Exemple #1
        // Running thread
        public async Task <bool> Thread()
            // List of async tasks
            var tasks = new List <Task <Tuple <string, string> > >();

            int locChange = 0;
            var generator = new coupon.Coupon();

            int iteration = 1;

            foreach (var user in users)
                // Create a new coupon task for this account
                tasks.Add(McTool.insert(user, locChange, generator, iteration));

                // Every 5 accounts, change location
                if (locChange < 5)
                    locChange = 0;
                    generator = new coupon.Coupon();

                // i+1

                // Delay for next account
                await Task.Delay(600);

            // Foreach completed task, append result to "accounts.txt" file
            foreach (var i in await Task.WhenAll(tasks))
                using (StreamWriter w = File.AppendText("accounts.txt"))
                    w.WriteLine(i.Item1 + "|" + i.Item2);

Exemple #2
        // Async method that insert a coupon code into an account
        public static async Task <Tuple <string, string> > insert(jsonClasses.Account user, int index, coupon.Coupon gen, int number)
            var httpSend = new McSend();

            // Number of coupons with 0 points inside.
            int zeroPoints = 0;
            // Number of coupons already inserted (check for another bot).
            int alreadyInserted = 0;
            // A start txId (nased on current cycle iteration).
            int txId = (index * 20) + 1;

            // Log
            Console.WriteLine("Recharching account N. " + number);

            // Cycle that lasts until the account is full
            while (true)
                // If too many fails, change location and reset variables
                if (alreadyInserted >= 8 || txId > 150 || zeroPoints >= 9)
                    zeroPoints      = 0;
                    alreadyInserted = 0;
                    txId            = (index * 20) + 1;

                // Insert generated coupon to the account
                jsonClasses.PromoResponse promoInfo;
                    promoInfo = new jsonClasses.PromoResponse(await httpSend.PostPromo(gen.GetTazza(txId), user));
                    await Task.Delay(1000);

                    Console.WriteLine("Network error. Retrying.");

                    // Restart cycle

                // If user is unauthorized, skip this user.
                if (await promoInfo.IsUnauthorized())
                else if (await promoInfo.GetStatusCode() == 200)
                    // if status code is ok, continue, resetting the alreadyInserted variable.
                    alreadyInserted = 0;
                    txId           += 1;

                    // Get coupon status
                    var status = await promoInfo.GetPromoStatus();

                    // Check for status number
                    if (status == "2")
                        if (promoInfo.HasProducts())
                            // If ok and there are points, reset zeroPoints variable and print coupon points.
                            zeroPoints = 0;
                            Console.WriteLine("Coupon points: " + await promoInfo.GetCouponPoints());
                            // If is ok but there aren't products, zeroPoints += 1
                            zeroPoints += 1;
                            Console.WriteLine("Non sono presenti prodotti aderenti all'iniziativa."); // Correspondent error code on website
                    else if (status == "10")
                        Console.WriteLine("Codice scontrino non approvato, assicurati di averlo digitato correttamente."); // Correspondent error code on website
                        zeroPoints += 1;
                    else if (status == "6")
                        Console.WriteLine("This restaurant doesn't support this initiative.");

                        // Change location
                        alreadyInserted = 0;
                        zeroPoints      = 0;
                        txId            = (index * 20) + 1;
                        Console.WriteLine("Unknown status: " + status);
                        Console.WriteLine("LOG: " + promoInfo.GetResponse());
                else if (await promoInfo.GetErrorCode() == "existing_receipt" || await promoInfo.GetErrorCode() == "wrong_format")
                    alreadyInserted += 1;
                    txId            += 1;
                    Console.WriteLine("Risultato: Codice già esistente!");
                else if (await promoInfo.GetErrorCode() == "too_many_receipt" || await promoInfo.GetErrorCode() == "throttle_limit")
                    // Account is full so exit
                    Console.WriteLine("Result: Account full!");
                    // Unknown, log.

                // Delay for next iteration (to avoid ban)
                await Task.Delay(100);

            // Save new cookies
            await Task.Delay(300);

            _ = await httpSend.GetCookies(user);

            // Get points number as string
            string points;

                var pointsResponse = new jsonClasses.PointsResponse(await httpSend.GetPoints(user.bearer, user.mc4u, user.token));
                points = await pointsResponse.GetPoints();
            catch {
                points = "";

            // Return result (email and points)
            return(Tuple.Create(user.email, points));