public void AddMethodOK()
            clsVendorCollection AllVendors = new clsVendorCollection();
            clsVendors          TestItem   = new clsVendors();
            Int32 PrimaryKey = 0;

            TestItem.OpenToBookings = true;
            TestItem.VendorNo       = 1;
            TestItem.VendorName     = "Pizza place";
            TestItem.HouseNo        = "12a";
            TestItem.Street         = "street name";
            TestItem.City           = "city name";
            TestItem.Country        = "Country name";
            TestItem.PostCode       = "PO5 7CO";
            TestItem.DateAdded      = DateTime.Now.Date;
            TestItem.VendorType     = "Food";
            TestItem.Summary        = "The best pizza place.";
            //set ThisVendor to the test data
            AllVendors.ThisVendor = TestItem;
            PrimaryKey            = AllVendors.Add();
            TestItem.VendorNo     = PrimaryKey;
            //find record
            Assert.AreEqual(AllVendors.ThisVendor, TestItem);
        public void ReportByCountryTestDataFound()
            clsVendorCollection FilteredVendors = new clsVendorCollection();
            Boolean             OK = true;

            //chack that the correst number of records are found
            if (FilteredVendors.VendorList.Count == 4)
                //check that the first record ID 7
                if (FilteredVendors.VendorList[0].VendorNo != 7)
                    OK = false;
                //check that the first record ID 10
                if (FilteredVendors.VendorList[1].VendorNo != 10)
                    OK = false;
                //check that the first record ID 12
                if (FilteredVendors.VendorList[2].VendorNo != 12)
                    OK = false;
                //check that the first record ID 32
                if (FilteredVendors.VendorList[3].VendorNo != 32)
                    OK = false;
        public void VendorListOK()
            //create instance of class
            clsVendorCollection AllVendors = new clsVendorCollection();
            //create some test data to assign to the property
            List <clsVendors> TestList = new List <clsVendors>();
            //create and add item to list
            clsVendors TestItem = new clsVendors();

            //set its properties
            TestItem.OpenToBookings = true;
            TestItem.VendorNo       = 1;
            TestItem.VendorName     = "Pizza place";
            TestItem.HouseNo        = "12a";
            TestItem.Street         = "street name";
            TestItem.City           = "city name";
            TestItem.Country        = "Country name";
            TestItem.PostCode       = "PO5 7CO";
            TestItem.DateAdded      = DateTime.Now.Date;
            TestItem.VendorType     = "Food";
            TestItem.Summary        = "The best pizza place.";
            //add the item to the test list
            //assign the data to the property
            AllVendors.VendorList = TestList;
            //test to see that the two values are the same
            Assert.AreEqual(AllVendors.VendorList, TestList);
        public void ReportByCountryNoneFound()
            clsVendorCollection FilteredVendors = new clsVendorCollection();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, FilteredVendors.Count);
    protected void btnYes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        clsVendorCollection VendorBook = new clsVendorCollection();

        public void ReportByCountryMethodOK()
            clsVendorCollection AllVendors      = new clsVendorCollection();
            clsVendorCollection FilteredVendors = new clsVendorCollection();

            Assert.AreEqual(AllVendors.Count, FilteredVendors.Count);
        public void InstanceOK()
            //create an instance of the class we want to create
            clsVendorCollection AllVendors = new clsVendorCollection();

            //test to see that it exists
Exemple #8
    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //create new instance of clsVendors
        clsVendors AVendor = new clsVendors();
        //captures information
        string VendorName     = txtVendorName.Text;
        string HouseNo        = txtHouseNo.Text;
        string Street         = txtStreet.Text;
        string City           = txtCity.Text;
        string PostCode       = txtPostcode.Text;
        string Country        = txtCountry.Text;
        string VendorType     = txtVendorType.Text;
        string DateAdded      = txtDateAdded.Text;
        string Summary        = txtSummary.Text;
        bool   OpenToBookings = chkOpenToBookings.Checked;
        //variable to store any error messages
        string Error = "";

