//查询计划 private void setCondition() { string beginDate = ASPxDateEdit1.Date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); string endDate = ASPxDateEdit2.Date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); string sql = "SELECT A.*,B.USER_CODE FROM DATA_PLAN A LEFT JOIN CODE_USER B ON A.CREATE_USERID = B.USER_ID" + " WHERE BEGIN_DATE >= TO_DATE('" + beginDate + "','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')" + " AND BEGIN_DATE <= TO_DATE('" + endDate + "','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')" + " AND A.PLINE_CODE IN (SELECT PLINE_CODE FROM VW_USER_ROLE_PROGRAM WHERE USER_ID = '" + theUserId + "' AND PROGRAM_CODE = '" + theProgramCode + "' AND COMPANY_CODE = '" + theCompanyCode + "')" + " AND A.CONFIRM_FLAG = 'Y' " + " ORDER BY A.BEGIN_DATE, A.PLAN_CODE "; DataTable dt = dc.GetTable(sql); //不让敏感字出现 for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string remark1 = dt.Rows[i]["REMARK"].ToString(); string planCode1 = dt.Rows[i]["PLAN_CODE"].ToString(); sql = "select FUNC_GET_REMARK('" + planCode1 + "', '" + remark1 + "') from dual "; dc.setTheSql(sql); dt.Rows[i]["REMARK"] = dc.GetValue();; } ASPxGridView1.DataSource = dt; ASPxGridView1.DataBind(); }
protected void cmbSer_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = "select distinct config from copy_engine_property where config is not null and zt<>'O' order by config"; dc.setTheSql(sql); cmbSer.DataSource = dc.GetTable(); cmbSer.ValueField = "config"; cmbSer.TextField = "config"; cmbSer.DataBind(); }
protected void ASPxGridView1_RowDeleting(object sender, DevExpress.Web.Data.ASPxDataDeletingEventArgs e) { //判断当前记录是否可以删除 string strDelCode = e.Values["RMES_ID"].ToString(); string strTableName = "DATA_ROUNTING_REMARK"; dataConn theDataConn = new dataConn("select func_check_delete_data('" + strTableName + "','" + theCompanyCode + "','MES','MES','MES','" + strDelCode + "') from dual"); theDataConn.OpenConn(); string theRet = theDataConn.GetValue(); if (theRet != "Y") { ASPxGridView1.JSProperties.Add("cpCallbackName", "Delete"); ASPxGridView1.JSProperties.Add("cpCallbackRet", theRet); theDataConn.CloseConn(); } else { //插入到日志表 try { string Sql1 = " SELECT * FROM DATA_ROUNTING_REMARK WHERE rmes_id='" + strDelCode + "'"; dc.setTheSql(Sql1); string rmes_id = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["RMES_ID"].ToString(); string company_code = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["COMPANY_CODE"].ToString(); string ROUNTING_REMARK = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["ROUNTING_REMARK"].ToString(); string PLINE_CODE = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["PLINE_CODE"].ToString(); string GS = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["GS"].ToString(); string XL = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["XL"].ToString(); string PL = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["PL"].ToString(); string RL = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["RL"].ToString(); string ISDK = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["ISDK"].ToString(); string ISEGR = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["ISEGR"].ToString(); string Sql2 = "INSERT INTO DATA_ROUNTING_REMARK_LOG (RMES_ID,COMPANY_CODE,rounting_remark,pline_code,gs,xl,pl,rl,isdk,isegr,user_code,flag,rqsj)" + "VALUES('" + strDelCode + "','" + theCompanyCode + "','" + ROUNTING_REMARK + "','" + PLINE_CODE + "','" + GS + "','" + XL + "','" + PL + "','" + RL + "','" + ISDK + "','" + ISEGR + "','" + theUserCode + "','DEL',SYSDATE)"; dc.ExeSql(Sql2); } catch { return; } //确认删除 string Sql = "delete from DATA_ROUNTING_REMARK WHERE RMES_ID = '" + strDelCode + "'"; dc.ExeSql(Sql); } setCondition(); e.Cancel = true; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { userManager theUserManager = (userManager)Session["theUserManager"]; string theDisplayCompanyCode = theUserManager.getCompanyCode(); string theMenuUserId = theUserManager.getUserId(); //根据默认首页判断转向页面 string theSql = "SELECT PROGRAM_VALUE FROM REL_USER_DEFAULTPAGE A " + "LEFT JOIN CODE_PROGRAM B ON A.DEFAULT_PAGE = B.PROGRAM_CODE AND A.COMPANY_CODE = B.COMPANY_CODE " + "WHERE A.COMPANY_CODE = '" + theDisplayCompanyCode + "' AND USER_ID = '" + theMenuUserId + "'"; dc.setTheSql(theSql); DataTable dt = dc.GetTable(); string currentPage = ""; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { currentPage = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["PROGRAM_VALUE"].ToString(); Response.Write("<script>location.href='" + "../.." + currentPage + "';</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>location.href='../Login/RmesDefaultPage.aspx';</script>"); } }
