public static dataPointAggregationDefinition Aggregation(this DataColumn dc, dataPointAggregationDefinition default_data_aggregation_type)
     if (!dc.ExtendedProperties.ContainsKey(templateFieldDataTable.data_aggregation_type))
         dc.ExtendedProperties.add(templateFieldDataTable.data_aggregation_type, default_data_aggregation_type);
 public static dataPointAggregationDefinition GetAggregation(this DataColumn dc)
     if (!dc.ExtendedProperties.ContainsKey(templateFieldDataTable.data_aggregation_type))
         dataPointAggregationDefinition output = new dataPointAggregationDefinition();
 public static DataColumn SetAggregation(this DataColumn dc, dataPointAggregationDefinition data_aggregation_type)
     dc.ExtendedProperties.add(templateFieldDataTable.data_aggregation_type, data_aggregation_type);
Exemple #4
        public void process(IEnumerable <DataTable> tables, dataPointAggregationAspect __aspect = dataPointAggregationAspect.overlapMultiTable)
            aspect = __aspect;

            string __desc = "This table is result of summary operation (" + aspect.ToString() + ") over tables: ";
            int    tc     = 0;

            int rcMin  = int.MaxValue;
            int rcMax  = int.MinValue;
            int rcProc = 0;

            DataTable shemaProvider = null;

            foreach (DataTable dt in tables)
                if (shemaProvider == null)
                    shemaProvider = dt;

                if (tc < 5)
                    __desc = __desc.add(dt.GetTitle(), ", ");
                rcMin   = Math.Min(dt.Rows.Count, rcMin);
                rcMax   = Math.Max(dt.Rows.Count, rcMax);
                rcProc += dt.Rows.Count;

            additionalProps.AddRange(shemaProvider.GetAdditionalInfo(), false, false, false);

            categoriesPriority = shemaProvider.GetCategoryPriority();
            if (categoriesPriority.Any())

            if (tc > 4)
                __desc = __desc.add("... in total: " + tc + " tables", ", ");
            sources       = tc;
            rowsMax       = rcMax;
            rowsCommon    = rcMin;
            rowsProcessed = rcProc;

            additionalProps.Add(ADDPROPS_ROWSMAX, rcMax, ADDPROPS_ROWSMAX, "Highest row count in the table set");
            additionalProps.Add(ADDPROPS_ROWSCOMMON, rcMin, ADDPROPS_ROWSCOMMON, "Lowest row count in the table set");
            additionalProps.Add(ADDPROPS_ROWSPROCESSED, rcProc, ADDPROPS_ROWSPROCESSED, "Total count of rows processed");
            additionalProps.Add("Category", categoriesPriority.toCsvInLine());

            extraDescriptions.Add("[" + sources + "] source tables had at least [" + rowsCommon + "] rows. Maximum rows per source table: [" + rowsMax + "]");

            shemaColumns = new DataColumnMetaDictionary();

            foreach (DataColumn dc in shemaProvider.Columns)
                settingsPropertyEntry          spe = dc.GetSPE();
                dataPointAggregationDefinition agg = null;
                if (spe.aggregation == null)
                    PropertyInfo pi = dc.ExtendedProperties.getProperObject <PropertyInfo>(templateFieldDataTable.col_propertyInfo); //, col_spe.pi);
                    if (pi != null)
                        spe = new settingsPropertyEntry(pi);
                if (spe.aggregation == null)
                    spe.aggregation = new dataPointAggregationDefinition();
                agg = spe.aggregation;
                /* ----------------------------- */

                if (agg[aspect] != dataPointAggregationType.none)
                    List <dataPointAggregationType> aggTypes = agg[aspect].getEnumListFromFlags <dataPointAggregationType>();

                    foreach (dataPointAggregationType a in aggTypes)
                        if (a != dataPointAggregationType.hidden)
                            shemaColumns.Add(DataColumnInReportTypeEnum.dataSummed, dc, a, dc.GetUnit());

            desc = __desc;