Exemple #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Request.QueryString["A"] == null)
                string id_archivo = Request.QueryString["AR"];
                string file_name  = EncontrarArchivo(id_archivo);
                string ruta       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RUTA"];

                if (file_name.Contains(".pdf"))
                    TheDownload2(ruta + id_archivo + ".pdf", ruta, file_name);
                else if (file_name.Contains(".jpg"))
                    TheDownload3(ruta + id_archivo + ".jpg", ruta, file_name);
                clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("thi");
                string nom_factura = encriptador.DecryptData(Request.QueryString["Ar"].ToString().Replace(" ", "+").Trim());
                string año_factura = encriptador.DecryptData(Request.QueryString["A"].ToString().Replace(" ", "+").Trim());
                nom_factura = año_factura + "_" + "33_" + nom_factura;
                string ruta = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RUTA2"] + año_factura + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RUTA3"];
                TheDownload2(ruta + nom_factura.Trim() + ".pdf", ruta, nom_factura.Trim());
Exemple #2
        protected void G_PRODUCTOS_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                e.Row.Cells[0].Text = cont_det.ToString();
                G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[0].Attributes["data-sort-method"] = "number";
                G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[1].Attributes["data-sort-method"] = "number";
                G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[0].Attributes["class"]            = "sort-default";

                e.Row.Cells[2].Visible = false;
                G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[2].Visible = false;

                e.Row.Cells[1].Text = Double.Parse(e.Row.Cells[1].Text).ToString("N0");

                string rutcliente = G_PRODUCTOS.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex].Values[0].ToString();

                clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("thi");

                string script = string.Format("javascript:fuera('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}');return false;", encriptador.EncryptData(PERIODOS), encriptador.EncryptData(""), encriptador.EncryptData(rutcliente), encriptador.EncryptData("5"));
                e.Row.Cells[3].Text = "  <a href='javascript:' onclick='" + script + "'>" + e.Row.Cells[3].Text + " </a>";
Exemple #3
        //private void carga_doc_abiertos(string clie_rut)
        //    DataTable cr = ReporteRNegocio.corr_usuario(User.Identity.Name);
        //    foreach (DataRow r in cr.Rows)
        //    {
        //        tx_enviar_.Text = r[1].ToString();
        //    }

        //    titulo.InnerText = "Documentos Abiertos del cliente " + ReporteRNegocio.nombre_cliente(clie_rut.Replace(".", "").Replace("-", ""));

        //    CLIENTES_FICHA.ActiveViewIndex = 2;
        //    busca_columna_fac = true;
        //    g_doc.DataSource = ReporteRNegocio.docu_abier(clie_rut.Replace(".", "").Replace("-", ""));
        //    g_doc.DataBind();


        protected void g_doc_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                if (busca_columna_fac)
                        for (int x = 0; x <= G_INFORME_TOTAL_NC.HeaderRow.Cells.Count; x++)
                            if (G_INFORME_TOTAL_NC.HeaderRow.Cells[x].Text.Contains("Factura"))
                                columna_fac        = true;
                                COLUMNA_DE_FACTURA = x;
                                busca_columna_fac  = false;
                    catch { }
                if (columna_fac)
                    clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("thi");
                    string año_factura = e.Row.Cells[6].Text.Substring(6);
                    if (año_factura != "")
                        año_factura = año_factura.Substring(0, 4);
                        string script = string.Format("javascript:fuera3(&#39;{0}&#39;, &#39;{1}&#39;);return false;", encriptador.EncryptData(e.Row.Cells[COLUMNA_DE_FACTURA].Text), encriptador.EncryptData(año_factura));
                        e.Row.Cells[COLUMNA_DE_FACTURA].Text = "  <a href='javascript:' onclick='" + script + "'>" + e.Row.Cells[COLUMNA_DE_FACTURA].Text + " </a>";

                        //string script2 = string.Format("javascript:fuera3(&#39;{0}&#39;, &#39;{1}&#39;);return false;", encriptador.EncryptData(e.Row.Cells[COLUMNA_DE_FACTURA + 5].Text), encriptador.EncryptData(año_factura));
                        //e.Row.Cells[COLUMNA_DE_FACTURA + 5].Text = "  <a href='javascript:' onclick='" + script2 + "'>" + e.Row.Cells[COLUMNA_DE_FACTURA + 5].Text + " </a>";
                string valor   = e.Row.Cells[0].Text;
                string rut_ini = valor.Trim().Substring(0, valor.Trim().Length - 1);
                double rut     = 0;
                try { rut = double.Parse(rut_ini); valor = rut.ToString("N0") + "-" + valor.Trim().Substring(valor.Trim().Length - 1); }
                catch { rut = double.Parse(valor); valor = rut.ToString("N0"); }
                e.Row.Cells[0].Text = valor;

                double d;
                double.TryParse(e.Row.Cells[5].Text, out d);
                string aux = "";
                if (d == 0)
                    aux = "";
                    aux = d.ToString("N0");
                e.Row.Cells[5].Text = aux;
            catch { }
        protected void guarda_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string es_su_pass = ReporteRNegocio.es_su_pass(USER);

            clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("Somos los mas solomon de quillota 2015");
            string contrasena = encriptador.EncryptData(pass_antigua.Value.ToUpper());

            if (es_su_pass != contrasena)
                mensaje_pass.Text = "Contraseña actual errónea, reingrese";
                usuarioEntity us = new usuarioEntity();
                us.cod_usuario = USER.ToUpper();

                usuarioBO.encontrar(ref us);

                clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador2 = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("Somos los mas solomon de quillota 2015");
                string contrasena2 = encriptador2.EncryptData(pass_nueva.Value.ToUpper());

                us.clave        = contrasena2;
                us.activado     = "true";
                us.tipo_usuario = ReporteRNegocio.es_su_tipo(USER);

                if (usuarioBO.actualizar(us, USER) == "OK")
                    mensaje_pass.Text = "Contraseña cambiada ! ";
Exemple #5
        protected void G_Banco_DataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            // aca
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("thi");

                string id_categoria = G_Banco.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex].Values[0].ToString();

                string script = string.Format("javascript:abremodal_(&#39;{0}&#39;,&#39;{1}&#39;);return false;", id_categoria, e.Row.Cells[3].Text);
                e.Row.Cells[3].Text = "  <a href='javascript:' onclick='" + script + "'>" + e.Row.Cells[3].Text + " </a>";
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Retorna o conteudo da pagina a partir de uma URL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">URL da pagina. Ex: http://www.microsoft.com.br</param>
        /// <returns>Texto da pagina</returns>
        //private string RetornaDocumentText(string url)

        //    HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(url);
        //    WebResponse webResponse = httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
        //    StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8);
        //    return streamReader.ReadToEnd();

        protected void validar()
            clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("Somos los mas solomon de quillota 2015");
            string contrasena = encriptador.EncryptData(T_Pass.Text.ToUpper());
            //string contrasena3 = encriptador.EncryptData("zsAy0X+UdTDpaKDwPiz/BA==");
            //string total = Base.monto_format2(Math.Round(1603500.250, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));
            string cont2rasena = encriptador.DecryptData("bkJ47VUtVQ/L0SBDQMWicA==");
            string cont3rasena = encriptador.DecryptData("fL3tK39Qb3P4loe20QkmHasFJjMLt1oZ");
            // GT015    ANTONIA2106
            // CG032     ITALIA90
            //string documentText = RetornaDocumentText("htt");
            usuarioEntity u = new usuarioEntity();

            u.cod_usuario = T_User.Text;
            u.clave       = contrasena;

            string respuesta = usuarioBO.validar(ref u);

            //string usuario_1_2 = ReporteRNegocio.test_arica();

            //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "test", "<script language='javascript'>alert('"+ usuario_1_2 + "');</script>", false);

            if (respuesta == "OK")
                if (u.activado != "False")
                    string login = T_User.Text;
                    Session["user"]       = T_User.Text;
                    Session["contraseña"] = contrasena;
                    Session["usuario"]    = u;
                    FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(login, false);
                    L_Sesion.Text = "Usuario desactivado, vuelva a ingresar.";
                L_Sesion.Text = "Usuario y/o Clave inválidos, vuelva a ingresar.";
Exemple #7
        public string crear_reporte_correo2(DataTable total_dias, DataTable total_periodos, DataTable periodos)
            DataView  view      = new DataView(total_periodos);
            DataTable productos = view.ToTable(true, "descproducto");
            DataView  dv3       = productos.DefaultView;

            dv3.Sort  = "descproducto";
            productos = dv3.ToTable();

            List <string> dias = new List <string>();

            dias.Add(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString().Replace("-", "/"));

            DateTime hasta_ = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), new CultureInfo("es-ES"));
            string   ayer   = hasta_.AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString().Replace("-", "/");

            DateTime hasta_2   = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), new CultureInfo("es-ES"));
            string   ante_ayer = hasta_2.AddDays(-2).ToShortDateString().Replace("-", "/");


            string HTML_EXCEL        = "";
            string color_letra_excel = "white";
            string color_fondo_excel = "#428BCA";
            string HTML = "";

            HTML += "<table id='TABLA_REPORTE' class='table table-advance table-bordered fill-head tablesorter filtrar' style='width: 98%; border-collapse: collapse;    border-spacing: 1px !important;'  width:98%;>";
            HTML += "<thead>";
            HTML += "<tr>";

            HTML_EXCEL += "<table id='T_EXCEL1' border=1>";
            HTML_EXCEL += "<tr style='background-color:" + color_fondo_excel + "; color:" + color_letra_excel + "'>";

            bool primer = true;

            HTML += "<th colspan=1; class='test sorter-false' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48); border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' ></th>";
            HTML += "<th colspan=3;  class='test2 sorter-false' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48); border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' >3 Dias</th>";
            HTML += "<th colspan=" + 3 * periodos.Rows.Count + 1 + ";  class='test sorter-false' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48); border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' >Periodos</th>";
            HTML += "</tr>";
            HTML += "<tr>";

            HTML_EXCEL += "<td></td>";
            HTML_EXCEL += "<td colspan=3>3 Dias</td>";
            HTML_EXCEL += "<td colspan=" + 3 * periodos.Rows.Count + 1 + ">Periodos</td>";
            HTML_EXCEL += "</tr>";
            HTML_EXCEL += "<tr style='background-color:" + color_fondo_excel + "; color:" + color_letra_excel + "'>";

            int con = 0;

            while (con < 3)
                if (primer)
                    HTML       += "<th colspan=1; class='test sorter-false' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' ><b><p class='text-left'>DescProducto </p></b></th>";
                    HTML_EXCEL += "<td>DescProducto</td>";
                    primer      = false;

                DataRow[] venta = total_dias.Select("'" + dias[con] + "'  = fechafactura");

                double suma = 0;

                if (venta.Length > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow row in venta)
                        suma += double.Parse(row[1].ToString());

                HTML += "<th colspan=1;  class='test2 sorter-false' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' > " + suma.ToString("N0") + "</th>";

                HTML_EXCEL += "<td> " + suma.ToString("N0") + "</td>";

            foreach (DataRow r in periodos.Rows)
                DataRow[] venta = total_periodos.Select("'" + r[0].ToString() + "'  = periodo");

                double suma = 0;

                if (venta.Length > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow row in venta)
                        suma += double.Parse(row[1].ToString());

                HTML       += "<th colspan=1;  class='test sorter-false' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' > " + suma.ToString("N0") + "</th>";
                HTML_EXCEL += "<td> " + suma.ToString("N0") + "</td>";
            HTML       += "<th colspan=1;  class='test sorter-false' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' > </th>";
            HTML_EXCEL += "<td> </td>";

