Exemple #1
        public void CopyToScanner(clsMSFileInfoScanner scanner)
            // Note: These values will be overridden if /P was used and they are defined in the parameter file

            scanner.UseCacheFiles               = UseCacheFiles;
            scanner.ReprocessExistingFiles      = ReprocessingExistingFiles;
            scanner.ReprocessIfCachedSizeIsZero = ReprocessIfCachedSizeIsZero;

            scanner.PlotWithPython               = PlotWithPython;
            scanner.SaveTICAndBPIPlots           = SaveTICAndBPIPlots;
            scanner.SaveLCMS2DPlots              = SaveLCMS2DPlots;
            scanner.LCMS2DPlotMaxPointsToPlot    = LCMS2DMaxPointsToPlot;
            scanner.LCMS2DOverviewPlotDivisor    = LCMS2DOverviewPlotDivisor;
            scanner.TestLCMSGradientColorSchemes = TestLCMSGradientColorSchemes;

            scanner.CheckCentroidingStatus = CheckCentroidingStatus;
            scanner.MS2MzMin = MS2MzMin;
            scanner.DisableInstrumentHash = DisableInstrumentHash;

            scanner.ScanStart     = ScanStart;
            scanner.ScanEnd       = ScanEnd;
            scanner.ShowDebugInfo = ShowDebugInfo;

            scanner.ComputeOverallQualityScores = ComputeOverallQualityScores;
            scanner.CreateDatasetInfoFile       = CreateDatasetInfoFile;
            scanner.CreateScanStatsFile         = CreateScanStatsFile;

            scanner.UpdateDatasetStatsTextFile = UpdateDatasetStatsTextFile;
            scanner.DatasetStatsTextFileName   = DatasetStatsTextFileName;

            scanner.CheckFileIntegrity = CheckFileIntegrity;
            scanner.RecheckFileIntegrityForExistingDirectories = ReprocessingExistingFiles;

            scanner.MaximumTextFileLinesToCheck = MaximumTextFileLinesToCheck;
            scanner.ComputeFileHashes           = ComputeFileHashes;
            scanner.ZipFileCheckAllData         = ZipFileCheckAllData;

            scanner.IgnoreErrorsWhenRecursing = IgnoreErrorsWhenRecursing;

            if (LogFilePath.Length > 0)
                scanner.LogMessagesToFile = true;
                scanner.LogFilePath       = LogFilePath;

            scanner.DatasetIDOverride      = DatasetID;
            scanner.DSInfoDBPostingEnabled = PostResultsToDMS;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ParameterFilePath))
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            var exeName       = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()?.GetName().Name;
            var exePath       = PRISM.FileProcessor.ProcessFilesOrDirectoriesBase.GetAppPath();
            var cmdLineParser = new CommandLineParser <CommandLineOptions>(exeName, GetAppVersion());

            var scannerInfo = new clsMSFileInfoScanner();

            cmdLineParser.ProgramInfo = "This program will scan a series of MS data files (or data directories) and " +
                                        "extract the acquisition start and end times, number of spectra, and the " +
                                        "total size of the data, saving the values in the file " +
                                        clsMSFileInfoScanner.DefaultAcquisitionTimeFilename + ". " +
                                        "Supported file types are Thermo .RAW files, Agilent Ion Trap (.D directories), " +
                                        "Agilent or QStar/QTrap .WIFF files, MassLynx .Raw directories, Bruker 1 directories, " +
                                        "Bruker XMass analysis.baf files, .UIMF files (IMS), " +
                                        "zipped Bruker imaging datasets (with 0_R*.zip files), and " +
                                        "DeconTools _isos.csv files" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                        "Known file extensions: " + CollapseList(scannerInfo.GetKnownFileExtensionsList()) + Environment.NewLine +
                                        "Known directory extensions: " + CollapseList(scannerInfo.GetKnownDirectoryExtensionsList());
            cmdLineParser.ContactInfo = "Program written by Matthew Monroe for PNNL (Richland, WA) in 2005" + Environment.NewLine +
                                        "E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]" + Environment.NewLine + "Website: https://omics.pnl.gov/ or https://panomics.pnnl.gov/";

