Exemple #1
    static void StashItem(dcchars.DCChar PC, dcitems.DCItem it)
        //{ The new PC has been given an item. Decide where to stick it, }
        //{ and provide whatever accessories it has coming. }

        if (it.ikind == dcitems.IKIND_Gun)
            //{The weapon starts out fully loaded.}
            it.charge = dcitems.CGuns[it.icode - 1].magazine;

            //{Give the player some ammo for the gun.}
            dcitems.DCItem I = new dcitems.DCItem();
            I.ikind = dcitems.IKIND_Ammo;
            I.icode = dcitems.CGuns[it.icode - 1].caliber;

            //{Decide how many bullets to dole out.}
            if (dcitems.CGuns[it.icode - 1].caliber >= dcitems.CAL_Energy)
                //{Energy, napalm, and other special ammo weapons}
                //{don't get as many reloads.}
                I.charge = 3 + rpgdice.Random(6);
            else if (it.icode == 9 || it.icode == 14)
                //{ Ammo for a shotgun. }
                I.charge = dcitems.CGuns[it.icode - 1].magazine * 2 + rpgdice.Random(10);
                I.charge = dcitems.CGuns[it.icode - 1].magazine;
                if (I.charge < 10)
                    I.charge = 10;
                I.charge = (I.charge * 3) + rpgdice.Random(20);

            dcitems.MergeDCItem(ref PC.inv, I);

            //{ For shotguns, include some scatter ammunition. }
            if (it.icode == 9 || it.icode == 14)
                I        = new dcitems.DCItem();
                I.ikind  = dcitems.IKIND_Ammo;
                I.icode  = 100 + dcitems.CGuns[it.icode - 1].caliber;
                I.charge = dcitems.CGuns[it.icode - 1].magazine + rpgdice.Random(10);
                dcitems.MergeDCItem(ref PC.inv, I);

        //{ If equippable, equip the item. Otherwise, stash it. }
        if (it.ikind > 0 && PC.eqp[it.ikind - 1] == null)
            PC.eqp[it.ikind - 1] = it;
            dcitems.MergeDCItem(ref PC.inv, it);
Exemple #2
 static void GiveKatana(dcchars.DCChar PC)
     //{ All Samurai start the game with a Katana. }
     dcitems.DCItem I = new dcitems.DCItem();
     I.ikind = dcitems.IKIND_Wep;
     I.icode = 5;
     StashItem(PC, I);
Exemple #3
    static void IntroStory(dcchars.DCChar PC)
        //{Create an introductory story for the PC.}
        //{Display it in a special message window.}
        string    Or1 = "You are from ";
        string    Or2 = ", ";
        string    Or3 = ".";
        string    Ar2 = "Oddly, the station gave no response to your docking request. You pull into an open shuttle bay and prepare to disembark.";
        const int X1  = 15;
        const int Y1  = 5;
        const int X2  = 65;
        const int Y2  = 20;

        //{Set up the screen.}
        rpgtext.LovelyBox(Crt.Color.LightBlue, X1, Y1, X2, Y2);
        Crt.Window(X1 + 1, Y1 + 1, X2 - 1, Y2 - 1);

        //{Generate the PC's origin.}
        PC.bgOrigin = Or1 + RandomWorld() + Or2 + RandomWDesc() + Or3;

        //{Generate the PC's history.}

        //{Generate the PC's reason for arriving at DeadCold.}
        PC.bgArrival = RandomArrival(PC);

        //{Generate an introduction to the station.}

        //{Print the information.}
        rpgtext.Delineate(PC.bgOrigin, X2 - X1 - 1, 1);
        if (Crt.WhereX() != 1)

        rpgtext.Delineate(PC.bgArrival, X2 - X1 - 1, 1);
        if (Crt.WhereX() != 1)

        rpgtext.Delineate(Ar2, X2 - X1 - 1, 1);


