Exemple #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                Session["lang"] = function.getParm("lang", "en").ToLower();

            lang    = Session["lang"].ToString();
            profile = (lang == "fr") ? "FCEI" : "CFIB";

            // find/retrieve Profile custId parameter = profileParameters[4].value;
            JSON = v8server.profiles(profile);
            List <ProfileParameters> profileParameters = serializer.Deserialize <List <ProfileParameters> >(JSON);

            for (int i = 0; i < profileParameters.Count; i++)
                if (profileParameters[i].id == "custId")
                    custId = profileParameters[i].value;

            logo.ImageUrl = "~/styles/logos/cfib_" + lang.ToLower() + ".png";

            // temporary notice
            //if (lang == "fr") litNotice.Text = "À compter du 1er décembre 2018, la transition au SIMDUT 2015 sera terminée. Si vous suivez le cours SIMDUT 1988 et 2015 actuellement, veuillez le compléter avant le 30 novembre. À compter du vendredi 30 novembre, il y aura un nouveau cours intitulé SIMDUT 2015 - Un aperçu, disponible dans le Centre d'apprentissage.";

            // translate literals
            litHeader.Text  = tran(litHeader.Text, lang);
            litWarning.Text = tran(litWarning.Text, lang);
            support.Text    = tran(support.Text, lang);

            litRegister.Text = tran(litRegister.Text, lang);

            cfibId.Text = tran(cfibId.Text, lang);

            companyName.Text        = tran(companyName.Text, lang);
            companyPhoneNumber.Text = tran(companyPhoneNumber.Text, lang);
            companyPostalCode.Text  = tran(companyPostalCode.Text, lang);

            email1.Text    = tran(email1.Text, lang);
            password1.Text = tran(password1.Text, lang);
            firstName.Text = tran(firstName.Text, lang);
            lastName.Text  = tran(lastName.Text, lang);
            register.Text  = tran(register.Text, lang);

            litSignIn.Text = tran(litSignIn.Text, lang);
            email2.Text    = tran(email1.Text, lang);    // use prev
            password2.Text = tran(password1.Text, lang); // use prev
            signIn.Text    = tran(signIn.Text, lang);

            litPassword.Text = tran(litPassword.Text, lang);
            password.Text    = tran(password.Text, lang);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // need profile to determine which fields to render
            _profile = function.getParm("profile", "").ToLower();
            if (_profile.Length == 0)
                status.Text = "missing profile";
                JSON = v8server.profiles(_profile);
                if (JSON == "null")
                    status.Text = "profile is invalid";
                    // get profile parms
                    List <ProfileParameters> profileParameters = serializer.Deserialize <List <ProfileParameters> >(JSON);
                    _logo          = getProfile(profileParameters, "logo", "");
                    _contentSource = getProfile(profileParameters, "contentSource", "");
                    _custId        = getProfile(profileParameters, "custId", "");
                    _autoEnrollWs  = getProfile(profileParameters, "autoEnrollWs", "");

                    // currently only setup to handle autoEnrollWs
                    if (_autoEnrollWs != "True")
                        status.Text = "service is only configured for 'autoEnrollWs'";
                        launch.Text = "<a href='http://corporate.vubiz.com/vubizApps/accessSimulator.aspx?profile=" + _profile + "'>"
                                      + "https://corporate.vubiz.com/vubizApps/accessSimulator.aspx?profile=" + _profile
                                      + "</a>";
                        custLogo.ImageUrl = "styles/logos/" + _logo;
                        if (_contentSource != "assigned")
                            rowMembPrograms.Visible = false;

                        JSON = v8server.custTitle(_custId);
                        CustTitle custTitle = serializer.Deserialize <CustTitle>(JSON);
                        title.Text = custTitle.custTitle;

                        container.Visible = true;
                        status.Text       = "Welcome. Please fill in the form then click \"Auto-Enroll & Launch\".";
Exemple #3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            debug      = true;
            partnerKey = "B16%jpR96az1";

            profile           = function.getParm("profile", "").ToUpper();
            inputProfile.Text = profile;
            lang = "en"; if (profile == "FCEI")
                lang = "fr";
            if (profile != "CFIB" && profile != "FCEI")
                Literal.Text = tran("Oops. This service has been accessed incorrectly.<br /> [Missing Profile].", lang);

            ticket                  = function.getParm("vTicket", "");
            ticketEncoded           = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(ticket);
            inputTicket.Text        = ticket;
            inputTicketEncoded.Text = ticketEncoded;

