Exemple #1
 void Start()
     Dial      = GameObject.Find("RotaryDial");
     comboNum1 = Random.Range(0, 360);
     comboNum2 = Random.Range(0, 360);
     comboNum3 = Random.Range(0, 360);
     //myState = comboStates.traversing_level;
     myState = comboStates.seeking_combo1;
Exemple #2
    void SeekingCombo1()
/*Put in an arrow prompt to let Player know which direction to rotate Dial
        //Determine if the Dial is being rotated in the wrong direction
        if (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") < 0.0f)
            Debug.Log("Wrong Direction. Attempt FAILED");
            //If so, then the attempt at unlocking the door is failed
            myState = comboStates.attempt_failed;
        if (comboNum1Reached == false && (int)dialAngle <= comboNum1 + 5 && (int)dialAngle >= comboNum1)
            //When in range of first combo number, notify player via vibration/sound/something
            Debug.Log("Getting closer");
            if ((int)dialAngle <= comboNum1 + 1 && (int)dialAngle >= comboNum1 - 1)
                /*Then, when they reach the proximity of the exact combo number,
                 * signify proximity to success with an appropriate increase in sound/vibration/whatever
                 * Then, if the player maintains the Dial's rotation at the correct angle for just a second(measured by a simple timer),
                 * the current combo# will unlock
                if (comboTimer > 0.0f)
                    comboTimer = comboTimer - 0.5f * Time.deltaTime;
                else if (comboTimer <= 0.0f)
                    comboNum1Reached = true;
                    myState          = comboStates.seeking_combo2;
        else if ((int)dialAngle < comboNum1 - 1 && (int)dialAngle >= comboNum1 - 2)
            //If the Player rotates the Dial too far, then the attempt at unlocking the door is failed
            Debug.Log("You rotated too far. Attempt FAILED");
            myState = comboStates.attempt_failed;
            comboTimer = 1.0f;
Exemple #3
 void AttemptFailed()
     if (attemptsRemaining > 0)
         Debug.Log("Attempts Remaining: " + attemptsRemaining + ". Press R to Retry");
         if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R))
             Dial.transform.Rotate(0.0f, 0.0f, -dialAngle);
             dialAngle = 0.0f;
             myState   = comboStates.seeking_combo1;
         Debug.Log("No attempts Left. YOU LOSE");