Exemple #1
        private void GetData()
            string sql;

            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            DataSet           ds;

            sql  = "select * ";
            sql += "from [REQUEST_LEAVE] ";
            sql += "where LEAVE_ID = '" + Request.QueryString["Req"] + "'";
            ds   = db.getData(sql);
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                DateTime _FDateLeave = Convert.ToDateTime(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FROM_LEAVE_DATE"]);
                TimeSpan _FTimeLeave = TimeSpan.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FROM_LEAVE_TIME"].ToString());
                DateTime _TDateLeave = Convert.ToDateTime(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TO_LEAVE_DATE"]);
                TimeSpan _TTimeLeave = TimeSpan.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TO_LEAVE_TIME"].ToString());
                ddlLeaveType.SelectedValue = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["LEAVETYPE_ID"].ToString();
                txtFDateLeave.Text         = _FDateLeave.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                txtFTimeLeave.Text         = _FTimeLeave.ToString(@"hh\:mm");
                txtTDateLeave.Text         = _TDateLeave.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                txtTTimeLeave.Text         = _TTimeLeave.ToString(@"hh\:mm");
                txtDay.Text        = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["NO_LEAVE"].ToString();
                txtHour.Text       = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["NO_LEAVE_HOUR"].ToString();
                txtCauseleave.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["NOTE"].ToString();
                txtContact.Text    = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CONTACT"].ToString();
                txtTelContact.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CONTACT_TEL"].ToString();
                hdftime.Value      = txtFTimeLeave.Text;
                hdttime.Value      = txtTTimeLeave.Text;
        private void getUserList()
            string depName  = Request.QueryString["depName"];
            string userName = Request.QueryString["userName"];
            string group    = Request.QueryString["GroupName"];
            string Name     = Request.QueryString["Name"];
            string empCode  = Request.QueryString["empCode"];

            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            DataSet           ds;
            string            sql;
            string            whereClause = "";

            if (userName != "")
                whereClause += "AND USER_NAME like '%" + userName + "%'";
            if (Name != "")
                whereClause += "AND FIRST_NAME like N'%" + Name + "%' ";
            if (group != "*")
                whereClause += "AND USER_GROUP = '" + group + "' ";
            if (empCode != "")
                whereClause += "AND EMP_CODE like '%" + empCode + "%' ";
            if (depName != "*")
                whereClause += "AND DeptID = '" + depName + "' ";
            //if (whereClause != "") whereClause = whereClause.Substring(4, whereClause.Length - 4);
            sql  = "with listUser as ( ";
            sql += "FROM [USER] usr , [DEPARTMENT] dep , [USER_GROUP] usrGroup ";
            sql += "where usr.DeptID = dep.DEPARTMENT_ID ";
            sql += "and usr.USER_GROUP = usrGroup.GroupID ";
            if (whereClause != "")
                sql += whereClause;
            sql += ")";
            sql += "select * ";
            sql += ",(select usr.FIRST_NAME + ' ' + usr.LAST_NAME from [USER] usr where DeptID = listUser.DeptID and usr.USER_GROUP = '3') as APPROVE_NAME ";
            sql += ",(select usr.FIRST_NAME + ' ' + usr.LAST_NAME from [USER] usr where DeptID = listUser.DeptID and usr.USER_GROUP = '4') as COMFIRM_NAME ";
            sql += "from listUser ";
            //if(whereClause != "") sql += "WHERE " + whereClause;
            ds = db.getData(sql);
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                dtg.DataSource = ds;
                BuildNoRecords(dtg, ds);
Exemple #3
        private void genTableMenu()
            string  sql;
            DataSet ds;
            int     count;
            int     intval = 0;