        Crt.Window(1, 1, WDM.CON_WIDTH, WDM.CON_HEIGHT);
Exemple #4
    static bool PCCanAct(dcchars.DCChar PC)
        /*Return TRUE if the PC is capable of acting*/
        /*right now, FALSE if it is for any reason incapacitated.*/
        if (plotbase.NAttValue(PC.SF, statusfx.NAG_StatusChange, statusfx.SEF_Paralysis) != 0)
        else if (plotbase.NAttValue(PC.SF, statusfx.NAG_StatusChange, statusfx.SEF_Sleep) != 0)

Exemple #5
    static void GiveBasicStuff(dcchars.DCChar PC)
        //{ All PCs start with a few free items. }

        //{ 3 Trauma Fixes, 3 Antidotes. }
        dcitems.DCItem I = new dcitems.DCItem();
        I.ikind  = dcitems.IKIND_Food;
        I.icode  = 25;
        I.charge = 3;
        StashItem(PC, I);

        I        = new dcitems.DCItem();
        I.ikind  = dcitems.IKIND_Food;
        I.icode  = 30;
        I.charge = 3;
        StashItem(PC, I);
Exemple #6
    static void PickItemFromChart(dcchars.DCChar PC, int Chart, ref int pts)
        //{ Select an item from one of the starting equipment charts, }
        //{ stash it in the PC's inventory, then decrement PTS by an }
        //{ appropriate amount. }

        //{ Decide what item from the chart to generate. }
        int N = rpgdice.Random(10);

        //{ Actually create the item record. }
        dcitems.DCItem I = new dcitems.DCItem();
        I.ikind = ItemChart[Chart - 1, N, 0];
        I.icode = ItemChart[Chart - 1, N, 1];
        pts    -= ItemChart[Chart - 1, N, 2];

        //{ Stick the item in the PC's inventory. }
        StashItem(PC, I);
Exemple #7
    static void RollGHStats(dcchars.DCChar PC, int Pts)
        //{ Randomly allocate PTS points to all of the character's }
        //{ stats using the same basic method as in my other game, GearHead. }

        //{ Error Check - Is this a character!? }
        if (PC == null)

        int t;

        //{ Set all stat values to minimum. }
        for (t = 0; t < 8; ++t)
            PC.stat[t] = 1;
        Pts -= 8;

        //{ Keep processing until we run out of stat points to allocate. }
        while (Pts > 0)
            //{ T will now point to the stat slot to improve. }
            t = rpgdice.Random(8);

            //{ If the stat selected is under the max value, }
            //{ improve it. If it is at or above the max value, }
            //{ there's a one in three chance of improving it. }
            if (PC.stat[t] < 15)
                PC.stat[t] += 1;
                Pts        -= 1;
            else if (rpgdice.Random(2) == 1)
                PC.stat[t] += 1;
                Pts        -= 1;
Exemple #8
    //{This unit holds the character generator. That's it.}
    //{Originally, I had that procedure placed in dcchars,}
    //{but it was pretty big, so I decided to make a spinoff}
    //{unit just for it.}

    public static void SelectPCSpells(dcchars.DCChar PC)
        //{The PC has just gone up a level. Choose some spells from}
        //{the appropriate list.
        const string    msg    = "You can learn new psi powers";
        const Crt.Color BColor = Crt.Color.LightGray;
        const Crt.Color IColor = Crt.Color.LightMagenta;
        const Crt.Color SColor = Crt.Color.Magenta;
        const int       MX1    = 16;
        const int       MY1    = 6;
        const int       MX2    = 65;
        const int       MY2    = 18;
        const int       DY1    = 18;
        const int       DY2    = 22;

        rpgmenus.RPGMenu RPM;

        //{Set up the screen.}
        rpgtext.GameMessage(msg, MX1, MY1 - 2, MX2, MY1, SColor, BColor);