//protected void ASPxGridView2_CustomCallback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridView.ASPxGridViewCustomCallbackEventArgs e) //{ // setCondition(); //} protected void ASPxGridView1_RowDeleting(object sender, DevExpress.Web.Data.ASPxDataDeletingEventArgs e) { string id = e.Keys["RMES_ID"].ToString(); //插入到日志表 try { string Sql1 = " SELECT * FROM rel_station_location WHERE rmes_id='" + id + "'"; dc.setTheSql(Sql1); string rmes_id = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["RMES_ID"].ToString(); string company_code = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["COMPANY_CODE"].ToString(); string pline_code = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["PLINE_CODE"].ToString(); string location_code = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["LOCATION_CODE"].ToString(); string station_code = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["STATION_CODE"].ToString(); string location_flag = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["LOCATION_FLAG"].ToString(); string location_flag1 = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["LOCATION_FLAG1"].ToString(); string Sql2 = " INSERT INTO REL_STATION_LOCATION_LOG(rmes_id,company_code,pline_code,location_code,station_code,location_flag,location_flag1,user_code,flag,rqsj)" + " VALUES( '" + rmes_id + "', '" + company_code + "','" + pline_code + "','" + location_code + "','" + station_code + "','" + location_flag + "','" + location_flag1 + "','" + theUserCode + "','DEL',SYSDATE)"; dc.ExeSql(Sql2); } catch { return; } ////删除 string sql = "delete from rel_station_location where rmes_id='" + id + "'"; dc.ExeSql(sql); setCondition(); e.Cancel = true; }
// 主表删除 protected void ASPxGridView1_RowDeleting(object sender, DevExpress.Web.Data.ASPxDataDeletingEventArgs e) { string rmes_id = e.Values["RMES_ID"].ToString(); //插入到日志表//20161031add try { string Sql1 = " SELECT * FROM data_process_file WHERE rmes_id='" + rmes_id + "'"; dc.setTheSql(Sql1); string company_code = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["COMPANY_CODE"].ToString(); string pline_code = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["PLINE_CODE"].ToString(); string product_series = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["PRODUCT_SERIES"].ToString(); string process_code = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["PROCESS_CODE"].ToString(); string file_name = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["FILE_NAME"].ToString(); string file_url = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["FILE_URL"].ToString(); string file_type = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["FILE_TYPE"].ToString(); string Sql2 = " INSERT INTO DATA_PROCESS_FILE_LOG(rmes_id,company_code,pline_code,product_series,process_code,file_name,file_url,file_type,user_code,flag,rqsj)" + " VALUES( '" + rmes_id + "', '" + company_code + "','" + pline_code + "','" + product_series + "','" + process_code + "','" + file_name + "','" + file_url + "','" + file_type + "','" + theUserCode + "','DEL',SYSDATE)"; dc.ExeSql(Sql2); } catch { return; } ProcessFileEntity detEntity = new ProcessFileEntity { RMES_ID = rmes_id }; db.Delete(detEntity); queryFunction(); e.Cancel = true; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { userManager theUserManager = (userManager)Session["theUserManager"]; theCompanyCode = theUserManager.getCompanyCode(); theUserId = theUserManager.getUserId(); theUserCode = theUserManager.getUserCode(); theProgramCode = "atpu2000"; setCondition(); initSO(); if (Request["opFlag"] == "getEditSeries") { string str1 = ""; string so = Request["SO"].ToString(); string sql = "select jx,config from copy_engine_property where SO='" + so.ToUpper() + "'"; dc.setTheSql(sql); if (dc.GetTable().Rows.Count == 0) { str1 = ""; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } string config1 = dc.GetTable().Rows[0][1].ToString(); string jx1 = dc.GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); if (jx1 == "") { str1 = ""; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } if (jx1.EndsWith("ZZ")) { jx1 = jx1.Substring(0, jx1.Length - 2); } str1 = jx1; sql = "select GET_CSKD('" + so + "') from dual"; dc.setTheSql(sql); string bz1 = dc.GetValue().ToString(); str1 = str1 + "," + bz1; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //string querySql = Request.QueryString["querySql"]; //string querySql = "select * from data_plan"; //直接从session中得到sql语句,如果采取问号的方式,需要对字符进行urlencode编码和urldecode解码 querySql = (string)Session["thePrintSql"]; if (querySql != "") { dc.setTheSql(querySql); DataTable dt = dc.GetTable(); GridView1.DataSource = dt; theColNum = dt.Columns.Count; GridView1.DataBind(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { userManager theUserManager = (userManager)Session["theUserManager"]; theCompanyCode = theUserManager.getCompanyCode(); theUserId = theUserManager.getUserId(); theUserCode = theUserManager.getUserCode(); theProgramCode = "part1800"; initPlanCode(); initCode(); initMcode(); setCondition(); if (Request["opFlag"] == "getEditSeries") { string str1 = "", str2 = ""; string MCode = Request["MCODE"].ToString().Trim(); string pcode = Request["Pcode"].ToString().Trim(); if (pcode == "E") { str2 = "DCEC-B"; } else if (pcode == "W") { str2 = "DCEC-C"; } else { str2 = ""; } string sql = "select pt_desc2 from copy_pt_mstr where pt_part='" + MCode + "'"; dc.setTheSql(sql); DataTable dt = dc.GetTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { str1 = ""; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } string strMCode = dc.GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); if (strMCode == "") { str1 = ""; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } else { str1 = strMCode; } str1 = str1 + "," + str2; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { ListToSo.ClientSideEvents.ItemDoubleClick = "function(s,e) {var index = ListToSo.GetSelectedIndex();if(index!