            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            sql               = "select * ";
            sql              += "from [MENU] menu ";
            sql              += "order by SEQ ";
            ds                = db.getData(sql);
            count             = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
            hdCountLine.Value = count.ToString();
            if (count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    intval += 1;
                    string  menu           = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["MENU_NAME"].ToString();
                    Boolean menuPermission = false;
                    tbList.Rows.Add(gentableRow(intval, menu, menuPermission));
Exemple #4
        private void gentableListPermission()
            string  sql;
            DataSet ds;
            int     count;
            int     intval = 0;

            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            sql               = "select * ";
            sql              += "from [MENU] menu left join  [GROUP_MENU_PERMISSION] per ";
            sql              += "on  menu.MENU_ID = per.MENU_ID_PERMISSION ";
            sql              += "and per.GROUP_ID = '" + ddlGroup.SelectedValue + "' ";
            sql              += "order by menu.MENU_ID  ";
            ds                = db.getData(sql);
            count             = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
            hdCountLine.Value = count.ToString();
            if (count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    intval += 1;
                    string  menu           = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["MENU_NAME"].ToString();
                    Boolean menuPermission = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["MENU_ID_PERMISSION"].ToString() == "" ? false : true;
                    tbList.Rows.Add(gentableRow(intval, menu, menuPermission));
Exemple #5
        private void bindData()
            string  sql;
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();

            sql  = "select reqLeave.LEAVE_ID as reqID , usr.EMP_CODE as EmpCode , usr.FIRST_NAME + ' ' + usr.LAST_NAME as Name , lType.TYPE , ";
            sql += "convert(varchar(10),FROM_LEAVE_DATE,103) + ' ' + convert(varchar(5), reqLeave.FROM_LEAVE_TIME,114) + ' - ' + ";
            sql += "convert(varchar(10),TO_LEAVE_DATE,103) + ' ' + convert(varchar(5), reqLeave.TO_LEAVE_TIME,114) as LeaveDate, ";
            sql += "(select FIRST_NAME + ' ' + LAST_NAME from [USER] where EMP_CODE = '" + Session["empCode"] + "' ) as confirmName , ";
            sql += "reqLeave.NOTE as Note ";
            sql += "from [USER] usr , [REQUEST_LEAVE] reqLeave , ";
            sql += "[LEAVE_TYPE] lType ";
            sql += "where usr.EMP_CODE = reqLeave.CREATE_BY ";
            sql += "and reqLeave.LEAVETYPE_ID = lType.ID ";
            sql += "and reqLeave.REQ_CONFIRM = 'false' ";
            sql += "and reqLeave.[STATUS] = 'A'";
            sql += "and reqLeave.CONFIRM_BY = '" + Session["empCode"] + "'";
            ds   = db.getData(sql);
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                dtgList.DataSource = ds;
                BuildNoRecords(dtgList, ds);
Exemple #6
        private void BindData()
            string  sql;
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            sql  = "select t1.NO_LEAVE , t1.TYPE , iif(t2.NoLeave is null,0,t2.NoLeave) as NoLeave , (t1.NO_LEAVE- iif(t2.NoLeave is null,0,t2.NoLeave) ) as remain ";
            sql += "from ( select  noLeave.NO_LEAVE , leave.TYPE , leave.ID ";
            sql += "from [USER] usr , [ROLE_NO_LEAVE] noLeave ";
            sql += "right join [LEAVE_TYPE] leave ";
            sql += "on noLeave.LEAVE_TYPE = leave.ID ";
            sql += "where usr.ROLE_ID = noLeave.ROLE_ID ";
            sql += "and usr.EMP_CODE = '" + Session["empCode"] + "' ";
            sql += ")as t1 ";
            sql += "left join ";
            sql += "(select LEAVETYPE_ID , SUM(NO_LEAVE) as NoLeave ";
            sql += "from REQUEST_LEAVE ";
            sql += "where CREATE_BY = '" + Session["empCode"] + "' ";
            sql += "and REQ_CONFIRM = 'true' ";
            sql += "and STATUS = 'A' ";
            sql += "group by LEAVETYPE_ID ";
            sql += ")as t2 ";
            sql += "on t1.ID = t2.LEAVETYPE_ID";
            ds   = db.getData(sql);
            gvState.DataSource = ds;
Exemple #7
        private Boolean CreateGroupPermission()
            string sql;