            HTML += "</tr>";
            HTML += "<tr>";

            HTML_EXCEL += "</tr>";
            HTML_EXCEL += "<tr style='background-color:" + color_fondo_excel + "; color:" + color_letra_excel + "'>";

            bool primer2 = true;

            con = 0;
            while (con < 3)
                if (primer2)
                    HTML       += "<th  class='test' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);'> </th>";
                    HTML_EXCEL += "<td> </td>";
                    primer2     = false;

                HTML       += "<th colspan=1;  class='test2' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' > " + dias[con] + "</th>";
                HTML_EXCEL += "<td> " + dias[con] + "</td>";


            foreach (DataRow r in periodos.Rows)
                HTML       += "<th colspan=1;  class='test' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' > " + r[0].ToString() + "</th>";
                HTML_EXCEL += "<td> " + r[0].ToString() + "</td>";
            HTML       += "<th colspan=1;  class='test' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' > Total </th>";
            HTML_EXCEL += "<td> Total </td>";
            HTML       += "</tr>";
            HTML       += "</thead>";
            HTML       += "<tbody>";
            HTML       += "<tr>";

            HTML_EXCEL += "</tr>";
            HTML_EXCEL += "<tr>";

            con = 0;

            foreach (DataRow s in productos.Rows)
                string cod_produc1 = ReporteRNegocio.cod_producto(s[0].ToString().Trim()) + "*" + vendedor + "*" + bodega;

                string cod_produc = ReporteRNegocio.cod_producto(s[0].ToString().Trim());
                HTML       += "<td style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' > " + cod_produc + " - " + s[0].ToString() + "</td>";
                HTML_EXCEL += "<td> " + cod_produc + " - " + s[0].ToString() + "</td>";

                con = 0;

                double sum_por_row = 0;
                while (con < 3)
                    DataRow[] venta = total_dias.Select("'" + dias[con] + "'  = fechafactura and descproducto = '" + s[0].ToString() + "'");

                    double suma = 0;

                    if (venta.Length > 0)
                        foreach (DataRow row in venta)
                            suma += double.Parse(row[1].ToString());
                    clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("thi");

                    string script2 = string.Format("javascript:fuera(&#39;{0}&#39;, &#39;{1}&#39;, &#39;{2}&#39;, &#39;{3}&#39;)", encriptador.EncryptData(dias[con]), encriptador.EncryptData(cod_produc1), encriptador.EncryptData(grupos.Trim().Replace("'", "")), encriptador.EncryptData("3"));

                    if (suma != 0)
                        HTML       += "<td colspan=1;> <a data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' title='" + s[0].ToString() + "' href='javascript:' onclick='" + script2 + "'>" + suma.ToString("N0") + " </a> </td>";
                        HTML_EXCEL += "<td>" + suma.ToString("N0") + "</td>";
                        HTML       += "<td colspan=1;> " + suma.ToString("N0") + "</td>";
                        HTML_EXCEL += "<td> " + suma.ToString("N0") + "</td>";


                foreach (DataRow r in periodos.Rows)
                    DataRow[] venta = total_periodos.Select("'" + r[0].ToString() + "'  = periodo and descproducto = '" + s[0].ToString() + "'");
                    double    suma  = 0;

                    if (venta.Length > 0)
                        foreach (DataRow row in venta)
                            suma += double.Parse(row[1].ToString());
                    clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("thi");
                    sum_por_row += suma;
                    string script2 = string.Format("javascript:fuera(&#39;{0}&#39;, &#39;{1}&#39;, &#39;{2}&#39;, &#39;{3}&#39;)", encriptador.EncryptData(r[0].ToString()), encriptador.EncryptData(cod_produc1), encriptador.EncryptData(grupos.Trim().Replace("'", "")), encriptador.EncryptData("3"));

                    if (suma != 0)
                        HTML       += "<td colspan=1;> <a data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' title='" + s[0].ToString() + "' href='javascript:' onclick='" + script2 + "'>" + suma.ToString("N0") + " </a> </td>";
                        HTML_EXCEL += "<td>" + suma.ToString("N0") + "</td>";
                        HTML       += "<td colspan=1;> " + suma.ToString("N0") + "</td>";
                        HTML_EXCEL += "<td> " + suma.ToString("N0") + "</td>";
                HTML += "<td colspan=1;> " + sum_por_row.ToString("N0") + "</td>";
                HTML += "</tr>";

                HTML_EXCEL += "<td> " + sum_por_row.ToString("N0") + "</td>";

                HTML_EXCEL += "</tr>";
            HTML += "</tbody>";
            HTML += "  </table>";
            //HTML += "</div>";
            HTML += "</div>";

            HTML_EXCEL         += "</table>";
            R_Excel_1.InnerHtml = HTML_EXCEL;

Exemple #8
        private void EDITAR_GUARDAR()
            if (txt_cod_usuario.Text == "")
                h3_.InnerText = "Falta completar datos"; if (!chk_adm.Checked)
                    DIV2_3.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
                    DIV222.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
            else if (chk_otro.Checked && l_unidad_negocio.Text == "")
                h3_.InnerText = "Falta completar datos"; if (!chk_adm.Checked)
                    DIV2_3.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
                    DIV222.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
            else if (chk_otro.Checked && l_unidad_negocio.Text == "1" && l_grupos.Text == "" || chk_otro.Checked && l_unidad_negocio.Text == "2" && l_grupos.Text == "")
                h3_.InnerText = "Falta completar datos"; if (!chk_adm.Checked)
                    DIV2_3.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
                    DIV222.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
            else if (chk_otro.Checked && l_pantallas.Text == "")
                h3_.InnerText = "Falta completar datos"; if (!chk_adm.Checked)
                    DIV2_3.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
                    DIV222.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
            else if (chk_vend.Checked && l_pantallas.Text == "")
                h3_.InnerText = "Falta completar datos"; if (!chk_adm.Checked)
                    DIV2_3.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
                    DIV222.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
            //else if (r_enviar_correo.Checked && t_correo.Text == "" || r_enviar_2.Checked && t_correo.Text == "")
            //    h3_.InnerText = "Falta completar datos"; if (!chk_adm.Checked)
            //    {
            //        DIV2_3.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
            //        DIV222.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
            //    }
                usuarioEntity us = new usuarioEntity();

                us.cod_usuario = txt_cod_usuario.Text;

                if (txt_clave.Text != "")
                    clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("Somos los mas solomon de quillota 2015");
                    string contrasena = encriptador.EncryptData(txt_clave.Text.ToUpper());
                    us.clave = contrasena;
                    //cambiar variable estatica
                    string cod_usuario_session = Session["COD_USUARIO"].ToString();
                    //us.clave = ReporteRNegocio.es_su_pass(COD_USUARIO);
                    us.clave = ReporteRNegocio.es_su_pass(cod_usuario_session);

                if (chk_adm.Checked)
                    us.admin = "true";
                    us.admin = "false";

                if (chk_vend.Checked)
                    us.tipo_usuario = 2; us.nombre_ = ReporteRNegocio.nombre_vendedor(us.cod_usuario);
                else if (chk_otro.Checked)
                    us.tipo_usuario = 3; us.nombre_ = t_nombre_us.Text;
                    us.tipo_usuario = 1; us.nombre_ = t_nombre_us.Text;

                if (r_activo.Checked)
                    us.activado = "true";
                    us.activado = "false";
                if (r_enviar_2.Checked)
                    us.enviar2 = "true";
                    us.enviar2 = "false";
                if (r_enviar_correo.Checked)
                    us.enviar = "true";
                    us.enviar = "false";

                us.correo = t_correo.Text;
                us.cc     = t_cc.Text;

                if (chk_adm.Checked)
                    l_unidad_negocio.Text = ReporteRNegocio.obtiene_todos_u_negocio();
                    l_pantallas.Text      = ReporteRNegocio.obtiene_todos_app();
                    l_grupos.Text         = ReporteRNegocio.obtiene_todos_grupos();

                us.u_negocio = l_unidad_negocio.Text;
                us.grupos    = l_grupos.Text;
                us.app       = l_pantallas.Text;
                string cod_usuario_ = txt_cod_usuario.Text;

                //if (usuarioBO.actualizar(us, COD_USUARIO) == "OK")
                if (usuarioBO.actualizar(us, cod_usuario_) == "OK")
                    h3_.InnerText = "Usuario Editado.";
                    if (!chk_adm.Checked)
                        DIV2_3.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
                        DIV222.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
                    h3_.InnerText = "Falló al Editar.";
        protected void G_PRODUCTOS_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                double sum_por_row = 0;
                string vendedor    = G_PRODUCTOS.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex].Values[2].ToString();
                string cliente     = G_PRODUCTOS.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex].Values[3].ToString();

                clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("thi");

                e.Row.Cells[1].Attributes["onclick"] = "javascript:fuera('" + encriptador.EncryptData(PERIODOS) + "', '" + encriptador.EncryptData(vendedor) + "', '" + encriptador.EncryptData(cliente) + "', '" + encriptador.EncryptData("4") + "');return false;";
                //e.Row.Cells[3].Attributes["onclick"] = "javascript:fuera22('" + encriptador.EncryptData(cliente) + "', '" + encriptador.EncryptData("88") + "');return false;";

                string script1 = string.Format("javascript:fuera22(&#39;{0}&#39;, &#39;{1}&#39;);return false;", encriptador.EncryptData(cliente), encriptador.EncryptData("88"));
                e.Row.Cells[5].Text = "  <a href='javascript:' onclick='" + script1 + "'>" + e.Row.Cells[5].Text + " </a>";

                e.Row.Cells[0].Text = cont_det.ToString();
                int colum = productos.Columns.Count;

                e.Row.Cells[2].Visible = false;
                e.Row.Cells[3].Visible = false;
                G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[2].Visible = false;
                G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[3].Visible = false;
                for (int i = 5; i <= colum; i++)
                    G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[i + 1].Attributes["data-sort-method"] = "number";
                    if (e.Row.Cells[i + 1].Text != "0")
                        double d;
                        double.TryParse(e.Row.Cells[i + 1].Text, out d);
                        string aux = "";
                        if (d == 0)
                            aux = "";
                            aux = d.ToString("N0");
                        e.Row.Cells[i + 1].Text = aux;
                        sum_por_row            += d;
                        if (i != colum)
                            string script = string.Format("javascript:fuera(&#39;{0}&#39;, &#39;{1}&#39;, &#39;{2}&#39;, &#39;{3}&#39;);return false;", encriptador.EncryptData(G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[i + 1].Text.Substring(0, 6)), encriptador.EncryptData(e.Row.Cells[2].Text), encriptador.EncryptData(e.Row.Cells[3].Text), encriptador.EncryptData("8"));
                            e.Row.Cells[i + 1].Text = "  <a href='javascript:' onclick='" + script + "'>" + e.Row.Cells[i + 1].Text + " </a>";
                e.Row.Cells[colum + 1].Text = sum_por_row.ToString("N0");

                if (header_sum)
                    int colum2 = productos.Columns.Count;
                    for (int i = 5; i <= colum2; i++)
                            G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[i + 1].Text = G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[i + 1].Text + "  (" + Convert.ToDouble(ReporteRNegocio.Facturación_Mes(G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[i + 1].Text, where)).ToString("N0") + ")";
                        catch { }
                    header_sum = false;
        public string crear_reporte_correo2(DataTable dataTable, DataTable totales, string DESDE, string HASTA, string grupos)
            double     total_suma = 0;
            double     cant_fact = 0;
            DataTable  ta1 = new DataTable();
            DataColumn column1; DataColumn column2;

            column1            = new DataColumn();
            column2            = new DataColumn();
            column1.ColumnName = "cont";
            column2.ColumnName = "vendedor";
            int sum_cont1 = 0;

            foreach (DataRow row in totales.Rows)
                DataRow row2 = ta1.NewRow();
                row2["cont"]     = row[5].ToString().Trim();
                row2["vendedor"] = row[3].ToString().Trim();
                total_suma += double.Parse(row[1].ToString());
                cant_fact  += double.Parse(row[2].ToString());
            DataView  view1     = new DataView(ta1);
            DataTable clientes1 = view1.ToTable(true, "cont", "vendedor");

            sum_cont1 = clientes1.Rows.Count;

            string DESDE_AUX = HASTA;

            string HTML_EXCEL        = "";
            string color_letra_excel = "white";
            string color_fondo_excel = "#428BCA";

            string HTML = "";