            cmdLineParser.UsageExamples.Add("Program syntax:" + Environment.NewLine + Path.GetFileName(exePath) +
                                            " /I:InputFileNameOrDirectoryPath [/O:OutputDirectoryName]" +
                                            " [/P:ParamFilePath] [/S[:MaxLevel]] [/IE] [/L:LogFilePath]" +
                                            " [/LC[:MaxPointsToPlot]] [/NoTIC] [/LCGrad]" +
                                            " [/DI] [/SS] [/QS] [/CC]" +
                                            " [/MS2MzMin:MzValue] [/NoHash]" +
                                            " [/DST:DatasetStatsFileName]" +
                                            " [/ScanStart:0] [/ScanEnd:0] [/Debug]" +
                                            " [/C] [/M:nnn] [/H] [/QZ]" +
                                            " [/CF] [/R] [/Z]" +
                                            " [/PostToDMS] [/PythonPlot]");

            var result  = cmdLineParser.ParseArgs(args);
            var options = result.ParsedResults;

            if (!result.Success || !options.Validate())
                // Delay for 750 msec in case the user double clicked this file from within Windows Explorer (or started the program via a shortcut)

            mLastProgressTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                var scanner = new clsMSFileInfoScanner();

                scanner.DebugEvent     += MSFileScanner_DebugEvent;
                scanner.ErrorEvent     += MSFileScanner_ErrorEvent;
                scanner.WarningEvent   += MSFileScanner_WarningEvent;
                scanner.StatusEvent    += MSFileScanner_MessageEvent;
                scanner.ProgressUpdate += MSFileScanner_ProgressUpdate;


                bool processingError;

                int returnCode;
                if (options.RecurseDirectories)
                    if (scanner.ProcessMSFilesAndRecurseDirectories(options.InputDataFilePath, options.OutputDirectoryName, options.MaxLevelsToRecurse))
                        returnCode      = 0;
                        processingError = false;
                        returnCode      = (int)scanner.ErrorCode;
                        processingError = true;
                    if (scanner.ProcessMSFileOrDirectoryWildcard(options.InputDataFilePath, options.OutputDirectoryName, true))
                        returnCode      = 0;
                        processingError = false;
                        returnCode      = (int)scanner.ErrorCode;
                        processingError = true;

                if (processingError)
                    if (returnCode != 0)
                        ShowErrorMessage("Error while processing: " + scanner.GetErrorMessage());
                        ShowErrorMessage("Unknown error while processing (ProcessMSFileOrDirectoryWildcard returned false but the ErrorCode is 0)");

                else if (scanner.ErrorCode == iMSFileInfoScanner.eMSFileScannerErrorCodes.MS2MzMinValidationWarning)
                    ConsoleMsgUtils.ShowWarning("MS2MzMin validation warning: " + scanner.MS2MzMinValidationMessage);


            catch (Exception ex)
                ShowErrorMessage("Error occurred in modMain->Main", ex);
Exemple #3
        public static int Main()
            int intReturnCode;
            var objParseCommandLine = new clsParseCommandLine();

            mInputDataFilePath = string.Empty;
            mOutputFolderName  = string.Empty;
            mParameterFilePath = string.Empty;
            mLogFilePath       = string.Empty;

            mRecurseFolders            = false;
            mRecurseFoldersMaxLevels   = 2;
            mIgnoreErrorsWhenRecursing = false;

            mReprocessingExistingFiles   = false;
            mReprocessIfCachedSizeIsZero = false;
            mUseCacheFiles = false;