            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            DataSet           ds = new DataSet();
            int idGroup;

            sql = "INSERT [USER_GROUP] (GroupName) VALUES ('" + txtAddGroup.Text + "') ";
            //sql += "select SCOPE_IDENTITY() ";

            sql     = "SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('[USER_GROUP]') ";
            ds      = db.getData(sql);
            idGroup = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString());
            for (int i = 1; i <= Int32.Parse(hdCountLine.Value); i++)
                CheckBox chk = (CheckBox)tbList.FindControl("Chk_" + i);
                if (chk != null)
                    if (chk.Checked == true)
                        sql  = "insert [GROUP_MENU_PERMISSION] ([GROUP_ID],[MENU_ID_PERMISSION]) VALUES ";
                        sql += "(" + idGroup + "," + i + ")";
                        if (db.ExecuteSQL(sql) == false)
Exemple #8
        private void bindData()
            string  sEmpCode;
            string  sName;
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            string  sql;

            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            sEmpCode = txtEmpCode.Text;
            //else sEmpCode = Session["empCode"].ToString();
            sName = txtName.Text;
            sql   = "with reqData as ( ";
            sql  += "SELECT usr.EMP_CODE as EmpCode , usr.[FIRST_NAME] + ' ' + usr.[LAST_NAME] as Name, convert(varchar(10), reqLeave.CREATE_DATE ,103) as CreateDate , ";
            sql  += "convert(varchar(10),FROM_LEAVE_DATE,103) + ' ' + convert(varchar(5), reqLeave.FROM_LEAVE_TIME,114) + ' - ' + ";
            sql  += "convert(varchar(10),TO_LEAVE_DATE,103) + ' ' + convert(varchar(5), reqLeave.TO_LEAVE_TIME,114) as LeaveDate , ";
            sql  += "lType.TYPE  as LeaveType , ";
            sql  += "CASE ";
            sql  += "WHEN STATUS = 'A' THEN 'อนุญาต' ";
            sql  += "WHEN STATUS = 'R' THEN 'ไม่อนุญาต' ";
            sql  += "WHEN STATUS = 'I' THEN 'รอพิจารณา' ";
            sql  += "END as  STATUS , ";
            sql  += "reqLeave.APPROVE_BY as APPROVE_BY , ";
            sql  += "convert(varchar(10),reqLeave.APPROVE_DATE,103) + ' ' + convert(varchar(5), reqLeave.APPROVE_DATE,114) as ApprDate , ";
            sql  += "reqLeave.REQ_CONFIRM AS confirmStatus , ";
            sql  += "reqLeave.CONFIRM_BY as empConfirm, ";
            sql  += "convert(varchar(15),reqLeave.CONFIRM_DATE,103) + ' ' + convert(varchar(5), reqLeave.CONFIRM_DATE,114) as confirmDate ";
            sql  += "FROM [REQUEST_LEAVE] reqLeave , [USER] usr , [LEAVE_TYPE] lType ";
            sql  += "where reqLeave.CREATE_BY = usr.EMP_CODE ";
            sql  += "and STATUS <> 'C'";
            sql  += "and reqLeave.LEAVETYPE_ID = lType.ID ";
            if (sEmpCode != "")
                sql += "and reqLeave.CREATE_BY = '" + sEmpCode + "' ";
            if (sName != "")
                sql += "and usr.FIRST_NAME like N'%" + sName + "%'";
            sql += "and year(CREATE_DATE) = YEAR(GETDATE()) ";
            sql += ") ";
            sql += "select * , ";
            sql += "(select FIRST_NAME + ' ' + LAST_NAME from [USER] where EMP_CODE = APPROVE_BY) as ApprName , ";
            sql += "(select FIRST_NAME + ' ' + LAST_NAME from [USER] where EMP_CODE = reqData.empConfirm) as confirmName ";
            sql += "from reqData ";
            ds   = db.getData(sql);
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                dtgList.DataSource = ds;
                BuildNoRecords(dtgList, ds);
Exemple #9
        public DataSet getDepartment()
            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            DataSet           ds = new DataSet();
            string            sql;

