public static ReturnObject DeleteDevice(string current)
        device_information page_object     = new device_information();
        DBConnection       db_connection   = new DBConnection();
        ReturnObject       return_object   = new ReturnObject();
        string             branch_code     = string.Empty;
        string             device_location = string.Empty;
        string             device_id       = string.Empty;

            JObject current_data = JObject.Parse(current);
            device_location = current_data["device_location"].ToString();
            device_id       = current_data["device_id"].ToString();

            page_object.UpdateDeviceLocation("D", device_location, device_id);

            return_object.status      = "success";
            return_object.return_data = "Device Location deleted successfully!";
        catch (Exception ex)
            Logger.LogException(ex, page, "DELETE_DEVICE_LOCATION");

            return_object.status      = "error";
            return_object.return_data = "An error occurred while deleting the Device Location. Please try again. If the error persists, please contact Support.";

    public static ReturnObject GetDeviceData(int page_number, bool is_filter, string filters)
        device_information page_object          = new device_information();
        DBConnection       db_connection        = new DBConnection();
        DataTable          device_location_data = new DataTable();
        ReturnObject       return_object        = new ReturnObject();
        int    start_row = (page_number - 1) * 30;
        string query     = string.Empty;

            query = "select dl.Deviceid as device_id, dl.DeviceLocation as device_location, lp.LastPunchDateTime as download_punch_time from Device_Location dl, LastDateSAXPush lp where dl.DeviceId = lp.Deviceid";

            if (is_filter)
                query = page_object.GetFilterQuery(filters, query);

            query += " ORDER BY dl.DeviceLocation OFFSET " + start_row + " ROWS FETCH NEXT 30 ROWS ONLY";

            device_location_data = db_connection.ReturnDataTable(query);

            return_object.status      = "success";
            return_object.return_data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(device_location_data, Formatting.Indented);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Logger.LogException(ex, page, "GET_DEVICE_LOCATION_DATA");

            return_object.status      = "error";
            return_object.return_data = "An error occurred while performing this operation. Please try again. If the error persists, please contact Support.";
