Exemple #1
        private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to delete Fee Temp . Temp No : [" + txtTempNo.Text + "]", "", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No)
            ArrayList     arQuery = new ArrayList();
            clsConnection clsCon  = new clsConnection();

                string sqlQuery = "";
                //Delete Database
                sqlQuery = "Delete tblFee_Tmp  Where FeeMgtID = " + double.Parse(txtTempNo.Tag.ToString()) + "";

                // Insert Information To Log File
                sqlQuery = "Insert Into GTRSystem.dbo.tblUser_Trans_Log (LUserId, formName, tranStatement, tranType)"
                           + " Values (" + clsMain.intUserId + ", '" + this.Name.ToString() + "','" + sqlQuery.Replace("'", "|") + "','Delete')";

                //Transaction with database

                MessageBox.Show("Data Delete Succefully");

                gridList.DataSource = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                arQuery = null;
                clsCon  = null;
Exemple #2
        private void prcLoadSaveData()
            clsConnection clscon = new clsConnection();

            dsList = new System.Data.DataSet();
                string sqlquary = "Exec rptUnclaimed " + Common.Classes.clsMain.intComId + ", '','',0,0";
                clscon.GTRFillDatasetWithSQLCommand(ref dsList, sqlquary);

                dsList.Tables[1].TableName = "Employee";
                dsList.Tables[2].TableName = "AllowType";
                dsList.Tables[3].TableName = "Grid";

                gridEmployee.DataSource = dsList.Tables["Employee"];
                gridDetails.DataSource  = dsList.Tables["Grid"];
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw (ex);
        private void prcLoadList()
            clsConnection clscon = new clsConnection();

            dsList = new System.Data.DataSet();
                string sqlquary = "Exec prcrptDaily " + Common.Classes.clsMain.intComId;
                clscon.GTRFillDatasetWithSQLCommand(ref dsList, sqlquary);

                dsList.Tables[0].TableName = "Section";
                dsList.Tables[1].TableName = "Type";
                dsList.Tables[2].TableName = "ShiftTime";
                dsList.Tables[3].TableName = "Employee";
                dsList.Tables[4].TableName = "Band";

                gridSection.DataSource = null;
                gridSection.DataSource = dsList.Tables["Section"];

                gridType.DataSource = null;
                gridType.DataSource = dsList.Tables["Type"];

                gridShiftTime.DataSource = null;
                gridShiftTime.DataSource = dsList.Tables["ShiftTime"];

                gridEmployeeID.DataSource = null;
                gridEmployeeID.DataSource = dsList.Tables["Employee"];

                gridBand.DataSource = null;
                gridBand.DataSource = dsList.Tables["Band"];

                dtDateFrom.Value = DateTime.Now;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw (ex);
Exemple #4
        private void prcLoadList()
            clsConnection clscon = new clsConnection();

            dsList = new System.Data.DataSet();
                string sqlquary = "Exec prcrptLeave " + Common.Classes.clsMain.intComId;
                clscon.GTRFillDatasetWithSQLCommand(ref dsList, sqlquary);

                dsList.Tables[0].TableName = "Criteria";
                dsList.Tables[1].TableName = "Section";
                dsList.Tables[2].TableName = "Employee";
                dsList.Tables[3].TableName = "OpenDate";
                dsList.Tables[4].TableName = "tblActive";
                dsList.Tables[5].TableName = "tblEmpType";

                gridCriteria.DataSource = dsList.Tables["Criteria"];
                gridSec.DataSource      = dsList.Tables["Section"];
                gridEmp.DataSource      = dsList.Tables["Employee"];
                gridActive.DataSource   = dsList.Tables["tblActive"];
                gridEmpType.DataSource  = dsList.Tables["tblEmpType"];
                //gridSec.DataSource = dsList.Tables["IncType"];

                DateTime firstDay = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1);
                dtDateFrom.Value = firstDay;

                DateTime lastDay = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1);
                lastDay        = lastDay.AddMonths(1);
                lastDay        = lastDay.AddDays(-(lastDay.Day));
                dtDateTo.Value = lastDay;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw (ex);
Exemple #5
 private void getRepairId()
         using (clsConnection oConn = new clsConnection())
             NpgsqlCommand ocmd   = new NpgsqlCommand();
             string        strSql = @"select * from tbm_carrepair where dlt=false";
             DataTable     dtData = oConn.GetData(strSql);
             //dgData.DataSource = dtData;
             if (dtData.Rows.Count == 0)
                 int bookingId = 1;
                 strRepairid = clsGlobal.pstrservercode + "0" + bookingId++;
                 foreach (DataRow row in dtData.Rows)
                     int    BookingId    = Convert.ToInt32(row["repairid"].ToString().Substring(3, 2));
                     int    IncBookingId = BookingId++;
                     string strBookingId = Convert.ToString(BookingId++);
                     string finalid      = clsGlobal.pstrservercode + "0" + strBookingId;
                     strRepairid = finalid;
     catch (NpgsqlException ex)
     catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #6
        public void prcLoadList()
            clsConnection clsCon = new clsConnection();

            dsList = new System.Data.DataSet();
                string SqlQuery = "Exec prcGetEmpFingerRegister 0,'" + Common.Classes.clsMain.intComId + "',0";
                clsCon.GTRFillDatasetWithSQLCommand(ref dsList, SqlQuery);
                dsList.Tables[0].TableName = "tblFinger";

                gridList.DataSource = null;
                gridList.DataSource = dsList.Tables["tblFinger"];
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw (ex);
                clsCon = null;
Exemple #7
        public void prcLoadList(string strYear)
            clsConnection clsCon = new clsConnection();
            dsList = new System.Data.DataSet();
                string SqlQuery = "Exec prcGetMonth  " + strYear;
                clsCon.GTRFillDatasetWithSQLCommand(ref dsList, SqlQuery);
                dsList.Tables[0].TableName = "Year";
                dsList.Tables[1].TableName = "Month";

                gridList.DataSource = null;
                gridList.DataSource = dsList.Tables["Month"];
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw (ex);
                clsCon = null;
        public void prcLoadList()
            clsConnection clsCon = new clsConnection();

            dsList = new System.Data.DataSet();
                string SqlQuery = "Exec prcGetVariableDetails  '" + this.Tag.ToString() + "'";
                clsCon.GTRFillDatasetWithSQLCommand(ref dsList, SqlQuery);
                dsList.Tables[0].TableName = "Varible";

                gridList.DataSource = null;
                gridList.DataSource = dsList.Tables["Varible"];
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw (ex);
                clsCon = null;
Exemple #9
        public void GTRLoadCombo(ref Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraCombo cbo, string sqlQuery, string DisplayMember, string ValueMember)
            clsConnection clsCon = new clsConnection();

                System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet();

                clsCon.GTRFillDatasetWithSQLCommand(ref ds, sqlQuery);
                cbo.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];

                cbo.DisplayMember = DisplayMember;
                cbo.ValueMember   = ValueMember;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw (ex);
                clsCon = null;
        private void btnCalculate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ArrayList     arQuery = new ArrayList();
            clsConnection clsCon  = new clsConnection();

            Int32 rowCount;

                for (rowCount = 0; rowCount < dsList.Tables["Grid"].Rows.Count; rowCount++)
                    gridDetails.Rows[rowCount].Cells[8].Value = txtAmount.Text.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                clsCon = null;
Exemple #11
        private void prcLoadList()
            clsConnection clscon = new clsConnection();
            string        sqlQuery;

            dsList = new System.Data.DataSet();
                sqlQuery = "Exec prcGetDatabaseBK ";
                clscon.GTRFillDatasetWithSQLCommand(ref dsList, sqlQuery);
                dsList.Tables[0].TableName = "DbName";
                gridDataBKUp.DataSource    = null;
                gridDataBKUp.DataSource    = dsList.Tables["DbName"];
            catch (Exception ex)
                clscon = null;
Exemple #12
        public void prcLoadList()
            clsConnection clsCon = new clsConnection();

            dsList = new System.Data.DataSet();
                string SqlQuery = "Exec prcGetBusStop  " + Common.Classes.clsMain.intComId + ",0,'" + this.Tag.ToString() + "'";
                clsCon.GTRFillDatasetWithSQLCommand(ref dsList, SqlQuery);
                dsList.Tables[0].TableName = "BusStop";

                gridList.DataSource = null;
                gridList.DataSource = dsList.Tables["BusStop"];
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw (ex);
                clsCon = null;
Exemple #13
        private void prcLoadLoan()
            clsConnection clsCon = new clsConnection();

            dsList = new System.Data.DataSet();
                string sqlQuery = "Exec prcProcessLoanUpdate " + Common.Classes.clsMain.intComId + ",'" + cboEmpID.Value.ToString() + "','" + clsProc.GTRDate(dtDateFrom.Value.ToString()) + "'";
                clsCon.GTRFillDatasetWithSQLCommand(ref dsList, sqlQuery);
                dsList.Tables[0].TableName = "tblgrid";

                gridData.DataSource = null;
                gridData.DataSource = dsList.Tables["tblgrid"];
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
                clsCon = null;
        private void SnotelDBLoader_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
            //When the dialog box is closed without saving it sends a dialogresult.cancel
            //Input:     m_NewConnection, m_Saving, and User Inputs -> Used to decide whether to store the connection or not.
            //Output:    FinalConnsettings, Me.dialogresult ->Stores Successful connection settings to CurrConnSettings, and sends a dialogresult.ok