            sql  = "select * ";
            sql += "from [DEPARTMENT] ";
            ds   = db.getData(sql);
Exemple #10
        public DataSet getUserRole()
            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            DataSet           ds = new DataSet();
            string            sql;

            sql  = "select * ";
            sql += "from [USER_ROLE] ";
            ds   = db.getData(sql);
Exemple #11
        public DataSet getUserData(string userName)
            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            DataSet           ds = new DataSet();
            string            sql;

            sql  = "SELECT * ";
            sql += "FROM [USER] ";
            sql += "WHERE USER_NAME = '" + userName + "'";
            ds   = db.getData(sql);
Exemple #12
        private void GetData()
            string  sql;
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            sql            = "SELECT NoL.ROLE_ID as RoleID , NoL.LEAVE_TYPE as Leave , Urole.ROLE_NAME as Role , Ltype.TYPE as LeaveType , NoL.NO_LEAVE as NoLeave ";
            sql           += "FROM [ROLE_NO_LEAVE] NoL , [LEAVE_TYPE] Ltype , [USER_ROLE] Urole ";
            sql           += "where Ltype.ID = NoL.LEAVE_TYPE ";
            sql           += "and Urole.ROLE_ID = NoL.ROLE_ID ";
            sql           += "order by NoL.ROLE_ID , NoL.LEAVE_TYPE ";
            ds             = db.getData(sql);
            dtg.DataSource = ds;
Exemple #13
        private DataSet getMenuSubLink(string MenuID)
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            string            sql;

            sql  = "select * ";
            sql += "from [MENU] ";
            sql += "where MENU_SUB_LINK = '" + MenuID + "'";
            sql += "and MENU_ID <> '" + MenuID + "'";
            sql += "order by seq ";
            ds   = db.getData(sql);
Exemple #14
        private string getuserApprComfirm(string TypeGroupAppr)
            string sql;

            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            DataSet           ds = new DataSet();
            string            empCode;

            sql     = "select EMP_CODE ";
            sql    += "from [USER] usr ";
            sql    += "where usr.DeptID = '" + Session["dep"] + "'";
            sql    += "and usr.USER_GROUP = '" + TypeGroupAppr + "'";
            ds      = db.getData(sql);
            empCode = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EMP_CODE"].ToString();
Exemple #15
        private int getValidDate()
            int    ValidDate;
            string sql;

            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            DataSet           ds = new DataSet();

            sql       = "select NO_LEAVE  ";
            sql      += "from [ROLE_NO_LEAVE] ";
            sql      += "where ROLE_ID = '" + Session["ROLE"] + "'";
            sql      += "and LEAVE_TYPE = '" + ddlLeaveType.SelectedValue + "'";
            ds        = db.getData(sql);
            ValidDate = Convert.ToInt16(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["NO_LEAVE"].ToString());
        private void getData()
            string  sql;
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            sql  = "select NO_LEAVE ";
            sql += "from [ROLE_NO_LEAVE] ";
            sql += "where ROLE_ID = '" + Role + "'";
            sql += "and LEAVE_TYPE = '" + Leave + "'";
            ds   = db.getData(sql);
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                txtNoLeave.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["NO_LEAVE"].ToString();
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (Session["userName"] != null)
         string            sql;
         DataSet           ds = new DataSet();
         class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
         sql  = "SELECT FIRST_NAME , LAST_NAME , ROLE_ID , USER_GROUP , GroupName ";
         sql += "FROM [USER] usr , [USER_GROUP] gr ";
         sql += "WHERE USER_NAME = '" + Session["userName"] + "'";
         sql += "AND usr.USER_GROUP = gr.GroupID ";
         ds   = db.getData(sql);
         lblUsername.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FIRST_NAME"].ToString() + ' ' + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["LAST_NAME"].ToString();
         lblGroup.Text    = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["GroupName"].ToString();
        private void DisplayMenu()
            string sql;

