Exemple #1
arbiterSetEql(cpShape shapes, cpArbiter arb)
	cpShape a = shapes[0];
	cpShape b = shapes[1];
	return ((a == arb.a && b == arb.b) || (b == arb.a && a == arb.b));
Exemple #2
unthreadHelper(cpArbiter arb, cpBody body)
Exemple #3
static void nothing(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, object data){}
Exemple #4
//MARK: Misc Helper Funcs

// Default collision functions.
static bool alwaysCollide(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, object data){return 1;}
Exemple #5
        // No collisions

        static bool NoCollide_begin(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, object data)
 public static void CollisionPostSolveCallbackFunc(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, CCPhysicsWorld world)
 public static bool CollisionPreSolveCallbackFunc(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, CCPhysicsWorld world)
        public bool waterPreSolve(cpArbiter arb, cpSpace space, object o)
            cpShape obj1, obj2;

            arb.GetShapes(out obj1, out obj2);
            cpPolyShape water = obj1 as cpPolyShape;
            cpPolyShape poly  = obj2 as cpPolyShape;
            cpBody      body  = poly.GetBody();

            float level = water.GetBB().t; // cpShapeGetBB().t;

            int count        = poly.Count; //cpPolyShapeGetCount(poly.g);
            int clippedCount = 0;

            cpVect[] clipped = new cpVect[10];

            for (int i = 0, j = count - 1; i < count; j = i, i++)
                cpVect a = body.LocalToWorld(poly.GetVert(j));
                cpVect b = body.LocalToWorld(poly.GetVert(i));

                if (a.y < level)
                    clipped[clippedCount] = a;

                float a_level = a.y - level;
                float b_level = b.y - level;

                if (a_level * b_level < 0.0f)
                    float t = cp.cpfabs(a_level) / (cp.cpfabs(a_level) + cp.cpfabs(b_level));

                    clipped[clippedCount] = cpVect.cpvlerp(a, b, t);

            // Calculate buoyancy from the clipped polygon area
            float  clippedArea   = cp.AreaForPoly(clippedCount, clipped, 0.0f);
            float  displacedMass = clippedArea * FLUID_DENSITY;
            cpVect centroid      = cp.CentroidForPoly(clippedCount, clipped);

            //ChipmunkDebugDrawPolygon(clippedCount, clipped, 0.0f, RGBAColor(0, 0, 1, 1), RGBAColor(0, 0, 1, 0.1f));
            //ChipmunkDebugDrawDot(5, centroid, RGBAColor(0, 0, 1, 1));

            float  dt = space.GetCurrentTimeStep();
            cpVect g  = space.GetGravity();

            // Apply the buoyancy force as an impulse.
            body.ApplyImpulseAtWorldPoint(cpVect.cpvmult(g, -displacedMass * dt), centroid);

            // Apply linear damping for the fluid drag.
            cpVect v_centroid = body.GetVelocityAtWorldPoint(centroid);
            float  k          = k_scalar_body(body, centroid, cpVect.cpvnormalize(v_centroid));
            float  damping    = clippedArea * FLUID_DRAG * FLUID_DENSITY;
            float  v_coef     = cp.cpfexp(-damping * dt * k); // linear drag

            //	cpfloat v_coef = 1.0/(1.0 + damping*dt*cpvlength(v_centroid)*k); // quadratic drag
            body.ApplyImpulseAtWorldPoint(cpVect.cpvmult(cpVect.cpvsub(cpVect.cpvmult(v_centroid, v_coef), v_centroid), 1.0f / k), centroid);

            // Apply angular damping for the fluid drag.
            cpVect cog       = body.LocalToWorld(body.GetCenterOfGravity());
            float  w_damping = cp.MomentForPoly(FLUID_DRAG * FLUID_DENSITY * clippedArea, clippedCount, clipped, cpVect.cpvneg(cog), 0.0f);

            body.SetAngularVelocity(body.GetAngularVelocity() * cp.cpfexp(-w_damping * dt / body.GetMoment()));