            //if( saving { save the settings
            if (m_Saving)
                //return an OK dialog result
                this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK;
                m_ConnSettings    = new clsConnection();
                this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel;
            writeXML(1, 1);
            Process p = new Process();

            //p.StartInfo.FileName = (g_EXE_Dir + "\\UpdateSnotel.exe");
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Eliminamos a una persona con el verbo delete
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <int> eliminarPersonaDALAsync(int id)
            clsConnection       mConexion  = new clsConnection();
            int                 mResultado = 0;
            HttpClient          client     = new HttpClient();
            HttpResponseMessage respuesta;
            Uri                 mUri = new Uri(mConexion.uriBase + "/" + id);

                respuesta = await client.DeleteAsync(mUri);


                if (respuesta.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    mResultado = 1;
            catch (Exception e) { throw e; }

Exemple #16
        private void prcLoadList()
            clsConnection clsCon = new clsConnection();

            dsList = new System.Data.DataSet();
                string sqlQuery = "Exec [prcGetEmployeeList] " + Common.Classes.clsMain.intComId + ", 0";
                clsCon.GTRFillDatasetWithSQLCommand(ref dsList, sqlQuery);
                dsList.Tables[0].TableName = "tblgrid";

                gridList.DataSource = null;
                gridList.DataSource = dsList.Tables["tblGrid"];
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
                clsCon = null;
Exemple #17
        public void prcLoadList()
            clsConnection clsCon = new clsConnection();

            dsList = new System.Data.DataSet();
                string SqlQuery = "Exec prcGetCorporateBusiness 0,'Corporate'";
                clsCon.GTRFillDatasetWithSQLCommand(ref dsList, SqlQuery);
                dsList.Tables[0].TableName = "Corporate";

                gridList.DataSource = null;
                gridList.DataSource = dsList.Tables["Corporate"];
            catch (Exception ex)
                clsCon = null;
Exemple #18
 public void loadData()
         using (clsConnection oConn = new clsConnection())
             NpgsqlCommand ocmd = new NpgsqlCommand();
             frmMain.setLoadDialog(true, "Loading data...");
             string    strSql = @"select a.carid, a.platnumber,a.imagename,a.typeid,a.filepath_car,a.passengercapacity,a.price,a.description,
                               b.typeid,b.carcategoryid as categoryid, b.carbrandid,b.typename,
                               c.carcategoryid as categoryid,c.carcategoryname as categoryname,
                               d.carbrandid as brandids,d.brandname
                               from tbm_car a
                               left join tbm_cartype b on b.typeid =  a.typeid and b.dlt='0'
                               left join tbm_carcategory c on c.carcategoryid = b.carcategoryid and c.dlt='0' 
                               left join tbm_carbrand d on d.carbrandid = b.carbrandid and d.dlt='0'
                               where a.dlt=false order by a.statusavailable;";
             DataTable dtData = oConn.GetData(strSql);
             dgData.DataSource = dtData;
             foreach (DataRow row in dtData.Rows)
             gridViewData.Columns[1].ColumnEdit = ricmbCarType;
     catch (NpgsqlException ex)
     catch (Exception ex)
         frmMain.setLoadDialog(false, "");
        private void prcLoadList()
            dsList = new DataSet();
            clsConnection clsCon   = new clsConnection();
            string        sqlQuery = "";

                sqlQuery = "Exec prcGetUploadExcel " + clsMain.intComId;
                clsCon.GTRFillDatasetWithSQLCommand(ref dsList, sqlQuery);
                dsList.Tables[0].TableName = "Grid";

                gridList.DataSource = null;
                gridList.DataSource = dsList.Tables["Grid"];
            catch (Exception ex)
                clsCon = null;
Exemple #20
        private void prcRawData()
            clsConnection clsCon   = new clsConnection();
            string        sqlQuery = "";

            dsDetails = new DataSet();
                sqlQuery = "Exec prcGetIpAddressGTR 1," + Common.Classes.clsMain.intComId + "";
                clsCon.GTRFillDatasetWithSQLCommand(ref dsDetails, sqlQuery);
                dsDetails.Tables[0].TableName = "Raw";

                gridInfo.DataSource = null;
                gridInfo.DataSource = dsDetails.Tables["Raw"];
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw (ex);
                clsCon = null;
Exemple #21
        public void prcLoadList()
            clsConnection clsCon = new clsConnection();

            dsList = new System.Data.DataSet();
                string sqlQuery = "Exec prcGetProcessLock  " + Common.Classes.clsMain.intComId + ",0";
                clsCon.GTRFillDatasetWithSQLCommand(ref dsList, sqlQuery);
                dsList.Tables[0].TableName = "tblGrid";
                dsList.Tables[1].TableName = "tblType";

                gridList.DataSource = null;
                gridList.DataSource = dsList.Tables["tblGrid"];
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw (ex);
                clsCon = null;
Exemple #22
        private void btnLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            clsConnection clsCon   = new clsConnection();
            string        sqlQuery = "";

            dsList = new DataSet();

            string Band = "";
            string SectId = "0", EmpId = "0", ProssType = "";

            ProssType = gridProssType.ActiveRow.Cells["ProssType"].Value.ToString();

            SectId = gridSec.ActiveRow.Cells["SectId"].Value.ToString();

            Band = gridBand.ActiveRow.Cells["varName"].Value.ToString();

                sqlQuery = "Exec [rptFestAdvanceSheet] " + Common.Classes.clsMain.intComId + ", '" + gridProssType.ActiveRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString() + "','1', '1','" + gridSec.ActiveRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString() + "','1','" + Band + "','1',7";
                clsCon.GTRFillDatasetWithSQLCommand(ref dsList, sqlQuery);
                dsList.Tables[0].TableName = "tblGrid";

                gridDetails.DataSource = null;
                gridDetails.DataSource = dsList.Tables["tblGrid"];
            catch (Exception ex)
                clsCon = null;
Exemple #23
 private void loadBookingId()
     using (clsConnection oConn = new clsConnection())
         string    strSql = @"select * from tbm_booking";
         DataTable dtData = oConn.GetData(strSql);
         if (dtData.Rows.Count == 0)
             int bookingId = 1;
             txtBookingId.Text = clsGlobal.pstrservercode + "0" + bookingId++;
             foreach (DataRow row in dtData.Rows)
                 int    BookingId    = Convert.ToInt32(row["bookingid"].ToString().Substring(3, 2));
                 int    IncBookingId = BookingId++;
                 string strBookingId = Convert.ToString(BookingId++);
                 string finalid      = clsGlobal.pstrservercode + "0" + strBookingId;
                 txtBookingId.Text = finalid;
        private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to delete Process information of [" + btnDelete.Tag + "]", "", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No)
            clsConnection clsCon  = new clsConnection();
            ArrayList     arQuery = new ArrayList();

                string SQLQuery = "Delete From tblDN_xls_Main where EntryNo='" + btnDelete.Tag + "'";
                // Insert Information To Log File
                SQLQuery = "Insert Into Gtrsystem.dbo.tblUser_Trans_Log (LUserId, formName, tranStatement, tranType)"
                           + " Values (" + Common.Classes.clsMain.intUserId + ", '" + this.Name.ToString() + "','" +
                           SQLQuery.Replace("'", "|") + "','Delete')";

                MessageBox.Show("Data Delete  successfully.");

                // btnProcess.Enabled = false;
                btnDelete.Visible = false;
                btnDelete.Enabled = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                clsCon = null;
Exemple #25
        public void prcLoadListIndividual(string str)
            clsConnection clsCon = new clsConnection();

            dsList = new System.Data.DataSet();
                string sqlQuery = " Select A.lvId, A.empId, B.empCode, B.empName, A.lvType, CONVERT(varchar,A.dtFrom,106) as dtFrom, CONVERT(Varchar, A.dtTo,106)As dtTo, A.totalDay, A.lvApp, A.Remark  From tblLeave_Avail A Inner Join tblEmp_Info B On B.empID = A.EmpId where A.empid = '" + txtEmpID.Text.ToString() + "' order by lvId desc";
                clsCon.GTRFillDatasetWithSQLCommand(ref dsList, sqlQuery);

                dsList.Tables[0].TableName = "Leave";

                gridList.DataSource = null;
                gridList.DataSource = dsList.Tables["Leave"];
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw (ex);
                clsCon = null;
        private void prcDisplayDetails(string param)
                string sqlQuery = "Exec prcGetHaySystem " + Common.Classes.clsMain.intComId + ", " + Int32.Parse(param);
                dsDetails = new System.Data.DataSet();

                clsConnection clsCon = new  clsConnection();
                clsCon.GTRFillDatasetWithSQLCommand(ref dsDetails, sqlQuery);
                dsDetails.Tables[0].TableName = "Details";

