Exemple #1
            // add all of the course durations together on given days, call it idealdur, and then find the diff between the earliest
            // start and latest end, call it actualdur, and for every hour the actualdur is greater than the idealdur, subtract 1 from 10
            public void calcSmGapWeight(double mult)
                double avg = 0;
                string daysWithSections = "";

                // create an array that represents the days of the week, and fill those spots with dayinfo class objects
                dayinfo[] weekdays = new dayinfo[7];
                for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    weekdays[i] = new dayinfo();

                foreach (Section sect in this.courses)
                    if (sect.days != "NULL")
                        foreach (char day in sect.days)
                            // keep track of which days need to be considered
                            daysWithSections = new string((daysWithSections + day.ToString()).Distinct().ToArray());

                            dayinfo info = weekdays[daysToIndices[day]];
                            if (sect.startTime < info.minstart)
                                info.minstart = sect.startTime;
                            if (sect.endTime > info.maxend)
                                info.maxend = sect.endTime;
                            info.idealspan += (sect.endTime - sect.startTime).TotalHours;
                            weekdays[daysToIndices[day]] = info;
                // now calculate the actualspan and find the difference for each day needed
                foreach (char day in daysWithSections)
                    dayinfo info = weekdays[daysToIndices[day]];
                    info.actualspan = (info.maxend - info.minstart).TotalHours;
                    info.diff = info.actualspan - info.idealspan;
                    avg += info.diff;
                // take the average across all of the days with sections
                avg = avg / daysWithSections.Length;
                total_weight += (10 - avg) * mult;
Exemple #2
            // 17 hour span between 6am and 11pm. Idealspan = 17, actual span is still the span between the earliest start and
            // latest end times on that specific day. just one class during a day? should give 10.
            public void calcLgGapWeight(double mult)
                double avg = 0;
                string daysWithSections = "";

                // create an array that represents the days of the week, and fill those spots with dayinfo class objects
                dayinfo[] weekdays = new dayinfo[7];
                for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    weekdays[i] = new dayinfo();

                foreach (Section sect in this.courses)
                    if (sect.days != "NULL")
                        foreach (char day in sect.days)
                            // keep track of which days need to be considered
                            daysWithSections = new string((daysWithSections + day.ToString()).Distinct().ToArray());

                            dayinfo info = weekdays[daysToIndices[day]];
                            if (sect.startTime < info.minstart)
                                info.minstart = sect.startTime;
                            if (sect.endTime > info.maxend)
                                info.maxend = sect.endTime;
                            info.idealspan += (sect.endTime - sect.startTime).TotalHours;
                            weekdays[daysToIndices[day]] = info;
                // now calculate the actualspan and find the difference for each day needed
                foreach (char day in daysWithSections)
                    dayinfo info = weekdays[daysToIndices[day]];
                    // if there is only one day, the gap is infinite, so give it a perfect weight
                    if (info.numClasses == 1)
                        avg += 10;
                        info.actualspan = (info.maxend - info.minstart).TotalHours;
                        // actual span is always >= idealspan. ideal must be at least 2, actual best case is 17.
                        // 17-2 = 15-5 = 10 which is the perfect scenario.
                        info.diff = (info.actualspan - info.idealspan) - 5;
                        avg += info.diff;
                // take the average across all of the days with sections
                avg = avg / daysWithSections.Length;
                total_weight += avg * mult;