        //{Determine the PC's spell college. If none, pick one at}
        //{random, just for the hey of it.}
        int CoP = dcchars.JobSchool[PC.job - 1];

        if (CoP == 0)
            CoP = rpgdice.Random(1, spells.NumSchool + 1);

        //{Keep selecting spells for as long as the PC needs to.}
        while (PC.skill[dcchars.SKILL_LearnSpell] > 0)
            //{Create the spell menu.}
            RPM     = rpgmenus.CreateRPGMenu(BColor, SColor, IColor, MX1, MY1, MX2, MY2);
            RPM.dx1 = MX1;
            RPM.dy1 = DY1;
            RPM.dx2 = MX2;
            RPM.dy2 = DY2;

            //{Add an item for each unlearned spell in the PC's}
            //{school. First, loop through all the spells up to}
            //{the PC's competency, which is (lvl + 1) div 2.}
            int Max = (PC.lvl + 1) / 2;
            if (Max > spells.NumLevel)
                Max = spells.NumLevel;
            for (int l = 1; l <= Max; ++l)
                for (int t = 1; t <= 5; ++t)
                    //{Does the PC already know this spell?}
                    if (spells.SpellCollege[CoP - 1, l - 1, t - 1] != 0 && spells.LocateSpellMem(PC.spell, spells.SpellCollege[CoP - 1, l - 1, t - 1]) == null)
                        //{Add a menu item for this spell.}
                        rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuItem(RPM, spells.SpellMan[spells.SpellCollege[CoP - 1, l - 1, t - 1] - 1].name, spells.SpellCollege[CoP - 1, l - 1, t - 1], spells.SpellMan[spells.SpellCollege[CoP - 1, l - 1, t - 1] - 1].Desc);

            //{If the menu is empty, leave immediately.}
            if (RPM.numItem == 0)

            //{Sort the menu.}

            //{Select a spell from the menu. No canceling allowed!}
            int S = rpgmenus.SelectMenu(RPM, rpgmenus.RPMNoCancel);

            //{Add the selected spell to the PC's list.}
            spells.AddSpellMem(ref PC.spell, S);

            //{Decrement the PC's LearnSpell number.}
            PC.skill[dcchars.SKILL_LearnSpell] -= 1;
Exemple #9
    static string RandomArrival(dcchars.DCChar PC)
        //{Print a story explaining how the character arrived at Dead Cold.}
        //{There are three possible paths- the PC could have responded to}
        //{the station's defense call, the PC could have happened here by}
        //{accident, or the PC could have come here willingly.}
        string it = "";

        //{Decide which of the three paths the PC will take.}
        int P = rpgdice.Random(3);

        if (P == 0)
            //{Distress call}
            it = "While travelling to " + RandomWorld() + ", your ship recieved a distress call from space station Dead Cold.";
            if (PC.job == 4 || PC.job == 9)
                if (rpgdice.Random(3) == 1)
                    it += Pir;
                    it += DCall;
            else if (PC.job == 2 || PC.job == 5)
                if (rpgdice.Random(3) == 1)
                    it += Mys;
                    it += DCall;
                if (rpgdice.Random(20) == 7)
                    it += Mys;
                else if (rpgdice.Random(20) == 13)
                    it += Pir;
                    it += DCall;
        else if (P == 1)
            //{Accidental arrival}
            it = "While travelling to " + RandomWorld() + ", your ship ";
            if (rpgdice.Random(2) == 1)
                it += "was attacked by " + Att[rpgdice.Random(NumAtt)] + " and seriously damaged.";
            else if (rpgdice.Random(2) == 1)
                it += "was hit by a meteor.";
                //{Out of gas!}
                it += "started to leak fuel.";

            it += Harbor;
            //{Purposeful arrival}
            it = "You have come to Dead Cold bearing " + Car[rpgdice.Random(NumCar)];

Exemple #10
    static void DoleEquipment(dcchars.DCChar PC)
        //{ Give out starting equipment to the PC based on job and luck. }