            HTML += "<table id='TABLA_REPORTE' class='table table-advance table-bordered fill-head tablesorter filtrar' style='width: 98%; border-collapse: collapse;    border-spacing: 1px !important;'  width:98%;>";
            HTML += "<thead>";
            HTML += "<tr>";

            HTML_EXCEL += "<table id='T_EXCEL1' border=1>";
            HTML_EXCEL += "<tr style='background-color:" + color_fondo_excel + "; color:" + color_letra_excel + "'>";

            bool primer = true;

            while (HASTA != DESDE)
                if (primer)
                    HTML       += "<th colspan=4; class='test sorter-false' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' ></th>";
                    HTML_EXCEL += "<td colspan=4 ></td>";
                    primer      = false;

                DataRow[] venta = totales.Select("'" + HASTA + "'  = fechafactura");

                double suma     = 0;
                int    sum_cont = 0;
                if (venta.Length > 0)
                    DataTable  ta = new DataTable();
                    DataColumn column;
                    column            = new DataColumn();
                    column.ColumnName = "cont";

                    foreach (DataRow row in venta)
                        DataRow row2 = ta.NewRow();
                        row2["cont"] = row[5].ToString().Trim();
                        suma += double.Parse(row[1].ToString());
                    DataView  view     = new DataView(ta);
                    DataTable clientes = view.ToTable(true, "cont");
                    sum_cont = clientes.Rows.Count;

                HTML += "<th colspan=1;  class='test sorter-false' >#cltes</th>";
                HTML += "<th colspan=1;  class='test sorter-false' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' > " + sum_cont + "</th>";

                HTML_EXCEL += "<td>#cltes</td>";
                HTML_EXCEL += "<td> " + sum_cont + "</td>";

                DateTime desde_ = Convert.ToDateTime(HASTA, new CultureInfo("es-ES"));
                HASTA = desde_.AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString().Replace("-", "/");
            HTML += "</tr>";
            HTML += "<tr>";

            HTML_EXCEL += "</tr>";
            HTML_EXCEL += "<tr style='background-color:" + color_fondo_excel + "; color:" + color_letra_excel + "'>";

            HASTA = DESDE_AUX;
            bool primer2 = true;

            while (DESDE != HASTA)
                if (primer2)
                    HTML       += "<th colspan=4;  class='test sorter-false' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);'>Total vendedor</th>";
                    HTML_EXCEL += "<td colspan=4 >Total vendedor</td>";
                    primer2     = false;

                HTML       += "<th colspan=2;  class='test sorter-false' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' > " + HASTA + "</th>";
                HTML_EXCEL += "<td colspan=2 > " + HASTA + "</td>";

                DateTime desde_ = Convert.ToDateTime(HASTA, new CultureInfo("es-ES"));
                HASTA = desde_.AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString().Replace("-", "/");

            HTML += "</tr>";
            HTML += "<tr'>";

            HTML_EXCEL += "</tr>";
            HTML_EXCEL += "<tr style='background-color:" + color_fondo_excel + "; color:" + color_letra_excel + "'>";

            HASTA = DESDE_AUX;
            bool primer3 = true;

            while (DESDE != HASTA)
                DataRow[] venta = totales.Select("'" + HASTA + "'  = fechafactura");

                double suma     = 0;
                double sum_cont = 0;
                if (venta.Length > 0)
                    foreach (DataRow row in venta)
                        sum_cont += double.Parse(row[2].ToString());
                        suma     += double.Parse(row[1].ToString());

                if (primer3)
                    HTML += "<th colspan=1;  class='test' >Vendedor</th>";
                    HTML += "<th colspan=1;  class='test' >Total (" + total_suma.ToString("N0") + ")</th>";
                    HTML += "<th colspan=1;  class='test' >#clte (" + sum_cont1 + ")</th>";
                    HTML += "<th colspan=1;  class='test' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);'>#fact  (" + cant_fact + ")</th>";

                    HTML_EXCEL += "<td>Vendedor</td>";
                    HTML_EXCEL += "<td>Total (" + total_suma.ToString("N0") + ")</td>";
                    HTML_EXCEL += "<td>#clte (" + sum_cont1 + ")</td>";
                    HTML_EXCEL += "<td>#fact  (" + cant_fact + ")</td>";

                    primer3 = false;

                HTML += "<th colspan=1;  class='test'> " + suma.ToString("N0") + "</th>";
                HTML += "<th colspan=1;  class='test' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' > " + sum_cont + "</th>";

                HTML_EXCEL += "<td> " + suma.ToString("N0") + "</td>";
                HTML_EXCEL += "<td> " + sum_cont + "</td>";

                DateTime desde_ = Convert.ToDateTime(HASTA, new CultureInfo("es-ES"));
                HASTA = desde_.AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString().Replace("-", "/");

            HTML       += "</tr>";
            HTML_EXCEL += "</tr>";

            HASTA = DESDE_AUX;
            HTML += "</thead>";
            HTML += "<tbody>";

            foreach (DataRow r in dataTable.Rows)
                DataRow[] total    = totales.Select(" vendedor like '%" + r[0].ToString().Trim() + "%'");
                double    suma     = 0;
                int       sum_cont = 0;

                double venta_1 = 0;
                int    cont1   = 0;

                if (total.Length > 0)
                    DataTable  ta = new DataTable();
                    DataColumn column;
                    column            = new DataColumn();
                    column.ColumnName = "cont";

                    foreach (DataRow row in total)
                        venta_1 += double.Parse(row[1].ToString());
                        cont1   += Convert.ToInt32(row[2].ToString());
                        DataRow row2 = ta.NewRow();
                        row2["cont"] = row[5].ToString().Trim();
                        suma += double.Parse(row[1].ToString());
                    DataView  view     = new DataView(ta);
                    DataTable clientes = view.ToTable(true, "cont");
                    sum_cont = clientes.Rows.Count;

                string cod_vendedor = ReporteRNegocio.cod_vendedor(r[0].ToString().Trim());
                HTML += "<tr>";
                HTML += "<td colspan=1;  class='' >" + r[0].ToString().Trim() + "</td>";

                HTML_EXCEL += "<tr>";
                HTML_EXCEL += "<td>" + r[0].ToString().Trim() + "</td>";
                clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("thi");

                string script2 = string.Format("javascript:fuera(&#39;{0}&#39;, &#39;{1}&#39;, &#39;{2}&#39;, &#39;{3}&#39;)", encriptador.EncryptData(""), encriptador.EncryptData(cod_vendedor), encriptador.EncryptData(grupos.Trim().Replace("'", "")), encriptador.EncryptData("2"));

                HTML += "<td colspan=1;> <a data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='bottom' title='" + r[0].ToString().Trim() + "' href='javascript:' onclick='" + script2 + "'>" + venta_1.ToString("N0") + " </a> </td>";
                HTML += "<td colspan=1;  class='' >" + sum_cont + " </td>";
                HTML += "<td colspan=1;  class='' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' >" + cont1 + "</td>";

                HTML_EXCEL += "<td>" + venta_1.ToString("N0") + "</td>";
                HTML_EXCEL += "<td>" + sum_cont + " </td>";
                HTML_EXCEL += "<td>" + cont1 + "</td>";

                HASTA = DESDE_AUX;

                while (DESDE != HASTA)
                    DataRow[] venta = totales.Select("'" + HASTA + "'  = fechafactura and vendedor = '" + r[0].ToString().Trim() + "'");

                    string v   = "0";
                    string c   = "0";
                    string ven = "0";

                    double venta_ = 0;
                    int    cont   = 0;
                    foreach (DataRow row in venta)
                        venta_ += double.Parse(row[1].ToString());
                        cont   += Convert.ToInt32(row[2].ToString());
                        ven     = r[0].ToString().Trim();
                    string script = "";
                    if (venta_ != 0)
                        v = venta_.ToString("N0"); script = string.Format("javascript:fuera(&#39;{0}&#39;, &#39;{1}&#39;, &#39;{2}&#39;, &#39;{3}&#39;)", encriptador.EncryptData(HASTA), encriptador.EncryptData(cod_vendedor), encriptador.EncryptData(grupos.Trim().Replace("'", "")), encriptador.EncryptData("2"));
                    if (cont != 0)
                        c = cont.ToString();

                    if (script == "")
                        HTML       += "<td colspan=1;> " + v + "</td>";
                        HTML_EXCEL += "<td> " + v + "</td>";
                        HTML       += "<td colspan=1;> <a data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='bottom' title='" + r[0].ToString().Trim() + "' href='javascript:' onclick='" + script + "'>" + v + " </a> </td>";
                        HTML_EXCEL += "<td>" + v + "</td>";

                    HTML       += "<td colspan=1; style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' > " + c + "  </td>";
                    HTML_EXCEL += "<td> " + c + "  </td>";

                    DateTime desde_ = Convert.ToDateTime(HASTA, new CultureInfo("es-ES"));
                    HASTA = desde_.AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString().Replace("-", "/");

                HTML       += "</tr>";
                HTML_EXCEL += "</tr>";

            HTML += "</tbody>";
            //HTML += " </tbody>";
            HTML += "  </table>";
            //HTML += "</div>";
            HTML += "</div>";

            HTML_EXCEL         += "</table>";
            R_Excel_1.InnerHtml = HTML_EXCEL;
Exemple #11
        protected void G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            // aca
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)

                clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("thi");
                string año_factura = e.Row.Cells[22].Text.Substring(0, 4);
                string script      = string.Format("javascript:fuera3(&#39;{0}&#39;, &#39;{1}&#39;);return false;", encriptador.EncryptData(e.Row.Cells[0].Text), encriptador.EncryptData(año_factura));
                e.Row.Cells[0].Text = "  <a href='javascript:' onclick='" + script + "'>" + e.Row.Cells[0].Text + " </a>";

                e.Row.Cells[22].Visible = false;
                G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[22].Visible = false;

                    string color_rojo = "<a style='color:red;'> ";
                        e.Row.Cells[8].Text  = e.Row.Cells[8].Text.Replace("-.", "-");
                        e.Row.Cells[10].Text = e.Row.Cells[10].Text.Replace("-.", "-");
                        //ENCABEZADO SUMAS
                            sub_peso += Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[8].Text);
                        catch {
                            string aca = "se cayo";
                            sub_dolar += Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[10].Text);
                        catch { }
                            cost_excel += Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[13].Text);
                        catch { }
                            cost_impot += Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[14].Text);
                        catch { }
                            cost_compra += Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[15].Text);
                        catch { }

                        //utilidad_exce += Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[17].Text);
                        //utilidad_compra += Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[19].Text);
                    catch { }

                    if (cont_row >= total_rows)
                        //EDITAR ENCABEZADO
                        G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[8].Text  = G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[8].Text + "  (" + Base.monto_format2(sub_peso) + ")";
                        G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[10].Text = G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[10].Text + "  (" + Base.monto_format2(sub_dolar) + ")";

