private void FillDepartmentData() { DataTable dt = null; dt = ObjDAL.GetDataCol(clsUtility.DBName + ".dbo.CategoryMaster", "CategoryID,CategoryName", "ISNULL(ActiveStatus,1)=1", "CategoryName ASC"); cmbCategory.DataSource = dt; cmbCategory.DisplayMember = "CategoryName"; cmbCategory.ValueMember = "CategoryID"; cmbCategory.SelectedIndex = -1; }
private void FillSupplierData() { DataTable dt = ObjDAL.GetDataCol(clsUtility.DBName + ".dbo.SupplierMaster", "SupplierID,SupplierName", "ISNULL(ActiveStatus,1)=1", "SupplierName ASC"); cmbSupplier.DataSource = dt; cmbSupplier.DisplayMember = "SupplierName"; cmbSupplier.ValueMember = "SupplierID"; cmbSupplier.SelectedIndex = -1; }
private void FillSizeTypeData() { DataTable dt = ObjDAL.GetDataCol(clsUtility.DBName + ".dbo.SizeTypeMaster", "SizeTypeID,SizeTypeName", "ISNULL(ActiveStatus,1)=1", "SizeTypeName ASC"); if (ObjUtil.ValidateTable(dt)) { cmbSizeType.DataSource = dt; cmbSizeType.DisplayMember = "SizeTypeName"; cmbSizeType.ValueMember = "SizeTypeID"; } cmbSizeType.SelectedIndex = -1; }
private void LoadBranch() { DataTable dt = ObjDAL.GetDataCol(clsUtility.DBName + ".[dbo].[StoreMaster]", "StoreID,StoreName", "ISNULL(ActiveStatus,1)=1", "StoreName ASC"); if (ObjUtil.ValidateTable(dt)) { cmbBranch.DataSource = dt; cmbBranch.DisplayMember = "StoreName"; cmbBranch.ValueMember = "StoreID"; cmbBranch.SelectedIndex = -1; } }
private void LoadData() { DataTable dt = ObjDAL.GetDataCol(clsUtility.DBName + ".dbo.PurchaseInvoice", "PurchaseInvoiceID,SupplierBillNo,SupplierID,ShipmentNo,BillDate,BillValue,TotalQTY,Discount,ForeignExp,GrandTotal,LocalValue,LocalExp,LocalBillValue", "BillDate"); if (ObjUtil.ValidateTable(dt)) { dataGridView1.DataSource = dt; } else { dataGridView1.DataSource = null; } }
private void LoadData() { DataTable dt = null; dt = ObjDAL.GetDataCol(clsUtility.DBName + ".dbo.StoreMaster", "StoreID,StoreName,Tel,Place,Fax,(CASE ActiveStatus WHEN 1 THEN 'Active' WHEN 0 THEN 'InActive' END) ActiveStatus,(CASE StoreCategory WHEN 0 THEN 'Normal Store' WHEN 1 THEN 'Warehouse' END) StoreCategory,StoreCategory [StoreCategoryID] ", "StoreName"); if (ObjUtil.ValidateTable(dt)) { dataGridView1.DataSource = dt; } else { dataGridView1.DataSource = null; } }
private void LoadData() { DataTable dt = null; dt = ObjDAL.GetDataCol(clsUtility.DBName + ".dbo.CustomerMaster", "CustomerID,Name,Address,PhoneNo,(CASE WHEN ActiveStatus =1 THEN 'Active' WHEN ActiveStatus =0 THEN 'InActive' END) ActiveStatus", "Name"); if (ObjUtil.ValidateTable(dt)) { dgvCustomerMaster.DataSource = dt; } else { dgvCustomerMaster.DataSource = null; } }
private void LoadData() { DataTable dt = null; dt = ObjDAL.GetDataCol(clsUtility.DBName + ".dbo.StoreMaster", "StoreID,StoreName,Tel,Place,Fax,(CASE WHEN ActiveStatus =1 THEN 'Active' WHEN ActiveStatus =0 THEN 'InActive' END) ActiveStatus,StoreCategory ", "StoreName"); if (ObjUtil.ValidateTable(dt)) { dataGridView1.DataSource = dt; } else { dataGridView1.DataSource = null; } }
private void btnSaveData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataTable dt = ObjDAL.GetDataCol(clsUtility.DBName + ".dbo.UserManagement", "UserID,UserName,Password,IsAdmin", "Password='******' AND ISNULL(Isblock,0)=0", "UserID DESC"); //int a = ObjDAL.ExecuteScalarInt("select Count(*) From CyberCafeManagement.dbo.login where UserName='******' and Password='******'"); if (ObjUtil.ValidateTable(dt)) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["IsAdmin"])) { IsValidAdmin = true; this.Close(); } else { IsValidAdmin = false; clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("User is not an Admin. Please enter admin password.", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); txtDiscountPass.Focus(); } } else { IsValidAdmin = false; clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Invalid password..", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); txtDiscountPass.Focus(); } }