            mSaveTICandBPIPlots           = true;
            mSaveLCMS2DPlots              = false;
            mLCMS2DMaxPointsToPlot        = clsLCMSDataPlotterOptions.DEFAULT_MAX_POINTS_TO_PLOT;
            mLCMS2DOverviewPlotDivisor    = clsLCMSDataPlotterOptions.DEFAULT_LCMS2D_OVERVIEW_PLOT_DIVISOR;
            mTestLCMSGradientColorSchemes = false;

            mCheckCentroidingStatus = false;

            mScanStart     = 0;
            mScanEnd       = 0;
            mShowDebugInfo = false;

            mComputeOverallQualityScores = false;
            mCreateDatasetInfoFile       = false;
            mCreateScanStatsFile         = false;

            mUpdateDatasetStatsTextFile = false;
            mDatasetStatsTextFileName   = string.Empty;

            mCheckFileIntegrity  = false;
            mComputeFileHashes   = false;
            mZipFileCheckAllData = true;

            mMaximumTextFileLinesToCheck = clsFileIntegrityChecker.DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_TEXT_FILE_LINES_TO_CHECK;

            mPostResultsToDMS = false;
            mPlotWithPython   = false;

            mLastProgressTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                var blnProceed = false;
                if (objParseCommandLine.ParseCommandLine())
                    if (SetOptionsUsingCommandLineParameters(objParseCommandLine))
                        blnProceed = true;

                if (mInputDataFilePath == null)
                    mInputDataFilePath = string.Empty;

                if (!blnProceed || objParseCommandLine.NeedToShowHelp || objParseCommandLine.ParameterCount + objParseCommandLine.NonSwitchParameterCount == 0 || mInputDataFilePath.Length == 0)

                var scanner = new clsMSFileInfoScanner();

                scanner.DebugEvent     += mMSFileScanner_DebugEvent;
                scanner.ErrorEvent     += mMSFileScanner_ErrorEvent;
                scanner.WarningEvent   += mMSFileScanner_WarningEvent;
                scanner.StatusEvent    += mMSFileScanner_MessageEvent;
                scanner.ProgressUpdate += mMSFileScanner_ProgressUpdate;

                if (mCheckFileIntegrity)
                    mUseCacheFiles = true;

                // Note: These values will be overridden if /P was used and they are defined in the parameter file

                scanner.UseCacheFiles               = mUseCacheFiles;
                scanner.ReprocessExistingFiles      = mReprocessingExistingFiles;
                scanner.ReprocessIfCachedSizeIsZero = mReprocessIfCachedSizeIsZero;

                scanner.PlotWithPython               = mPlotWithPython;
                scanner.SaveTICAndBPIPlots           = mSaveTICandBPIPlots;
                scanner.SaveLCMS2DPlots              = mSaveLCMS2DPlots;
                scanner.LCMS2DPlotMaxPointsToPlot    = mLCMS2DMaxPointsToPlot;
                scanner.LCMS2DOverviewPlotDivisor    = mLCMS2DOverviewPlotDivisor;
                scanner.TestLCMSGradientColorSchemes = mTestLCMSGradientColorSchemes;

                scanner.CheckCentroidingStatus = mCheckCentroidingStatus;

                scanner.ScanStart     = mScanStart;
                scanner.ScanEnd       = mScanEnd;
                scanner.ShowDebugInfo = mShowDebugInfo;

                scanner.ComputeOverallQualityScores = mComputeOverallQualityScores;
                scanner.CreateDatasetInfoFile       = mCreateDatasetInfoFile;
                scanner.CreateScanStatsFile         = mCreateScanStatsFile;

                scanner.UpdateDatasetStatsTextFile = mUpdateDatasetStatsTextFile;
                scanner.DatasetStatsTextFileName   = mDatasetStatsTextFileName;

                scanner.CheckFileIntegrity          = mCheckFileIntegrity;
                scanner.MaximumTextFileLinesToCheck = mMaximumTextFileLinesToCheck;
                scanner.ComputeFileHashes           = mComputeFileHashes;
                scanner.ZipFileCheckAllData         = mZipFileCheckAllData;