                        G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[13].Text = G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[13].Text + "  (" + Base.monto_format2(cost_excel) + ")";
                        G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[14].Text = G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[14].Text + "  (" + Base.monto_format2(cost_impot) + ")";
                        G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[15].Text = G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[15].Text + "  (" + Base.monto_format2(cost_compra) + ")";

                        //G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[13].Text = G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[17].Text + "  (" + Base.monto_format2(utilidad_exce) + ")";
                        //G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[14].Text = G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[19].Text + "  (" + Base.monto_format2(utilidad_compra) + ")";

                    try { e.Row.Cells[16].Text = e.Row.Cells[16].Text.Replace("0:00:00", ""); }

                    catch { }

                    try {
                        if (e.Row.Cells[16].Text == "&nbsp;")
                            e.Row.Cells[16].Text = "00/00/0000";

                        e.Row.Cells[11].Text = (Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[10].Text) / Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[6].Text)).ToString();

                        if (e.Row.Cells[11].Text == "NeuN" || e.Row.Cells[11].Text == "NaN")
                            e.Row.Cells[11].Text = "0";

                        if (e.Row.Cells[11].Text.Contains(","))
                            if (e.Row.Cells[11].Text.Substring(e.Row.Cells[11].Text.IndexOf(",")).Length > 2)
                                e.Row.Cells[11].Text = e.Row.Cells[11].Text.Trim().Substring(0, e.Row.Cells[11].Text.IndexOf(",") + 3);
                    catch { }

                        if (e.Row.Cells[17].Text.Trim() == "TON")
                            e.Row.Cells[14].Text = (Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[14].Text) / 1000).ToString();
                            e.Row.Cells[15].Text = (Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[15].Text) / 1000).ToString();
                        if (e.Row.Cells[8].Text.Contains(","))
                            if (e.Row.Cells[8].Text.Substring(e.Row.Cells[8].Text.IndexOf(",")).Length > 2)
                                e.Row.Cells[8].Text = e.Row.Cells[8].Text.Trim().Substring(0, e.Row.Cells[8].Text.IndexOf(",") + 3);

                        if (e.Row.Cells[9].Text.Contains(","))
                            if (e.Row.Cells[9].Text.Substring(e.Row.Cells[9].Text.IndexOf(",")).Length > 2)
                                e.Row.Cells[9].Text = e.Row.Cells[9].Text.Trim().Substring(0, e.Row.Cells[9].Text.IndexOf(",") + 3);
                        if (e.Row.Cells[10].Text.Contains(","))
                            if (e.Row.Cells[10].Text.Substring(e.Row.Cells[10].Text.IndexOf(",")).Length > 2)
                                e.Row.Cells[10].Text = e.Row.Cells[10].Text.Trim().Substring(0, e.Row.Cells[10].Text.IndexOf(",") + 3);
                        if (e.Row.Cells[11].Text.Contains(","))
                            if (e.Row.Cells[11].Text.Substring(e.Row.Cells[11].Text.IndexOf(",")).Length > 2)
                                e.Row.Cells[11].Text = e.Row.Cells[11].Text.Trim().Substring(0, e.Row.Cells[11].Text.IndexOf(",") + 3);

                        if (e.Row.Cells[13].Text.Contains(","))
                            if (e.Row.Cells[13].Text.Substring(e.Row.Cells[13].Text.IndexOf(",")).Length > 2)
                                e.Row.Cells[13].Text = e.Row.Cells[13].Text.Trim().Substring(0, e.Row.Cells[13].Text.IndexOf(",") + 3);
                        if (e.Row.Cells[14].Text.Contains(","))
                            if (e.Row.Cells[14].Text.Substring(e.Row.Cells[14].Text.IndexOf(",")).Length > 2)
                                e.Row.Cells[14].Text = e.Row.Cells[14].Text.Trim().Substring(0, e.Row.Cells[14].Text.IndexOf(",") + 3);
                        if (e.Row.Cells[15].Text.Contains(","))
                            if (e.Row.Cells[15].Text.Substring(e.Row.Cells[15].Text.IndexOf(",")).Length > 2)
                                e.Row.Cells[15].Text = e.Row.Cells[15].Text.Trim().Substring(0, e.Row.Cells[15].Text.IndexOf(",") + 3);
                    catch { }
                    double venta   = 0;
                    double compras = 0;
                    double cant    = 0;
                        venta = Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[10].Text);
                    catch { }
                        compras = Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[15].Text);
                    catch { }
                        cant = Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[6].Text);
                    catch { }
                    //double val_i_excel = 0;
                    //double val_f_excel = 0;
                    //    val_i_excel = Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[9].Text) * Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[13].Text);
                    //    val_f_excel = Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[9].Text) * Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[14].Text);
                    //catch { };
                    ////double val_i_comp = Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[10].Text) * Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[13].Text);
                    //double val_f_comp = Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[10].Text) * Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[14].Text);

                    if (e.Row.Cells[13].Text.Trim() != "&nbsp;" && venta != 0 && cant != 0)
                            //utilidad excel

                            e.Row.Cells[18].Text = (venta - (cant * Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[13].Text))).ToString();

                            //porct excel
                            string porc = (((venta - (cant * Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[13].Text))) / venta) * 100).ToString("N0") + "%";
                            if (porc == "NaN%" || porc == "-∞%" || porc == "∞%" || porc == "Infinito%")
                                porc = "0%";
                            e.Row.Cells[19].Text = porc;

                            utilidad_exce += Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[18].Text);
                            //utilidad_compra += Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[19].Text);

                        catch (Exception ex)
                            string asd = ex.ToString();
                        //utilidad excel
                        e.Row.Cells[18].Text = venta.ToString();

                        //porct excel
                        string porc = ((Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[18].Text) / venta) * 100).ToString("N0") + "%";
                        if (porc == "NaN%" || porc == "-∞%" || porc == "∞%" || porc == "Infinito%")
                            porc = "0%";
                        e.Row.Cells[19].Text = porc;

                        utilidad_exce += Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[18].Text);
                        //utilidad_compra += Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[19].Text);
                    if (e.Row.Cells[14].Text.Trim() == "&nbsp;")
                        e.Row.Cells[14].Text = "0";

                    if (e.Row.Cells[14].Text.Trim() != "&nbsp;" && e.Row.Cells[15].Text.Trim() != "&nbsp;" && cant != 0 && venta != 0)
                        //(venta - (cant * (Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[9].Text) * Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[11].Text))))
                        //utilidad compras
                        e.Row.Cells[20].Text = (venta - (cant * (Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[14].Text) + Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[15].Text)))).ToString();
                        //porct compras
                        string porc2 = (((venta - (cant * (Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[14].Text) + Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[15].Text)))) / venta) * 100).ToString("N0") + "%";
                        if (porc2 == "NaN%" || porc2 == "-∞%" || porc2 == "∞%" || porc2 == "Infinito%")
                            porc2 = "0%";
                        e.Row.Cells[21].Text = porc2;
                        utilidad_compra     += Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[20].Text);

                        string script3 = string.Format("javascript:fuera_stock(&#39;{0}&#39;, &#39;{1}&#39;);return;", e.Row.Cells[4].Text.ToString(), "2");
                        string script2 = string.Format("javascript:fuera_stock(&#39;{0}&#39;, &#39;{1}&#39;);return;", e.Row.Cells[4].Text.ToString(), "1");

                        if (e.Row.Cells[14].Text != "&nbsp;")
                            if (!e.Row.Cells[14].Text.Contains("-"))
                                e.Row.Cells[14].Text = "  <a href='javascript:' onclick='" + script3 + "'>" + e.Row.Cells[14].Text + " </a>";
                                e.Row.Cells[14].Text = "  <a style='color:red;' href='javascript:' onclick='" + script3 + "'>" + e.Row.Cells[14].Text + " </a>";
                        if (e.Row.Cells[15].Text != "&nbsp;")
                            if (!e.Row.Cells[15].Text.Contains("-"))
                                e.Row.Cells[15].Text = "  <a href='javascript:' onclick='" + script2 + "'>" + e.Row.Cells[15].Text + " </a>";
                                e.Row.Cells[15].Text = "  <a style='color:red;' href='javascript:' onclick='" + script2 + "'>" + e.Row.Cells[15].Text + " </a>";
                    catch { }
                    // href='javascript:' onclick='" + script2 + "'

                    //e.Row.Cells[13].Visible = false;
                    //e.Row.Cells[14].Visible = false;
                    //G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[13].Visible = false;
                    //G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[14].Visible = false;

                    if (e.Row.Cells[18].Text.Contains(","))
                        if (e.Row.Cells[18].Text.Substring(e.Row.Cells[18].Text.IndexOf(",")).Length > 2)
                            e.Row.Cells[18].Text = e.Row.Cells[18].Text.Trim().Substring(0, e.Row.Cells[18].Text.IndexOf(",") + 3);
                    if (e.Row.Cells[19].Text.Contains(","))
                        if (e.Row.Cells[19].Text.Substring(e.Row.Cells[19].Text.IndexOf(",")).Length > 2)
                            e.Row.Cells[19].Text = e.Row.Cells[19].Text.Trim().Substring(0, e.Row.Cells[19].Text.IndexOf(",") + 3);
                    if (e.Row.Cells[20].Text.Contains(","))
                        if (e.Row.Cells[20].Text.Substring(e.Row.Cells[20].Text.IndexOf(",")).Length > 2)
                            e.Row.Cells[20].Text = e.Row.Cells[20].Text.Trim().Substring(0, e.Row.Cells[20].Text.IndexOf(",") + 3);
                    if (e.Row.Cells[21].Text.Contains(","))
                        if (e.Row.Cells[21].Text.Substring(e.Row.Cells[21].Text.IndexOf(",")).Length > 2)
                            e.Row.Cells[21].Text = e.Row.Cells[21].Text.Trim().Substring(0, e.Row.Cells[21].Text.IndexOf(",") + 3);

                    List <int> sd = new List <int>(new int[] { 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21 });
                    foreach (int num in sd)
                        if (e.Row.Cells[num].Text.Contains("-"))
                            e.Row.Cells[num].Text = color_rojo + e.Row.Cells[num].Text + "</a>";
                        if (e.Row.Cells[num].Text.Trim() == "&nbsp;")
                            e.Row.Cells[num].Text = "0";

                    if (cont_row >= total_rows)
                        //EDITAR ENCABEZADO
                        G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[18].Text = G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[18].Text + "  (" + Base.monto_format2(utilidad_exce) + ")";
                        G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[20].Text = G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[20].Text + "  (" + Base.monto_format2(utilidad_compra) + ")";

                        string porc = ((utilidad_exce / sub_dolar) * 100).ToString("N0") + "%";
                        if (porc == "NaN%" || porc == "-∞%" || porc == "∞%" || porc == "Infinito%")
                            porc = "0%";

                        string porc2 = ((utilidad_compra / sub_dolar) * 100).ToString("N0") + "%";
                        if (porc2 == "NaN%" || porc2 == "-∞%" || porc2 == "∞%" || porc2 == "Infinito%")
                            porc2 = "0%";

                        G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[19].Text = G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[19].Text + "  (" + porc + ")";
                        G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[21].Text = G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[21].Text + "  (" + porc2 + ")";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string asd = ex.ToString();
        protected void G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            // aca
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("thi");

                if (Session["comexx"].ToString() != "si")
                    e.Row.Cells[0].Visible = false;
                    //e.Row.Cells[].Visible = false;
                    G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[0].Visible = false;
                    monto_cos += double.Parse(e.Row.Cells[4].Text);
                    G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[4].Text = "Costo = " + monto_cos.ToString("N0");
                catch (Exception e6)
                    monto_import += double.Parse(e.Row.Cells[6].Text);
                    G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[6].Text = "CostoImpor = " + monto_import.ToString("N0");
                catch (Exception e7)
                    monto_total += double.Parse(e.Row.Cells[9].Text);
                    G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[9].Text = "CostoTotal = " + monto_total.ToString("N0");
                catch (Exception e8)

                if (e.Row.Cells[9].Text == "&nbsp;")
                    e.Row.Cells[9].Text  = e.Row.Cells[4].Text;
                    e.Row.Cells[10].Text = e.Row.Cells[5].Text;
                    if (e.Row.Cells[4].Text == "&nbsp;")
                        e.Row.Cells[4].Text = "0";

                    monto_total += double.Parse(e.Row.Cells[4].Text);