                DataRow dr;
                if (dsDetails.Tables["Details"].Rows.Count > 0)
                    dr = dsDetails.Tables["Details"].Rows[0];

                    this.txtCode.Value     = dr["HCode"].ToString();
                    this.txtCode.Tag       = dr["HId"].ToString();
                    this.txtName.Text      = dr["HName"].ToString();
                    this.txtNameShort.Text = dr["HNameShort"].ToString();
                    this.cboUnder.Value    = dr["ParentId"].ToString();

                    if (dr["HType"].ToString() == "L")
                        optType.CheckedIndex = 1;

                    this.btnSave.Text      = "&Update";
                    this.btnDelete.Enabled = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #27
 public void loadData()
         using (clsConnection oConn = new clsConnection())
             NpgsqlCommand ocmd = new NpgsqlCommand();
             frmMain.setLoadDialog(true, "Loading data...");
             string    strSql = @"select a.repairid,a.carid,b.platnumber from tbm_carrepair a inner join tbm_car b on b.carid=a.carid and b.dlt='0'";
             DataTable dtData = oConn.GetData(strSql);
             dgData.DataSource = dtData;
     catch (NpgsqlException ex)
     catch (Exception ex)
         frmMain.setLoadDialog(false, "");
        private void btnLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            clsConnection clsCon   = new clsConnection();
            string        sqlQuery = "";

            dsList = new DataSet();

            gridEmp.Enabled = true;

            //Collecting Parameter Value

            string ShiftCode = gridShift.ActiveRow.Cells["ShiftId"].Value.ToString();

                string SqlQuery = "Exec prcGetShiftInput " + Common.Classes.clsMain.intComId + ",1,'" + ShiftCode + "'";
                clsCon.GTRFillDatasetWithSQLCommand(ref dsList, SqlQuery);

                dsList.Tables[0].TableName = "tblEmployee";

                gridEmp.DataSource = null;
                gridEmp.DataSource = dsList.Tables["tblEmployee"];

                checkBox2.Checked = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                clsCon = null;
 private void gridList_AfterCellUpdate(object sender, CellEventArgs e)
     if (gridList.ActiveRow.IsFilterRow != true)
         DataSet       dsChange = new DataSet();
         clsConnection clscon   = new clsConnection();
         string        sqlQuery = "";
             sqlQuery = "Exec prcProcessManualAtt " + Common.Classes.clsMain.intComId + ",'" + gridList.ActiveRow.Cells["empid"].Value + "','" + clsProc.GTRDate(gridList.ActiveRow.Cells["dtPunchDate"].Value.ToString()) + "', " + gridList.ActiveRow.Cells["ShiftId"].Value + ",'" + gridList.ActiveRow.Cells["TimeIn"].Value.ToString() + "','" + gridList.ActiveRow.Cells["TimeOut"].Value.ToString() + "' ";
             clscon.GTRFillDatasetWithSQLCommand(ref dsChange, sqlQuery);
             dsChange.Tables[0].TableName = "Change";
             DataRow dr = dsChange.Tables["Change"].Rows[0];
             if (dsChange.Tables["Change"].Rows.Count > 0)
                 gridList.ActiveRow.Cells["OTHour"].Value = dr["OtHour"];
         catch (Exception ex)
        public void prcDisplayDetails(string strParam)
            clsConnection clsCon = new clsConnection();

            dsDetail = new System.Data.DataSet();
                string SqlQuery = "Exec prcGetSection '" + Common.Classes.clsMain.intComId + "'," + Int32.Parse(strParam) + "";
                clsCon.GTRFillDatasetWithSQLCommand(ref dsDetail, SqlQuery);
                dsDetail.Tables[0].TableName = "details";
                DataRow dr;

                if (dsDetail.Tables["details"].Rows.Count > 0)
                    dr            = dsDetail.Tables["details"].Rows[0];
                    txtId.Text    = dr["SectId"].ToString();
                    txtName.Text  = dr["SectName"].ToString();
                    txtNameB.Text = dr["SectNameB"].ToString();
                    txtSlNo.Text  = dr["SLNO"].ToString();
                    //cboDept.Text = dr["DeptId"].ToString();
                    // txtNameB.Text = dr["DesigNameB"].ToString();

                    btnSave.Text      = "&Update";
                    btnDelete.Enabled = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw (ex);
                clsCon = null;
Exemple #31
        public clsResult GenerateLayout()
            clsResult ReturnResult = new clsResult("Layout");

            int X = 0;
            int Y = 0;
            int A = 0;
            int B = 0;
            int C = 0;
            int D = 0;
            int E = 0;
            int F = 0;
            int G = 0;
            int H = 0;

            TotalPlayerCount = TopLeftPlayerCount * SymmetryBlockCount;

            sXY_int SymmetrySize = new sXY_int();

            SymmetrySize.X = (int)(TileSize.X * App.TerrainGridSpacing / SymmetryBlockCountXY.X);
            SymmetrySize.Y = (int)(TileSize.Y * App.TerrainGridSpacing / SymmetryBlockCountXY.Y);

            //create passage nodes

            int PassageRadius = (int)(128.0F * NodeScale);
            int MaxLikelyPassageNodeCount = 0;
            MaxLikelyPassageNodeCount =
                (int)(Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDecimal(2.0D * TileSize.X * 128 * TileSize.Y * 128 / (Math.PI * PassageRadius * PassageRadius))));

            PassageNodes = new clsPassageNode[SymmetryBlockCount, MaxLikelyPassageNodeCount];
            int LoopCount = 0;
            int EdgeOffset = 0 * 128;
            bool PointIsValid;
            sXY_int EdgeSections = new sXY_int();
            Position.XY_dbl EdgeSectionSize = default(Position.XY_dbl);
            sXY_int NewPointPos = new sXY_int();

            if ( SymmetryBlockCountXY.X == 1 )
                EdgeSections.X =
                        Conversion.Int((TileSize.X * App.TerrainGridSpacing - EdgeOffset * 2.0D) / (NodeScale * App.TerrainGridSpacing * 2.0F)));
                EdgeSectionSize.X = (TileSize.X * App.TerrainGridSpacing - EdgeOffset * 2.0D) / EdgeSections.X;
                EdgeSections.X =
                        (Conversion.Int((TileSize.X * App.TerrainGridSpacing / SymmetryBlockCountXY.X - EdgeOffset) /
                                        (NodeScale * App.TerrainGridSpacing * 2.0F) - 0.5D));
                EdgeSectionSize.X =
                    Convert.ToDouble((TileSize.X * App.TerrainGridSpacing / SymmetryBlockCountXY.X - EdgeOffset) /
                                                Conversion.Int((TileSize.X * App.TerrainGridSpacing / SymmetryBlockCountXY.X - EdgeOffset) /
                                                               (NodeScale * App.TerrainGridSpacing * 2.0F) - 0.5D)) + 0.5D));
            if ( SymmetryBlockCountXY.Y == 1 )
                EdgeSections.Y =
                        Conversion.Int((TileSize.Y * App.TerrainGridSpacing - EdgeOffset * 2.0D) / (NodeScale * App.TerrainGridSpacing * 2.0F)));
                EdgeSectionSize.Y = (TileSize.Y * App.TerrainGridSpacing - EdgeOffset * 2.0D) / EdgeSections.Y;
                EdgeSections.Y =
                        Conversion.Int((TileSize.Y * App.TerrainGridSpacing / SymmetryBlockCountXY.Y - EdgeOffset) /
                                       (NodeScale * App.TerrainGridSpacing * 2.0F) - 0.5D));
                EdgeSectionSize.Y =
                    Convert.ToDouble((TileSize.Y * App.TerrainGridSpacing / SymmetryBlockCountXY.Y - EdgeOffset) /
                                                Conversion.Int((TileSize.Y * App.TerrainGridSpacing / SymmetryBlockCountXY.Y - EdgeOffset) /
                                                               (NodeScale * App.TerrainGridSpacing * 2.0F) - 0.5D)) + 0.5D));