            isValidTicket        = handshake.isValidTicket(ticketEncoded, partnerKey);
            WSisValidTicket.Text = isValidTicket;

            if (isValidTicket == "true")
                memb_id        = handshake.getMemberInfo(ticketEncoded, partnerKey, "memb_id");
                WSmemb_id.Text = memb_id; HFmemb_id.Value = memb_id;

                memb_first_name        = handshake.getMemberInfo(ticketEncoded, partnerKey, "memb_first_name");
                WSmemb_first_name.Text = memb_first_name;

                memb_last_name        = handshake.getMemberInfo(ticketEncoded, partnerKey, "memb_last_name");
                WSmemb_last_name.Text = memb_last_name;

                memb_bus_name        = handshake.getMemberInfo(ticketEncoded, partnerKey, "memb_bus_name");
                WSmemb_bus_name.Text = memb_bus_name;

                // find/retrieve Profile custId parameter
                JSON = v8server.profiles(profile);
                List <ProfileParameters> profileParameters = serializer.Deserialize <List <ProfileParameters> >(JSON);
                //custId = profileParameters[4].value;
                for (int i = 0; i < profileParameters.Count; i++)
                    if (profileParameters[i].id == "custId")
                        custId = profileParameters[i].value;

                // confirm there is no cfib Member already registered
                JSON = v8server.cfibIsMember(custId, memb_id);
                //List<ProfileParameters> profileParameters = serializer.Deserialize<List<ProfileParameters>>(JSON);
                Status status = serializer.Deserialize <Status>(JSON);

                if (status.trueFalse == "True")
                    Literal.Text = tran("Oops!<br>An account has already been set up for your organization.", lang);
//        Literal.Text = tran("Welcome. As an accredited CFIB Member, please Create An Account.<br />[CFIB Member ID: " + memb_id + "]", lang);
                    Literal.Text = tran("Welcome. As an accredited CFIB Member, please Create An Account.<br />[CFIB Member ID:", lang) + " " + memb_id + "]";
                Literal.Text = tran("We're sorry, only accredited CFIB Members can Create An Account.", lang);

            logo.ImageUrl = "~/styles/logos/cfib_" + lang.ToLower() + ".png";

            // translate
            support.Text      = tran(support.Text, lang);
            header.Text       = tran(header.Text, lang);
            title.Text        = tran(title.Text, lang);
            email.Text        = tran(email.Text, lang);
            password.Text     = tran(password.Text, lang);
            firstName.Text    = tran(firstName.Text, lang);
            lastName.Text     = tran(lastName.Text, lang);
            signUpButton.Text = tran(signUpButton.Text, lang);
Exemple #4
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region appSetup

            // instantiate classes
            Function  function  = new Function();
            Assembler assembler = new Assembler(); // this builds out the HTML

            // test for random numbers, not used yet
            //int str = 1001, end = 9999;
            //string pooh = function.random(str, end);

            JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

            // assemble all the pages as defined in the manifest into 3 blocks for insertion into default.aspx
            StringBuilder sbStyle   = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder sbHTML    = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder sbScript  = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder sbAppData = new StringBuilder();

            // this is used only if there's a url parameter: peterDebug=y
            // then we can put whatever we want in this string and render it rather than the normal rendering
            StringBuilder sbAppDebug = new StringBuilder();

            bool peterDebug = (function.getParm("peterDebug", "n") == "y") ? true : false;

            if (peterDebug)
                sbAppDebug.Append("<br /><br />" + "debugging");

            string JSON = "";
            // web service used for profiles/profileParameters/autoEnroll/translation, etc
            // the source of the service is determined by the web.config (for release)
            com.v8server v8server = new com.v8server();

            // get hosts manifest array
            List <HostsManifest> hosts = serializer.Deserialize <List <HostsManifest> >(assembler.getRootManifest("_hosts"));

            // get apps array to see if it contains a secure section for hidden div bottom + get the appsVersion
            List <AppsManifest> apps = serializer.Deserialize <List <AppsManifest> >(assembler.getRootManifest("_apps"));

            // get the RTEhost from webConfig - this is the server from which the RTE launches and tracks - either corporate.vubiz.com or vubiz.com
            // for trials, azure must use either of the above
            string rteHost = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["rteHost"];