        //   { First, determine how many points the character will get }
        //{ for generation. }
        int Pts = 25 + rpgdice.Random(PC.stat[dcchars.STAT_Luck]);

        //{ Generate the needed equipment - primary weapon, clothes, }
        //{ and shoes. }

        //{ If the character is a Samurai, give him his Katana now. }
        if (PC.job == 7)
            Pts = Pts - 12;

        //{ All characters get some free stuff. Add that now. }

        //{ Primary Weapon - decide which chart to use. }
        int N = rpgdice.Random(10);

        PickItemFromChart(PC, PrimaryGear[PC.job - 1, N], ref Pts);

        //{ Clothes and Shoes }
        PickItemFromChart(PC, ArmorChart[PC.job - 1], ref Pts);
        PickItemFromChart(PC, ShoeChart[PC.job - 1], ref Pts);

        //{ If there are points left over, give secondary equipment. }
        if (Pts > 0)
            N = rpgdice.Random(10);
            PickItemFromChart(PC, SecondaryGear[PC.job - 1, N], ref Pts);

        //{ Roll to see if this character gets gloves or a hat. }
        if (Pts > 0 && rpgdice.Random(100) < HatsChance[PC.job - 1])
            PickItemFromChart(PC, HatsChart[PC.job - 1], ref Pts);
        if (Pts > 0 && rpgdice.Random(100) < GloveChance[PC.job - 1])
            PickItemFromChart(PC, GloveChart[PC.job - 1], ref Pts);

        //{ Spend the remaining points on tertiary equipment. }
        while (Pts > 0)
            //{ Extra equipment has a 50% chance of coming from the }
            //{ job-specific chart and a 50% chance of coming from }
            //{ the general items chart. }
            if (rpgdice.Random(2) == 1)
                N = rpgdice.Random(10);
                PickItemFromChart(PC, ExtraGear[PC.job, N], ref Pts);
                N = rpgdice.Random(10);
                PickItemFromChart(PC, ExtraGear[0, N], ref Pts);
Exemple #11
    public static dcchars.DCChar RollNewChar()
        //{We're going to generate a new game character from scratch.}
        //{Return NIL if the character creation process was cancelled.}
        const string instructions = "Select one of the avaliable jobs from the menu. Press ESC to reroll stats, or select Cancel to exit.";
        // pc: dccharptr;
        // opt: rpgmenuptr;	{The menu holding avaliable jobs.}
        // t,tt: Integer;		{Loop counters}
        // q: boolean;		{Apparently, for this procedure, I've forgotten about useful variable names. It's hot and I'm tired.}
        // I: DCItemPtr;

        int t, tt;

        //{Allocate memory for the character.}
        dcchars.DCChar PC = new dcchars.DCChar();

        //{Initilize Job to -1}
        PC.job = -1;

        //{Clear the screen}

        //{Display the stat names}
        for (t = 1; t <= 8; ++t)
            Crt.GotoXY(12, t * 2 + 3);
            Crt.Write(dcchars.StatName[t - 1] + " :");

        //{Start a loop. We'll stay in the loop until a character is selected.}
        while (PC.job == -1)
            //{Give a short message on how to use the character generator}
            rpgtext.GameMessage(instructions, 2, 1, 79, 4, Crt.Color.Green, Crt.Color.LightBlue);

            //{Set the text color}

            //{Roll the character's stats.}
            RollGHStats(PC, 100 + rpgdice.Random(20));
            for (t = 1; t <= 8; ++t)
                //{display the stat onscreen.}
                Crt.GotoXY(35, t * 2 + 3);
                Crt.Write("   ");
                Crt.GotoXY(35, t * 2 + 3);
                Crt.Write(PC.stat[t - 1].ToString());

            //{determine which jobs are open to this character, and}
            //{add them to our RPGMenu.}

