.TextChanged -= handler
Exemple #35
    public void UpdateChart(int pNumberOfPlayers, int[] data)
        dfTextureSprite[] l = uBars.GetComponentsInChildren <dfTextureSprite>();
        l = l.OrderBy(o => o.Position.x).ToArray();

        for (int i = 0; i < Game.RECORDING_COUNTDOWN; i++)
            l[i].FillAmount = (float)data[i] / (float)pNumberOfPlayers;
            dfLabel label = l[i].gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <dfLabel>();
            label.Text = data[i].ToString();
Exemple #36
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     if(labelToModify == null) {
         labelToModify = this.GetComponent<dfLabel>();
     if(CaseHandler.Instance.currentCase == CaseToShow) {
         if(text != null) {
             labelToModify.Text = text.text;
         } else {
             labelToModify.Text = value;
Exemple #37
 public static ISubscription bind(
     this IObservable <uint> subject, dfLabel control
     return(withTween(set => subject.subscribe(value => {
                     () => (int)uintComapper(control.Text),
                     v => control.Text = v.ToString()
                     ), TWEEN_DURATION, tCfg.intProp(TF.Prop, (int)value)
         control.Text = value.ToString();
Exemple #38
    public void AddText(string str, bool bFromServer = false)
        if (bFromServer)
            str = string.Concat("[color #00ffff]", str, "[/color]\n");
        dfLabel _dfLabel = this.consoleOutput;

        _dfLabel.Text = string.Concat(_dfLabel.Text, str, "\n");
        if (this.consoleScroller.Value >= this.consoleScroller.MaxValue - this.consoleScroller.ScrollSize - 50f)
            this.shouldScrollDown = true;
Exemple #39
    private void ShowFloatingText(string text, Color32 color)
        dfTweenVector3 tween = label.GetComponent <dfTweenVector3>();

        tween.StartValue = GUI.WorldPointToGUI(gameObject.transform.position) + new Vector2(0, -10);

        dfLabel glabel = GUI.AddPrefab(label) as dfLabel;

        glabel.RelativePosition = GUI.WorldPointToGUI(gameObject.transform.position) + new Vector2(0, -10);
        glabel.BottomColor      = color;
        float effectiveFontSize = 16;

        glabel.TextScale = (float)effectiveFontSize / (float)glabel.Font.FontSize;
        glabel.Text      = text;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        panel          = GetComponent <dfPanel>();
        infoLabel      = panel.transform.FindChild("Info Label").GetComponent <dfLabel>();
        infoLabel.Text = "Look here for tips and tricks!";

        focusAreas             = GameObject.Find("Focus Areas").GetComponent <dfPanel>();
        focusAreas.MouseHover += focusAreas_MouseHover;

        panel.MouseHover += panel_MouseHover;

        GameObject.Find("Target Behavior").GetComponent <dfPanel>().MouseHover += TipsBehaviour_MouseHover;
        GameObject.Find("Train Button").GetComponent <dfButton>().MouseHover   += TrainButton_MouseHover;
        GameObject.Find("Reset Button").GetComponent <dfButton>().MouseHover   += ResetButton_MouseHover;
    // Called by Unity just before any of the Update methods is called the first time.
    public void Start()
        // Store the singleton instance for reference in static functions
        _instance = this;

        // Obtain a reference to the control instances attached to this object
        _panel = GetComponent <dfPanel>();
        _name  = _panel.Find <dfLabel>("lblName");
        _info  = _panel.Find <dfLabel>("lblInfo");

        // We don't want the tooltip visible unless it is being used

        // We don't want the tooltip to intercept mouse messages
        _panel.IsInteractive = false;
        _panel.IsEnabled     = false;
    // Called by Unity just before any of the Update methods is called the first time.
    public void Start()
        // Store the singleton instance for reference in static functions
        _instance = this;

        // Obtain a reference to the control instances attached to this object
        _panel = GetComponent<dfPanel>();
        _name = _panel.Find<dfLabel>( "lblName" );
        _info = _panel.Find<dfLabel>( "lblInfo" );