            // determine startup app based on who's calling us - use vubiz.apps/host.json
            string startUpAppId = function.getStartUpAppId(hosts);
            bool   isDebug      = function.isThisDebug(hosts);

            // see if there's an appId override on the URL profileParameters for the startUpAppId
            appId = function.getParm("appId", startUpAppId);

            // get the app values from the apps array - NOTE app MUST exist
            string appVersion = "", appProfileType = "", appProfileDefault = "", appTiles = "", appVideos = "";
            for (int appsNo = 0; appsNo < apps.Count; appsNo++)
                if (apps[appsNo].appsId == appId)
                    appVersion        = apps[appsNo].appsVersion;
                    appProfileType    = apps[appsNo].appsProfileType;
                    appProfileDefault = apps[appsNo].appsProfileDefault;
                    appTiles          = apps[appsNo].appsTiles;
                    translateApp      = apps[appsNo].appsTranslate == "y" ? true : false;
                    appVideos         = apps[appsNo].appsVideos;

            string profile = "", profileUrl = "";
            string host = function.getHost().ToLower();

            // the profile is mandatory and available from the appsProfileDefault or the url parameter (&profile=cfib)
            profileUrl = function.getParm("profile", "").ToLower();
            if (profileUrl.Length > 0)
                profile = profileUrl;
            if (profile.Length == 0)
                profile = appProfileDefault;

            // advanced profiles and enroll/signin features are for appProfileType type = 0 (cfib) only
            string color = "", custId = "", custAcctId = "", custGuid = "", lang = "", membId = "", membEmail = "", membFirstName = "", membLastName = "", membPassword = "", membNo = "", membGuid = "", membMemo = "", pageId = "", startPage = "", membPrograms = "", membActive = "1", storeId = "1", returnUrl = "", cancelUrl = "";
            string nameCatalogue = "", namePrograms = "", nameReports = "";
            bool   useVideos = false, isAutoEnroll = false, isAutoEnrollWs = false, isAutoSignIn = false, isSSOmembNo = false, isSSOmembId = false, isSSOmembGuid = false;

            // store profile data in <div id="profileState"...  for appProfileType = 0, and empty for appProfileType = "n"
            sbAppData.Append("\n\t<div id='profileState' style='display:none'>");

            if (peterDebug)
                sbAppDebug.Append("<br /><br />" + "profile: " + profile);
            if (peterDebug)
                sbAppDebug.Append("<br /><br />" + "starting profileState");

            // get pages used in the app via the page manifest (error 1000 - invalid appId) - used to check is URL parm startPage is valid PLUS assembling the page set
            JSON = assembler.getManifest(appId, "_app");
            if (JSON == "")
                Response.Redirect("Errors.aspx?errorId=450&errorParm=" + appId, true);
            AppManifest         app  = serializer.Deserialize <AppManifest>(JSON);
            List <PageManifest> page = serializer.Deserialize <List <PageManifest> >(assembler.getManifest(appId, "_pages"));

            List <TileManifest> tile = serializer.Deserialize <List <TileManifest> >(assembler.getManifest(appId, "_tiles"));


            #region profiles

            if (appProfileType == "n") /* no profile - simple utility - leave lots of room for more empty profiles*/
            else if (appProfileType == "0") /* advanced for v8/v8a */
                if (profile.Length == 0)
                    Response.Redirect("Errors.aspx?errorId=451&errorParm=" + profile, true);
                JSON = v8server.profiles(profile);
                if (JSON == "null")
                    Response.Redirect("Errors.aspx?errorId=452&errorParm=" + profile, true);

                List <ProfileParameters> profileParameters = serializer.Deserialize <List <ProfileParameters> >(JSON);
                if (peterDebug)
                    sbAppDebug.Append("<br /><br />" + JSON);

                // extract the profile parameters from the profile table in the apps db (or use default)
                int i = -1;