            PassageNodeCount = 0;
            for ( Y = 0; Y <= EdgeSections.Y; Y++ )
                if ( !MakePassageNodes(new sXY_int(EdgeOffset, EdgeOffset + (int)(Y * EdgeSectionSize.Y)), true) )
                    ReturnResult.ProblemAdd("Error: Bad border node.");
                    return ReturnResult;
                if ( SymmetryBlockCountXY.X == 1 )
                    if (
                        !MakePassageNodes(new sXY_int(TileSize.X * App.TerrainGridSpacing - EdgeOffset, EdgeOffset + (int)(Y * EdgeSectionSize.Y)), true) )
                        ReturnResult.ProblemAdd("Error: Bad border node.");
                        return ReturnResult;
            for ( X = 1; X <= EdgeSections.X; X++ )
                if ( !MakePassageNodes(new sXY_int(EdgeOffset + (int)(X * EdgeSectionSize.X), EdgeOffset), true) )
                    ReturnResult.ProblemAdd("Error: Bad border node.");
                    return ReturnResult;
                if ( SymmetryBlockCountXY.Y == 1 )
                    if (
                        !MakePassageNodes(new sXY_int(EdgeOffset + (int)(X * EdgeSectionSize.X), TileSize.Y * App.TerrainGridSpacing - EdgeOffset), true) )
                        ReturnResult.ProblemAdd("Error: Bad border node.");
                        return ReturnResult;
                LoopCount = 0;
                    PointIsValid = true;
                    if ( SymmetryBlockCountXY.X == 1 )
                        NewPointPos.X = (int)(EdgeOffset + Conversion.Int(VBMath.Rnd() * (SymmetrySize.X - EdgeOffset * 2 + 1)));
                        NewPointPos.X = EdgeOffset + (int)(Conversion.Int(VBMath.Rnd() * (SymmetrySize.X - EdgeOffset + 1)));
                    if ( SymmetryBlockCountXY.Y == 1 )
                        NewPointPos.Y = EdgeOffset + (int)(Conversion.Int(VBMath.Rnd() * (SymmetrySize.Y - EdgeOffset * 2 + 1)));
                        NewPointPos.Y = EdgeOffset + Convert.ToInt32(Conversion.Int(VBMath.Rnd() * (SymmetrySize.Y - EdgeOffset + 1)));
                    for ( A = 0; A <= PassageNodeCount - 1; A++ )
                        for ( B = 0; B <= SymmetryBlockCount - 1; B++ )
                            if ( (PassageNodes[B, A].Pos - NewPointPos).ToDoubles().GetMagnitude() < PassageRadius * 2 )
                                goto PointTooClose;
                    if ( A == PassageNodeCount )
                        if ( MakePassageNodes(NewPointPos, false) )
                    if ( LoopCount >= (int)(64.0F * TileSize.X * TileSize.Y / (NodeScale * NodeScale)) )
                        goto PointMakingFinished;
                } while ( true );
            } while ( true );
            PassageNodes =
                    Utils.CopyArray((Array)PassageNodes, new clsPassageNode[SymmetryBlockCount, PassageNodeCount]);

            //connect until all are connected without intersecting

            MathUtil.sIntersectPos IntersectPos = new MathUtil.sIntersectPos();
            int MaxConDist2 = PassageRadius * 2 * 4;
            MaxConDist2 *= MaxConDist2;
            clsNearest NearestA = default(clsNearest);
            Nearests = new clsNearest[PassageNodeCount * 64];
            clsPassageNode tmpPassageNodeA = default(clsPassageNode);
            clsPassageNode tmpPassageNodeB = default(clsPassageNode);
            clsTestNearestArgs NearestArgs = new clsTestNearestArgs();
            int MinConDist = (int)(NodeScale * 1.25F * 128.0F);

            NearestArgs.MaxConDist2 = MaxConDist2;
            NearestArgs.MinConDist = MinConDist;

            for ( A = 0; A <= PassageNodeCount - 1; A++ )
                NearestArgs.PassageNodeA = PassageNodes[0, A];
                for ( B = A; B <= PassageNodeCount - 1; B++ )
                    for ( C = 0; C <= SymmetryBlockCount - 1; C++ )
                        NearestArgs.PassageNodeB = PassageNodes[C, B];
                        if ( NearestArgs.PassageNodeA != NearestArgs.PassageNodeB )

            clsNearest NearestB = default(clsNearest);
            bool Flag = default(bool);

            for ( G = 0; G <= NearestCount - 1; G++ )
                NearestA = Nearests[G];
                for ( A = 0; A <= NearestA.NodeCount - 1; A++ )
                    tmpPassageNodeA = NearestA.NodeA[A];
                    tmpPassageNodeB = NearestA.NodeB[A];
                    for ( H = 0; H <= NearestCount - 1; H++ )
                        NearestB = Nearests[H];
                        if ( NearestB != NearestA )
                            if ( NearestB.Dist2 < NearestA.Dist2 )
                                Flag = true;
                            else if ( NearestB.Dist2 == NearestA.Dist2 )
                                Flag = NearestA.Num > NearestB.Num;
                                Flag = false;
                            if ( Flag )
                                for ( B = 0; B <= NearestB.NodeCount - 1; B++ )
                                    if ( !(tmpPassageNodeA == NearestB.NodeA[B] || tmpPassageNodeA == NearestB.NodeB[B]
                                           || tmpPassageNodeB == NearestB.NodeA[B] || tmpPassageNodeB == NearestB.NodeB[B]) )
                                        IntersectPos = MathUtil.GetLinesIntersectBetween(tmpPassageNodeA.Pos, tmpPassageNodeB.Pos, NearestB.NodeA[B].Pos,
                                        if ( IntersectPos.Exists )
                                if ( B < NearestB.NodeCount )
                                    NearestB.BlockedNearests[NearestB.BlockedNearestCount] = NearestA;

            int ChangeCount = 0;
            Connections = new clsConnection[PassageNodeCount * 16];

                //create valid connections
                ChangeCount = 0;
                G = 0;
                while ( G < NearestCount )
                    NearestA = Nearests[G];
                    Flag = true;
                    if ( NearestA.BlockedCount == 0 && Flag )
                        F = ConnectionCount;
                        for ( D = 0; D <= NearestA.NodeCount - 1; D++ )
                            Connections[ConnectionCount] = new clsConnection(NearestA.NodeA[D], NearestA.NodeB[D]);
                        for ( D = 0; D <= NearestA.NodeCount - 1; D++ )
                            A = F + D;
                            Connections[A].ReflectionCount = NearestA.NodeCount - 1;
                            Connections[A].Reflections = new clsConnection[Connections[A].ReflectionCount];
                            B = 0;
                            for ( E = 0; E <= NearestA.NodeCount - 1; E++ )
                                if ( E != D )
                                    Connections[A].Reflections[B] = Connections[F + E];
                        for ( C = 0; C <= NearestA.BlockedNearestCount - 1; C++ )
                            NearestA.BlockedNearests[C].Invalid = true;
                        H = NearestA.Num;
                        NearestA.Num = -1;
                        if ( H != NearestCount )
                            Nearests[H] = Nearests[NearestCount];
                            Nearests[H].Num = H;
                        if ( !Flag )
                            NearestA.Invalid = true;
                //remove blocked ones and their blocking effect
                G = 0;
                while ( G < NearestCount )
                    NearestA = Nearests[G];
                    if ( NearestA.Invalid )
                        NearestA.Num = -1;
                        for ( D = 0; D <= NearestA.BlockedNearestCount - 1; D++ )
                        if ( G != NearestCount )
                            Nearests[G] = Nearests[NearestCount];
                            Nearests[G].Num = G;
            } while ( ChangeCount > 0 );

            //put connections in order of angle

            for ( A = 0; A <= PassageNodeCount - 1; A++ )
                for ( B = 0; B <= SymmetryBlockCount - 1; B++ )
                    PassageNodes[B, A].ReorderConnections();
                    PassageNodes[B, A].CalcIsNearBorder();

            //get nodes in random order

            clsPassageNode[] PassageNodeListOrder = new clsPassageNode[PassageNodeCount];
            int PassageNodeListOrderCount = 0;
            clsPassageNode[] PassageNodeOrder = new clsPassageNode[PassageNodeCount];
            for ( A = 0; A <= PassageNodeCount - 1; A++ )
                PassageNodeListOrder[PassageNodeListOrderCount] = PassageNodes[0, A];
            B = 0;
            while ( PassageNodeListOrderCount > 0 )
                A = (int)(Conversion.Int(VBMath.Rnd() * PassageNodeListOrderCount));
                PassageNodeOrder[B] = PassageNodeListOrder[A];
                PassageNodeListOrder[A] = PassageNodeListOrder[PassageNodeListOrderCount];

            //designate height levels

            LevelHeight = 255.0F / (LevelCount - 1);
            int BestNum = 0;
            double Dist = 0;
            clsPassageNodeHeightLevelArgs HeightsArgs = new clsPassageNodeHeightLevelArgs();
            HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMinLevel.Nodes = new int[PassageNodeCount];
            HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMaxLevel.Nodes = new int[PassageNodeCount];
            HeightsArgs.MapLevelCount = new int[LevelCount];
            sXY_int RotatedPos = new sXY_int();

            for ( A = 0; A <= PassageNodeCount - 1; A++ )
                HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMinLevel.Nodes[A] = 0;
                HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMaxLevel.Nodes[A] = LevelCount - 1;

