protected void btnXacNhan_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { clsPhieuXuat oPhieuXuat = new clsPhieuXuat(); oPhieuXuat.NhanVienLogon_Id = "3d2df69a-4d7c-4d78-a4a3-075a169a109d"; oPhieuXuat.PhieuXuat_Id = sKey; oPhieuXuat.ChungTu = null; oPhieuXuat.KieuFile = ""; oPhieuXuat.XacNhanPhieuXuat(); lblThongBao.Text = "Xác nhận thành công!"; }
public bool AddData(clsPhieuXuat phieuXuat) { _conn.CMD.CommandText = String.Format("INSERT [dbo].[tbPhieuXuat] (NgayLap,idCuaHang,idNhanVien,GhiChu,SoPhieuXuat" + ",idLoaiPhieuXuat,idKhachHang,idChuyenHang,idNhaCungCap) " + "VALUES (cast('{0}' as datetime),N'{1}',N'{2}',N'{3}',N'{4}',N'{5}',{6},{7},{8})" , phieuXuat.NgayLap.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.FFF") , phieuXuat.IdCuaHang , phieuXuat.IdNhanVien , phieuXuat.GhiChu , phieuXuat.SoPhieuXuat , phieuXuat.IdLoaiPhieuXuat , (phieuXuat.IdKhachHang != 0) ? "'" + phieuXuat.IdKhachHang.ToString() + "'" : "null" , (phieuXuat.IdChuyenHang != 0) ? "'" + phieuXuat.IdChuyenHang.ToString() + "'" : "null" , (phieuXuat.IdNhaCungCap != 0) ? "'" + phieuXuat.IdNhaCungCap.ToString() + "'" : "null" ); return(_conn.ExecuteCMD()); }
public bool AddData(clsPhieuXuat phieuXuat) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Xác nhận tạo phiếu nhập " + GetNewMaPhieuXuatTraNhaCungCap() + " ?", "Xác nhận", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (result == DialogResult.No) { return(false); } ///them hoa don if (_mdlPhieuXuat.AddData(phieuXuat)) { MessageBox.Show("Thêm thành công", "Thêm phiếu nhập", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); //them chi tiet hoa don return(true); } else { MessageBox.Show("Thêm thất bại", "Thêm phiếu nhập", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } return(false); }
private void bindData(int index) { try { //LAY DANH SACH CAC QUOC GIA RA dsGroup = new DataTable(); dsPhieuNhapXuat = new DataTable(); clsPhieuNhap objPhieuNhap = new clsPhieuNhap(); clsPhieuXuat objPhieuXuat = new clsPhieuXuat(); if (sLoaiPhieu == "0") { objPhieuNhap.So_Phieu = sKey; dsGroup = objPhieuNhap.Select_ChiTiet(); objPhieuNhap.PhieuNhap_Id = sPhieu_Id; dsPhieuNhapXuat = objPhieuNhap.Select(); if (dsPhieuNhapXuat.Rows.Count > 0) { if (Convert.ToInt16(dsPhieuNhapXuat.Rows[0]["LoaiNhapXuat_Id"]) == 1) { txtLoaiNhapXuat.Text = "Phiếu nhập"; } else { txtLoaiNhapXuat.Text = "Phiếu xuất"; } txtSoPhieu.Text = dsPhieuNhapXuat.Rows[0]["so_phieu"].ToString(); txtLyDoNhap.Text = dsPhieuNhapXuat.Rows[0]["LyDoNhap"].ToString(); txtDienGiai.Text = dsPhieuNhapXuat.Rows[0]["Dien_Giai"].ToString(); dtpNgayNhapXuat.SelectedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dsPhieuNhapXuat.Rows[0]["Ngay_Nhap"]); if (dsPhieuNhapXuat.Rows[0]["DuAn_DanhRieng_Id"] == DBNull.Value) { txtDuAnDanhRieng.Text = ""; } else { txtDuAnDanhRieng.Text = dsPhieuNhapXuat.Rows[0]["DuAn_DanhRieng_Id"].ToString(); } txtNhanVienBan.Text = dsPhieuNhapXuat.Rows[0]["TenDayDu"].ToString(); txtNhanVienDoiTac.Text = dsPhieuNhapXuat.Rows[0]["TenDoiTac"].ToString(); } } else { objPhieuXuat.So_Phieu = sKey; dsGroup = objPhieuXuat.Select_ChiTiet(); objPhieuXuat.PhieuXuat_Id = sPhieu_Id; dsPhieuNhapXuat = objPhieuXuat.Select(); if (dsPhieuNhapXuat.Rows.Count > 0) { if (Convert.ToInt16(dsPhieuNhapXuat.Rows[0]["LoaiNhapXuat_Id"]) == 1) { txtLoaiNhapXuat.Text = "Phiếu nhập"; } else { txtLoaiNhapXuat.Text = "Phiếu xuất"; } txtSoPhieu.Text = dsPhieuNhapXuat.Rows[0]["so_phieu"].ToString(); txtLyDoNhap.Text = dsPhieuNhapXuat.Rows[0]["LyDoXuat"].ToString(); txtDienGiai.Text = dsPhieuNhapXuat.Rows[0]["Dien_Giai"].ToString(); dtpNgayNhapXuat.SelectedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dsPhieuNhapXuat.Rows[0]["Ngay_Xuat"]); if (dsPhieuNhapXuat.Rows[0]["DuAn_Id"] == DBNull.Value) { txtDuAnDanhRieng.Text = ""; } else { txtDuAnDanhRieng.Text = dsPhieuNhapXuat.Rows[0]["DuAn_Id"].ToString(); } txtNhanVienBan.Text = dsPhieuNhapXuat.Rows[0]["TenDayDu"].ToString(); txtNhanVienDoiTac.Text = dsPhieuNhapXuat.Rows[0]["TenDoiTac"].ToString(); } } objPhieuNhap.So_Phieu = "0"; m_grid.EditIndex = index; m_grid.DataSource = dsGroup; bool add = false; if (dsGroup.Rows.Count <= 0) { dsGroup.Rows.Add(dsGroup.NewRow()); add = true; } // m_grid.DataBind(); if (add) m_grid.Rows[0].Visible = false; if (m_grid.Rows.Count > 0) { string confirm = "return confirm('Bạn thật sự muốn xóa row này?')"; for (int i = 0; i < m_grid.Rows.Count; i++) { GridViewRow row = m_grid.Rows[i]; LinkButton lbutton1 = (LinkButton)row.FindControl("cmdDelete"); if (lbutton1 != null) { lbutton1.Visible = D_Option; lbutton1.Attributes.Add("onclick", confirm); //lbutton1.Enabled = D_Option; } LinkButton lbutton2 = (LinkButton)row.FindControl("cmdEdit"); if (lbutton2 != null) lbutton2.Visible = U_Option; } } //XET QUYETN CHO CHUC NANG INSERT GridViewRow row1 = m_grid.FooterRow; if (row1 != null) { row1.Visible = I_Option; } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private void bindData(int index) { try { //LAY DANH SACH CAC QUOC GIA RA dsGroup = new DataTable(); //Hiển thị tổng hợp clsPhieuXuat oPhieuXuat = new clsPhieuXuat(); DataTable tblPhieuXuat = new DataTable(); oPhieuXuat.PhieuXuat_Id = sKey; dsGroup = oPhieuXuat.Select_ThongTinThietBi(); // tblPhieuXuat = oPhieuXuat.Select(); if (tblPhieuXuat.Rows.Count > 0) { txtSoPhieu.Text = tblPhieuXuat.Rows[0]["So_Phieu"].ToString(); dtpNgayNhap.SelectedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(tblPhieuXuat.Rows[0]["Ngay_Xuat"]); txtNguoiNhan.Text = tblPhieuXuat.Rows[0]["NguoiXuat"].ToString(); } m_grid.EditIndex = index; m_grid.DataSource = dsGroup; bool add = false; if (dsGroup.Rows.Count <= 0) { dsGroup.Rows.Add(dsGroup.NewRow()); add = true; } // m_grid.DataBind(); if (add) m_grid.Rows[0].Visible = false; if (m_grid.Rows.Count > 0) { string confirm = "return confirm('Bạn thật sự muốn xóa row này?')"; for (int i = 0; i < m_grid.Rows.Count; i++) { GridViewRow row = m_grid.Rows[i]; LinkButton lbutton1 = (LinkButton)row.FindControl("cmdDelete"); if (lbutton1 != null) { lbutton1.Visible = D_Option; lbutton1.Attributes.Add("onclick", confirm); //lbutton1.Enabled = D_Option; } LinkButton lbutton2 = (LinkButton)row.FindControl("cmdEdit"); if (lbutton2 != null) lbutton2.Visible = U_Option; } } //XET QUYETN CHO CHUC NANG INSERT GridViewRow row1 = m_grid.FooterRow; if (row1 != null) { row1.Visible = I_Option; } // string connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SQLConn"].ToString();// "server='NgoQuangLua-PC'; uid=sa;pwd=sa; Database='QL'; trusted_connection=true;"; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection sqlConnection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString); string queryString = "select COUNT(*) sl_danhap from ThongTinThietBi a where a.PhieuXuat_Id='"+ sKey +"' and a.ThietBi_Id='"+ cboThietBi.SelectedValue +"'"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlDataAdapter oAdap = new SqlDataAdapter(queryString, sqlConnection); DataTable tblTemp = new DataTable(); oAdap.Fill(tblTemp); if (tblTemp.Rows.Count > 0) { txtSoLuongDaCoChiTiet.Text = tblTemp.Rows[0]["sl_danhap"].ToString(); txtSoLuongCanNhapChiTiet.Text = (Convert.ToInt16(txtSoLuongNhapKho.Text == "" ? "0" : txtSoLuongNhapKho.Text) - Convert.ToInt16(txtSoLuongDaCoChiTiet.Text == "" ? "0" : txtSoLuongDaCoChiTiet.Text)).ToString(); } else { txtSoLuongDaCoChiTiet.Text = "0"; txtSoLuongCanNhapChiTiet.Text = (Convert.ToInt16(txtSoLuongNhapKho.Text == "" ? "0" : txtSoLuongNhapKho.Text) - Convert.ToInt16(txtSoLuongDaCoChiTiet.Text == "" ? "0" : txtSoLuongDaCoChiTiet.Text)).ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
protected void m_grid_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { try { string commandName = e.CommandName; GridViewRow row = m_grid.FooterRow; if (commandName == "Insert") { clsPhieuXuat oPhieuXuat = new clsPhieuXuat(); oPhieuXuat.NhanVienLogon_Id = "3d2df69a-4d7c-4d78-a4a3-075a169a109d"; oPhieuXuat.PhieuXuat_Id = sKey; oPhieuXuat.ThongTinThietBi_Id = sThongTinThietBi_Id; oPhieuXuat.InsertChiTietPhieuXuat(); bindData(-1); sThongTinThietBi_Id = ""; } else if (commandName == "TimKiem") { string Ma_Serial = ((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtIMa_Serial")).Text; string connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SQLConn"].ToString();// "server='NgoQuangLua-PC'; uid=sa;pwd=sa; Database='QL'; trusted_connection=true;"; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection sqlConnection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString); string queryString = "select * from ThongTinThietBi a where a.Ma_Serial='" + Ma_Serial + "' and a.trang_thai in (1,7)"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlDataAdapter oAdap = new SqlDataAdapter(queryString, sqlConnection); DataTable tblTemp = new DataTable(); oAdap.Fill(tblTemp); if (tblTemp.Rows.Count > 0) { ((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtIMA_MAC")).Text = tblTemp.Rows[0]["Ma_MAC"].ToString(); ((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtIMA_DLK")).Text = tblTemp.Rows[0]["Ma_DLK"].ToString(); ((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtIMA_SLC")).Text = tblTemp.Rows[0]["Ma_SLC"].ToString(); sThongTinThietBi_Id = tblTemp.Rows[0]["ThongTinThietBi_Id"].ToString(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ltlAnnouncement.Text = "Khong them moi duoc du lieu. Vui long lien he voi quan tri<br>" + ex.Message; } }
protected void m_grid_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e) { try { int id = e.RowIndex; m_grid.EditIndex = id; GridViewRow row = m_grid.Rows[id]; string NhanVien_Logon_id = "3d2df69a-4d7c-4d78-a4a3-075a169a109d"; string TenHangMuc = ((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtUHangMuc")).Text; string sSoLuong = ((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtUSoLuong")).Text; string sDonGia = ((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtUDonGia")).Text; double SoLuong = Convert.ToDouble(sSoLuong==""? "0": sSoLuong); double DonGia = Convert.ToDouble(sDonGia==""? "0": sDonGia); double TongTien = SoLuong * DonGia; double VAT = TongTien * 0.01; //double VAT = Convert.ToDouble(((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtIVAT")).Text); string sPhiCacLoai = ((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtUPhiCacLoai")).Text; string sGiamGia = ((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtUGiamGia")).Text; double PhiCacLoai = Convert.ToDouble(sPhiCacLoai==""? "0": sPhiCacLoai); double