                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "autoEnroll", "False") + "|");
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "autoEnrollWs", "False") + "|");
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "autoSignIn", "False") + "|");
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "certPrograms", "") + "|");           /* if CustId present then expose the certificate programs tile and configure CustId - auto enroll into V5 */
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "certPrograms_E", "") + "|");         /* if CustId present then offer certificate programs, auto enroll into V5 */
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "color", "") + "|");                  /* added Mar 14, 2018 to replace "skin" - color is used for headers, footers etc in v8 and Nop  */
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "contentSource", "catalogue") + "|"); /* one of: catalogue/ecommerce/assigned/ecom-assigned (last was added for MPC Oct 25 2017) */
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "custId", "") + "|");
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "ecommerce", "False") + "|");         /* show/hide the ecommerce subsystem tile */
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "emailFrom", "*****@*****.**") + "|");
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "guests", "False") + "|");            /* show/hide the Guest subsystem tile */
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "guests_E", "False") + "|");          /* if member type = "E" then show/hide the Guest subsystem tile */
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "jit", "False") + "|");               /* show/hide the JIT subsystem tile */
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "lang", "en") + "|");
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "lang_en", "") + "|");
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "lang_fr", "") + "|");
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "lang_es", "") + "|");
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "lang_pt", "") + "|");
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "logo", "") + "|");
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "memb_E", "False") + "|");      /* if True then this account supports "employees" type - like CFIB */
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "password", "False") + "|");    /* default changed to False Apr 2, 2019 - most sites do not use passwords */
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "portal", "False") + "|");
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "returnUrl", "") + "|");
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "showSoloPrograms", "False") + "|"); /* if True than show single Programs rather than jumping to Module(s) */
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "sso", "") + "|");                   /* one of: membNo, membId, membGuid, custMembGuid (NOP) */
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "storeId", "1") + "|");              /* use from NOP to so we know what store they are registering for */
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "videos", "False") + "|");
                i++; sbAppData.Append(getProfile(profileParameters, "vukidz", "False") + "|");           /* show/hide the Vukidz features */

                #region profile overrides
                // grab any text overrides in the profile then apply later so they can be translated (positioning added May 30 2018)
                // appTiles check added Apr 23, 2018 to avoid conflict with apps like "credentials2"

                if (appTiles == "1")
                    nameCatalogue = getProfile(profileParameters, "nameCatalogue", "");
                    namePrograms  = getProfile(profileParameters, "namePrograms", "");
                    nameReports   = getProfile(profileParameters, "nameReports", "");

                //if (appTiles == "1")
                //	// check if any page name overrides in the profile, if so change the page array AND the tile array
                //	pageNameOverride = getProfile(profileParameters, "nameCatalogue", "");
                //	if (pageNameOverride != "")
                //	{
                //		foreach (var pageItem in page.Where(x => x.pageId == "catalogue")) pageItem.pageName = pageNameOverride;
                //		foreach (var tileItem in tile.Where(x => (x.tilePage == "home") && (x.tileNo == "0"))) tileItem.tileTitle = pageNameOverride;
                //	}
                //	pageNameOverride = getProfile(profileParameters, "namePrograms", "");
                //	if (pageNameOverride != "")
                //	{
                //		foreach (var pageItem in page.Where(x => x.pageId == "programs")) pageItem.pageName = pageNameOverride;
                //	}
                //	pageNameOverride = getProfile(profileParameters, "nameReports", "");
                //	if (pageNameOverride != "")
                //	{
                //		foreach (var pageItem in page.Where(x => x.pageId == "historyPrograms2")) pageItem.pageName = pageNameOverride;
                //		foreach (var tileItem in tile.Where(x => (x.tilePage == "home") && (x.tileNo == "23"))) tileItem.tileTitle = pageNameOverride;
                //	}

                isAutoEnroll   = (getProfile(profileParameters, "autoEnroll", "False") == "True") ? true : false;
                isAutoEnrollWs = (getProfile(profileParameters, "autoEnrollWs", "False") == "True") ? true : false;
                isAutoSignIn   = (getProfile(profileParameters, "autoSignIn", "False") == "True") ? true : false;

                isSSOmembNo   = (getProfile(profileParameters, "sso", "") == "membNo") ? true : false;
                isSSOmembId   = (getProfile(profileParameters, "sso", "") == "membId") ? true : false;
                isSSOmembGuid = (getProfile(profileParameters, "sso", "") == "membGuid") ? true : false;

                lang   = getProfile(profileParameters, "lang", "en");
                custId = getProfile(profileParameters, "custId", "");
                if (custId.Length == 4)
                    custAcctId = custId.Substring(4, 4); /* note this is wrong, need to get from customer table */

                color = getProfile(profileParameters, "color", "");
                color = ""; // don't use color any more - stick to VU Blue
                color = (color == "") ? "#0178B9" : color;

                // if we use videos then we need to add in an icon at the top of each page, which than is controlled by the app page by page
                useVideos = (getProfile(profileParameters, "videos", "False") == "True") ? true : false;


            if (peterDebug)
                sbAppDebug.Append("<br /><br />" + sbAppData.ToString());

            int parmCount = 0;                                       // we determine if the client uses localstore by the number of parmCounts