            //create bases
            double[] BestDists = new double[BaseFlatArea];
            clsPassageNode[] BestNodes = new clsPassageNode[BaseFlatArea];
            int[] BestNodesReflectionNums = new int[BaseFlatArea];
            int BestDistCount = 0;
            PlayerBases = new sPlayerBase[TotalPlayerCount];
            for ( B = 0; B <= TopLeftPlayerCount - 1; B++ )
                BestDistCount = 0;
                for ( A = 0; A <= PassageNodeCount - 1; A++ )
                    for ( E = 0; E <= SymmetryBlockCount - 1; E++ )
                        tmpPassageNodeA = PassageNodes[E, A];
                        if ( !tmpPassageNodeA.IsOnBorder )
                            Dist = (tmpPassageNodeA.Pos - PlayerBasePos[B]).ToDoubles().GetMagnitude();
                            for ( C = BestDistCount - 1; C >= 0; C-- )
                                if ( Dist > BestDists[C] )
                            for ( D = Math.Min(BestDistCount - 1, BaseFlatArea - 2); D >= C; D-- )
                                BestDists[D + 1] = BestDists[D];
                                BestNodes[D + 1] = BestNodes[D];
                            if ( C < BaseFlatArea )
                                BestDists[C] = Dist;
                                BestNodes[C] = tmpPassageNodeA;
                                BestDistCount = Math.Max(BestDistCount, C + 1);

                if ( BaseLevel < 0 )
                    D = Convert.ToInt32(Conversion.Int(VBMath.Rnd() * LevelCount));
                    D = BaseLevel;

                HeightsArgs.MapLevelCount[D] += BestDistCount;

                for ( A = 0; A <= BestDistCount - 1; A++ )
                    if ( BestNodes[A].MirrorNum == 0 )
                        BestNodesReflectionNums[A] = -1;
                        for ( C = 0; C <= ((int)(SymmetryBlockCount / 2.0D)) - 1; C++ )
                            if ( SymmetryBlocks[0].ReflectToNum[C] == BestNodes[A].MirrorNum )
                        BestNodesReflectionNums[A] = C;

                for ( A = 0; A <= SymmetryBlockCount - 1; A++ )
                    E = A * TopLeftPlayerCount + B;
                    PlayerBases[E].NodeCount = BestDistCount;
                    PlayerBases[E].Nodes = new clsPassageNode[PlayerBases[E].NodeCount];
                    for ( C = 0; C <= BestDistCount - 1; C++ )
                        if ( BestNodesReflectionNums[C] < 0 )
                            PlayerBases[E].Nodes[C] = PassageNodes[A, BestNodes[C].Num];
                            PlayerBases[E].Nodes[C] = PassageNodes[SymmetryBlocks[A].ReflectToNum[BestNodesReflectionNums[C]], BestNodes[C].Num];
                        PlayerBases[E].Nodes[C].PlayerBaseNum = E;
                        PlayerBases[E].Nodes[C].Level = D;
                        PassageNodesMinLevelSet(PlayerBases[E].Nodes[C], HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMinLevel, D, MaxLevelTransition);
                        PassageNodesMaxLevelSet(PlayerBases[E].Nodes[C], HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMaxLevel, D, MaxLevelTransition);
                    RotatedPos = TileUtil.GetRotatedPos(SymmetryBlocks[A].Orientation, PlayerBasePos[B],
                        new sXY_int(SymmetrySize.X - 1, SymmetrySize.Y - 1));
                    PlayerBases[E].Pos.X = SymmetryBlocks[A].XYNum.X * SymmetrySize.X + RotatedPos.X;
                    PlayerBases[E].Pos.Y = SymmetryBlocks[A].XYNum.Y * SymmetrySize.Y + RotatedPos.Y;

            int WaterCount = 0;
            bool CanDoFlatsAroundWater = default(bool);
            int TotalWater = 0;
            int WaterSpawns = 0;

            for ( A = 0; A <= PassageNodeCount - 1; A++ )
                tmpPassageNodeA = PassageNodeOrder[A];
                if ( tmpPassageNodeA.Level < 0 && !tmpPassageNodeA.IsOnBorder )
                    WaterCount = 0;
                    for ( B = 0; B <= tmpPassageNodeA.ConnectionCount - 1; B++ )
                        tmpPassageNodeB = tmpPassageNodeA.Connections[B].GetOther();
                        if ( tmpPassageNodeB.IsWater )
                    CanDoFlatsAroundWater = true;
                    for ( B = 0; B <= tmpPassageNodeA.ConnectionCount - 1; B++ )
                        if ( HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMinLevel.Nodes[tmpPassageNodeA.Connections[B].GetOther().Num] > 0 )
                            CanDoFlatsAroundWater = false;
                    if ( CanDoFlatsAroundWater &&
                         ((WaterCount == 0 & WaterSpawns < WaterSpawnQuantity) || (WaterCount == 1 & TotalWaterQuantity - TotalWater > WaterSpawnQuantity - WaterSpawns)) &&
                         HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMinLevel.Nodes[tmpPassageNodeA.Num] == 0 & TotalWater < TotalWaterQuantity )
                        if ( WaterCount == 0 )
                        C = tmpPassageNodeA.Num;
                        for ( D = 0; D <= SymmetryBlockCount - 1; D++ )
                            PassageNodes[D, C].IsWater = true;
                            PassageNodes[D, C].Level = 0;
                        PassageNodesMinLevelSet(tmpPassageNodeA, HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMinLevel, 0, MaxLevelTransition);
                        PassageNodesMaxLevelSet(tmpPassageNodeA, HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMaxLevel, 0, MaxLevelTransition);
                        for ( B = 0; B <= tmpPassageNodeA.ConnectionCount - 1; B++ )
                            tmpPassageNodeB = tmpPassageNodeA.Connections[B].GetOther();
                            PassageNodesMinLevelSet(tmpPassageNodeB, HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMinLevel, 0, MaxLevelTransition);
                            PassageNodesMaxLevelSet(tmpPassageNodeB, HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMaxLevel, 0, MaxLevelTransition);

            clsPassageNode tmpPassageNodeC = default(clsPassageNode);
            App.sResult Result = new App.sResult();

            HeightsArgs.FlatsCutoff = 1;
            HeightsArgs.PassagesCutoff = 1;
            HeightsArgs.VariationCutoff = 1;
            HeightsArgs.ActionTotal = 1;

            for ( A = 0; A <= PassageNodeCount - 1; A++ )
                tmpPassageNodeA = PassageNodeOrder[A];
                if ( tmpPassageNodeA.Level < 0 && !tmpPassageNodeA.IsOnBorder && tmpPassageNodeA.IsNearBorder )
                    HeightsArgs.PassageNode = tmpPassageNodeA;
                    Result = PassageNodeHeightLevel(HeightsArgs);
                    if ( !Result.Success )
                        return ReturnResult;

            HeightsArgs.FlatsCutoff = FlatsChance;
            HeightsArgs.PassagesCutoff = HeightsArgs.FlatsCutoff + PassagesChance;
            HeightsArgs.VariationCutoff = HeightsArgs.PassagesCutoff + VariationChance;
            HeightsArgs.ActionTotal = HeightsArgs.VariationCutoff;
            if ( HeightsArgs.ActionTotal <= 0 )
                ReturnResult.ProblemAdd("All height level behaviors are zero");
                return ReturnResult;

            for ( A = 0; A <= PassageNodeCount - 1; A++ )
                tmpPassageNodeA = PassageNodeOrder[A];
                if ( tmpPassageNodeA.Level < 0 && !tmpPassageNodeA.IsOnBorder )
                    HeightsArgs.PassageNode = tmpPassageNodeA;
                    Result = PassageNodeHeightLevel(HeightsArgs);
                    if ( !Result.Success )
                        return ReturnResult;