                    G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[9].Text = "CostoTotal = " + monto_total.ToString("N0");

                //sorter - false
                if (e.Row.Cells[19].Text != "noootiene" && Session["comexx"].ToString() == "si")
                    string script = string.Format("javascript:CargarEvento_Tabla(&#39;{0}&#39;,&#39;{1}&#39;,&#39;{2}&#39;,&#39;{3}&#39;);devul_fal();", "", e.Row.Cells[3].Text, e.Row.Cells[14].Text, "");
                    e.Row.Cells[2].Text = "  <a href='javascript:' onclick='" + script + "'>" + e.Row.Cells[2].Text + " </a>";

                string script2 = string.Format("javascript:fuera(&#39;{0}&#39;, &#39;{1}&#39;, &#39;{2}&#39;, &#39;{3}&#39;);return false;", encriptador.EncryptData(e.Row.Cells[1].Text), encriptador.EncryptData(e.Row.Cells[16].Text), encriptador.EncryptData(""), encriptador.EncryptData("56"));
                e.Row.Cells[10].Text = "  <a href='javascript:' onclick='" + script2 + "'>" + e.Row.Cells[10].Text + " </a>";

                string script1 = string.Format("javascript:fuera(&#39;{0}&#39;, &#39;{1}&#39;, &#39;{2}&#39;, &#39;{3}&#39;);return false;", encriptador.EncryptData(e.Row.Cells[14].Text), encriptador.EncryptData(""), encriptador.EncryptData(e.Row.Cells[4].Text), encriptador.EncryptData("54"));
                e.Row.Cells[14].Text = "  <a href='javascript:' onclick='" + script1 + "'>" + e.Row.Cells[14].Text + " </a>";

                string aus_des = e.Row.Cells[2].Text;

                e.Row.Cells[2].Text  = e.Row.Cells[14].Text;
                e.Row.Cells[14].Text = aus_des;

                aus_des = G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[2].Text;

                G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[2].Text  = G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[14].Text;
                G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[14].Text = aus_des;

                if (e.Row.Cells[8].Text.Contains("-"))
                    e.Row.Cells[8].Text = "<a style='color:red;'>" + e.Row.Cells[8].Text + "</a>";
                if (e.Row.Cells[12].Text.Contains("-"))
                    e.Row.Cells[12].Text = "<a style='color:red;'>" + e.Row.Cells[12].Text + "</a>";
                if (e.Row.Cells[24].Text.Contains("-"))
                    e.Row.Cells[24].Text = "<a style='color:red;'>" + e.Row.Cells[24].Text + "</a>";

                e.Row.Cells[19].Visible = false;
                //e.Row.Cells[].Visible = false;
                G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR.HeaderRow.Cells[19].Visible = false;
Exemple #13
        protected void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            usuarioEntity us = new usuarioEntity();

            us.cod_usuario = txt_cod_usuario_edit.Text;

            us.correo = t_correo_editar.Text;
            if (txt_clave_edit.Text != "")
                clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("Somos los mas solomon de quillota 2015");
                string contrasena = encriptador.EncryptData(txt_clave_edit.Text.ToUpper());
                us.clave = contrasena;
                us.clave = ReporteRNegocio.es_su_pass(usuario.Text);
            if (activado.Checked)
                us.activado = "true";
                us.activado = "false";

            if (chk_enviar_correo.Checked)
                us.enviar = "true";
                us.enviar = "false";

            bool elimina = false;

            if (chk_vend2.Checked)
                us.tipo_usuario = 2; l_unidad_negocio.Text = ""; elimina = true;
            else if (chk_otro2.Checked)
                us.tipo_usuario = 3;
                us.tipo_usuario = 1;

            if (usuarioBO.actualizar(us, usuario.Text) == "OK")
                if (elimina)
                    catch { }

                if (l_unidad_negocio.Text != "")
                    catch { }
                    if (l_unidad_negocio.Text.Contains(","))
                        if (l_unidad_negocio.Text.Contains("-- Todos --"))
                            foreach (ListItem item in d_grupos_2.Items)
                                usuarioBO.registrar_det(us.cod_usuario, item.ToString());
                            string[] grupos = l_unidad_negocio.Text.Split(',');

                            foreach (string grupo in grupos)
                                usuarioBO.registrar_det(us.cod_usuario, grupo);
                        if (l_unidad_negocio.Text == "-- Todos --")
                            foreach (ListItem item in d_grupos_2.Items)
                                if (item.ToString() != "-- Todos --")
                                    usuarioBO.registrar_det(us.cod_usuario, item.ToString());
                            usuarioBO.registrar_det(us.cod_usuario, l_unidad_negocio.Text);

                //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "teeee", "<script language='javascript'>editado();</script>", false);
                h3_.InnerText = "Usuario Editado.";

                //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "teeee", "<script language='javascript'>no_editado();</script>", false);
                h3_.InnerText = "Error al Editar, verifique los datos";
            div_editar_usuario.Visible = false;
            fondo_modal.Visible        = false;
Exemple #14
        private void NUEVO_GUARDAR()
            if (txt_cod_usuario.Text == "")
                h3_.InnerText = "Falta completar datos"; if (!chk_adm.Checked)
                    DIV2_3.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
                    DIV222.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
            else if (txt_clave.Text == "")
                h3_.InnerText = "Falta completar datos"; if (!chk_adm.Checked)
                    DIV2_3.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
                    DIV222.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
            else if (chk_otro.Checked && l_unidad_negocio.Text == "")
                h3_.InnerText = "Falta completar datos"; if (!chk_adm.Checked)
                    DIV2_3.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
                    DIV222.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
            else if (chk_otro.Checked && l_unidad_negocio.Text == "1" && l_grupos.Text == "" || chk_otro.Checked && l_unidad_negocio.Text == "2" && l_grupos.Text == "")
                h3_.InnerText = "Falta completar datos"; if (!chk_adm.Checked)
                    DIV2_3.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
                    DIV222.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
            else if (chk_otro.Checked && l_pantallas.Text == "")
                h3_.InnerText = "Falta completar datos"; if (!chk_adm.Checked)
                    DIV2_3.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
                    DIV222.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
            else if (chk_vend.Checked && l_pantallas.Text == "")
                h3_.InnerText = "Falta completar datos"; if (!chk_adm.Checked)
                    DIV2_3.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
                    DIV222.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
            else if (r_enviar_correo.Checked && t_correo.Text == "" || r_enviar_2.Checked && t_correo.Text == "")
                h3_.InnerText = "Falta completar datos"; if (!chk_adm.Checked)
                    DIV2_3.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
                    DIV222.Attributes["style"] = "margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; display:block;";
                usuarioEntity us = new usuarioEntity();
                us.cod_usuario = txt_cod_usuario.Text;

                clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("Somos los mas solomon de quillota 2015");
                string contrasena = encriptador.EncryptData(txt_clave.Text.ToUpper());

                us.clave = contrasena;
                if (chk_adm.Checked)
                    us.admin = "true";
                    us.admin = "false";

                if (chk_vend.Checked)
                    us.tipo_usuario = 2; us.nombre_ = ReporteRNegocio.nombre_vendedor(us.cod_usuario);
                else if (chk_otro.Checked)
                    us.tipo_usuario = 3; us.nombre_ = t_nombre_us.Text;
                    us.tipo_usuario = 1; us.nombre_ = t_nombre_us.Text;

                if (r_activo.Checked)
                    us.activado = "true";
                    us.activado = "false";
                if (r_enviar_2.Checked)
                    us.enviar2 = "true";
                    us.enviar2 = "false";
                if (r_enviar_correo.Checked)
                    us.enviar = "True";
                    us.enviar = "False";

                if (usuarioBO.encontrar(ref us) == "OK")
                    //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "teeee", "<script language='javascript'>repetido_agregar_adm();</script>", false);
                    h3_.InnerText = "Usuario ya se encuentra.";
                    us.correo = t_correo.Text;
                    us.cc     = t_cc.Text;

                    if (chk_adm.Checked)
                        l_unidad_negocio.Text = ReporteRNegocio.obtiene_todos_u_negocio();
                        l_pantallas.Text      = ReporteRNegocio.obtiene_todos_app();
                        l_grupos.Text         = ReporteRNegocio.obtiene_todos_grupos();

                    us.u_negocio = l_unidad_negocio.Text;
                    us.grupos    = l_grupos.Text;
                    us.app       = l_pantallas.Text;

                    if (usuarioBO.registrar(us) == "OK")
                        h3_.InnerText = "Usuario Agregado.";
                        //chk_adm.Checked = true;
                        t_cc.Text                  = "";
                        r_enviar_2.Checked         = false;
                        DIV222.Attributes["style"] = "display:none;";
                        l_unidad_negocio.Text      = "";
                        l_pantallas.Text           = "";
                        l_grupos.Text              = "";
                        DIV2_3.Attributes["style"] = "display:none;";
                        txt_clave.Text             = "";
                        txt_cod_usuario.Text       = "";
                        t_correo.Text              = "";
                        r_enviar_correo.Checked    = false;
                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "teeee", "<script language='javascript'>vaciar_editar();</script>", false);
Exemple #15
        private static string crear_reporte_correo(DataTable dataTable, DataTable totales, string DESDE, string HASTA, string grupos)
            //HTML += " </div>";

            string HTML = "";

            HTML += "<table id='TABLA_REPORTE' class='table table-advance table-bordered fill-head tablesorter' style='width: 98%; border-collapse: collapse;    border-spacing: 1px !important;'  width:98%;>";
            //HTML += "     <thead>";

            HTML += " <tr>";

            foreach (DataRow r in dataTable.Rows)
                DataRow[] venta = totales.Select("vendedor = '" + r[0].ToString().Trim() + "'");

                int sum_cont = 0;
                if (venta.Length > 0)
                    DataTable  ta = new DataTable();
                    DataColumn column;
                    column            = new DataColumn();
                    column.ColumnName = "cont";

                    foreach (DataRow row in venta)
                        DataRow row2 = ta.NewRow();
                        row2["cont"] = row[5].ToString().Trim();
                    DataView  view     = new DataView(ta);
                    DataTable clientes = view.ToTable(true, "cont");
                    sum_cont = clientes.Rows.Count;

                HTML += "<td colspan=2;  class='test' ># cltes con fact.</td>";
                HTML += "<td colspan=1;  class='test' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' > " + sum_cont + "</td>";
            HTML += "</tr>";

            HTML += " <tr>";

            foreach (DataRow r in dataTable.Rows)
                HTML += "<td colspan=3; class='test' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' > " + r[0].ToString().Trim() + "</td>";
            HTML += "</tr>";

            int cont2 = 1;

            foreach (DataRow r in dataTable.Rows)
                DataRow[] venta     = totales.Select("vendedor = '" + r[0].ToString().Trim() + "'");
                double    SUM_VENTA = 0;
                int       sum_cont  = 0;
                foreach (DataRow row in venta)
                    SUM_VENTA += double.Parse(row[1].ToString());
                    sum_cont  += Convert.ToInt32(row[2].ToString());