            #region base64 parms
            // other than profile, first check for base64 parms else regular parms
            string parms = function.getParm("parms", "");

            if (parms != "")
                parms = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(parms));
                char[]   split1 = { '&' };
                string[] parms1 = parms.Split(split1);
                if (parms1.Length > 0) // extract supported values
                    char[] split2 = { '=' };
                    foreach (string parms2 in parms1)
                        string[] parms3 = parms2.Split(split2);
                        // added .toLower when MORT passed in membID rather than membId
                        if (parms3[0].ToLower() == "custid")
                            custId = parms3[1].ToString();
                        if (parms3[0].ToLower() == "membid")
                            membId = parms3[1].ToString();
                        if (parms3[0].ToLower() == "membno")
                            membNo = parms3[1].ToString();
                        if (parms3[0].ToLower() == "pageid")
                            pageId = parms3[1].ToString();
                        if (parms3[0].ToLower() == "lang")
                            lang = parms3[1].ToString();
                        if (parms3[0].ToLower() == "membguid")
                            membGuid = parms3[1].ToString();
                        }                                                                 // added Jan 25, 2018
                        if (parms3[0].ToLower() == "returnurl")
                            returnUrl = parms3[1].ToString();
                        }                                                                 // added Dec 11, 2018
                        if (parms3[0].ToLower() == "startpage")
                            startPage = parms3[1].ToString();
                        }                                                                 // added Jul 22, 2020

            #region url parms
                cancelUrl     = function.getParm("cancelUrl", "").ToLower();
                custId        = function.getParm("custId", "").ToUpper(); // used in v8.register - passed in via NOP
                custGuid      = function.getParm("custGuid", "");         // when present with a membId then we auto enroll (not used)
                lang          = function.getParm("lang", "").ToLower();   // added May 30, 2018 for MPC to use same profile with different languages
                membActive    = function.getParm("memb_active", "1");     // used in autoEnrollAdvanced
                membId        = function.getParm("membId", "").ToUpper();
                membEmail     = function.getParm("membEmail", "").ToLower();
                membFirstName = function.getParm("membFirstName", "");
                membGuid      = function.getParm("membGuid", "").ToUpper(); // this MUST be a temp guid - get real guid from GUID table
                membLastName  = function.getParm("membLastName", "");
                membMemo      = function.getParm("membMemo", "");
                membNo        = function.getParm("membNo", "");
                membPassword  = function.getParm("membPassword", "").ToUpper(); // when present with a membId then we auto signIn
                membPrograms  = function.getParm("membPrograms", "").ToUpper(); // used in autoEnrollAdvanced
                returnUrl     = function.getParm("returnUrl", "").ToLower();
                startPage     = function.getParm("startPage", ""); startPage = function.isPage(page, startPage) ? "page_" + startPage : "";
                storeId       = function.getParm("storeId", "1");       // used for NOP to determine source of store

            #region profile overrides
            // grabbed above, applied here for translation)
            if (nameCatalogue != "")
                foreach (var pageItem in page.Where(x => x.pageId == "catalogue"))
                    pageItem.pageName = translate(nameCatalogue, lang);

                foreach (var tileItem in tile.Where(x => (x.tilePage == "home") && (x.tileNo == "0")))
                    tileItem.tileTitle = translate(nameCatalogue, lang);
            if (namePrograms != "")
                foreach (var pageItem in page.Where(x => x.pageId == "programs"))
                    pageItem.pageName = translate(namePrograms, lang);
            if (nameReports != "")
                foreach (var pageItem in page.Where(x => x.pageId == "historyPrograms2"))
                    pageItem.pageName = translate(nameReports, lang);
                foreach (var tileItem in tile.Where(x => (x.tilePage == "home") && (x.tileNo == "23")))
                    tileItem.tileTitle = translate(nameReports, lang);

            #region isSSOmembNo
            // sso using membNo from base64 parms - assumes learner is on file, get temp GUID
            if (isSSOmembNo)
                if (function.isNumeric(membNo))
                    JSON = v8server.ssoMembNo(membNo);
                    //function.logTxt(JSON);                          // ****  for testing only - log certain fields to text file
                    if (JSON != "null")
                        SSOmembNo ssoMembNo = serializer.Deserialize <SSOmembNo>(JSON);
                        membGuid = ssoMembNo.membGuid;
                        membGuid = "";