                scanner.IgnoreErrorsWhenRecursing = mIgnoreErrorsWhenRecursing;

                if (mLogFilePath.Length > 0)
                    scanner.LogMessagesToFile = true;
                    scanner.LogFilePath       = mLogFilePath;

                scanner.DatasetIDOverride      = mDatasetID;
                scanner.DSInfoDBPostingEnabled = mPostResultsToDMS;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mParameterFilePath))

                if (mRecurseFolders)
                    if (scanner.ProcessMSFilesAndRecurseFolders(mInputDataFilePath, mOutputFolderName, mRecurseFoldersMaxLevels))
                        intReturnCode = 0;
                        intReturnCode = (int)scanner.ErrorCode;
                    if (scanner.ProcessMSFileOrFolderWildcard(mInputDataFilePath, mOutputFolderName, true))
                        intReturnCode = 0;
                        intReturnCode = (int)scanner.ErrorCode;
                        if (intReturnCode != 0)
                            ShowErrorMessage("Error while processing: " + scanner.GetErrorMessage());

            catch (Exception ex)
                ShowErrorMessage("Error occurred in modMain->Main: " + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message);
                intReturnCode = -1;

Exemple #4
        private static void ShowProgramHelp()
                var scanner = new clsMSFileInfoScanner();

                Console.WriteLine("This program will scan a series of MS data files (or data folders) and " + "extract the acquisition start and end times, number of spectra, and the " + "total size of the data, saving the values in the file " + clsMSFileInfoScanner.DefaultAcquisitionTimeFilename + ". " + "Supported file types are Finnigan .RAW files, Agilent Ion Trap (.D folders), " + "Agilent or QStar/QTrap .WIFF files, Masslynx .Raw folders, Bruker 1 folders, " + "Bruker XMass analysis.baf files, .UIMF files (IMS), " + "zipped Bruker imaging datasets (with 0_R*.zip files), and " + "DeconTools _isos.csv files");


                Console.WriteLine("Program syntax:" + Environment.NewLine + Path.GetFileName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location));
                Console.WriteLine(" /I:InputFileNameOrFolderPath [/O:OutputFolderName]");
                Console.WriteLine(" [/P:ParamFilePath] [/S[:MaxLevel]] [/IE] [/L:LogFilePath]");
                Console.WriteLine(" [/LC[:MaxPointsToPlot]] [/NoTIC] [/LCGrad]");
                Console.WriteLine(" [/DI] [/SS] [/QS] [/CC]");
                Console.WriteLine(" [/DST:DatasetStatsFileName]");
                Console.WriteLine(" [/ScanStart:0] [/ScanEnd:0] [/Debug]");
                Console.WriteLine(" [/C] [/M:nnn] [/H] [/QZ]");
                Console.WriteLine(" [/CF] [/R] [/Z]");
                Console.WriteLine(" [/PostToDMS] [/PythonPlot]");
                Console.WriteLine("Use /I to specify the name of a file or folder to scan; the path can contain the wildcard character *");
                Console.WriteLine("The output folder name is optional.  If omitted, the output files will be created in the program directory.");

                Console.WriteLine("The param file switch is optional.  If supplied, it should point to a valid XML parameter file.  If omitted, defaults are used.");
                Console.WriteLine("Use /S to process all valid files in the input folder and subfolders. Include a number after /S (like /S:2) to limit the level of subfolders to examine. Use /IE to ignore errors when recursing.");
                Console.WriteLine("Use /L to specify the file path for logging messages.");

