Exemple #1
        public bool InsertDataMLB(csTeamStat stat)
                parameters.Add("@pName", stat.Name);
                parameters.Add("@pAB", stat.AB);
                parameters.Add("@pPA", stat.PA);
                parameters.Add("@pH", stat.H);
                parameters.Add("@pB1", stat.B1);
                parameters.Add("@pB2", stat.B2);
                parameters.Add("@pB3", stat.B3);
                parameters.Add("@pHR", stat.HR);
                parameters.Add("@pR", stat.R);
                parameters.Add("@pRBI", stat.RBI);
                parameters.Add("@pBB", stat.BB);
                parameters.Add("@pK", stat.K);
                parameters.Add("@pSF", stat.SF);
                parameters.Add("@pGDP", stat.GDP);
                parameters.Add("@pSB", stat.SB);
                parameters.Add("@pAVG", stat.AVG);
                parameters.Add("@pOBP", stat.OBP);
                parameters.Add("@pSLG", stat.SLG);
                parameters.Add("@pOPS", stat.OPS);

                return(csConnectionMLB.ExecutePAConfirmation("[dbo].[web_insertMLBstat]", parameters));
            catch (Exception)
Exemple #2
        public ObservableCollection <csTeamStat> ScrapMLB_Stats(string url)
            ObservableCollection <csTeamStat> data = new ObservableCollection <csTeamStat>();
            csTeamStat t = null;

                string result = string.Empty;
                HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlWeb      web = new HtmlWeb();
                HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = web.Load(url);

                // Get all tables in the document
                HtmlNodeCollection tables = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//table");
                //String stringContent = "";
                // Iterate all rows in the first table
                if (tables != null)
                    for (int k = 0; k < tables.Count; k++)
                        HtmlNodeCollection rows = tables[k].SelectNodes(".//tr");

                        if (rows != null)
                            for (int i = 1; i < rows.Count; ++i)
                                t = new csTeamStat();

                                HtmlNodeCollection cols = rows[i].SelectNodes(".//td");
                                //string stringCellText = "";
                                if (cols != null)
                                    for (int j = 0; j < cols.Count; ++j)
                                        string txt = cols[j].InnerText.Replace("\r\n", "").Trim().Replace("\t\t (R)", "").Trim().Replace("\t\t (L)", "").Trim();

                                        if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txt))
                                            if (j == 0)
                                                t.Name = txt;
                                            else if (j == 1)
                                                t.AB = Convert.ToInt32(txt);
                                            else if (j == 2)
                                                t.PA = Convert.ToInt32(txt);
                                            else if (j == 3)
                                                t.H = Convert.ToInt32(txt);
                                            else if (j == 4)
                                                t.B1 = Convert.ToInt32(txt);
                                            else if (j == 5)
                                                t.B2 = Convert.ToInt32(txt);
                                            else if (j == 6)
                                                t.B3 = Convert.ToInt32(txt);
                                            else if (j == 7)
                                                t.HR = Convert.ToInt32(txt);
                                            else if (j == 8)
                                                t.R = Convert.ToInt32(txt);
                                            else if (j == 9)
                                                t.RBI = Convert.ToInt32(txt);
                                            else if (j == 10)
                                                t.BB = Convert.ToInt32(txt);
                                            else if (j == 11)
                                                t.K = Convert.ToInt32(txt);
                                            else if (j == 12)
                                                t.SF = Convert.ToInt32(txt);
                                            else if (j == 13)
                                                t.GDP = Convert.ToInt32(txt);
                                            else if (j == 14)
                                                t.SB = Convert.ToInt32(txt);
                                            else if (j == 15)
                                                t.AVG = Convert.ToDouble(txt);
                                            else if (j == 16)
                                                t.OBP = Convert.ToDouble(txt);
                                            else if (j == 17)
                                                t.SLG = Convert.ToDouble(txt);
                                            else if (j == 18)
                                                t.OPS = Convert.ToDouble(txt);


                        //stringContent = stringContent.Replace("</script>", "");
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message);