            #region isSSOmembId
            // sso using membId from base64 parms - assumes learner is on file
            if (isSSOmembId)
                if (membId.Length > 0 && custId.Length > 0)
                    JSON = v8server.ssoMembId(custId, membId);
                    if (JSON != "null")
                        AutoSignIn autoSignIn = serializer.Deserialize <AutoSignIn>(JSON);
                        membGuid = autoSignIn.membGuid;
                        membNo   = autoSignIn.membNo;
                        membGuid = "";
                        membNo   = "";

            #region isSSOmembGuid
            // sso using membGuid directly
            if (isSSOmembGuid)
                JSON = v8server.ssoMembGuid(membGuid);
                if (JSON != "null")
                    SSOmembGuid ssoMembGuid = serializer.Deserialize <SSOmembGuid>(JSON);
                    //        membNo = ssoMembGuid.membNo;
                    membNo = "";

            #region isAutoEnroll
            // autoenroll requires all fields except membMemo which is optional
            // values are typically passed in via URL
            // we don't need to do this is isAutoEnrollWs cuz it's been done earlier in a WS
            if (isAutoEnroll)
                if (function.isGuid(custGuid) && membId.Length > 0 && membFirstName.Length > 0 && membLastName.Length > 0 && membEmail.Length > 0)
                    JSON = v8server.autoEnroll(custGuid, membId, membFirstName, membLastName, membEmail, membMemo);
                    AutoEnroll autoEnroll = serializer.Deserialize <AutoEnroll>(JSON);
                    if (autoEnroll.msgId.Substring(0, 2) == "ok")
                        custAcctId = autoEnroll.custAcctId;
                        custId     = autoEnroll.custId;
                        membGuid   = autoEnroll.membGuid;
                        membNo     = autoEnroll.membNo;
                        custAcctId = "";
                        custId     = "";
                        membGuid   = "";
                        membNo     = "";

            #region isAutoEnrollWs
            // autoEnrollWs occurs outside of V8, it allows use of membPrograms and membActive
            // since custGuid and membGuid will be passed in the div, we don't need to do any more
            // v8/signin.js will sign in this member

            // when you get here we just need to signin using custGuid and membGuid
            //if (isAutoEnrollWs)
            //  if (function.isGuid(custGuid) && function.isGuid(membGuid))
            //  {
            //    JSON = v8server.autoEnroll(custGuid, membId, membFirstName, membLastName, membEmail, membMemo);
            //    AutoEnroll autoEnroll = serializer.Deserialize<AutoEnroll>(JSON);
            //    if (autoEnroll.msgId.Substring(0, 2) == "ok")
            //    {
            //      custAcctId = autoEnroll.custAcctId;
            //      custId = autoEnroll.custId;
            //      membGuid = autoEnroll.membGuid;
            //      membNo = autoEnroll.membNo;
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //      custAcctId = "";
            //      custId = "";
            //      membGuid = "";
            //      membNo = "";
            //    }
            //  }

            #region isAutoSignIn
            // autoSignin with custAcctId, membId and membPassword
            if (isAutoSignIn)
                if (custAcctId.Length == 4 && membId.Length > 0 && membPassword.Length > 0)
                    JSON = v8server.autoSignIn(custAcctId, membId, membPassword);
                    if (JSON != "null")
                        AutoSignIn autoSignIn = serializer.Deserialize <AutoSignIn>(JSON);
                        membGuid = autoSignIn.membGuid;
                        membNo   = autoSignIn.membNo;
                        membGuid = "";
                        membNo   = "";

            #region pass into Divs
            // if any of these are passed in any querystring values then we will not use localstorage but assume a fresh visit
            if (cancelUrl.Length > 0)
            if (custId.Length > 0)
            if (custGuid.Length > 0)
            if (membGuid.Length > 0)
            if (membId.Length > 0)
            if (membNo.Length > 0)
            if (membEmail.Length > 0)
            if (membFirstName.Length > 0)
            if (membLastName.Length > 0)
            if (membPassword.Length > 0)
            if (membMemo.Length > 0)
            if (returnUrl.Length > 0)
            if (storeId.Length > 0)
            if (lang.Length > 0)
                parmCount++;                        // added May 30, 2018
            if (startPage.Length > 0)
                parmCount++;                        // added Jul 22, 2020
            if (peterDebug)
                sbAppDebug.Append("<br /><br />" + "appTiles: " + appTiles);
            if (peterDebug)
                sbAppDebug.Append("<br /><br />" + "starting tileState");