                HTML += "<td  class='test' style='font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);'> TOTAL </td>";
                HTML += "<td  class='test' style='font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);'> " + SUM_VENTA.ToString("N0") + "  </td>";
                HTML += "<td   class='test' style='font-weight: bold; border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48); border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48); '> " + sum_cont + "  </td>";
            HTML += "</tr>";

            while (DESDE != HASTA)
                HTML += "<tr>";
                int cont3 = 1;
                foreach (DataRow r in dataTable.Rows)
                    DataRow[] venta = totales.Select("'" + DESDE + "'  = fechafactura and vendedor = '" + r[0].ToString().Trim() + "'");

                    string v = "-";
                    string c = "0";

                    double venta_ = 0;
                    int    cont   = 0;
                    foreach (DataRow row in venta)
                        venta_ += double.Parse(row[1].ToString());
                        cont   += Convert.ToInt32(row[2].ToString());
                    string script = "";
                    clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("thi");
                    if (venta_ != 0)
                        v = venta_.ToString("N0"); script = string.Format("javascript:fuera(&#39;{0}&#39;, &#39;{1}&#39;, &#39;{2}&#39;, &#39;{3}&#39;)", encriptador.EncryptData(DESDE), encriptador.EncryptData(r[0].ToString().Trim()), encriptador.EncryptData(grupos.Trim().Replace("'", "")), encriptador.EncryptData("2"));
                    if (cont != 0)
                        c = cont.ToString();

                    HTML += "<td > " + DESDE + "  </td>";

                    if (script == "")
                        HTML += "<td > " + v + "</td>";
                        HTML += "<td > <a href='javascript:' onclick='" + script + "'>" + v + " </a> </td>";

                    HTML += "<td style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' > " + c + "  </td>";
                HTML += "</tr>";

                DateTime desde_ = Convert.ToDateTime(DESDE, new CultureInfo("es-ES"));
                DESDE = desde_.AddDays(1).ToShortDateString().Replace("-", "/");

            //HTML += " </tbody>";
            HTML += "  </table>";
            //HTML += "</div>";
            HTML += "</div>";

        public string crear_reporte_correo(DataTable dataTable, DataTable totales, string DESDE, string HASTA, string grupos)
            string    periodo_anterior = "";
            string    periodo_actual   = "";
            DataView  view             = new DataView(totales);
            DataTable distinctValues   = view.ToTable(true, "periodo");
            DataView  dv = distinctValues.DefaultView;

            dv.Sort        = "periodo desc";
            distinctValues = dv.ToTable();
            int co = 1;

            foreach (DataRow r in distinctValues.Rows)
                if (co == 1)
                    periodo_actual = r[0].ToString();
                if (co == 2)
                    periodo_anterior = r[0].ToString();
            if (periodo_anterior == "")
                periodo_anterior = periodo_actual;

            double ACUMULADO   = 0;
            int    cant_cliete = 0;
            string var1        = "";

            double total_mes_actual1 = 0;

            foreach (DataRow r2 in dataTable.Rows)
                DateTime hasta_ant      = Convert.ToDateTime(HASTA, new CultureInfo("es-ES"));
                string   anterior_hasta = hasta_ant.AddMonths(-1).ToShortDateString().Replace("-", "/");
                string   where_ant      = " where vendedor = '" + r2[0].ToString() + "' and FechaFactura <= CONVERT(datetime,'" + anterior_hasta + "',103) ";

                ACUMULADO += ReporteRNegocio.Facturación_Mes(periodo_anterior, where_ant);

                total_mes_actual1 += ReporteRNegocio.Facturación_Mes(periodo_actual, " where vendedor = '" + r2[0].ToString() + "' and  periodo = " + periodo_actual);
                cant_cliete       += ReporteRNegocio._cltes_con_vta(periodo_anterior, where_ant);
            var1 = (Math.Round((total_mes_actual1 * 100 / ACUMULADO)) - 100).ToString() + "%";
            if (var1.Contains("-"))
                var1 = "<i style='color:red;'>" + var1 + "</i>";
            string HTML_EXCEL        = "";
            string color_letra_excel = "white";
            string color_fondo_excel = "#428BCA";

            string HTML = "";

            HTML += "<table id='TABLA_REPORTE2' class='table table-advance table-bordered fill-head tablesorter filtrar2'  style='width: 98%; border-collapse: collapse;    border-spacing: 1px !important;'  width:98%;>";
            HTML += "<thead>";
            HTML += " <tr>";

            HTML_EXCEL += "<table id='T_EXCEL2' border=1>";
            HTML_EXCEL += "<tr style='background-color:" + color_fondo_excel + "; color:" + color_letra_excel + "'>";

            bool primer2 = true;

            foreach (DataRow r in distinctValues.Rows)
                if (primer2)
                    HTML       += "<th colspan=4;  class='test sorter-false' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);'></th>";
                    HTML_EXCEL += "<td colspan=4 ></td>";
                    primer2     = false;

                HTML       += "<th colspan=2; class='test sorter-false' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' > " + r[0].ToString().Trim() + "</th>";
                HTML_EXCEL += "<td colspan=2 > " + r[0].ToString().Trim() + "</td>";
            HTML       += "</tr>";
            HTML_EXCEL += "</tr>";

            HTML       += "<tr>";
            HTML_EXCEL += "<tr style='background-color:" + color_fondo_excel + "; color:" + color_letra_excel + "'>";

            int  cont2   = 1;
            bool primer1 = true;

            foreach (DataRow r in distinctValues.Rows)
                if (primer1)
                    HTML += "<th colspan=1;  class='test' style='font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);'>Vendedores</th>";
                    HTML += "<th colspan=1;  class='test' style='font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);'>Acum.Mes Anter. (" + ACUMULADO.ToString("N0") + ")</th>";
                    HTML += "<th colspan=1;  class='test' style='font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);'>clte# (" + cant_cliete + ")</th>";
                    HTML += "<th colspan=1; id='var' class='test sort-ascending' style='font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48); border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);'  width='95px'>%Var (" + var1 + ")&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</th>";

                    HTML_EXCEL += "<td>Vendedores</td>";
                    HTML_EXCEL += "<td>Acum.Mes Anter. (" + ACUMULADO.ToString("N0") + ")</td>";
                    HTML_EXCEL += "<td>clte# (" + cant_cliete + ")</td>";
                    HTML_EXCEL += "<td width='95px'>%Var (" + var1 + ")&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>";

                    primer1 = false;
                DataRow[]  venta = totales.Select("periodo = '" + r[0].ToString().Trim() + "'");
                DataTable  ta    = new DataTable();
                DataColumn column;
                column            = new DataColumn();
                column.ColumnName = "cont";
                double SUM_VENTA = 0;
                int    sum_cont  = 0;
                foreach (DataRow row in venta)
                    SUM_VENTA += double.Parse(row[1].ToString());

                    DataRow row2 = ta.NewRow();
                    row2["cont"] = row[4].ToString().Trim();
                DataView  view2    = new DataView(ta);
                DataTable clientes = view2.ToTable(true, "cont");
                sum_cont = clientes.Rows.Count;
                //HTML += "<td colspan=2; class='test' style='font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);'> TOTAL </td>";

                HTML += "<th colspan=1; class='test' style='font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);'> " + SUM_VENTA.ToString("N0") + " </th>";
                HTML += "<th colspan=1; class='test' style='font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48); border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);'> " + sum_cont + "  </th>";

                HTML_EXCEL += "<td> " + SUM_VENTA.ToString("N0") + " </td>";
                HTML_EXCEL += "<td> " + sum_cont + "  </td>";
            HTML += "</tr>";
            HTML += "</thead>";

            HTML_EXCEL += "</tr>";

            foreach (DataRow r2 in dataTable.Rows)
                HTML       += "<tr>";
                HTML_EXCEL += "<tr>";
                int cont3 = 1;

                HTML       += "<td colspan=1; style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);'> " + r2[0].ToString() + "  </td>";
                HTML_EXCEL += "<td> " + r2[0].ToString() + "  </td>";

                DateTime hasta_ant        = Convert.ToDateTime(HASTA, new CultureInfo("es-ES"));
                string   anterior_hasta   = hasta_ant.AddMonths(-1).ToShortDateString().Replace("-", "/");
                string   where_ant        = " where vendedor = '" + r2[0].ToString() + "' and FechaFactura <= CONVERT(datetime,'" + anterior_hasta + "',103) ";
                string   factur_acumulado = ReporteRNegocio.Facturación_Mes(periodo_anterior, where_ant).ToString("N0");
                double   total_mes_actual = ReporteRNegocio.Facturación_Mes(periodo_actual, " where vendedor = '" + r2[0].ToString() + "' and  periodo = " + periodo_actual);
                string   clntes           = ReporteRNegocio._cltes_con_vta(periodo_anterior, where_ant).ToString();

                HTML += "<td colspan=1;> " + factur_acumulado + "  </td>";
                HTML += "<td colspan=1;'> " + clntes + "  </td>";

                HTML_EXCEL += "<td> " + factur_acumulado + "  </td>";
                HTML_EXCEL += "<td> " + clntes + "  </td>";

                string var_ = (Math.Round((total_mes_actual * 100 / double.Parse(factur_acumulado.Replace(".", "")))) - 100).ToString() + "%";
                if (var_.Contains("∞"))
                    var_ = "100%";
                if (var_.Contains("NaN") || var_.Contains("∞") || var_.Contains("NeuN") || var_.Contains("Infinito"))
                    var_ = "";
                if (var_.Contains("-"))
                    var_ = "<i style='color:red;'> " + var_ + "</i>";

                string var_tool = "(" + total_mes_actual.ToString("N0") + " * 100 / " + factur_acumulado + ") -100";
                HTML       += "<td colspan=1; style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);'  width='95px'> <a data-toggle='tooltip' style='color:black;' data-placement='top' title='" + var_tool + "'>" + var_ + " </a> </td>";
                HTML_EXCEL += "<td width='70px'>" + var_ + "  </td>";
                string cod_vendedor = ReporteRNegocio.cod_vendedor(r2[0].ToString().Trim());
                foreach (DataRow r in distinctValues.Rows)
                    DataRow[] venta = totales.Select(r[0].ToString() + " = periodo and vendedor = '" + r2[0].ToString().Trim() + "'");

                    string v = "-";
                    string c = "0";

                    DataTable  ta = new DataTable();
                    DataColumn column;
                    column            = new DataColumn();
                    column.ColumnName = "cont";
                    int sum_cont = 0;
                    double venta_ = 0;
                    int    cont   = 0;
                    foreach (DataRow row in venta)
                        venta_ += double.Parse(row[1].ToString());
                        DataRow row2 = ta.NewRow();
                        row2["cont"] = row[4].ToString().Trim();
                    DataView  view2    = new DataView(ta);
                    DataTable clientes = view2.ToTable(true, "cont");
                    sum_cont = clientes.Rows.Count;
                    clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("thi");

                    string bit     = "2";
                    string script2 = string.Format("javascript:fuera(&#39;{0}&#39;, &#39;{1}&#39;, &#39;{2}&#39;, &#39;{3}&#39;)", encriptador.EncryptData(r[0].ToString()), encriptador.EncryptData(cod_vendedor), encriptador.EncryptData(grupos.Trim().Replace("'", "")), encriptador.EncryptData(bit));

                    if (venta_ != 0)
                        HTML       += "<td colspan=1;> <a data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='top' title='" + r2[0].ToString().Trim() + "' href='javascript:' onclick='" + script2 + "'>" + venta_.ToString("N0") + " </a> </td>";
                        HTML_EXCEL += "<td>" + venta_.ToString("N0") + "</td>";
                        HTML       += "<td colspan=1;> " + venta_ + "</td>";
                        HTML_EXCEL += "<td> " + venta_ + "</td>";
                    HTML       += "<td colspan=1; style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);'> " + sum_cont + "</td>";
                    HTML_EXCEL += "<td> " + sum_cont + "</td>";
                HTML       += "</tr>";
                HTML_EXCEL += "</tr>";