GiamGia = Convert.ToDouble(sGiamGia==""? "0": sGiamGia); double ThanhTien = TongTien + VAT + PhiCacLoai - GiamGia; //------------- string connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SQLConn"].ToString(); System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection sqlConnection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); cmd.CommandText = "select * from thanhpham where tenthanhpham=N'" + TenHangMuc + "'"; cmd.Connection = sqlConnection; da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(ds); string ThanhPham_id = ""; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { ThanhPham_id = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ThanhPham_Id"].ToString(); } else { ThanhPham_id = ""; } ds = new DataSet(); cmd.CommandText = "select * from thietbi where tenthietbi=N'" + TenHangMuc + "'"; cmd.Connection = sqlConnection; da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(ds); string ThietBi_id = ""; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { ThietBi_id = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ThietBi_Id"].ToString(); } else { ThietBi_id = ""; } if (m_grid.DataKeys[id].Value.ToString() != "") { clsPhieuXuat objPhieuXuat = new clsPhieuXuat(); objPhieuXuat.NhanVienLogon_Id = NhanVien_Logon_id; objPhieuXuat.PhieuXuat_Id = sPhieuNhap_Id; objPhieuXuat.ThietBi_Id = ThietBi_id; objPhieuXuat.SoLuong = SoLuong; objPhieuXuat.DonGia = DonGia; objPhieuXuat.VAT = VAT; objPhieuXuat.GiamGia = GiamGia; objPhieuXuat.PhiCacLoai = PhiCacLoai; string _result = objPhieuXuat.InsertChiTiet(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ltlAnnouncement.Text = "Khong cap nhat duoc du lieu. Vui long lien he voi quan tri<br>" + ex.Message; } bindData(-1); }
protected void btnGhi_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (!bsua) //thêm mới { clsPhieuXuat oPhieuXuat = new clsPhieuXuat(); byte[] productImage = FileUpload1.FileBytes; oPhieuXuat.NhanVienLogon_Id = "83e36d21-8607-4b6f-8dcc-4be0c0fd4ba5"; oPhieuXuat.KeHoachNhapXuat_Id = sKey; oPhieuXuat.PhieuXuat_Id = sPhieuNhap_Id; oPhieuXuat.Ngay_Xuat = Convert.ToDateTime(dtpNgayNhapXuat.SelectedDate); oPhieuXuat.MaLoaiXuat_Id = cboMaLoaiNhap.SelectedValue; oPhieuXuat.LyDoXuat = txtLyDoNhap.Text; oPhieuXuat.Dien_Giai = txtDienGiai.Text; if (cboDuAn.SelectedIndex == 0) { oPhieuXuat.DuAn_DanhRieng_Id = ""; } else { oPhieuXuat.DuAn_DanhRieng_Id = cboDuAn.SelectedValue; } oPhieuXuat.NhanVien_Xuat_Id = cboNhanVienNhapXuat.SelectedValue; oPhieuXuat.Ten_NhanVien_DoiTac = cboNhanVienDoiTac.Text; oPhieuXuat.NhanVien_DoiTac_Id = cboNhanVienDoiTac.SelectedValue; oPhieuXuat.ChungTu = productImage; oPhieuXuat.KieuFile = ".jpg"; oPhieuXuat.So_Phieu = txtSoPhieu.Text; oPhieuXuat.Insert(); lblThongBao.Text = "Tạo phiếu xuất thành công, mời bạn nhập chi tiết"; } else //sửa { clsNhanVien oNhanVien = new clsNhanVien(); //oNhanVien.NhanVien_Id = sKey; //oNhanVien.PhongBan_Id = cboPhongBan.SelectedValue.ToString(); //oNhanVien.Ten = txtTen.Text; //oNhanVien.Ho = txtHo.Text; //oNhanVien.TenDayDu = txtTenDayDu.Text; //oNhanVien.DiaChi = txtDiaChi.Text; //oNhanVien.Tel = txtTel.Text; //oNhanVien.SubTel = txtSubTel.Text; //oNhanVien.Mobile = txtMobile.Text; //oNhanVien.HomePhone = ""; //oNhanVien.Main_EMail = txtEmail.Text; //oNhanVien.Other_Email = txtOtherEmail.Text; //oNhanVien.ChucDanh = txtChucDanh.Text; //oNhanVien.GioiTinh = (byte)(cboGioiTinh.SelectedValue == "1" ? 1 : 0); //oNhanVien.Update(); //sKey = ""; bsua = false; } Init(); BindData(); }