=-1) ListToSo.RemoveItem(index);}"; Session["CopyRelationSql"] = ""; }//YXH 2016/12/02 if (Session["CopyRelationSql"] as string != "") { DataTable dt = dc.GetTable(Session["CopyRelationSql"] as string); ASPxGridView1.DataSource = dt; ASPxGridView1.DataBind(); } if (Request["opFlag"] == "checkSO") { string str1 = "OK"; string so = Request["SO"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper(); string sql = "select so from sjbomthset where so='" + so + "'"; dc.setTheSql(sql); DataTable dt = dc.GetTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { str1 = "Fail"; } this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); } if (Request["opFlag"] == "checkSO2") { string str1 = "OK"; string so = Request["SO"].ToString().Trim().ToUpper(); string sql = "select so from ((select distinct so from copy_engine_property)union(select distinct config as so from copy_engine_property)) where so='" + so + "'"; dc.setTheSql(sql); DataTable dt = dc.GetTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count <= 0) { str1 = "Fail"; } this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); } }
protected void ListNode_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sql = "select event_id,event_name from demo order by seq"; dc.setTheSql(sql); DataTable dt = dc.GetTable(); ListNode.DataSource = dt; ListNode.DataBind(); }
protected void butConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int count = 0; string location, pline, station, loactionProC, itemProC; pline = comboPlineCode.Value.ToString(); station = comboStationCode.Value.ToString(); loactionProC = locationPro.Value.ToString(); if (comboItemPro.Value != null) { itemProC = comboItemPro.Value.ToString(); } else { itemProC = ""; } for (count = 0; count < listChosedLocation.Items.Count; count++) { location = listChosedLocation.Items[count].ToString(); string[] location1 = location.Split(';'); location = location1[0]; location = dc.GetValue("select rmes_id from code_location where location_code='" + location + "' "); //取RMES_ID的值 string sql_rmes_id = "SELECT SEQ_RMES_ID.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL "; dc.setTheSql(sql_rmes_id); string rmes_id = dc.GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); //插入到日志表 try { string Sql2 = " INSERT INTO REL_STATION_LOCATION_LOG(rmes_id,company_code,pline_code,station_code,location_code,location_flag,location_flag1,user_code,flag,rqsj)" + " VALUES('" + rmes_id + "','" + theCompanyCode + "','" + pline + "','" + station + "','" + location + "','" + loactionProC + "','" + itemProC + "','" + theUserCode + "','ADD',SYSDATE)"; dc.ExeSql(Sql2); } catch { return; } string sql = "insert into rel_station_location(rmes_id,company_code,pline_code,station_code,location_code,LOCATION_FLAG,LOCATION_FLAG1)" + "values(SEQ_RMES_ID.NEXTVAL,'" + theCompanyCode + "','" + pline + "','" + station + "','" + location + "','" + loactionProC + "','" + itemProC + "')"; dc.ExeSql(sql); } Response.Write("<script type='text/javascript'>alert('新增站点工位关系成功!');window.opener.location.reload();location.href='epd3401.aspx';</script>");//window.opener.location.reload();window.close(); comboPlineCode.Text = ""; comboStationCode.Text = ""; locationPro.Text = ""; ASPxListBoxLocation.Items.Clear(); comboItemPro.Text = ""; }
protected void cmbPline_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { //显示生产线列表 string sql = "select pline_code,pline_name from vw_user_role_program a " + "where user_id='" + userId + "' and program_code='mmsWarehouseDelConfirmOne' and company_code='" + companyCode + "'"; dc.setTheSql(sql); cmbPline.DataSource = dc.GetTable(); cmbPline.TextField = "pline_name"; cmbPline.ValueField = "pline_code"; cmbPline.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { userManager theUserManager = (userManager)Session["theUserManager"]; theCompanyCode = theUserManager.getCompanyCode(); theUserId = theUserManager.getUserId(); theUserCode = theUserManager.getUserCode(); theProgramCode = "atpu1A00"; //初始化零件名称begin if (Request["opFlag"] == "getEditLJDM") { string str1 = ""; string ljdm = Request["ljdmC"].ToString(); string sql = "select PT_DESC2 from COPY_PT_MSTR where PT_PART='" + ljdm + "'"; dc.setTheSql(sql); if (dc.GetTable().Rows.Count == 0) { str1 = ""; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } string ljmc = dc.GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); if (ljdm == "") { str1 = ""; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } str1 = ljmc; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); } //初始化零件名称end setCondition(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LabSO.Text = Request["so"].ToString(); LabPlanCode.Text = Request["planCode"].ToString(); LabOldPart.Text = Request["oldPart"].ToString(); LabNewPart.Text = Request["newPart"].ToString(); LabLocation.Text = Request["locationCode"].ToString(); LabPlineCode.Text = Request["plineCode"].ToString(); string itemQry = Request["itemQry"].ToString(); //统计当天计划里该零件总数 string sql = "select sum(item_qty) from VW_DATA_PLAN_STANDARD_BOM where ITEM_CODE='" + LabOldPart.Text + "' and begin_date=to_date(to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd'),'yyyy-mm-dd')"; dc.setTheSql(sql); string itemSumNum = dc.GetValue(); LabSumNum.Text = "0"; if (itemSumNum != "") { LabSumNum.Text = itemSumNum; } //统计当天已替换该零件数量 sql = "select sum(thsl) from sjbomsoth where jhdm in (select plan_code from data_plan where begin_date=to_date(to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd'),'yyyy-mm-dd'))"; dc.setTheSql(sql); string itemNum = dc.GetValue(); LabNum.Text = "0"; if (itemNum != "") { LabNum.Text = itemNum; } LabRate.Text = "0"; if (LabSumNum.Text != "0") { LabRate.Text = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDecimal(LabNum.Text) / Convert.ToDecimal(LabSumNum.Text)); } }
private void setCondition() { string sql = "select * from VW_DATA_PLAN where pline_code='" + ASPxComboBoxPline.Value.ToString() + "' and confirm_flag='Y' and item_flag='Y' and plan_qty>0 and run_flag<>'C' and run_flag<>'F' and begin_date>=to_date('" + ASPxDateEdit1.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "','yyyy-mm-dd') and begin_date<=to_date('" + ASPxDateEdit2.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "','yyyy-mm-dd') and pline_code in(select pline_code from vw_user_role_program where user_id='" + theUserId + "' and program_code='" + theProgramCode + "' and company_code='" + theCompanyCode + "' ) order by begin_date,plan_seq "; DataTable dt = dc.GetTable(sql); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string remark1 = dt.Rows[i]["REMARK"].ToString(); sql = "select FUNC_GET_REMARK('" + dt.Rows[i]["PLAN_CODE"].ToString() + "','" + remark1 + "') from dual "; dc.setTheSql(sql); dt.Rows[i]["REMARK"] = dc.GetValue();; } ASPxGridView1.DataSource = dt; ASPxGridView1.DataBind(); }
protected void cmbPlineCode_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { //显示生产线列表 userManager theUserManager = (userManager)Session["theUserManager"]; string userId = theUserManager.getUserId(); string companyCode = theUserManager.getCompanyCode(); string sql = "select pline_code,pline_name from vw_user_role_program a " + "where user_id='" + userId + "' and program_code='mmsMaterialSend' and company_code='" + companyCode + "'"; dc.setTheSql(sql); cmbPline.DataSource = dc.GetTable(); cmbPline.TextField = "pline_name"; cmbPline.ValueField = "pline_code"; cmbPline.DataBind(); }
public void ASPxGridView1_CustomDataCallback(object sender, DevExpress.Web.ASPxGridView.ASPxGridViewCustomDataCallbackEventArgs e) { string s = e.Parameters; string[] s1 = s.Split('|'); string type1 = s1[0]; int rowIndex = int.Parse(s1[1]); string sql = ""; string rmesid, planseq, begindate, plinecode1; try { rmesid = gridMaterial.GetRowValues(rowIndex, "ITEM_CODE").ToString(); planseq = gridMaterial.GetRowValues(rowIndex, "NEWPART").ToString(); begindate = gridMaterial.GetRowValues(rowIndex, "ITEM_QTY").ToString(); plinecode1 = gridMaterial.GetRowValues(rowIndex, "LOCATION_CODE") as string; } catch { e.Result = "Fail,缺少关键值!"; return; } return; switch (type1) { case "Up": sql = "select max(plan_seq) from data_plan where begin_date=to_date('" + begindate + "','yyyy-mm-dd') and plan_seq<'" + planseq + "' and pline_code='" + plinecode1 + "' and plan_type='A'"; dc.setTheSql(sql); string planseq1 = dc.GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); if (dc.GetTable().Rows.Count == 0 || planseq1 == "") { e.Result = "Fail,当前已最小序!"; break; } sql = "update data_plan set plan_seq='" + planseq + "' where plan_seq='" + planseq1 + "' and begin_date=to_date('" + begindate + "','yyyy-mm-dd') and pline_code='" + plinecode1 + "' and plan_type='A' "; dc.ExeSql(sql); sql = "update data_plan set plan_seq='" + planseq1 + "' where rmes_id='" + rmesid + "' "; dc.ExeSql(sql); //e.Result = "OK,上调成功!"; break; default: break; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { userManager theUserManager = (userManager)Session["theUserManager"]; theCompanyCode = theUserManager.getCompanyCode(); theUserId = theUserManager.getUserId(); theUserCode = theUserManager.getUserCode(); theProgramCode = "part1400"; initPlanCode(); initPlineCode(); setCondition(); if (!IsPostBack) { ASPxDateEdit1.Date = DateTime.Now; ASPxDateEdit3.Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1); } if (Request["opFlag"] == "getEditSeries") { string str1 = "", str2 = ""; string pcode = Request["PCode"].ToString().Trim(); string plancode = Request["PlanCode"].ToString().Trim(); string sql = "select PLAN_SO,PLAN_QTY from data_plan where pline_code='" + pcode.ToUpper() + "' and plan_code='" + plancode.ToUpper() + "'"; dc.setTheSql(sql); if (dc.GetTable().Rows.Count == 0) { str1 = ""; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } string Pqty = dc.GetTable().Rows[0][1].ToString(); string Pso = dc.GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); if (Pso == "") { str1 = ""; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } str1 = Pso; str2 = Pqty; str1 = str1 + "," + str2; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); } }