            HTML       += "  </table>";
            HTML_EXCEL += "  </table>";
            HTML       += "</div>";

            R_Excel_2.InnerHtml = HTML_EXCEL;
Exemple #17
        private string crear_comiones(string grupos)
            string HTML = "";

            string where = "";

            if (grupos != "")
                where += " and user1 in (" + agregra_comillas(grupos) + ")";
            if (l_vendedores.Text != "")
                where += " and codvendedor in (" + agregra_comillas(l_vendedores.Text) + ")";

            where = " and FECHA_PAGO >= CONVERT(datetime,'" + txt_desde.Text + "', 103) " +
                    " and FECHA_PAGO <= CONVERT(datetime,'" + txt_hasta.Text + "',103) ";

            DataTable valores     = ReporteRNegocio.trae_comisiones(where);
            DataView  view2       = new DataView(valores);
            DataTable vendedores3 = view2.ToTable(true, "vendedor");
            DataView  dv32        = vendedores3.DefaultView;

            dv32.Sort   = "vendedor";
            vendedores3 = dv32.ToTable();

            DataTable periodos = view2.ToTable(true, "periodo_pago");
            DataView  dv3      = periodos.DefaultView;

            dv3.Sort = "periodo_pago";
            periodos = dv3.ToTable();

            HTML += "<table id='TABLA_REPORTE' class='table table-advance table-bordered fill-head tablesorter filtrar' style='width: 98%; border-collapse: collapse;    border-spacing: 1px !important;'  width:98%;>";
            HTML += "<thead>";
            HTML += "<tr>";
            HTML += "<th colspan=1; class='test' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' ></th>";

            foreach (DataRow r in periodos.Rows)
                HTML += "<th colspan=1; class='test' style='border-right: 2px solid rgb(50, 48, 48);' >" + r[0].ToString().Trim() + "</th>";

            HTML += "</tr>";
            HTML += "</thead>";
            HTML += "<tbody>";

            foreach (DataRow r2 in vendedores3.Rows)
                HTML += "<tr>";
                HTML += "<td colspan=1; class='test'>" + r2[0].ToString().Trim() + "</td>";

                foreach (DataRow r in periodos.Rows)
                    DataRow[] comision = valores.Select("periodo_pago = '" + r[0].ToString().Trim() + "' and vendedor = '" + r2[0].ToString().Trim() + "'");

                    if (comision.Length == 0)
                        HTML += "<td colspan=1; class=''>0</td>";
                        double sum_comision = 0;
                        foreach (DataRow row in comision)
                            sum_comision += double.Parse(row[2].ToString());

                        sum_comision = Math.Round(sum_comision);

                        clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("thi");
                        string script2 = string.Format("javascript:fuera(&#39;{0}&#39;, &#39;{1}&#39;,&#39;{2}&#39;, &#39;{3}&#39;)", encriptador.EncryptData(""), encriptador.EncryptData(r[0].ToString().Trim()), encriptador.EncryptData(r2[0].ToString().Trim()), encriptador.EncryptData("2018"));
                        HTML += "<td colspan=1;> <a data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='bottom' title='" + r[0].ToString().Trim() + "' href='javascript:' onclick='" + script2 + "'> " + Base.monto_format2(sum_comision) + " </a> </td>";

                HTML += "</tr>";

            //HTML += "<tr>";
            //HTML += "<td colspan=1;  class='' >PERIODO 2</td>";

            ////string script1 = string.Format("javascript:fuera(&#39;{0}&#39;, &#39;{1}&#39;)", encriptador.EncryptData(""), encriptador.EncryptData(""));
            ////HTML += "<td colspan=1;> <a data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='bottom' title='toongleee_aqui' href='javascript:' onclick='" + script2 + "'> TEXTOOO AQUII </a> </td>";
            ////HTML += "<td colspan=1;> <a data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='bottom' title='toongleee_aqui' href='javascript:' onclick='" + script2 + "'> TEXTOOO AQUII </a> </td>";
            ////HTML += "<td colspan=1;> <a data-toggle='tooltip' data-placement='bottom' title='toongleee_aqui' href='javascript:' onclick='" + script2 + "'> TEXTOOO AQUII </a> </td>";

            //HTML += "</tr>";

            HTML += "</tbody>";
            HTML += "  </table>";
            HTML += "</div>";

Exemple #18
        protected void G_INFORME_TOTAL_VENDEDOR_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            // aca
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                //sorter - false

                if (e.Row.Cells[4].Text.Contains("TOTAL"))
                    e.Row.Cells[1].Text       = "";
                    e.Row.Attributes["style"] = "background-color: #aaffaa";
                    e.Row.CssClass            = "no-sort";

                    e.Row.Cells[0].Attributes["style"] = "background-color: white";
                    e.Row.Cells[1].Attributes["style"] = "background-color: white";

                    clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("thi");
                    string año_mes = CB_TIPO_DOC_GRILLA.SelectedValue + "*" + TX_AÑO.Text + "*" + txt_hasta.Text + "*" + tx_valor_mensual.Text + "*" + tx_dolar.Text + "*" + tx_dias_sobre.Text;
                    string script  = string.Format("javascript:fuera(&#39;{0}&#39;, &#39;{1}&#39;, &#39;{2}&#39;, &#39;{3}&#39;);return false;", encriptador.EncryptData(año_mes), encriptador.EncryptData(e.Row.Cells[0].Text), encriptador.EncryptData(lb_bodegas2.Text), encriptador.EncryptData("13"));
                    e.Row.Cells[0].Text = "  <a href='javascript:' onclick='" + script + "'>" + e.Row.Cells[0].Text + " </a>";
                catch { }

                    e.Row.Cells[1].Text = e.Row.Cells[1].Text.Replace(".", ",");

                    e.Row.Cells[1].Text = e.Row.Cells[1].Text.Substring(0, e.Row.Cells[1].Text.IndexOf(",") + 3);

                    e.Row.Cells[1].Text = e.Row.Cells[1].Text.Replace(",00", "");

                    e.Row.Cells[1].Text = Base.monto_format(e.Row.Cells[1].Text.Trim());

                    //e.Row.Cells[3].Text = e.Row.Cells[3].Text.Substring(0, e.Row.Cells[3].Text.IndexOf(",") + 3);

                    e.Row.Cells[3].Text = e.Row.Cells[3].Text.Replace(".", ",");

                    e.Row.Cells[3].Text = e.Row.Cells[3].Text.Replace(".00", "");

                    e.Row.Cells[3].Text = Base.monto_format(e.Row.Cells[3].Text.Trim());

                    if (e.Row.Cells[5].Text.Substring(0, 1).Contains('-'))
                        e.Row.Cells[5].Text = "0";

                    e.Row.Cells[3].Text = Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[3].Text.Substring(0, e.Row.Cells[3].Text.IndexOf(","))).ToString("N0");

                    //    if (Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[5].Text) > 0)
                    //    {

                    //    }
                catch { }
Exemple #19
        protected void G_PRODUCTOS_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                string vendedor = G_PRODUCTOS.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex].Values[2].ToString();
                string cliente  = G_PRODUCTOS.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex].Values[3].ToString();

                clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("thi");

                e.Row.Cells[1].Attributes["onclick"] = "javascript:fuera('" + encriptador.EncryptData(PERIODOS) + "', '" + encriptador.EncryptData(vendedor) + "', '" + encriptador.EncryptData(cliente) + "', '" + encriptador.EncryptData("4") + "');return false;";

                double sum_por_row = 0;

                for (int i = 5; i <= colum; i++)
                    double d;
                    double.TryParse(e.Row.Cells[i + 1].Text, out d);
                    sum_por_row += d;
                e.Row.Cells[colum + 2].Text = sum_por_row.ToString("N0");

                e.Row.Cells[0].Text = cont_det.ToString();

                e.Row.Cells[2].Visible = false;
                e.Row.Cells[3].Visible = false;
                G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[2].Visible = false;
                G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[3].Visible = false;

                if (header_sum)
                    periodo1 = ReporteRNegocio.Facturación_Mes_precalculado1(USER);;
                    periodo2 = ReporteRNegocio.Facturación_Mes_precalculado2(USER);;
                    periodo3 = ReporteRNegocio.Facturación_Mes_precalculado3(USER);;
                    periodo4 = ReporteRNegocio.Facturación_Mes_precalculado4(USER);;

                    periodo1_ = ReporteRNegocio.pregunta_periodo_prod(USER, "1");
                    periodo2_ = ReporteRNegocio.pregunta_periodo_prod(USER, "2");
                    periodo3_ = ReporteRNegocio.pregunta_periodo_prod(USER, "3");
                    periodo4_ = ReporteRNegocio.pregunta_periodo_prod(USER, "4");

                    header_sum = false;
                List <string> periodos_list = PERIODOS.Split(',').ToList();

                G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[4].Text = "Vendedor";
                G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[3].Text = "Producto";
                G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[5].Text = "Cliente";
                G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[6].Text = periodo1_ + " (" + Double.Parse(periodo1).ToString("N0") + ") ";
                G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[7].Text = periodo2_ + " (" + Double.Parse(periodo2).ToString("N0") + ") ";
                G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[8].Text = periodo3_ + " (" + Double.Parse(periodo3).ToString("N0") + ") ";
                G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[9].Text = periodo4_ + " (" + Double.Parse(periodo4).ToString("N0") + ") ";

                G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[6].Attributes["data-sort-method"]  = "number";
                G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[7].Attributes["data-sort-method"]  = "number";
                G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[8].Attributes["data-sort-method"]  = "number";
                G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[9].Attributes["data-sort-method"]  = "number";
                G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[10].Attributes["data-sort-method"] = "number";

                    if (G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[6].Text.Contains("Error"))
                        G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[6].Attributes["style"] = "display: none;";
                        e.Row.Cells[6].Attributes["style"] = "display: none;";
                    if (G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[7].Text.Contains("Error"))
                        G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[7].Attributes["style"] = "display: none;";
                        e.Row.Cells[7].Attributes["style"] = "display: none;";
                    if (G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[8].Text.Contains("Error"))
                        G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[8].Attributes["style"] = "display: none;";
                        e.Row.Cells[8].Attributes["style"] = "display: none;";
                    if (G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[9].Text.Contains("Error"))
                        G_PRODUCTOS.HeaderRow.Cells[9].Attributes["style"] = "display: none;";
                        e.Row.Cells[9].Attributes["style"] = "display: none;";
                catch { }
Exemple #20
        protected void G_SP_DIARIA_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                string stock_zarate = e.Row.Cells[12].Text;
                e.Row.Cells[12].Text = Base.monto_format(stock_zarate.Replace(",00", ""));

                clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("thi");
                string script1 = string.Format("javascript:fuera(&#39;{0}&#39;, &#39;{1}&#39;, &#39;{2}&#39;, &#39;{3}&#39;);return false;", encriptador.EncryptData(e.Row.Cells[1].Text), encriptador.EncryptData(""), encriptador.EncryptData(""), encriptador.EncryptData("57"));
                e.Row.Cells[1].Text = "  <a href='javascript:' onclick='" + script1 + "'>" + e.Row.Cells[1].Text + " </a>";

                if (Session["codvendedor"].ToString() == "")
                    string costo_compra   = e.Row.Cells[16].Text;
                    string utlidad_excel  = e.Row.Cells[17].Text;
                    string utlidad_compra = e.Row.Cells[18].Text;