        // We don't want the tooltip visible unless it is being used

        // We don't want the tooltip to intercept mouse messages
        _panel.IsInteractive = false;
        _panel.IsEnabled = false;
Exemple #43
 // Use this for initialization
 void Awake()
     this.label    = GetComponent <dfLabel>();
     this.posTween = GetComponent <dfTweenVector3>();
     dfTweenFloat[] tweens = GetComponents <dfTweenFloat>();
     foreach (dfTweenFloat tw in tweens)
         if (tw.TweenName.Equals("Scale width"))
             widthTween = tw;
             heightTween = tw;
    void OnEnable()
        Container = GetComponent<dfPanel>();
        if( Container == null )
            this.enabled = false;

        NameLabel = Container.Find<dfLabel>( "Name" );
        DescriptionLabel = Container.Find<dfLabel>( "Description" );
        ProgressLabel = Container.Find<dfLabel>( "ProgressLabel" );
        Icon = Container.Find<dfSprite>( "Icon" );
        ProgressBar = Container.Find<dfProgressBar>( "ProgressBar" );

        Container.BackgroundSprite = "frame-style6";
        NameLabel.BackgroundSprite = null;
        ProgressBar.Opacity = 0.5f;
Exemple #45
 private void OnEnable()
     this.label = base.GetComponent<dfLabel>();
Exemple #46
    // Use this for initialization
	void Start () 
        time = gameObject.GetComponent<dfLabel>();
	void Awake () {
        tween = GetComponent<dfTweenFloat>();
        l = GetComponent<dfLabel>();	
Exemple #48
 void Start()
     lblTemplate = GetComponentInChildren<dfLabel>();
     lblTemplate.IsVisible = false;
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
        gc = this;
        Icon = GetComponent<dfSprite>();
        Label = GetComponentInChildren<dfLabel>();
    private void Refresh()
        _container = GetComponent<dfPanel>();
        _sprite = _container.Find( "Icon" ) as dfSprite;
        _label = _container.Find( "Count" ) as dfLabel;

        _sprite.SpriteName = this.Icon;
        _label.Text = ( this.Count > 1 ) ? Count.ToString() : "";
 // Called by Unity just before any of the Update methods is called the first time.
 public void Start()
     // Obtain a reference to the dfLabel instance attached to this object
     this._label = GetComponent<dfLabel>();
 public void Start()
     if( _label == null )
         this._label = GetComponent<dfLabel>();
         _label.Text = "Touch State";
 public LabelTween(float l, dfLabel lbl, float t)
     length = l;
     label = lbl;
     target = t;
 public void Start()
     this.label = GetComponent<dfLabel>();
Exemple #55
    protected override void initialize()

        if( Tooltip == null )
            Tooltip = findControl( "Tooltip" ) as dfLabel;

        if( Tooltip != null )
            Tooltip.Text = "";

        #region Initialize menu items

        items = GetComponentsInChildren<DemoMenuItem>().ToList();

        var length = items.Count;
        for( int i = 0; i < length; i++ )

            var item = items[ i ];
            var itemIndex = i;

            // Perform item-specific initialization

            // Attach keyboard navigation events
            item.Control.KeyDown += ( dfControl sender, dfKeyEventArgs args ) =>

                if( args.Used )

                if( args.KeyCode == KeyCode.DownArrow )
                    selectNext( itemIndex );
                else if( args.KeyCode == KeyCode.UpArrow )
                    selectPrevious( itemIndex );
                else if( args.KeyCode == KeyCode.Space || args.KeyCode == KeyCode.Return )
                    var target = item.Submenu;
                    if( target != null )
                        showSubmenu( target );


            // Display the item's tooltip on focus
            item.Control.EnterFocus += ( dfControl sender, dfFocusEventArgs args ) =>
                selected = item;
                if( Tooltip != null )
                    Tooltip.Text = item.Tooltip;

            // Display the item's submenu on click
            item.Control.Click += ( dfControl sender, dfMouseEventArgs args ) =>

                if( args.Used )

                var target = item.Submenu;
                if( target != null )
                    showSubmenu( target );





        if( AutoShow )
 void Awake()
     label = GetComponent<dfLabel>();