                Console.WriteLine("Use /LC to create 2D LCMS plots (this process could take several minutes for each dataset).  By default, plots the top " + clsLCMSDataPlotterOptions.DEFAULT_MAX_POINTS_TO_PLOT + " points.  To plot the top 20000 points, use /LC:20000.");
                Console.WriteLine("Use /LCDiv to specify the divisor to use when creating the overview 2D LCMS plots.  By default, uses /LCDiv:" + clsLCMSDataPlotterOptions.DEFAULT_LCMS2D_OVERVIEW_PLOT_DIVISOR + "; use /LCDiv:0 to disable creation of the overview plots.");
                Console.WriteLine("Use /NoTIC to not save TIC and BPI plots.");
                Console.WriteLine("Use /LCGrad to save a series of 2D LC plots, each using a different color scheme.  The default color scheme is OxyPalettes.Jet");
                Console.WriteLine("Use /DatasetID:# to define the dataset's DatasetID value (where # is an integer); only appropriate if processing a single dataset");
                Console.WriteLine("Use /DI to create a dataset info XML file for each dataset.");
                Console.WriteLine("Use /SS to create a _ScanStats.txt  file for each dataset.");
                Console.WriteLine("Use /QS to compute an overall quality score for the data in each datasets.");
                Console.WriteLine("Use /CC to check spectral data for whether it is centroided or profile");

                Console.WriteLine("Use /DST to update (or create) a tab-delimited text file with overview stats for the dataset. " +
                                  "If /DI is used, will include detailed scan counts; otherwise, will just have the dataset name, " +
                                  "acquisition date, and (if available) sample name and comment. " +
                                  "By default, the file is named " + clsDatasetStatsSummarizer.DEFAULT_DATASET_STATS_FILENAME + "; " +
                                  "to override, add the file name after the /DST switch, for example /DST:DatasetStatsFileName.txt");

                Console.WriteLine("Use /ScanStart and /ScanEnd to limit the scan range to process; useful for files where the first few scans are corrupt. " +
                                  "For example, to start processing at scan 10, use /ScanStart:10");
                Console.WriteLine("Use /Debug to display debug information at the console, including showing the scan number prior to reading each scan's data");

                Console.WriteLine("Use /C to perform an integrity check on all known file types; this process will open known file types and " +
                                  "verify that they contain the expected   This option is only used if you specify an Input Folder and use a wildcard; you will typically also want to use /S when using /C.");
                Console.WriteLine(("Use /M to define the maximum number of lines to process when checking text or csv files;" +
                                   " default is /M:" + clsFileIntegrityChecker.DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_TEXT_FILE_LINES_TO_CHECK));

                Console.WriteLine("Use /H to compute Sha-1 file hashes when verifying file integrity.");
                Console.WriteLine("Use /QZ to run a quick zip-file validation test when verifying file integrity (the test does not check all data in the .Zip file).");

                Console.WriteLine("Use /CF to save/load information from the acquisition time file (cache file).  This option is auto-enabled if you use /C.");
                Console.WriteLine("Use /R to reprocess files that are already defined in the acquisition time file.");
                Console.WriteLine("Use /Z to reprocess files that are already defined in the acquisition time file only if their cached size is 0 bytes.");
                Console.WriteLine("Use /PostToDMS to store the dataset info in the DMS database.  To customize the server name and/or stored procedure to use for posting, use an XML parameter file with settings DSInfoConnectionString, DSInfoDBPostingEnabled, and DSInfoStoredProcedure");
                Console.WriteLine("Use /PythonPlot to create plots with Python instead of OxyPlot");
                Console.WriteLine("Known file extensions: " + CollapseList(scanner.GetKnownFileExtensionsList()));
                Console.WriteLine("Known folder extensions: " + CollapseList(scanner.GetKnownFolderExtensionsList()));

                Console.WriteLine("Program written by Matthew Monroe for the Department of Energy (PNNL, Richland, WA) in 2005");
                Console.WriteLine("Version: " + GetAppVersion());

                Console.WriteLine("E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]");
                Console.WriteLine("Website: http://omics.pnl.gov/ or http://panomics.pnnl.gov/");

                // Delay for 750 msec in case the user double clicked this file from within Windows Explorer (or started the program via a shortcut)
            catch (Exception ex)
                ShowErrorMessage("Error displaying the program syntax: " + ex.Message);