            //set edge points to the level of their neighbour
            for ( A = 0; A <= PassageNodeCount - 1; A++ )
                tmpPassageNodeA = PassageNodes[0, A];
                if ( tmpPassageNodeA.IsOnBorder )
                    if ( tmpPassageNodeA.Level >= 0 )
                        ReturnResult.ProblemAdd("Error: Border has had its height set.");
                        return ReturnResult;
                    //If tmpPassageNodeA.ConnectionCount <> 1 Then
                    //    ReturnResult.Problem = "Error: Border has incorrect connections."
                    //    Exit Function
                    //End If
                    tmpPassageNodeC = null;
                    CanDoFlatsAroundWater = true;
                    for ( B = 0; B <= tmpPassageNodeA.ConnectionCount - 1; B++ )
                        tmpPassageNodeB = tmpPassageNodeA.Connections[B].GetOther();
                        if ( tmpPassageNodeB.Level >= 0 && !tmpPassageNodeB.IsOnBorder )
                            if ( HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMinLevel.Nodes[tmpPassageNodeA.Num] <= tmpPassageNodeB.Level &&
                                 HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMaxLevel.Nodes[tmpPassageNodeA.Num] >= tmpPassageNodeB.Level )
                                if ( tmpPassageNodeC == null )
                                    tmpPassageNodeC = tmpPassageNodeB;
                        if ( HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMinLevel.Nodes[tmpPassageNodeB.Num] > 0 )
                            CanDoFlatsAroundWater = false;
                    //If tmpPassageNodeC Is Nothing Then
                    //    ReturnResult.Problem_Add("Error: No connection for border node")
                    //    Return ReturnResult
                    //End If
                    if ( tmpPassageNodeC != null )
                        BestNum = tmpPassageNodeC.Level;
                        PassageNodesMinLevelSet(tmpPassageNodeA, HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMinLevel, BestNum, MaxLevelTransition);
                        PassageNodesMaxLevelSet(tmpPassageNodeA, HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMaxLevel, BestNum, MaxLevelTransition);
                        for ( D = 0; D <= SymmetryBlockCount - 1; D++ )
                            PassageNodes[D, A].IsWater = tmpPassageNodeC.IsWater && CanDoFlatsAroundWater;
                            PassageNodes[D, A].Level = BestNum;
                        if ( tmpPassageNodeA.IsWater )
                            for ( B = 0; B <= tmpPassageNodeA.ConnectionCount - 1; B++ )
                                tmpPassageNodeB = tmpPassageNodeA.Connections[B].GetOther();
                                PassageNodesMinLevelSet(tmpPassageNodeB, HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMinLevel, tmpPassageNodeA.Level, MaxLevelTransition);
                                PassageNodesMaxLevelSet(tmpPassageNodeB, HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMaxLevel, tmpPassageNodeA.Level, MaxLevelTransition);
                else if ( tmpPassageNodeA.Level < 0 )
                    ReturnResult.ProblemAdd("Error: Node height not set");
                    return ReturnResult;
            //set level of edge points only connected to another border point
            for ( A = 0; A <= PassageNodeCount - 1; A++ )
                tmpPassageNodeA = PassageNodes[0, A];
                if ( tmpPassageNodeA.IsOnBorder && tmpPassageNodeA.Level < 0 )
                    tmpPassageNodeC = null;
                    CanDoFlatsAroundWater = true;
                    for ( B = 0; B <= tmpPassageNodeA.ConnectionCount - 1; B++ )
                        tmpPassageNodeB = tmpPassageNodeA.Connections[B].GetOther();
                        if ( tmpPassageNodeB.Level >= 0 )
                            if ( HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMinLevel.Nodes[tmpPassageNodeA.Num] <= tmpPassageNodeB.Level &&
                                 HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMaxLevel.Nodes[tmpPassageNodeA.Num] >= tmpPassageNodeB.Level )
                                if ( tmpPassageNodeC == null )
                                    tmpPassageNodeC = tmpPassageNodeB;
                        if ( HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMinLevel.Nodes[tmpPassageNodeB.Num] > 0 )
                            CanDoFlatsAroundWater = false;
                    if ( tmpPassageNodeC == null )
                        ReturnResult.ProblemAdd("Error: No connection for border node");
                        return ReturnResult;
                    BestNum = tmpPassageNodeC.Level;
                    PassageNodesMinLevelSet(tmpPassageNodeA, HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMinLevel, BestNum, MaxLevelTransition);
                    PassageNodesMaxLevelSet(tmpPassageNodeA, HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMaxLevel, BestNum, MaxLevelTransition);
                    for ( D = 0; D <= SymmetryBlockCount - 1; D++ )
                        PassageNodes[D, A].IsWater = tmpPassageNodeC.IsWater && CanDoFlatsAroundWater;
                        PassageNodes[D, A].Level = BestNum;
                    if ( tmpPassageNodeA.IsWater )
                        for ( B = 0; B <= tmpPassageNodeA.ConnectionCount - 1; B++ )
                            tmpPassageNodeB = tmpPassageNodeA.Connections[B].GetOther();
                            PassageNodesMinLevelSet(tmpPassageNodeB, HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMinLevel, tmpPassageNodeA.Level, MaxLevelTransition);
                            PassageNodesMaxLevelSet(tmpPassageNodeB, HeightsArgs.PassageNodesMaxLevel, tmpPassageNodeA.Level, MaxLevelTransition);

            RampBase = 1.0D;
            MaxDisconnectionDist = 99999.0F;

            clsResult RampResult = GenerateRamps();

            return ReturnResult;
Exemple #32
        public clsResult GenerateRamps()
            clsResult ReturnResult = new clsResult("Ramps");

            int A = 0;
            int B = 0;
            int C = 0;
            int E = 0;
            double BestDist = 0;
            int BestNum = 0;
            sXY_int XY_int = new sXY_int();
            clsPassageNode tmpPassageNodeA = default(clsPassageNode);
            clsPassageNode tmpPassageNodeB = default(clsPassageNode);
            double Dist = 0;

            //make ramps

            for ( A = 0; A <= ConnectionCount - 1; A++ )
                Connections[A].IsRamp = false;

            PathfinderNode tmpNodeA = default(PathfinderNode);
            PathfinderNode tmpNodeB = default(PathfinderNode);
            PathfinderNode[,] PassageNodePathNodes = null;
            PathfinderConnection NewConnection;

            clsPassageNodeNework PassageNodeNetwork = MakePassageNodeNetwork();
            PassageNodePathNodes = PassageNodeNetwork.PassageNodePathNodes;

            clsConnection[] PossibleRamps = new clsConnection[ConnectionCount];
            int PossibleRampCount = 0;
            PathfinderNode[] GetPathStartNodes = new PathfinderNode[1];
            PathfinderNetwork.PathList[] ResultPaths = null;

            //ramp connections whose points are too far apart

            bool[] ConnectionsCanRamp = new bool[ConnectionCount];

            for ( B = 0; B <= ConnectionCount - 1; B++ )
                C = Math.Abs(Connections[B].PassageNodeA.Level - Connections[B].PassageNodeB.Level);
                if ( C == 1 )
                    if ( !(Connections[B].PassageNodeA.IsOnBorder || Connections[B].PassageNodeB.IsOnBorder)
                         && Connections[B].PassageNodeA.MirrorNum == 0
                         && Connections[B].PassageNodeA.Num != Connections[B].PassageNodeB.Num )
                        ConnectionsCanRamp[B] = true;
                        ConnectionsCanRamp[B] = false;
                    ConnectionsCanRamp[B] = false;

            clsNodeConnectedness Connectedness = new clsNodeConnectedness();
            Connectedness.NodeConnectedness = new float[PassageNodeCount];
            Connectedness.PassageNodeVisited = new bool[SymmetryBlockCount, PassageNodeCount];
            Connectedness.PassageNodePathNodes = PassageNodePathNodes;
            Connectedness.PassageNodePathMap = PassageNodeNetwork.Network;

            PathfinderConnection[] tmpPathConnection = new PathfinderConnection[4];
            double Value = 0;
            double BestDistB = 0;
            double BaseDist = 0;
            double RampDist = 0;
            clsUpdateNodeConnectednessArgs UpdateNodeConnectednessArgs = new clsUpdateNodeConnectednessArgs();
            clsUpdateNetworkConnectednessArgs UpdateNetworkConnectednessArgs = new clsUpdateNetworkConnectednessArgs();

            UpdateNodeConnectednessArgs.Args = Connectedness;
            UpdateNetworkConnectednessArgs.Args = Connectedness;
            UpdateNetworkConnectednessArgs.PassageNodeUpdated = new bool[PassageNodeCount];
            UpdateNetworkConnectednessArgs.SymmetryBlockCount = SymmetryBlockCount;

            for ( A = 0; A <= PassageNodeCount - 1; A++ )
                Connectedness.NodeConnectedness[A] = 0.0F;
                for ( B = 0; B <= PassageNodeCount - 1; B++ )
                    for ( C = 0; C <= SymmetryBlockCount - 1; C++ )
                        Connectedness.PassageNodeVisited[C, B] = false;
                UpdateNodeConnectednessArgs.OriginalNode = PassageNodes[0, A];
                UpdateNodeConnectedness(UpdateNodeConnectednessArgs, PassageNodes[0, A]);

