//观看视频 protected void seeVi() { try { string sql = "select * from tb_Video where VideoID=" + Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["VideoID"]); OleDbDataReader odr = mydo.row(sql); //调用数据库操作类中的row方法 odr.Read(); //前进一条记录 VUrl = "Video" + "\\" + odr["VideoUrl"].ToString(); //存储视频教程的路径 if (!File.Exists(Server.MapPath(".") + "\\" + VUrl)) //判断此教程是否存在 { string dlsql = "delete from tb_Video where VideoID=" + Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["VideoID"]); mydo.adlData(dlsql); Page.RegisterStartupScript("true", "<script>alert('文件不存在!请返回!');location='index.aspx'</script>"); } VideoTitle = odr["VideoName"].ToString(); Content = odr["VideoContent"].ToString(); Name = odr["Name"].ToString(); FBDate = odr["FBDate"].ToString(); ClickSum = odr["ClickSum"].ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.Message.ToString()); } }
//发言 protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string spokesman; if (Session["UserName"] != null) { spokesman = Session["UserName"].ToString(); } else { spokesman = "游客"; } string speakContent = this.txtCont.Text; string tutorialType = "Sound"; string tutorialID = Request.QueryString["SoundID"]; string insertSql = "insert into tb_Speak([Spokesman],[TutorialType],[TutorialID],[SpeakContent]) values('" + spokesman + "','" + tutorialType + "'," + tutorialID + ",'" + speakContent + "')"; if (Session["CheckCode"].ToString().Equals(this.txtYzm.Text.ToString())) { bool bo = mydo.adlData(insertSql); if (bo) { seekSpeak(); Page.RegisterStartupScript("true", "<script>alert('发言成功!');</script>"); } else { Page.RegisterStartupScript("false", "<script>alert('发言失败!')</script>"); } } else { Page.RegisterStartupScript("false", "<script>alert('验证码错误')</script>"); } }
protected void grvVideo_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { string sql = "delete from tb_Sound where SoundID=" + grvSound.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value.ToString(); if (mydo.adlData(sql)) { string ssql = "delete from tb_Speak where TutorialType='Sound' and TutorialID=" + grvSound.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value.ToString(); mydo.adlData(ssql); Page.RegisterStartupScript("true", "<script>alert('删除成功!')</script>"); } else { Page.RegisterStartupScript("false", "<script>alert('删除失败!')</script>"); } createSound(); }
protected void grvVideo_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { string vsql = "delete from tb_Video where VideoID=" + grvVideo.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value.ToString(); bool delVideo = mydo.adlData(vsql); if (delVideo) { string ssql = "delete from tb_Speak where TutorialType='Video' and TutorialID=" + grvVideo.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value.ToString(); mydo.adlData(ssql); Page.RegisterStartupScript("true", "<script>alert('删除成功!')</script>"); } else { Page.RegisterStartupScript("false", "<script>alert('删除失败!')</script>"); } createVideo(); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string vsname = TextBoxVname.Text; string isVS; if (RadioButtonSound.Checked) { isVS = "tb_Sound"; } else { isVS = "tb_Video"; } string typ = this.DropDownListType.SelectedValue; string content = TextBoxContent.Text; string name = "校长"; int clicksum = 0; string Path; try { string sql; if (isVS == "tb_Sound") { sql = "insert into tb_Sound(SoundType,SoundName,SoundUrl,ClickSum,SoundContent,Name) values('" + typ + "','" + vsname + "','" + this.FileUpload1.FileName + "','" + clicksum + "','" + content + "','" + name + "')"; Path = Server.MapPath("~/") + "Sound" + "\\" + this.FileUpload1.FileName; } else { sql = "insert into tb_Video(VideoType,VideoName,VideoUrl,ClickSum,VideoContent,Name) values(" + typ + ",'" + vsname + "','" + this.FileUpload1.FileName + "'," + clicksum + ",'" + content + "','" + name + "')"; Path = Server.MapPath("~/") + "Video" + "\\" + this.FileUpload1.FileName; } if (mydo.adlData(sql)) { FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs(Path); Page.RegisterStartupScript("true", "<script>alert('上传成功!')</script>"); TextBoxVname.Text = ""; TextBoxContent.Text = ""; } else { Page.RegisterStartupScript("false", "<script>alert('上传是彼岸 ')</script>"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write(ex.Message.ToString()); } }
protected void grvBulletin_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e) { string sql = "delete from tb_Bulletin where ID=" + grvBulletin.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value.ToString(); if (mydo.adlData(sql)) { Page.RegisterStartupScript("true", "<script>alert('删除成功!')</script>"); } else { Page.RegisterStartupScript("false", "<script>alert('删除失败!')</script>"); } createBulletin(); }
protected void DataList1_DeleteCommand(object source, DataListCommandEventArgs e) { string id = this.DataList1.DataKeys[e.Item.ItemIndex].ToString(); string sql = "delete from tb_Speak where SpeakID=" + id; if (mydo.adlData(sql)) { Page.RegisterStartupScript("true", "<script>alert('删除成功!')</script>"); } else { Page.RegisterStartupScript("false", "<script>alert('删除失败!')</script>"); } this.seeSpeak(); }
protected void btnFB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string title = this.tebTitle.Text; string content = this.tebContent.Text; string name = this.tebName.Text; string sql = "insert into tb_Bulletin(Title,Content,Name) values('" + title + "','" + content + "','" + name + "')"; bool bl = mydo.adlData(sql); if (bl) { Page.RegisterStartupScript("true", "<script>alert('发布成功!')</script>"); tebContent.Text = ""; tebTitle.Text = ""; tebName.Text = ""; } else { Page.RegisterStartupScript("false", "<script>alert('发布失败!')</script>"); } }
protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string spokesman; spokesman = "校长"; string speakContent = this.TextBox2.Text; string tutorialType = "Sound"; string tutorialID = Request.QueryString["SoundID"]; string insertSql = "insert into tb_Speak([Spokesman],[TutorialType],[TutorialID],[SpeakContent]) values('" + spokesman + "','" + tutorialType + "'," + tutorialID + ",'" + speakContent + "')"; bool bo = mydo.adlData(insertSql); if (bo) { Page.RegisterStartupScript("true", "<script>alert('发言成功!');localhost=seeVideo.aspx</script>"); } else { Page.RegisterStartupScript("false", "<script>alert('发言失败!')</script>"); } }
//添加用户 //自定义方法 protected bool add() { string name = txtName.Text; string pass = Operate.Encrypting(txtPass.Text); string sex; //获取性别 if (RadioButtonMan.Checked) { sex = "男"; } else { sex = "女"; } string trueName = txtTrueName.Text; //获取真实姓名 string idCard = this.txtIDCard.Text; //获取电话 string passQuestion = this.txtPassQuestion.Text; string passSolution = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(this.txtPassSolution.Text, "MD5"); string email = txtEmail.Text; //获取电子邮件 string sql = "insert into tb_login(Name,Pass,ZName,Sex,Email,IDCard,PassQuestion,PassSolution) values('" + name + "','" + pass + "','" + trueName + "','" + sex + "','" + email + "','" + idCard + "','" + passQuestion + "','" + passSolution + "')"; return(mydo.adlData(sql)); }