                    double d3;
                    double.TryParse(costo_compra, out d3);
                    double d4;
                    double.TryParse(utlidad_excel, out d4);
                    double d5;
                    double.TryParse(utlidad_compra, out d5);

                    d3 = Math.Round(d3, 3, MidpointRounding.ToEven);
                    d4 = Math.Round(d4, 3, MidpointRounding.ToEven);
                    d5 = Math.Round(d5, 3, MidpointRounding.ToEven);

                    e.Row.Cells[16].Text = Base.monto_format2(d3);
                    e.Row.Cells[17].Text = Base.monto_format2(d4);
                    e.Row.Cells[18].Text = Base.monto_format2(d5);

                    e.Row.Cells[0].Text     = e.Row.Cells[21].Text;
                    e.Row.Cells[21].Visible = false;
                    G_SP_DIARIA.HeaderRow.Cells[21].Visible = false;
                    e.Row.Cells[14].Visible = false;
                    G_SP_DIARIA.HeaderRow.Cells[14].Visible = false;

                    e.Row.Cells[15].Visible = false;
                    G_SP_DIARIA.HeaderRow.Cells[15].Visible = false;

                    e.Row.Cells[16].Visible = false;
                    G_SP_DIARIA.HeaderRow.Cells[16].Visible = false;

                    e.Row.Cells[17].Visible = false;
                    G_SP_DIARIA.HeaderRow.Cells[17].Visible = false;

                    e.Row.Cells[18].Visible = false;
                    G_SP_DIARIA.HeaderRow.Cells[18].Visible = false;

                    e.Row.Cells[19].Visible = false;
                    G_SP_DIARIA.HeaderRow.Cells[19].Visible = false;

                    e.Row.Cells[20].Visible = false;
                    G_SP_DIARIA.HeaderRow.Cells[20].Visible = false;

                    e.Row.Cells[21].Visible = false;
                    G_SP_DIARIA.HeaderRow.Cells[21].Visible = false;
Exemple #21
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            string id_prod = Request.QueryString["C"];
            string compras = Request.QueryString["F"];

            if (compras == "2")
                bool prim  = true;
                bool prim2 = true;

                DataTable total_dt = new DataTable();
                total_dt = ReporteRNegocio.ultima_compra(id_prod, compras);
                DataTable general_dt = new DataTable();
                DataTable costos_dt  = new DataTable();

                //foreach (DataRow r in total_dt.Rows)
                //    DataRow row;
                //    row = costos_dt.NewRow();

                //    for (int i = 19; i < total_dt.Columns.Count; i++)
                //    {
                //        if (prim)
                //        {
                //            try
                //            {

                //                costos_dt.Columns.Add(total_dt.Columns[i].ColumnName);
                //                costos_dt.Columns.Add("Fecha");
                //            }
                //            catch { }
                //        }
                //        row[total_dt.Columns[i].ColumnName] = r[i].ToString();
                //        row["Fecha"] = r[7].ToString();
                //    }
                //    costos_dt.Rows.Add(row);
                //    prim = false;


                //foreach (DataRow r in total_dt.Rows)
                //    DataRow row;
                //    row = general_dt.NewRow();
                //    for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++)
                //    {
                //        if (prim2)
                //        {
                //            try
                //            {
                //                general_dt.Columns.Add(total_dt.Columns[i].ColumnName);

                //            }
                //            catch { }
                //        }
                //        row[total_dt.Columns[i].ColumnName] = r[i].ToString();
                //    }
                //    general_dt.Rows.Add(row);
                //    prim = false;
                //    break;

                G_GENERAL.DataSource = general_dt;
                G_GENERAL.Visible = true;
                GENERAL_DIV.Attributes["style"] = "display:none";

                G_DETALLE_STOCK.DataSource = total_dt;
                G_DETALLE_STOCK.Visible    = true;
                normal.Attributes["style"] = "display:block";
            else if (compras == "1")
                DataTable total_dt = new DataTable();
                total_dt = ReporteRNegocio.ultimas_compra2(id_prod, compras);
                DataTable general_dt = new DataTable();
                DataTable costos_dt  = new DataTable();

                //bool prim = true;
                //bool prim2 = true;

                //foreach (DataRow r in total_dt.Rows)
                //    DataRow row;
                //    row = costos_dt.NewRow();

                //    for (int i = 19; i < total_dt.Columns.Count; i++)
                //    {
                //        if (prim)
                //        {
                //            try
                //            {

                //                costos_dt.Columns.Add(total_dt.Columns[i].ColumnName);
                //                costos_dt.Columns.Add("Fecha");
                //            }
                //            catch { }
                //        }
                //        row[total_dt.Columns[i].ColumnName] = r[i].ToString();
                //        row["Fecha"] = r[7].ToString();
                //    }
                //    costos_dt.Rows.Add(row);
                //    prim = false;


                //foreach (DataRow r in total_dt.Rows)
                //    DataRow row;
                //    row = general_dt.NewRow();
                //    for (int i = 0; i < 19; i++)
                //    {
                //        if (prim2)
                //        {
                //            try
                //            {
                //                general_dt.Columns.Add(total_dt.Columns[i].ColumnName);

                //            }
                //            catch { }
                //        }
                //        row[total_dt.Columns[i].ColumnName] = r[i].ToString();
                //    }
                //    general_dt.Rows.Add(row);
                //    prim = false;
                //    break;
                ////general_dt = ReporteRNegocio.ventas_stock(id_prod.Trim());

                //G_GENERAL.DataSource = general_dt;
                //G_GENERAL.Visible = true;
                //GENERAL_DIV.Attributes["style"] = "display:block";

                G_GENERAL.DataSource = total_dt;
                G_GENERAL.Visible = true;
                GENERAL_DIV.Attributes["style"] = "display:block";

                G_DETALLE_STOCK.DataSource = costos_dt;
                G_DETALLE_STOCK.Visible    = true;
                normal.Attributes["style"] = "display:none";
            else if (compras == "88")
                DataTable total_dt = new DataTable();
                total_dt = ReporteRNegocio.ultima_compra(id_prod, compras);
                DataTable general_dt = new DataTable();
                DataTable costos_dt  = new DataTable();

                clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("thi");

                string where = " and producto = '" + encriptador.DecryptData(id_prod.Replace(" ", "+")).Split('*')[0] + "' " + encriptador.DecryptData(id_prod.Replace(" ", "+")).Split('*')[1];
                general_dt   = ReporteRNegocio.ventas_stock(where);

                G_VENTAS.DataSource = general_dt;
                G_VENTAS.Visible = true;
                GENERAL_DIV.Attributes["style"] = "display:none";
                normal.Attributes["style"]      = "display:none";
                VENTAS.Attributes["style"]      = "display:block";

            else if (compras == "89")
                string intvID = id_prod.Split('*')[0].ToString();
                string desde  = id_prod.Split('*')[1].ToString();
                string hasta  = id_prod.Split('*')[2].ToString();
                string siteID = id_prod.Split('*')[3].ToString();

                string RcpDate = "";
                if (desde != "")
                    RcpDate += " and RcptDate >= convert(datetime, '" + desde + "',103)";

                if (hasta != "")
                    RcpDate += " and RcptDate <= convert(datetime, '" + hasta + "',103)";

                string where = " invtID = '" + intvID + "' " + RcpDate;

                DataTable total_dt = new DataTable();
                total_dt = ReporteRNegocio.ultimas_compra3(where, compras);
                DataTable general_dt = new DataTable();
                DataTable costos_dt  = new DataTable();

                G_GENERAL.DataSource = total_dt;
                G_GENERAL.Visible = true;
                GENERAL_DIV.Attributes["style"] = "display:block";

                G_DETALLE_STOCK.DataSource = costos_dt;
                G_DETALLE_STOCK.Visible    = true;
                normal.Attributes["style"] = "display:none";

                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "teardsaeee", "<script> creagrilla(); </script>", false);
            else if (compras == "90")
                DataTable total_dt = new DataTable();
                total_dt = ReporteRNegocio.ultima_compra(id_prod, compras);
                DataTable general_dt = new DataTable();
                DataTable costos_dt  = new DataTable();

                clsCrypto.CL_Crypto encriptador = new clsCrypto.CL_Crypto("thi");

                string producto = encriptador.DecryptData(id_prod.Replace(" ", " + ")).Split('*')[0];
                string periodo  = encriptador.DecryptData(id_prod.Replace(" ", " + ")).Split('*')[1];
                string bodegas  = encriptador.DecryptData(id_prod.Replace(" ", " + ")).Split('*')[2];

                string where = " and producto = '" + producto + "' and periodo = " + periodo;

                if (bodegas != "")
                    where += " and bodega in (" + agregra_comillas(bodegas) + ")";

                general_dt = ReporteRNegocio.ventas_stock(where);

                G_VENTAS.DataSource = general_dt;
                G_VENTAS.Visible = true;
                GENERAL_DIV.Attributes["style"] = "display:none";
                normal.Attributes["style"]      = "display:none";
                VENTAS.Attributes["style"]      = "display:block";

            else if (compras == "91")
                string intvID = id_prod.Split('*')[0].ToString();
                string desde  = id_prod.Split('*')[1].ToString();
                string hasta  = id_prod.Split('*')[2].ToString();
                string siteID = id_prod.Split('*')[3].ToString();

                string RcpDate = "";
                if (desde != "")
                    //RcpDate += " and RcptDate >= convert(datetime, '" + desde + "',103)";

                if (hasta != "")
                    RcpDate += " and trandate <= convert(datetime, '" + hasta + "',103)";

                string where = " siteID= '" + siteID.Replace("'", "") + "' and invtID = '" + intvID + "' " + RcpDate;

                DataTable total_dt = new DataTable();
                total_dt = ReporteRNegocio.historial_stock_diario(where, compras);
                DataTable general_dt = new DataTable();
                DataTable costos_dt  = new DataTable();

                G_GENERAL.DataSource = total_dt;
                G_GENERAL.Visible = true;
                GENERAL_DIV.Attributes["style"] = "display:block";

                G_DETALLE_STOCK.DataSource = costos_dt;
                G_DETALLE_STOCK.Visible    = true;
                normal.Attributes["style"] = "display:none";

                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "teardsaeee", "<script> creagrilla(); </script>", false);

            else if (compras == "92")
                string intvID  = id_prod.Split('*')[0].ToString();
                string desde   = id_prod.Split('*')[1].ToString();
                string hasta   = id_prod.Split('*')[2].ToString();
                string PERIODO = id_prod.Split('*')[3].ToString();

                string RcpDate = "";
                //if (desde != "")
                //    RcpDate += " and RcptDate >= convert(datetime, '" + desde + "',103)";

                //if (hasta != "")

                //    RcpDate += " and trandate <= convert(datetime, '" + hasta + "',103)";


                RcpDate += " and convert(varchar, year(trandate),103 ) + right('0000' + convert(varchar, month(trandate),103 ),2) = '" + PERIODO + "'";

                string where = " TRANTYPE= 'AJ' and invtID = '" + intvID + "' " + RcpDate;

                DataTable total_dt = new DataTable();
                total_dt = ReporteRNegocio.historial_stock_diario(where, compras);
                DataTable general_dt = new DataTable();
                DataTable costos_dt  = new DataTable();

                G_GENERAL.DataSource = total_dt;
                G_GENERAL.Visible = true;
                GENERAL_DIV.Attributes["style"] = "display:block";

                G_DETALLE_STOCK.DataSource = costos_dt;
                G_DETALLE_STOCK.Visible    = true;
                normal.Attributes["style"] = "display:none";

                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, this.GetType(), "teardsaeee", "<script> creagrilla(); </script>", false);