protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Create new instant of the BusinessLayer clsBusinessLayer myBusinessLayer = new clsBusinessLayer(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/")); // Checks session credentials with database bool isValid = myBusinessLayer.CheckUserCredentials(Session, txtUserID.Text, txtPassword.Text); // Checks session credentials with database bool isValidUser = myBusinessLayer.CheckUsername(Session, txtUserID.Text); // If the user is in the database then they proceed if (txtUserID.Text == null || txtUserID.Text == String.Empty || txtPassword.Text == null || txtPassword.Text == String.Empty) { Response.Redirect("~/pgLogin.aspx"); if (isValid) { lblCurrentUser.Text = User.Text; } } else if (Convert.ToBoolean(Session["LockedSession"])) { Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "Account is disabled. Contact System Administrator"; // Hide login button btnLogin.Visible = false; } else { Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "The User ID and/or Password supplied is incorrect. Please try again!"; } }
protected void btnConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblCurrentUser.Text = lblCurrentUser.Text; // Checks session credentials with database bool isUser = myBusinessLayer.CheckUsername(Session, txtUsername.Text); if (isUser) { // Updates data to results string results = myBusinessLayer.UpdateCustomer(txtUsername.Text, txtFirstName.Text, txtLastName.Text, txtEmail.Text, txtLine1.Text, txtLine2.Text, txtCity.Text, txtState.Text, txtPhone.Text, Convert.ToInt32(customerID.Text)); // Update the results for the updateForm method updateForm(results); lblProceed.Visible = true; lblProceed.Text = "Click the link below to proceed to the landing page."; lbtnProceed.Visible = true; lbtnProceed.Enabled = true; btnConfirm.Visible = false; btnConfirm.Enabled = false; btnCancel.Visible = false; btnCancel.Enabled = false; } else { // Add data to results myBusinessLayer.InsertCustomer(txtUsername.Text, txtFirstName.Text, txtLastName.Text, txtEmail.Text, txtLine1.Text, txtLine2.Text, txtCity.Text, txtState.Text, txtPhone.Text, Convert.ToInt32(ID.Text)); IDforUserID.Text = "0"; ID.Text = "0"; // Add data to results myBusinessLayer.InsertUser(txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text, Convert.ToInt32(IDforUserID.Text)); // Output message if no matching data is found Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "Welcome to the family, " + txtUsername.Text + "!"; // Clear fields ClearInputs(Page.Controls); lblProceed.Visible = true; lblProceed.Text = "Click the link below to proceed to the landing page."; lbtnProceed.Visible = true; lbtnProceed.Enabled = true; btnConfirm.Visible = false; btnConfirm.Enabled = false; btnCancel.Visible = false; btnCancel.Enabled = false; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "Please review the forms and add to desired fields."; Master.AboutUs.Visible = false; Master.AccountDetails.Visible = false; Master.Checkout.Visible = false; Master.FAQ.Visible = false; Master.HomePage.Visible = false; Master.Login.Visible = false; Master.OrderReview.Visible = false; Master.AboutUs.Enabled = false; Master.AccountDetails.Enabled = false; Master.Checkout.Enabled = false; Master.FAQ.Enabled = false; Master.HomePage.Enabled = false; Master.Login.Enabled = false; Master.OrderReview.Enabled = false; panelCart.Visible = true; panelOrder.Visible = false; try { if (PreviousPage.IsCrossPagePostBack) { txtUsername.Text = PreviousPage.CurrentCustomer.Text; lblCurrentUser.Text = txtUsername.Text; dsAccounts dsLoadUser = myBusinessLayer.FindCustomer(txtUsername.Text); dsAccounts dsLoadCredInfo = myBusinessLayer.FindCreditInformation(txtUsername.Text); dsAccounts dsLoadOrderInfo = myBusinessLayer.FindOrders(txtUsername.Text); // Checks session credentials with database bool isUser = myBusinessLayer.CheckUsername(Session, txtUsername.Text); if (isUser || dsLoadUser.tblCustomers.Rows.Count > 0 || dsLoadCredInfo.tblCreditInformation.Rows.Count > 0 || dsLoadOrderInfo.tblOrders.Rows.Count > 0) { // If the Username and their data is found then it is pulled and user is informed the record has been found txtUsername.Text = dsLoadUser.tblCustomers[0].UserID; txtFirstName.Text = dsLoadUser.tblCustomers[0].FirstName; txtLastName.Text = dsLoadUser.tblCustomers[0].LastName; txtEmail.Text = dsLoadUser.tblCustomers[0].Email; txtLine1.Text = dsLoadUser.tblCustomers[0].Address1; txtLine2.Text = dsLoadUser.tblCustomers[0].Address2; txtCity.Text = dsLoadUser.tblCustomers[0].City; txtState.Text = dsLoadUser.tblCustomers[0].State; txtPhone.Text = dsLoadUser.tblCustomers[0].PhoneNumber; customerID.Text = dsLoadUser.tblCustomers[0].CustomerID.ToString(); txtCCNumber.Text = dsLoadCredInfo.tblCreditInformation[0].CCNumber; rblCCType.SelectedValue = dsLoadCredInfo.tblCreditInformation[0].CCType; Master.AboutUs.Visible = true; Master.AccountDetails.Visible = true; Master.Checkout.Visible = true; Master.FAQ.Visible = true; Master.HomePage.Visible = true; Master.Login.Visible = true; Master.OrderReview.Visible = false; Master.AboutUs.Enabled = true; Master.AccountDetails.Enabled = true; Master.Checkout.Enabled = true; Master.FAQ.Enabled = true; Master.HomePage.Enabled = true; Master.Login.Enabled = true; Master.OrderReview.Enabled = true; txtUsername.Enabled = false; BindOrdersGridView(); if (txtUsername.Text.Contains("systemAdmin")) { Master.OrderReview.Visible = true; Master.OrderReview.Enabled = true; txtUsername.Enabled = true; } else { Response.Redirect("~/pgLogin.aspx"); } } } } catch (Exception error) { Master.UserFeedBack.Text = error.Message; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Master.AboutUs.Visible = false; Master.AccountDetails.Visible = false; Master.Checkout.Visible = false; Master.FAQ.Visible = false; Master.HomePage.Visible = false; Master.Login.Visible = false; Master.OrderReview.Visible = false; Master.AboutUs.Enabled = false; Master.AccountDetails.Enabled = false; Master.Checkout.Enabled = false; Master.FAQ.Enabled = false; Master.HomePage.Enabled = false; Master.Login.Enabled = false; Master.OrderReview.Enabled = false; Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "Fill out the form below to create your account."; // Update GridView BindCustomerGridView(); // Add data to myBusinessLayer myBusinessLayer = new clsBusinessLayer(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/")); lblCustID.Visible = false; customerID.Visible = false; ID.Visible = false; lblCustList.Visible = false; gvCustomerList.Visible = false; txtUsername.Enabled = true; txtSearch.Enabled = false; btnFindUsername.Enabled = false; btnDelete.Enabled = false; btnDelete.Visible = false; lblSearch.Visible = false; txtSearch.Visible = false; btnFindUsername.Visible = false; // If applicable, gives one of the below outputs // If username on AccountDetails page matches UserID from tblUsers // Can update details for that user try { if (PreviousPage.IsCrossPagePostBack) { lblCurrentUser.Text = PreviousPage.CurrentUser.Text; txtUsername.Text = PreviousPage.User.Text; // Creates new database for use in click event dsAccounts dsLoadDetails = myBusinessLayer.FindCustomer(txtUsername.Text); dsAccounts dsLoadUser = myBusinessLayer.FindUser(txtUsername.Text); // Checks session credentials with database bool isUser = myBusinessLayer.CheckUsername(Session, txtUsername.Text); if (isUser || dsLoadDetails.tblCustomers.Rows.Count > 0 || dsLoadUser.tblUsers.Rows.Count > 0) { // If the Username and their data is found then it is pulled and user is informed the record has been found txtUsername.Text = dsLoadDetails.tblCustomers[0].UserID; txtFirstName.Text = dsLoadDetails.tblCustomers[0].FirstName; txtLastName.Text = dsLoadDetails.tblCustomers[0].LastName; txtEmail.Text = dsLoadDetails.tblCustomers[0].Email; txtLine1.Text = dsLoadDetails.tblCustomers[0].Address1; txtLine2.Text = dsLoadDetails.tblCustomers[0].Address2; txtCity.Text = dsLoadDetails.tblCustomers[0].City; txtState.Text = dsLoadDetails.tblCustomers[0].State; txtPhone.Text = dsLoadDetails.tblCustomers[0].PhoneNumber; customerID.Text = dsLoadDetails.tblCustomers[0].CustomerID.ToString(); ID.Text = dsLoadUser.tblUsers[0].ID.ToString(); Master.AboutUs.Visible = true; Master.AccountDetails.Visible = true; Master.Checkout.Visible = true; Master.FAQ.Visible = true; Master.HomePage.Visible = true; Master.Login.Visible = true; Master.OrderReview.Visible = false; Master.AboutUs.Enabled = true; Master.AccountDetails.Enabled = true; Master.Checkout.Enabled = true; Master.FAQ.Enabled = true; Master.HomePage.Enabled = true; Master.Login.Enabled = true; Master.OrderReview.Enabled = false; txtUsername.Enabled = false; txtSearch.Enabled = false; btnFindUsername.Enabled = false; lblCustList.Visible = false; gvCustomerList.Visible = false; lblSearch.Visible = false; txtSearch.Visible = false; btnFindUsername.Visible = false; btnDelete.Enabled = true; btnDelete.Visible = true; // Output message if match data is found Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "Welcome back " + txtUsername.Text + "!"; if (PreviousPage.User.Text.Contains("systemAdmin")) { lblCustList.Visible = true; gvCustomerList.Visible = true; lblSearch.Visible = true; txtSearch.Visible = true; btnFindUsername.Visible = true; txtUsername.Enabled = false; txtSearch.Enabled = true; btnFindUsername.Enabled = true; btnDelete.Enabled = false; btnDelete.Visible = false; Master.OrderReview.Visible = true; lblCurrentUser.Text = "systemAdmin"; // Output message if match data is found Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "Welcome back " + txtUsername.Text + "!"; if (txtSearch.Text.Contains("Create") || txtSearch.Text.Contains("create")) { Master.OrderReview.Visible = true; lblCurrentUser.Text = "systemAdmin"; // Output message if match data is found Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "Welcome back " + txtUsername.Text + "!"; } } } else { ID.Text = "0"; // Output message if no matching data is found Master.UserFeedBack.Text = "Fill out the form below to create your account."; } } } catch (Exception error) { Master.UserFeedBack.Text = error.Message; } foreach (ListItem li in rblCCType.Items) { //add margin as css style li.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("margin-left", "75px"); } }