protected void ASPxGridView1_RowDeleting(object sender, DevExpress.Web.Data.ASPxDataDeletingEventArgs e) { //判断当前记录是否可以删除 string strDelCode = e.Values["SO"].ToString(); string strTableName = "ATPUEPAINTPROCOLOR"; dataConn theDataConn = new dataConn("select func_check_delete_data('" + strTableName + "','" + theCompanyCode + "','MES','MES','MES','" + strDelCode + "') from dual"); theDataConn.OpenConn(); string theRet = theDataConn.GetValue(); if (theRet != "Y") { ASPxGridView1.JSProperties.Add("cpCallbackName", "Delete"); ASPxGridView1.JSProperties.Add("cpCallbackRet", theRet); theDataConn.CloseConn(); } else { //插入到日志表 try { string Sql1 = " SELECT * FROM ATPUEPAINTPROCOLOR WHERE SO='" + strDelCode + "'"; dc.setTheSql(Sql1); string SITE = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["SITE"].ToString(); string PROC = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["PROC"].ToString(); string COLOR = dc.GetTable().Rows[0]["COLOR"].ToString(); string Sql2 = "INSERT INTO ATPUEPAINTPROCOLOR_LOG(SO,SITE,PROC,COLOR,USER_CODE,FLAG,RQSJ)" + "VALUES('" + strDelCode + "','" + SITE + "','" + PROC + "','" + COLOR + "','" + theUserCode + "','DEL',SYSDATE)"; dc.ExeSql(Sql2); } catch { return; } //确认删除 string Sql = "delete from ATPUEPAINTPROCOLOR WHERE SO = '" + strDelCode + "'"; dc.ExeSql(Sql); } setCondition(); e.Cancel = true; }
object GetNotes(string id) { string sql = "SELECT REMARK FROM VW_DATA_PLAN WHERE RMES_ID='" + id + "'"; dataConn dc = new dataConn(sql); DataTable dt = dc.GetTable(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { string remark1 = dt.Rows[i]["REMARK"].ToString(); sql = "select FUNC_GET_REMARK('" + remark1 + "') from dual "; dc.setTheSql(sql); dt.Rows[i]["REMARK"] = dc.GetValue(); ; } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { return dt.Rows[0]["REMARK"]; } return null; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { userManager theUserManager = (userManager)Session["theUserManager"]; theCompanyCode = theUserManager.getCompanyCode(); theUserId = theUserManager.getUserId(); theUserName = theUserManager.getUserName(); theUserCode = theUserManager.getUserCode(); theProgramCode = "atpu1B00"; setCondition(); string sql2 = "select distinct tjlx from dmtjb order by tjlx"; SqlDataSource2.SelectCommand = sql2; SqlDataSource2.DataBind(); //SO合法性判断begin if (Request["opFlag"] == "getEditSO") { string str1 = ""; string strSO = Request["SoC"].ToString(); string sql = "SELECT SO FROM copy_engine_property where SO='" + strSO + "'"; dc.setTheSql(sql); if (dc.GetTable().Rows.Count == 0) { str1 = ""; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } string strSO1 = dc.GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); if (strSO == "") { str1 = ""; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } str1 = strSO1; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { userManager theUserManager = (userManager)Session["theUserManager"]; theCompanyCode = theUserManager.getCompanyCode(); theUserId = theUserManager.getUserId(); theUserName = theUserManager.getUserName(); theUserCode = theUserManager.getUserCode(); programcode = "ssd2200"; if (!IsPostBack) { } if (Request["opFlag"] == "getPlan") { string str1 = ""; string plancode = Request["PLAN"].ToString(); string sql = "select plan_so,plan_qty from data_plan where plan_code='" + plancode.ToUpper() + "'"; dc.setTheSql(sql); if (dc.GetTable().Rows.Count == 0) { str1 = ""; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } string planso = dc.GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); string planqty = dc.GetTable().Rows[0][1].ToString(); if (planso == "") { str1 = ""; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } str1 = planso + "," + planqty; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); } setCondition(); }
//删除 protected void ASPxGridView1_RowDeleting(object sender, DevExpress.Web.Data.ASPxDataDeletingEventArgs e) { theDc.setTheSql("select func_check_delete_data('CODE_COMPANY','MES','MES','MES','MES','" + e.Values["COMPANY_CODE"].ToString() + "') from dual"); theDc.OpenConn(); string theRet = theDc.GetValue(); if (theRet != "Y") { ASPxGridView1.JSProperties.Add("cpCallbackName", "Delete"); ASPxGridView1.JSProperties.Add("cpCompanyName", theRet); // theDc.CloseConn(); } else { string dSql = "DELETE FROM CODE_COMPANY WHERE COMPANY_CODE='" + e.Values["COMPANY_CODE"].ToString() + "'"; theDc.ExeSql(dSql); } e.Cancel = true; queryFunction(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { userManager theUserManager = (userManager)Session["theUserManager"]; theCompanyCode = theUserManager.getCompanyCode(); theUserId = theUserManager.getUserId(); theUserName = theUserManager.getUserName(); theUserCode = theUserManager.getUserCode(); theProgramCode = "atpu1C00"; //初始化站点名称begin if (Request["opFlag"] == "getEditZD") { string str1 = ""; string zdmc = Request["zddmC"].ToString(); string sql = "select STATION_CODE from CODE_STATION where STATION_NAME='" + zdmc + "'"; dc.setTheSql(sql); if (dc.GetTable().Rows.Count == 0) { str1 = ""; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } string zddm = dc.GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); if (zdmc == "") { str1 = ""; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } str1 = zddm; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); } //初始化站点名称end //初始化零件名称begin if (Request["opFlag"] == "getEditLJDM") { string str1 = ""; string ljdm = Request["ljdmC"].ToString(); string sql = "select PT_DESC2 from COPY_PT_MSTR where PT_PART='" + ljdm + "'"; dc.setTheSql(sql); if (dc.GetTable().Rows.Count == 0) { str1 = ""; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } string ljmc = dc.GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); if (ljdm == "") { str1 = ""; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } str1 = ljmc; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); } //初始化零件名称end if (Request["opFlag"] == "getEditSeries") { string str = ""; string pcode = Request["PCode"].ToString().Trim(); //dataConn theDataConn = new dataConn(" select FUNC_GET_PLANSITE('" + pcode + "','D')from dual"); //theDataConn.OpenConn(); //string gQadSite = theDataConn.GetValue(); //if (gQadSite != "") //{ string sql = "SELECT distinct STATION_NAME FROM CODE_STATION where PLINE_CODE=RH_GET_DATA('L','" + pcode + "','','','')"; Session["1C00STATION"] = sql; SqlDataSource2.SelectCommand = sql; SqlDataSource2.DataBind(); //} this.Response.Write(str); this.Response.End(); } setCondition(); //string Sql2 = "SELECT distinct STATION_NAME FROM CODE_STATION order by STATION_NAME "; //SqlDataSource2.SelectCommand = Sql2; //SqlDataSource2.DataBind(); //SqlDataSource22.SelectCommand = Sql2; //SqlDataSource22.DataBind(); string Sql3 = "SELECT distinct PT_PART,PT_DESC2 FROM COPY_PT_MSTR where pt_phantom=0 order by PT_PART "; SqlDataSource3.SelectCommand = Sql3; SqlDataSource3.DataBind(); string Sql4 = "select a.pline_code,b.rmes_id,b.pline_name from VW_USER_ROLE_PROGRAM a " + "left join code_product_line b on a.pline_code=b.pline_code " + "where a.COMPANY_CODE = '" + theCompanyCode + "' and a.user_id='" + theUserId + "' and a.program_code='" + theProgramCode + "' order by b.PLINE_NAME"; SqlDataSource4.SelectCommand = Sql4; SqlDataSource4.DataBind(); string Sql8 = "select internal_code,internal_name from code_internal " + "where COMPANY_CODE = '" + theCompanyCode + "' and internal_type_code='011' order by internal_code"; SqlLJLB.SelectCommand = Sql8; SqlLJLB.DataBind(); //if (!IsPostBack) //{ // string sql = "SELECT distinct STATION_NAME FROM CODE_STATION "; // Session["1C00STATION"] = sql; // SqlDataSource2.SelectCommand = sql; // SqlDataSource2.DataBind(); //} }
protected void butConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string pline, subStation, cfStation, zpStation, subZc, cFlag = ""; string subStationCode = ""; string sunStationName = ""; pline = comboPlineCode.SelectedItem.Value.ToString(); subStation = comboSUBStation.SelectedItem.Value.ToString(); string sql = "select station_code,station_name from code_station where rmes_id='" + subStation + "'"; dataConn cdc = new dataConn(sql); DataTable cdt = cdc.GetTable(); if (cdt.Rows.Count > 0) { subStationCode = cdt.Rows[0]["station_code"].ToString(); sunStationName = cdt.Rows[0]["station_name"].ToString(); } cfStation = comboCFStation.SelectedItem.Value.ToString(); zpStation = comboZPStation.SelectedItem.Value.ToString(); subZc = txtPlineCode.Text.Trim(); if (subZc != "") { if (comboCFlag.SelectedIndex >= 0) { cFlag = comboCFlag.SelectedItem.Value.ToString(); } } string chSql = "select PT_PART from COPY_PT_MSTR where PT_PART='" + subZc + "' "; dataConn chDc = new dataConn(chSql); Boolean t = chDc.GetState(); //if (subZc == "")//subZc!=""&&chDc.GetState() == false //{ // lblMessage.Text = "录入的分装总成号" + subZc + "错误!"; //} //else { //取RMES_ID的值 string sql_rmes_id = "SELECT SEQ_RMES_ID.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL "; dc.setTheSql(sql_rmes_id); string rmes_id = dc.GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); string inSql = "insert into CODE_STATION_SUB (RMES_ID,COMPANY_CODE,PLINE_CODE,SUBSTATION_ID,SUBSTATION_CODE,SUBSTATION_NAME," + "CFSTATION_ID,ZPSTATION_ID,SUB_ZC,CHECK_FLAG,INPUT_PERSON,INPUT_TIME) values('" + rmes_id + "','" + theCompanyCode + "','" + pline + "'," + "'" + subStation + "','" + subStationCode + "','" + sunStationName + "','" + cfStation + "','" + zpStation + "','" + subZc + "','" + cFlag + "','" + theUserId + "',SYSDATE)"; dc.ExeSql(inSql); //插入到日志表 try { string Sql2 = "INSERT INTO CODE_STATION_SUB_LOG (RMES_ID,COMPANY_CODE,PLINE_CODE,SUBSTATION_ID,SUBSTATION_CODE,SUBSTATION_NAME," + "CFSTATION_ID,ZPSTATION_ID,SUB_ZC,CHECK_FLAG,user_code,flag,rqsj)" + " SELECT RMES_ID,COMPANY_CODE,PLINE_CODE,SUBSTATION_ID,SUBSTATION_CODE,SUBSTATION_NAME," + "CFSTATION_ID,ZPSTATION_ID,SUB_ZC,CHECK_FLAG,'" + theUserCode + "' , 'ADD', SYSDATE FROM CODE_STATION_SUB WHERE RMES_ID='" + rmes_id + "'"; dc.ExeSql(Sql2); } catch { return; } Response.Write("<script type='text/javascript'>alert('新增分装工作站取点成功!');window.opener.location.reload();location.href='epd3A01.aspx';</script>"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { theProgramCode = "part2900"; userManager theUserManager = (userManager)Session["theUserManager"]; theCompanyCode = theUserManager.getCompanyCode(); theUserId = theUserManager.getUserId(); theUserCode = theUserManager.getUserCode(); modifyFlag = "0"; string sql = "SELECT DISTINCT PLINE_CODE, PLINE_NAME FROM VW_USER_ROLE_PROGRAM WHERE USER_ID = '" + theUserId + "' AND PROGRAM_CODE = '" + theProgramCode + "' AND COMPANY_CODE = '" + theCompanyCode + "' ORDER BY PLINE_CODE"; ComboGzdd.DataSource = dc.GetTable(sql); ComboGzdd.DataBind(); setCondition(); if (Request["opFlag"] == "getEditM") { string str1 = ""; string MCode = Request["MCODE"].ToString().Trim(); string sql88 = "select nvl(pt_desc2,' ') from copy_pt_mstr where UPPER(pt_part)='" + MCode + "'"; dc.setTheSql(sql88); DataTable dt = dc.GetTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { str1 = ""; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } string strMCode = dc.GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); if (strMCode == "") { str1 = ""; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } else { str1 = strMCode; } this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); } if (Request["opFlag"] == "getEditGYS") { string str1 = ""; string GCode = Request["GCODE"].ToString().Trim(); string sql99 = "select nvl(ad_name,' ') from copy_ad_mstr where UPPER(ad_addr)='" + GCode + "'"; dc.setTheSql(sql99); DataTable dt = dc.GetTable(sql); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { str1 = ""; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } string strGCode = dc.GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); if (strGCode == "") { str1 = ""; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } else { str1 = strGCode; } this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); } if (!IsPostBack) { ComboGzdd.SelectedIndex = ComboGzdd.Items.Count >= 0 ? 0 : -1; //初始化工位 string sql2 = " select location_code from ms_location_time where gzdd='" + ComboGzdd.Value.ToString() + "' order by location_seq "; DataTable dt2 = dc.GetTable(sql2); cmbLocation.DataSource = dt2; cmbLocation.ValueField = "LOCATION_CODE"; cmbLocation.TextField = "LOCATION_CODE"; cmbLocation.DataBind(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { PubCs thePubCs = new PubCs(); string theServerPath = Server.MapPath("~/").ToString(); theServerPath = theServerPath + "Rmes/Pub/Xml/RmesConfig.xml"; baseURI = thePubCs.ReadFromXml(theServerPath, "rootPath"); userManager theUserManager = (userManager)Session["theUserManager"]; theDisplayProgramName = theUserManager.getProgName(); theDisplayPlineName = theUserManager.getPlineName(); theDisplayUserName = theUserManager.getUserName(); theDisplayCompanyCode = theUserManager.getCompanyCode(); theDisplayProgramCode = theUserManager.getProgCode(); string theMenuCompanyCode = theUserManager.getCompanyCode(); string theMenuUserCode = theUserManager.getUserCode(); string theMenuUserId = theUserManager.getUserId(); string opt = Request["opt"] as string; string progid = Request["progCode"] as string; if (opt != null && progid != null && opt != string.Empty && progid != string.Empty) { if (opt == "setdefaultpage") { try { dataConn dc = new dataConn(); string _theSql = "SELECT * FROM REL_USER_DEFAULTPAGE WHERE COMPANY_CODE = '" + theDisplayCompanyCode + "' AND USER_ID = '" + theMenuUserId + "'"; dc.setTheSql(_theSql); if (dc.GetState()) { _theSql = "UPDATE REL_USER_DEFAULTPAGE SET DEFAULT_PAGE = '" + progid + "' WHERE COMPANY_CODE = '" + theDisplayCompanyCode + "' AND USER_ID = '" + theMenuUserId + "'"; } else { _theSql = "INSERT INTO REL_USER_DEFAULTPAGE(COMPANY_CODE,USER_ID,DEFAULT_PAGE)VALUES('" + theDisplayCompanyCode + "','" + theMenuUserId + "','" + progid + "')"; } dc.ExeSql(_theSql); Response.Write("设置成功:" + progid); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write("设置失败,信息如下:\n" + ex.Message); } Response.End(); } } //得到菜单绝对地址 string theHost = Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]; string thePort = Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_PORT"]; string theUrl = Request.ServerVariables["URL"]; string theUrlTemp = theUrl.Substring(0, theUrl.IndexOf("/", 1)); string str = "欢迎使用RMES系统," + theDisplayPlineName + " 的 " + theDisplayUserName + ",你当前打开的页面:" + theDisplayProgramName; ASPxRoundPanel1.HeaderText = str; //帮助 20080408 theHelpFile = theUrlTemp + "/Rmes/Help/" + theDisplayProgramCode + ".htm"; //考虑以后可能对程序内容做一些处理,暂且定义变量 //string theProgTemp = ""; string theSql = "select menu_code,menu_name,menu_code_father,menu_index,program_code,program_name,program_value from vw_rel_user_menu where company_code='" + theMenuCompanyCode + "' and user_id='" + theMenuUserId + "' order by menu_level,menu_index"; dataConn theDataConn = new dataConn(theSql); //theDataConn.OpenConn(); //theDataConn.theComd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; //theDataConn.theComd.CommandText = theSql; //OracleDataReader dr = theDataConn.theComd.ExecuteReader(); DataTable dt = theDataConn.GetTable(theSql); DataView dv = new DataView(dt); dv.RowFilter = "menu_code_father is NULL and menu_code is not NUll and menu_name is not NULL"; dv.Sort = "menu_index"; string name = "", text = "", url = ""; foreach (DataRowView dvr in dv) { name = dvr["menu_code"].ToString(); text = dvr["menu_name"].ToString(); url = dvr["program_value"].ToString().Trim(); url = url.Equals("") ? "" : ("../.." + url + "?progCode=" + dvr["program_code"].ToString() + "&progName=" + dvr["program_name"]); if (!text.Trim().Equals("")) { DevExpress.Web.ASPxMenu.MenuItem m = new DevExpress.Web.ASPxMenu.MenuItem(text, name, "", url); ASPxMenu1.Items.Add(m); AddChildMenu(dt, m); } } if (ASPxMenu1.Items.Count > 0) { //modeify by thl 20161011 用户不需要 注释了 ASPxMenu1.Target = "ifmain"; ASPxMenu1.Items.Add("附加功能", "ext_menu", "", ""); DevExpress.Web.ASPxMenu.MenuItem m = ASPxMenu1.Items.FindByName("ext_menu"); m.Items.Add("设置为默认页", "ext_set_homepage", "", "javascript:$.setDefaultPage(window.ifmain.location.href)", "_self"); //m.Items.Add("选择主题", "ext_set_theme", "", ""); DevExpress.Web.ASPxMenu.MenuItem n = ASPxMenu1.Items.FindByName("ext_set_theme"); string path = Server.MapPath("~/App_Themes"); //string[] themes = System.IO.Directory.GetDirectories(path); //string sTemp = ""; //foreach (string s in themes) //{ // sTemp = s.Substring(s.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1); // if (!sTemp.StartsWith(".")) // n.Items.Add(sTemp, sTemp, "", "javascript:jQuery.setTheme('" + sTemp + "')", "_self"); //} } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { userManager theUserManager = (userManager)Session["theUserManager"]; theCompanyCode = theUserManager.getCompanyCode(); theUserId = theUserManager.getUserId(); theUserCode = theUserManager.getUserCode(); theProgramCode = "part1500"; initTName(); initCode(); setCondition(); if (!IsPostBack) { ASPxDateEdit1.Date = DateTime.Now; ASPxDateEdit3.Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1); } if (Request["opFlag"] == "getEditSeries") { string str1 = "", str2 = ""; string pcode = Request["Pcode"].ToString().Trim(); if (pcode == "E") { str2 = "DCEC-B"; } else if (pcode == "W") { str2 = "DCEC-C"; } else { str2 = ""; } str1 = str1 + "," + str2; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); } if (Request["opFlag"] == "getEditSeries2") { string str1 = "", str2 = ""; string pcode = Request["Pcode"].ToString().Trim(); if (pcode == "E") { str2 = "DCEC-B"; } else if (pcode == "W") { str2 = "DCEC-C"; } else { str2 = ""; } str1 = str1 + "," + str2; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); } if (Request["opFlag"] == "getMATERIAL") { string str1 = ""; string mcode = Request["MCODE"].ToString().Trim(); string sql = "select nvl(pt_desc2,' ') from copy_pt_mstr where pt_part='" + mcode + "'"; dc.setTheSql(sql); if (dc.GetTable().Rows.Count <= 0) { str1 = "no"; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } str1 = dc.GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); } if (Request["opFlag"] == "getGYS") { string str1 = ""; string gcode = Request["GCODE"].ToString().Trim(); string sql = "select nvl(ad_name,' ') from copy_ad_mstr where upper(ad_addr)='" + gcode + "'"; dc.setTheSql(sql); if (dc.GetTable().Rows.Count <= 0) { str1 = "no"; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } str1 = dc.GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { userManager theUserManager = (userManager)Session["theUserManager"]; theCompanyCode = theUserManager.getCompanyCode(); theUserId = theUserManager.getUserId(); theUserCode = theUserManager.getUserCode(); theProgramCode = "part2B00"; //initTName(); initCode(); setCondition(); if (!IsPostBack) { ASPxDateEdit1.Date = DateTime.Now; ASPxDateEdit3.Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1); } if (Request["opFlag"] == "getEditSeries") { string str1 = "", str2 = ""; string pcode = Request["Pcode"].ToString().Trim(); if (pcode == "E") { str2 = "DCEC-B"; } else if (pcode == "W") { str2 = "DCEC-C"; } else { str2 = ""; } str1 = str1 + "," + str2; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); } if (Request["opFlag"] == "getEditSeries2") { string str1 = "", str2 = ""; string pcode = Request["Pcode"].ToString().Trim(); if (pcode == "E") { str2 = "DCEC-B"; } else if (pcode == "W") { str2 = "DCEC-C"; } else { str2 = ""; } str1 = str1 + "," + str2; dataConn theDataConn = new dataConn(" select FUNC_GET_PLANSITE('" + pcode + "','D')from dual"); theDataConn.OpenConn(); string gQadSite = theDataConn.GetValue(); if (gQadSite != "") { string sql = "select location_code from ms_location_time where gzdd='" + pcode + "' order by location_seq"; Session["9100USER"] = sql; sqlLocation.SelectCommand = sql; sqlLocation.DataBind(); } this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); } if (Request["opFlag"] == "getMATERIAL") { string str1 = ""; string mcode = Request["MCODE"].ToString().Trim(); string sql = "select nvl(pt_desc2,' ') from copy_pt_mstr where pt_part='" + mcode + "'"; dc.setTheSql(sql); if (dc.GetTable().Rows.Count <= 0) { str1 = "no"; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } str1 = dc.GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); } if (Request["opFlag"] == "getGYS") { string str1 = ""; string gcode = Request["GCODE"].ToString().Trim(); string sql = "select nvl(ad_name,' ') from copy_ad_mstr where upper(ad_addr)='" + gcode + "'"; dc.setTheSql(sql); if (dc.GetTable().Rows.Count <= 0) { str1 = "no"; this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); return; } str1 = dc.GetTable().Rows[0][0].ToString(); this.Response.Write(str1); this.Response.End(); } }