private void txtBankAccNo_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { e.Handled = ObjUtil.IsNumeric(e); if (e.Handled == true) { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Enter Only Number...", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); } }
private void txtSearchByMobileNo_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { e.Handled = ObjUtil.IsNumeric(e); if (e.Handled == true) { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Enter Only Charactors...", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); txtCustomerName.Focus(); } }
private bool Validateform() { if (ObjUtil.IsControlTextEmpty(txtSupplierBillNo)) { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Enter Supplier Bill No ", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); txtSupplierBillNo.Focus(); return(false); } else if (ObjUtil.IsControlTextEmpty(txtShipmentNo)) { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Enter Shipment No ", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); txtShipmentNo.Focus(); return(false); } else if (ObjUtil.IsControlTextEmpty(cmbSupplier)) { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Select Supplier for " + txtShipmentNo.Text, clsUtility.strProjectTitle); cmbSupplier.Focus(); return(false); } else if (ObjUtil.IsControlTextEmpty(txtBillValue)) { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Enter Bill Value ", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); txtBillValue.Focus(); return(false); } else if (ObjUtil.IsControlTextEmpty(txtTotalQTY)) { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Enter Total Qty ", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); txtTotalQTY.Focus(); return(false); } else if (ObjUtil.IsControlTextEmpty(txtLocalValue)) { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Local Value can't be empty ", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); return(false); } else if (ObjUtil.IsNumeric(txtLocalValue.Text) && Convert.ToDecimal(txtLocalValue.Text) == 0.0M) { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Local Value can't be 0 ", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); return(false); } return(true); }
private void txtMobileNo_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { TextBox txt = (TextBox)sender; e.Handled = ObjUtil.IsNumeric(e); if (e.Handled == true) { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Enter Only Number...", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); txt.Focus(); } }
private void AddMoreSize() { if (ObjUtil.IsControlTextEmpty(cmbSizeType)) { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Please Select Size Type ", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); cmbSizeType.Focus(); return; } else if (ObjUtil.IsControlTextEmpty(cmbActiveStatus)) { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Please Select Active Status for " + cmbSizeType.Text, clsUtility.strProjectTitle); cmbActiveStatus.Focus(); return; } else if (ObjUtil.IsControlTextEmpty(txtSize)) { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Please enter Size for " + cmbSizeType.Text, clsUtility.strProjectTitle); txtSize.Focus(); return; } else if (ObjUtil.IsNumeric(txtSize.Text)) { if (Convert.ToInt32(txtSize.Text) == 0) { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Please enter Valid Size for " + cmbSizeType.Text, clsUtility.strProjectTitle); txtSize.Focus(); return; } else if (listBox1.Items.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < listBox1.Items.Count; i++) { if (txtSize.Text == listBox1.Items[i].ToString()) { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Size is already entered for " + cmbSizeType.Text, clsUtility.strProjectTitle); return; } } } } if (DuplicateColor(0)) { listBox1.Items.Add(txtSize.Text); DataRow dRow = dtSize.NewRow(); dRow["SizeTypeID"] = cmbSizeType.SelectedValue; dRow["ActiveStatus"] = cmbActiveStatus.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Active" ? 1 : 0; dRow["Size"] = txtSize.Text; dtSize.Rows.Add(dRow); } }
private void txtMobileNo_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) { if (Objutil.IsNumeric(e) == false) { e.Handled = false; } else { if (e.KeyChar != 47) { clsUtility.ShowErrorMessage("Enter Only Numbers ", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); } if (e.KeyChar == 47 && txtMobileNo.TextLength == 10 || txtMobileNo.TextLength == 21 || txtMobileNo.TextLength == 32 || txtMobileNo.TextLength == 43) { e.Handled = false; } else { e.Handled = true; } } }
private void txtProductName_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cboEntryMode.SelectedIndex == 1) // if manual entry { if (txtProductName.Text.Trim().Length == 0) { return; } try { string strQ = "EXEC " + clsUtility.DBName + ".dbo.GetProductDetailsByProductName " + cmbShop.SelectedValue.ToString() + ", '" + txtProductName.Text + "'"; DataTable dt = ObjDAL.ExecuteSelectStatement(strQ); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { ObjUtil.SetControlData(txtProductName, "ProductName"); ObjUtil.SetControlData(txtProductID, "ProductID"); ObjUtil.SetControlData(txtColorID, "ColorID"); ObjUtil.SetControlData(txtSizeID, "SizeID"); ObjUtil.ShowDataPopup(dt, txtProductName, this, this); if (ObjUtil.GetDataPopup() != null && ObjUtil.GetDataPopup().DataSource != null) { // if there is only one column ObjUtil.GetDataPopup().AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill; if (ObjUtil.GetDataPopup().ColumnCount > 0) { ObjUtil.GetDataPopup().Columns["ProductID"].Visible = false; ObjUtil.GetDataPopup().Columns["ColorID"].Visible = false; ObjUtil.GetDataPopup().Columns["QTY"].Visible = false; ObjUtil.GetDataPopup().Columns["SizeID"].Visible = false; ObjUtil.GetDataPopup().Columns["ColorName"].HeaderText = "Color"; ObjUtil.SetDataPopupSize(450, 0); } } ObjUtil.GetDataPopup().CellClick += Sales_Invoice_CellClick; ObjUtil.GetDataPopup().KeyDown += Sales_Invoice_KeyDown; } else { ObjUtil.CloseAutoExtender(); } } catch (Exception) { } } else { if (txtProductName.Text.Trim().Length != 0 && !ObjUtil.IsNumeric(txtProductName.Text)) { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Invalid BarCode Entry. Please check the Product Code.", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); } } }