                BestNum = -1;
                BestDist = 1.0F; //for connections that can already reach the other side
                BestDistB = 0.0F; //for connections that cant
                PossibleRampCount = 0;
                for ( B = 0; B <= ConnectionCount - 1; B++ )
                    if ( ConnectionsCanRamp[B] && !Connections[B].IsRamp )
                        if ( CheckRampAngles(Connections[B], Convert.ToDouble(80.0D * MathUtil.RadOf1Deg), Convert.ToDouble(120.0D * MathUtil.RadOf1Deg),
                            0.0D * MathUtil.RadOf1Deg) )
                            GetPathStartNodes[0] = PassageNodePathNodes[Connections[B].PassageNodeA.MirrorNum, Connections[B].PassageNodeA.Num];
                            ResultPaths = PassageNodeNetwork.Network.GetPath(GetPathStartNodes,
                                PassageNodePathNodes[Connections[B].PassageNodeB.MirrorNum, Connections[B].PassageNodeB.Num], -1, 0);
                            BaseDist = double.MaxValue;
                            XY_int.X = (int)((Connections[B].PassageNodeA.Pos.X + Connections[B].PassageNodeB.Pos.X) / 2.0D);
                            XY_int.Y = (int)((Connections[B].PassageNodeA.Pos.Y + Connections[B].PassageNodeB.Pos.Y) / 2.0D);
                            for ( E = 0; E <= TotalPlayerCount - 1; E++ )
                                Dist = Convert.ToDouble((PlayerBases[E].Pos - XY_int).ToDoubles().GetMagnitude());
                                if ( Dist < BaseDist )
                                    BaseDist = Dist;
                            RampDist = Math.Max(MaxDisconnectionDist * Math.Pow(RampBase, (BaseDist / 1024.0D)), 1.0F);
                            if ( ResultPaths == null )
                                Value = Connectedness.NodeConnectedness[Connections[B].PassageNodeA.Num] +
                                if ( double.MaxValue > BestDist )
                                    BestDist = double.MaxValue;
                                    BestDistB = Value;
                                    PossibleRamps[0] = Connections[B];
                                    PossibleRampCount = 1;
                                    if ( Value < BestDistB )
                                        BestDistB = Value;
                                        PossibleRamps[0] = Connections[B];
                                        PossibleRampCount = 1;
                                    else if ( Value == BestDistB )
                                        PossibleRamps[PossibleRampCount] = Connections[B];
                            else if ( ResultPaths[0].PathCount != 1 )
                                ReturnResult.ProblemAdd("Error: Invalid number of routes returned.");
                                goto Finish;
                            else if ( ResultPaths[0].Paths[0].Value / RampDist > BestDist )
                                BestDist = ResultPaths[0].Paths[0].Value / RampDist;
                                PossibleRamps[0] = Connections[B];
                                PossibleRampCount = 1;
                            else if ( ResultPaths[0].Paths[0].Value / RampDist == BestDist )
                                PossibleRamps[PossibleRampCount] = Connections[B];
                            else if ( ResultPaths[0].Paths[0].Value <= RampDist )
                                ConnectionsCanRamp[B] = false;
                            ConnectionsCanRamp[B] = false;
                        ConnectionsCanRamp[B] = false;
                if ( PossibleRampCount > 0 )
                    BestNum = (int)(Conversion.Int(VBMath.Rnd() * PossibleRampCount));
                    PossibleRamps[BestNum].IsRamp = true;
                    tmpPassageNodeA = PossibleRamps[BestNum].PassageNodeA;
                    tmpPassageNodeB = PossibleRamps[BestNum].PassageNodeB;
                    tmpNodeA = PassageNodePathNodes[tmpPassageNodeA.MirrorNum, tmpPassageNodeA.Num];
                    tmpNodeB = PassageNodePathNodes[tmpPassageNodeB.MirrorNum, tmpPassageNodeB.Num];
                    NewConnection = tmpNodeA.CreateConnection(tmpNodeB, GetNodePosDist(tmpNodeA, tmpNodeB));
                    for ( C = 0; C <= PossibleRamps[BestNum].ReflectionCount - 1; C++ )
                        PossibleRamps[BestNum].Reflections[C].IsRamp = true;
                        tmpPassageNodeA = PossibleRamps[BestNum].Reflections[C].PassageNodeA;
                        tmpPassageNodeB = PossibleRamps[BestNum].Reflections[C].PassageNodeB;
                        tmpNodeA = PassageNodePathNodes[tmpPassageNodeA.MirrorNum, tmpPassageNodeA.Num];
                        tmpNodeB = PassageNodePathNodes[tmpPassageNodeB.MirrorNum, tmpPassageNodeB.Num];
                        NewConnection = tmpNodeA.CreateConnection(tmpNodeB, GetNodePosDist(tmpNodeA, tmpNodeB));
                    for ( E = 0; E <= PassageNodeCount - 1; E++ )
                        UpdateNetworkConnectednessArgs.PassageNodeUpdated[E] = false;
                    if ( PossibleRamps[BestNum].PassageNodeA.MirrorNum == 0 )
                        UpdateNetworkConnectedness(UpdateNetworkConnectednessArgs, PossibleRamps[BestNum].PassageNodeA);
                    else if ( PossibleRamps[BestNum].PassageNodeB.MirrorNum == 0 )
                        UpdateNetworkConnectedness(UpdateNetworkConnectednessArgs, PossibleRamps[BestNum].PassageNodeB);
                        ReturnResult.ProblemAdd("Error: Initial ramp not in area 0.");
                        goto Finish;
            } while ( true );

            PathfinderNetwork.sFloodProximityArgs FloodArgs = new PathfinderNetwork.sFloodProximityArgs();
            FloodArgs.StartNode = PassageNodeNetwork.PassageNodePathNodes[0, 0];
            FloodArgs.NodeValues = PassageNodeNetwork.Network.NetworkLargeArrays.Nodes_ValuesA;
            for ( A = 0; A <= PassageNodeCount - 1; A++ )
                for ( B = 0; B <= SymmetryBlockCount - 1; B++ )
                    FloodArgs.NodeValues[PassageNodeNetwork.PassageNodePathNodes[B, A].Layer_NodeNum] = float.MaxValue;
            for ( A = 0; A <= PassageNodeCount - 1; A++ )
                for ( B = 0; B <= SymmetryBlockCount - 1; B++ )
                    if ( !PassageNodes[B, A].IsWater )
                        if ( FloodArgs.NodeValues[PassageNodeNetwork.PassageNodePathNodes[B, A].Layer_NodeNum] == float.MaxValue )
                            ReturnResult.ProblemAdd("Land is unreachable. Reduce variation or retry.");
                            goto Finish;


            return ReturnResult;
Exemple #33
        private bool CheckRampAngles(clsConnection NewRampConnection, double MinSpacingAngle, double MinSpacingAngle2, double MinPassageSpacingAngle)
            sXY_int XY_int = new sXY_int();
            double NodeAAwayAngle = 0;
            double NodeBAwayAngle = 0;