            //{First, allocate the menu.}
            rpgmenus.RPGMenu opt = rpgmenus.CreateRPGMenu(Crt.Color.LightBlue, Crt.Color.Blue, Crt.Color.LightCyan, 46, 7, 65, 17);

            //{Initialize the description elements.}
            opt.dx1       = 2;
            opt.dx2       = 79;
            opt.dy1       = 20;
            opt.dy2       = 24;
            opt.dTexColor = Crt.Color.Green;

            for (t = 1; t <= dcchars.NumJobs; ++t)
                //{Initialize q to true}
                bool q = true;

                //{Check each stat}
                for (tt = 1; tt <= 8; ++tt)
                    if (PC.stat[tt - 1] < dcchars.JobStat[t - 1, tt - 1])
                        q = false;

                //{If q is still true, this job may be chosen.}
                if (q)
                    rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuItem(opt, dcchars.JobName[t - 1], t, dcchars.JobDesc[t - 1]);

            //{Get the jobs in alphabetical order}

            //{Add a CANCEL to the list}
            rpgmenus.AddRPGMenuItem(opt, "  Cancel", 0, null);

            //{Ask for a selection}
            PC.job = rpgmenus.SelectMenu(opt, rpgmenus.RPMNoCleanup);

            PC.m = null;

        //{If the player selected cancel, dispose of the PC record.}
        if (PC.job == 0)
            PC = null;
            //{Copy skill ranks}
            for (t = 1; t <= dcchars.NumSkill; t++)
                PC.skill[t - 1] = dcchars.JobSkill[PC.job - 1, t - 1];

            //{Set HP, HPMax, and other initial values.}
            PC.HPMax    = PC.stat[dcchars.STAT_Toughness] + dcchars.JobHitDie[PC.job - 1] + dcchars.BaseHP;
            PC.HP       = PC.HPMax;
            PC.MPMax    = PC.stat[dcchars.STAT_Willpower] / 2 + dcchars.JobMojoDie[PC.job - 1] + rpgdice.Random(dcchars.JobMojoDie[PC.job - 1]);
            PC.MP       = PC.MPMax;
            PC.target   = null;
            PC.carbs    = 50;
            PC.lvl      = 1;
            PC.XP       = 0;
            PC.repCount = 0;

            PC.inv = null;
            for (t = 1; t <= dcchars.NumEquipSlots; ++t)
                PC.eqp[t - 1] = null;
            PC.SF    = null;
            PC.spell = null;

            //{Give some basic equipment.}

            //{Add the PC's meals.}
            for (t = 1; t <= 5; ++t)
                dcitems.DCItem I = new dcitems.DCItem();
                I.ikind  = dcitems.IKIND_Food;
                I.icode  = JobXFood[PC.job, rpgdice.Random(10)];
                I.charge = 1;
                dcitems.MergeDCItem(ref PC.inv, I);

            //{Add the PC's snacks.}
            int total = rpgdice.Random(5) + 1;
            for (t = 1; t <= total; ++t)
                dcitems.DCItem I = new dcitems.DCItem();
                I.ikind = dcitems.IKIND_Food;

                //{Decide upon what kind of food to give, based on job.}
                if (rpgdice.Random(3) == 2)
                    I.icode = JobXFood[0, rpgdice.Random(10)];
                    I.icode = JobXFood[PC.job, rpgdice.Random(10)];

                I.charge = rpgdice.Random(3) + 1;
                dcitems.MergeDCItem(ref PC.inv, I);

            //{ Input a name. }
            rpgtext.GameMessage("NAME: ", 2, 1, 79, 4, Crt.Color.LightGreen, Crt.Color.LightBlue);
            Crt.GotoXY(9, 2);
            PC.name = rpgtext.ReadLine();

            if (PC.name != "")
                //{ Generate an introduction. }

                //{Add spells, if appropriate.}
                if (PC.skill[dcchars.SKILL_LearnSpell] > 0)
                PC = null;