        //validate data
        Error = AVendor.Valid(HouseNo, Street, City, PostCode, Country, DateAdded, VendorName, VendorType, Summary);
        if (Error == "")
            //capture the vendor no
            AVendor.VendorNo = VendorNo;
            //captures information
            AVendor.VendorName     = VendorName;
            AVendor.HouseNo        = HouseNo;
            AVendor.Street         = Street;
            AVendor.City           = City;
            AVendor.PostCode       = PostCode;
            AVendor.Country        = Country;
            AVendor.DateAdded      = Convert.ToDateTime(DateAdded);
            AVendor.VendorType     = VendorType;
            AVendor.Summary        = Summary;
            AVendor.OpenToBookings = chkOpenToBookings.Checked;

            clsVendorCollection VendorList = new clsVendorCollection();
            //if it is a new record
            if (VendorNo == -1)
                VendorList.ThisVendor = AVendor;
            else //it is an update
                VendorList.ThisVendor = AVendor;

            //display error message
            lblError.Text = Error;
    protected void btnApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        clsVendorCollection Vendors = new clsVendorCollection();

        lstVendors.DataSource = Vendors.VendorList;
        //set Name of primary key
        lstVendors.DataValueField = "VendorNo";
        //set Name of the field to display
        lstVendors.DataTextField = "Country";
        //bind data to the list
Exemple #10
    void DisplayVendor()
        clsVendorCollection VendorBook = new clsVendorCollection();

        //display data for this record
        txtVendorNo.Text          = VendorBook.ThisVendor.VendorNo.ToString();
        txtVendorName.Text        = VendorBook.ThisVendor.VendorName;
        txtHouseNo.Text           = VendorBook.ThisVendor.HouseNo;
        txtStreet.Text            = VendorBook.ThisVendor.Street;
        txtCity.Text              = VendorBook.ThisVendor.City;
        txtCountry.Text           = VendorBook.ThisVendor.Country;
        txtPostcode.Text          = VendorBook.ThisVendor.PostCode;
        txtVendorType.Text        = VendorBook.ThisVendor.VendorType;
        txtSummary.Text           = VendorBook.ThisVendor.Summary;
        txtDateAdded.Text         = VendorBook.ThisVendor.DateAdded.ToString();
        chkOpenToBookings.Checked = VendorBook.ThisVendor.OpenToBookings;
        public void ThisVendorPropertyOk()
            clsVendorCollection AllVendors = new clsVendorCollection();
            clsVendors          TestVendor = new clsVendors();

            //set properties pf the test object
            TestVendor.OpenToBookings = true;
            TestVendor.VendorNo       = 1;
            TestVendor.VendorName     = "Pizza place";
            TestVendor.HouseNo        = "12a";
            TestVendor.Street         = "street name";
            TestVendor.City           = "city name";
            TestVendor.Country        = "Country name";
            TestVendor.PostCode       = "PO5 7CO";
            TestVendor.DateAdded      = DateTime.Now.Date;
            TestVendor.VendorType     = "Food";
            TestVendor.Summary        = "The best pizza place.";
            //assign the data to the property
            AllVendors.ThisVendor = TestVendor;
            Assert.AreEqual(AllVendors.ThisVendor, TestVendor);
        public void ListAndCountOK()
            //create instance of class
            clsVendorCollection AllVendors = new clsVendorCollection();
            List <clsVendors>   TestList   = new List <clsVendors>();
            clsVendors          TestItem   = new clsVendors();

            TestItem.OpenToBookings = true;
            TestItem.VendorNo       = 1;
            TestItem.VendorName     = "Pizza place";
            TestItem.HouseNo        = "12a";
            TestItem.Street         = "street name";
            TestItem.City           = "city name";
            TestItem.Country        = "Country name";
            TestItem.PostCode       = "PO5 7CO";
            TestItem.DateAdded      = DateTime.Now.Date;
            TestItem.VendorType     = "Food";
            TestItem.Summary        = "The best pizza place.";
            AllVendors.VendorList = TestList;
            Assert.AreEqual(AllVendors.Count, TestList.Count);