            XY_int.X = NewRampConnection.PassageNodeB.Pos.X - NewRampConnection.PassageNodeA.Pos.X;
            XY_int.Y = NewRampConnection.PassageNodeB.Pos.Y - NewRampConnection.PassageNodeA.Pos.Y;
            if ( NewRampConnection.PassageNodeA.Connections[NewRampConnection.PassageNodeA_ConnectionNum].IsB )
                NodeBAwayAngle = XY_int.ToDoubles().GetAngle();
                NodeAAwayAngle = MathUtil.AngleClamp(NodeBAwayAngle - Math.PI);
                NodeAAwayAngle = XY_int.ToDoubles().GetAngle();
                NodeBAwayAngle = MathUtil.AngleClamp(NodeBAwayAngle - Math.PI);
            if ( !CheckRampNodeRampAngles(NewRampConnection.PassageNodeA, NewRampConnection.PassageNodeB, NodeAAwayAngle, MinSpacingAngle, MinSpacingAngle2) )
                return false;
            if ( !CheckRampNodeRampAngles(NewRampConnection.PassageNodeB, NewRampConnection.PassageNodeA, NodeBAwayAngle, MinSpacingAngle, MinSpacingAngle2) )
                return false;
            if ( !CheckRampNodeLevelAngles(NewRampConnection.PassageNodeA, NodeAAwayAngle, MinPassageSpacingAngle) )
                return false;
            if ( !CheckRampNodeLevelAngles(NewRampConnection.PassageNodeB, NodeBAwayAngle, MinPassageSpacingAngle) )
                return false;
            return true;
Exemple #34
 public clsResult GenerateRamps()
     int num;
     int num6;
     int num7;
     int num9;
     clsResult result2 = new clsResult("Ramps");
     int num13 = this.ConnectionCount - 1;
     for (num = 0; num <= num13; num++)
         this.Connections[num].IsRamp = false;
     clsPassageNodeNework nework = this.MakePassageNodeNetwork();
     PathfinderNode[,] passageNodePathNodes = nework.PassageNodePathNodes;
     clsConnection[] connectionArray = new clsConnection[(this.ConnectionCount - 1) + 1];
     PathfinderNode[] startNodes = new PathfinderNode[1];
     bool[] flagArray = new bool[(this.ConnectionCount - 1) + 1];
     int num14 = this.ConnectionCount - 1;
     int index = 0;
     while (index <= num14)
         if (Math.Abs((int) (this.Connections[index].PassageNodeA.Level - this.Connections[index].PassageNodeB.Level)) == 1)
             if ((!(this.Connections[index].PassageNodeA.IsOnBorder | this.Connections[index].PassageNodeB.IsOnBorder) & (this.Connections[index].PassageNodeA.MirrorNum == 0)) & (this.Connections[index].PassageNodeA.Num != this.Connections[index].PassageNodeB.Num))
                 flagArray[index] = true;
                 flagArray[index] = false;
             flagArray[index] = false;
     clsNodeConnectedness connectedness = new clsNodeConnectedness {
         NodeConnectedness = new float[(this.PassageNodeCount - 1) + 1],
         PassageNodeVisited = new bool[(this.SymmetryBlockCount - 1) + 1, (this.PassageNodeCount - 1) + 1],
         PassageNodePathNodes = passageNodePathNodes,
         PassageNodePathMap = nework.Network
     PathfinderConnection[] connectionArray2 = new PathfinderConnection[4];
     clsUpdateNodeConnectednessArgs args3 = new clsUpdateNodeConnectednessArgs();
     clsUpdateNetworkConnectednessArgs args2 = new clsUpdateNetworkConnectednessArgs();
     args3.Args = connectedness;
     args2.Args = connectedness;
     args2.PassageNodeUpdated = new bool[(this.PassageNodeCount - 1) + 1];
     args2.SymmetryBlockCount = this.SymmetryBlockCount;
     int num15 = this.PassageNodeCount - 1;
     for (num = 0; num <= num15; num++)
         connectedness.NodeConnectedness[num] = 0f;
         int num16 = this.PassageNodeCount - 1;
         for (index = 0; index <= num16; index++)
             int num17 = this.SymmetryBlockCount - 1;
             num7 = 0;
             while (num7 <= num17)
                 connectedness.PassageNodeVisited[num7, index] = false;
         args3.OriginalNode = this.PassageNodes[0, num];
         this.UpdateNodeConnectedness(args3, this.PassageNodes[0, num]);
     num6 = -1;
     double num4 = 1.0;
     double num5 = 0.0;
     int num10 = 0;
     int num18 = this.ConnectionCount - 1;
     index = 0;
     while (index <= num18)
         if (flagArray[index] & !this.Connections[index].IsRamp)
             if (this.CheckRampAngles(this.Connections[index], 1.3962634015954636, 2.0943951023931953, 0.0))
                 modMath.sXY_int _int;
                 startNodes[0] = passageNodePathNodes[this.Connections[index].PassageNodeA.MirrorNum, this.Connections[index].PassageNodeA.Num];
                 PathfinderNetwork.PathList[] listArray = nework.Network.GetPath(startNodes, passageNodePathNodes[this.Connections[index].PassageNodeB.MirrorNum, this.Connections[index].PassageNodeB.Num], -1, 0);
                 double maxValue = double.MaxValue;
                 _int.X = (int) Math.Round((double) (((double) (this.Connections[index].PassageNodeA.Pos.X + this.Connections[index].PassageNodeB.Pos.X)) / 2.0));
                 _int.Y = (int) Math.Round((double) (((double) (this.Connections[index].PassageNodeA.Pos.Y + this.Connections[index].PassageNodeB.Pos.Y)) / 2.0));
                 int num19 = this.TotalPlayerCount - 1;
                 num9 = 0;
                 while (num9 <= num19)
                     modMath.sXY_int _int2 = this.PlayerBases[num9].Pos - _int;
                     double magnitude = _int2.ToDoubles().GetMagnitude();
                     if (magnitude < maxValue)
                         maxValue = magnitude;
                 double num11 = Math.Max((double) (this.MaxDisconnectionDist * Math.Pow(this.RampBase, maxValue / 1024.0)), (double) 1.0);
                 if (listArray == null)
                     double num12 = connectedness.NodeConnectedness[this.Connections[index].PassageNodeA.Num] + connectedness.NodeConnectedness[this.Connections[index].PassageNodeB.Num];
                     if (double.MaxValue > num4)
                         num4 = double.MaxValue;
                         num5 = num12;
                         connectionArray[0] = this.Connections[index];
                         num10 = 1;
                     else if (num12 < num5)
                         num5 = num12;
                         connectionArray[0] = this.Connections[index];
                         num10 = 1;
                     else if (num12 == num5)
                         connectionArray[num10] = this.Connections[index];
                     if (listArray[0].PathCount != 1)
                         result2.ProblemAdd("Error: Invalid number of routes returned.");
                         goto Label_088A;
                     if ((((double) listArray[0].Paths[0].Value) / num11) > num4)
                         num4 = ((double) listArray[0].Paths[0].Value) / num11;
                         connectionArray[0] = this.Connections[index];
                         num10 = 1;
                     else if ((((double) listArray[0].Paths[0].Value) / num11) == num4)
                         connectionArray[num10] = this.Connections[index];
                     else if (listArray[0].Paths[0].Value <= num11)
                         flagArray[index] = false;
                 flagArray[index] = false;
             flagArray[index] = false;
     if (num10 > 0)
         num6 = (int) Math.Round((double) ((float) (App.Random.Next() * num10)));
         connectionArray[num6].IsRamp = true;
         clsPassageNode passageNodeA = connectionArray[num6].PassageNodeA;
         clsPassageNode passageNodeB = connectionArray[num6].PassageNodeB;
         PathfinderNode nodeA = passageNodePathNodes[passageNodeA.MirrorNum, passageNodeA.Num];
         PathfinderNode otherNode = passageNodePathNodes[passageNodeB.MirrorNum, passageNodeB.Num];
         PathfinderConnection connection = nodeA.CreateConnection(otherNode, this.GetNodePosDist(nodeA, otherNode));
         int num20 = connectionArray[num6].ReflectionCount - 1;
         for (num7 = 0; num7 <= num20; num7++)
             connectionArray[num6].Reflections[num7].IsRamp = true;
             passageNodeA = connectionArray[num6].Reflections[num7].PassageNodeA;
             passageNodeB = connectionArray[num6].Reflections[num7].PassageNodeB;
             nodeA = passageNodePathNodes[passageNodeA.MirrorNum, passageNodeA.Num];
             otherNode = passageNodePathNodes[passageNodeB.MirrorNum, passageNodeB.Num];
             connection = nodeA.CreateConnection(otherNode, this.GetNodePosDist(nodeA, otherNode));
         int num21 = this.PassageNodeCount - 1;
         for (num9 = 0; num9 <= num21; num9++)
             args2.PassageNodeUpdated[num9] = false;
         if (connectionArray[num6].PassageNodeA.MirrorNum == 0)
             this.UpdateNetworkConnectedness(args2, connectionArray[num6].PassageNodeA);
             goto Label_0269;
         if (connectionArray[num6].PassageNodeB.MirrorNum == 0)
             this.UpdateNetworkConnectedness(args2, connectionArray[num6].PassageNodeB);
             goto Label_0269;
         result2.ProblemAdd("Error: Initial ramp not in area 0.");
         PathfinderNetwork.sFloodProximityArgs args;
         args.StartNode = nework.PassageNodePathNodes[0, 0];
         args.NodeValues = nework.Network.NetworkLargeArrays.Nodes_ValuesA;
         int num22 = this.PassageNodeCount - 1;
         for (num = 0; num <= num22; num++)
             int num23 = this.SymmetryBlockCount - 1;
             index = 0;
             while (index <= num23)
                 args.NodeValues[nework.PassageNodePathNodes[index, num].Layer_NodeNum] = float.MaxValue;
         nework.Network.FloodProximity(ref args);
         int num24 = this.PassageNodeCount - 1;
         for (num = 0; num <= num24; num++)
             int num25 = this.SymmetryBlockCount - 1;
             for (index = 0; index <= num25; index++)
                 if (!this.PassageNodes[index, num].IsWater && (args.NodeValues[nework.PassageNodePathNodes[index, num].Layer_NodeNum] == float.MaxValue))
                     result2.ProblemAdd("Land is unreachable. Reduce variation or retry.");
     return result2;
Exemple #35
 private bool CheckRampAngles(clsConnection NewRampConnection, double MinSpacingAngle, double MinSpacingAngle2, double MinPassageSpacingAngle)
     double num;
     double angle;
     modMath.sXY_int _int;
     _int.X = NewRampConnection.PassageNodeB.Pos.X - NewRampConnection.PassageNodeA.Pos.X;
     _int.Y = NewRampConnection.PassageNodeB.Pos.Y - NewRampConnection.PassageNodeA.Pos.Y;
     if (NewRampConnection.PassageNodeA.Connections[NewRampConnection.PassageNodeA_ConnectionNum].IsB)
         angle = _int.ToDoubles().GetAngle();
         num = modMath.AngleClamp(angle - 3.1415926535897931);
         num = _int.ToDoubles().GetAngle();
         angle = modMath.AngleClamp(angle - 3.1415926535897931);
     if (!this.CheckRampNodeRampAngles(NewRampConnection.PassageNodeA, NewRampConnection.PassageNodeB, num, MinSpacingAngle, MinSpacingAngle2))
         return false;
     if (!this.CheckRampNodeRampAngles(NewRampConnection.PassageNodeB, NewRampConnection.PassageNodeA, angle, MinSpacingAngle, MinSpacingAngle2))
         return false;
     if (!this.CheckRampNodeLevelAngles(NewRampConnection.PassageNodeA, num, MinPassageSpacingAngle))
         return false;
     if (!this.CheckRampNodeLevelAngles(NewRampConnection.PassageNodeB, angle, MinPassageSpacingAngle))
         return false;
     return true;