private void LoadData() { ObjUtil.SetDataGridProperty(dataGridView1, DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill); DataTable dt = null; dt = ObjDAL.GetDataCol(clsUtility.DBName + ".dbo.CategoryMaster", "CategoryID,CategoryName,CategoryDescription,(CASE WHEN ActiveStatus =1 THEN 'Active' WHEN ActiveStatus =0 THEN 'InActive' END) ActiveStatus", "CategoryName"); if (ObjUtil.ValidateTable(dt)) { dataGridView1.DataSource = dt; } else { dataGridView1.DataSource = null; } }
private void FillStoreData() { DataTable dt = ObjDAL.GetDataCol(clsUtility.DBName + ".dbo.StoreMaster", "StoreID,StoreName", "ISNULL(ActiveStatus,1)=1", "StoreName ASC"); cmbShop.DataSource = dt; cmbShop.DisplayMember = "StoreName"; cmbShop.ValueMember = "StoreID"; cmbShop.SelectedIndex = -1; }
private void FillBrandData() { DataTable dt = ObjDAL.GetDataCol(clsUtility.DBName + ".dbo.BrandMaster", "BrandID,BrandName", "ISNULL(ActiveStatus,1)=1", "BrandName ASC"); cmbBrand.DataSource = dt; cmbBrand.DisplayMember = "BrandName"; cmbBrand.ValueMember = "BrandID"; cmbBrand.SelectedIndex = -1; }
private void FillSupplierData() { int a = 0; if (cmbSupplier.SelectedIndex >= 0) { a = Convert.ToInt32(cmbSupplier.SelectedValue); } DataTable dt = ObjDAL.GetDataCol(clsUtility.DBName + ".dbo.SupplierMaster", "SupplierID,SupplierName", "ISNULL(ActiveStatus,1)=1", "SupplierName ASC"); cmbSupplier.DataSource = dt; cmbSupplier.DisplayMember = "SupplierName"; cmbSupplier.ValueMember = "SupplierID"; if (a > 0) { cmbSupplier.SelectedValue = a; } else { cmbSupplier.SelectedIndex = -1; } }
private void LoadShop() { DataTable dt = null; dt = ObjCon.GetDataCol(clsUtility.DBName + ".dbo.StoreMaster", "StoreID,StoreName,Place,case StoreCategory when 0 then 'Normal' when 1 then'WearHouse' end as Category ", "StoreName"); if (ObjUtil.ValidateTable(dt)) { dgvShopeDetails.DataSource = dt; } else { dgvShopeDetails.DataSource = null; } }
private void BindStoreDetails() { DataTable dt = null; dt = ObjDAL.GetDataCol(clsUtility.DBName + ".dbo.StoreMaster", "StoreID,StoreName", "ISNULL(ActiveStatus,1)=1", " StoreID"); cmbShop.DataSource = dt; cmbShop.DisplayMember = "StoreName"; cmbShop.ValueMember = "StoreID"; cmbShop.SelectedIndex = -1; // set Default store int deafultStoreID = ObjDAL.ExecuteScalarInt("SELECT Storeid FROM " + clsUtility.DBName + ".[dbo].[DefaultStoreSetting] WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE MachineName = '" + Environment.MachineName + "'"); cmbShop.SelectedValue = deafultStoreID; if (deafultStoreID == 0) { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Please select the default shop for this client.", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); this.Close(); } }
private void LoadData() { DataTable dt = null; if (admin) { dt = ObjDAL.ExecuteSelectStatement("SELECT UserID,UserName,[Password],ISNULL(EmailID,'') AS EmailID,SecurityQuestion,Answer,(CASE IsAdmin WHEN 1 THEN 'Admin' WHEN 0 THEN 'Limited User' END)as 'AccountType'" + ",(CASE ActiveStatus WHEN 1 THEN 'Active' WHEN 0 THEN 'InActive' END)as 'ActiveStatus'" + " FROM " + clsUtility.DBName + ".[dbo].[UserManagement] WITH(NOLOCK)"); } else { dt = ObjDAL.GetDataCol(clsUtility.DBName + ".dbo.UserManagement", "UserID,UserName,[Password],SecurityQuestion,Answer,ISNULL(EmailID,'') AS EmailID," + "(CASE IsAdmin WHEN 1 THEN 'Admin' WHEN 0 THEN 'Limited User' END)as 'AccountType',(CASE ActiveStatus WHEN 1 THEN 'Active' WHEN 0 THEN 'InActive' END)as 'ActiveStatus'", "UserID=" + LogID, "UserID"); } if (ObjUtil.ValidateTable(dt)) { dataGridView1.DataSource = dt; } else { dataGridView1.DataSource = null; } }