            #region store tile info in Div

            // get any tiles and embed as JSON string in hidden div
            // we need to embed them here so they can optionally be translated
            sbAppData.Append("\n\t<div id='tileState' style='display:none'>");
            if (appTiles == "1")
                // string tiles = assembler.getManifest(appId, "_tiles");
                // orignal above was changed to list<T> to override titleTitle based on Profile entries
                // so we now need to create the JSON string

                string tiles = "[";
                for (var i = 0; i < tile.Count; i++)
                    tiles += "{";
                    tiles += "\"tilePage\": \"" + tile[i].tilePage + "\",";
                    tiles += "\"tileNo\": \"" + tile[i].tileNo + "\",";
                    tiles += "\"tileTitle\": \"" + tile[i].tileTitle + "\",";
                    tiles += "\"tileColor\": \"" + tile[i].tileColor + "\",";
                    tiles += "\"tileIcon\": \"" + tile[i].tileIcon + "\",";
                    tiles += "\"tileClass\": \"" + tile[i].tileClass + "\"";
                    tiles += "},";
                tiles += "]";
                tiles  = tiles.Replace("},]", "}]"); // remove trailing comma

                sbAppData.Replace("  ", "");
                //      sbAppData.Replace("\t", "");

            if (peterDebug)
                sbAppDebug.Append("<br /><br />" + sbAppData.ToString());

            string debug = (isDebug ? "y" : "n");


            // store start data alphabetically in <div id="startState"...
            HttpBrowserCapabilities browser = Request.Browser;
            sbAppData.Append("\n\t<div id='startState' style='display:none'>");

            sbAppData.Append(appId + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(appProfileType + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(appVersion + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(appVideos + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(cancelUrl + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(custAcctId + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(custGuid + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(custId + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(debug + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(host + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(lang + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(membEmail + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(membFirstName + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(membGuid + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(membId + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(membLastName + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(membNo + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(pageId + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(parmCount + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(appProfileDefault + "|"); // not out of order, used in $vc5.js as profileDefault
            sbAppData.Append(profileUrl + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(profile + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(returnUrl + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(rteHost + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(startPage + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(storeId + "|");
            sbAppData.Append(translateApp + "|");

            // insert the these parameter blocks and translate
            AppData.Text = translate(sbAppData.ToString(), lang);


            #region build page set

            // there are diffent type of pages, each with distinct layouts
            for (int pageNo = 0; pageNo < page.Count; pageNo++)
                string pageHTML = page[pageNo].pageId.ToString();
                assembler.assembleHTML(app, page, pageNo, useVideos, isDebug, sbStyle, sbHTML, sbScript);

                // replace any occurrence of $$ in a page or script with the pageId
                // note css or less scripts cannot use $$ since it can't be replaced
                sbHTML.Replace("$$", pageHTML);
                sbScript.Replace("$$", pageHTML);

            // get the app script
            assembler.injectAppScript(appId, sbScript);

            // strip double spaces
            sbStyle.Replace("  ", "");
            sbHTML.Replace("  ", "");
            sbScript.Replace("  ", "");

            // insert the code blocks (translate the HTML) unless we are in special debugging mode - change tag openings
            if (peterDebug)
                AppDebug.Text = sbAppDebug.ToString().Replace(":none", ":normal");
                AppHead.Text  = assembler.injectDocument_head(appId, isDebug);
                AppStyle.Text = "" + sbStyle.ToString() + "\n";
                AppColor.Text = "<style>"
                                + "  .ui-header, .ui-footer { background-color:" + color + " !important; }"
                                + "  .ui-header { color:white !important; }"
                                + "  .ui-footer { color:" + color + " !important; }"
                                + "</style>";
                AppHtml.Text    = "" + translate(sbHTML.ToString(), lang) + "\n";
                AppScripts.Text = "<script id='page_scripts'>\n\t\t" + translate(sbScript.ToString(), lang) + "\n  </script>";
                AppBody.Text    = assembler.injectDocument_body(appId, isDebug);

            // these are a few values in the popups at the top of Default.aspx
            literal_Close.Text = translate("[[Close]]", lang);
            literal_Yes.Text   = translate("[[Yes]]", lang);
            literal_No.Text    = translate("[[No]]", lang);