private void InsertClientRegistration() { //clsConnection_DAL ObjDAL = new clsConnection_DAL(true); DataTable dt = ObjDAL.GetDataCol(ClientDBName + ".dbo.RegistrationDetails", "[SoftKey],[ExpiryDate],[StatusDate]", "ISNULL([IsServer],0) = 1 AND ISNULL([IsKeyEnter],0) = 1", null); if (ObjUtil.ValidateTable(dt)) { ObjDAL.SetColumnData("PcName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, Environment.MachineName); ObjDAL.SetColumnData("StatusDate", SqlDbType.VarChar, dt.Rows[0]["StatusDate"].ToString()); ObjDAL.SetColumnData("SoftKey", SqlDbType.VarChar, dt.Rows[0]["SoftKey"].ToString()); ObjDAL.SetColumnData("IsTrail", SqlDbType.Bit, 0); ObjDAL.SetColumnData("RegDate", SqlDbType.Date, DateTime.Now); ObjDAL.SetColumnData("ExpiryDate", SqlDbType.VarChar, dt.Rows[0]["ExpiryDate"].ToString()); ObjDAL.SetColumnData("IsKeyEnter", SqlDbType.Bit, 1); if (ObjDAL.InsertData(ClientDBName + ".dbo.RegistrationDetails", true) > 0) { ObjDAL.ResetData(); clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Client Registration is successfully", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); //System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(exeName + ".exe"); Application.Exit(); } } }
private bool ValidateLogin(string username, string password) { if (username.Equals("admin") && password.Equals("admin") && count <= 3) { count++; } if (username.Equals("admin") && password.Equals("admin") && count == 3) { clsUtility.LoginID = 0; clsUtility.IsAdmin = true; return(true); } else if (!(username.Equals("admin") && password.Equals("admin"))) { try { DataTable dt = ObjDAL.GetDataCol(clsUtility.DBName + ".dbo.UserManagement", "UserID,UserName,Password,IsAdmin", "UserName='******' AND Password='******' and ISNULL(Isblock,0)=0", "UserID DESC"); //int a = ObjDAL.ExecuteScalarInt("select Count(*) From CyberCafeManagement.dbo.login where UserName='******' and Password='******'"); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { clsUtility.LoginID = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["UserID"]); clsUtility.IsAdmin = Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[0]["IsAdmin"]); return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch { return(false); } } return(false); }
private bool FormValidation() { string ValidatingEmailID = txtEmail.Text.Trim(); if (ObjUtil.IsControlTextEmpty(txtUserName)) { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Enter UserName.", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); txtUserName.Focus(); return(false); } else if (ObjUtil.IsControlTextEmpty(txtEmail)) { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Enter E-Mail Address.", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); txtEmail.Focus(); return(false); } else if (!ObjUtil.ValidateEmail(ValidatingEmailID)) { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Enter Valid E-Mail Address.", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); txtEmail.Focus(); return(false); } else if (ObjUtil.IsControlTextEmpty(cmbSecurity)) { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Select Security question for password retrival.", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); cmbSecurity.Focus(); return(false); } else if (ObjUtil.IsControlTextEmpty(txtAsnwer)) { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Enter Security's question.", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); txtAsnwer.Focus(); return(false); } else { dt = ObjDAL.GetDataCol(clsUtility.DBName + ".dbo.UserManagement", "[UserName],[SecurityQuestion],[Answer],[Password],EmailID", "UserName='******'", null); if (ObjUtil.ValidateTable(dt)) { string SecurityQuestion, Answer, Password, EmailID; SecurityQuestion = dt.Rows[0]["SecurityQuestion"].ToString(); Answer = ObjUtil.Decrypt(dt.Rows[0]["Answer"].ToString(), true); Password = dt.Rows[0]["Password"].ToString(); EmailID = dt.Rows[0]["EmailID"].ToString(); if (SecurityQuestion == cmbSecurity.SelectedItem.ToString() && Answer.ToLower() == txtAsnwer.Text.ToLower() && EmailID.ToLower() == txtEmail.Text.ToLower()) { txtRetrivePassword.Text = ObjUtil.Decrypt(Password, true); } else { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Entered details is not matching.", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); return(false); } } else { clsUtility.ShowInfoMessage("Entered UserName or EmailID is not exist.", clsUtility.strProjectTitle); return(false); } return(true); } }