            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            DataSet           ds = new DataSet();
            int cnt;

            sql  = "select menu.MENU_NAME , menu.MENU_LINK , menu.MENU_SUB_LINK ";
            sql += "from [USER] usr , [GROUP_MENU_PERMISSION] per , [MENU] menu ";
            sql += "where USER_NAME = '" + Session["userName"] + "'";
            sql += "and usr.USER_GROUP = per.GROUP_ID ";
            sql += "and per.MENU_ID_PERMISSION = menu.MENU_ID ";
            sql += "order by menu.SEQ ";
            ds   = db.getData(sql);
            cnt  = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
            if (cnt > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
                    HtmlAnchor         a   = new HtmlAnchor();
                    HtmlGenericControl li  = new HtmlGenericControl();
                    HtmlGenericControl div = new HtmlGenericControl();
                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["MENU_SUB_LINK"].ToString() == "")
                        li.Attributes["class"] = "nav-item";
                        a.Attributes["class"]  = "nav-link";
                        a.HRef      = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["MENU_LINK"].ToString();
                        a.InnerText = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["MENU_NAME"].ToString();
                        li.Attributes["class"] = "nav-item dropdown";
                        a.Attributes["class"]  = "nav-link dropdown-toggle";
                        a.HRef                  = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["MENU_LINK"].ToString();
                        a.InnerText             = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["MENU_NAME"].ToString();
                        div.Attributes["class"] = "dropdown-menu";
        private Boolean empCodeExist()
            string  sql;
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            sql  = "select * ";
            sql += "from [USER] ";
            sql += "where EMP_CODE = '" + txtEmpID.Text + "' ";
            ds   = db.getData(sql);
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
 private void getLeaveType() {
     ListItem li;
     class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
     string sql;
     DataSet ds;
     sql = "select * ";
     sql += "from [LEAVE_TYPE] ";
     ds = db.getData(sql);
     if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
         li = new ListItem("ทั้งหมด", "*");
         for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
             li = new ListItem(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["TYPE"].ToString(), ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ID"].ToString());
Exemple #21
        private void getDataGroup()
            string   sql;
            DataSet  ds;
            int      count;
            ListItem li;

            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            sql   = "select * ";
            sql  += "from [USER_GROUP] ";
            ds    = db.getData(sql);
            count = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                string groupID   = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["GroupID"].ToString();
                string groupName = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["GroupName"].ToString();
                li = new ListItem(groupName, groupID);
Exemple #22
        private Boolean DateHolliday(DateTime _Date)
            string sql;

            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            DataSet           ds = new DataSet();

            sql  = "select * ";
            sql += "from [HOLIDAY] ";
            sql += "where convert(varchar(10),DATE_HOLIDAY,120) = '" + _Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'";
            ds   = db.getData(sql);
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
        private Boolean hasData()
            string  sql;
            Boolean _hasData;
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            sql  = "select NO_LEAVE ";
            sql += "from [ROLE_NO_LEAVE] ";
            sql += "where ROLE_ID = '" + ddlRole.SelectedValue + "'";
            sql += "and LEAVE_TYPE = '" + ddlLeaveType.SelectedValue + "'";
            ds   = db.getData(sql);
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                _hasData = true;
                _hasData = false;
Exemple #24
        private int getNoLeave()
            int    noLeave;
            string sql;

            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            DataSet           ds = new DataSet();

            sql  = "select sum(NO_LEAVE) as noLeaveDate ";
            sql += "from [REQUEST_LEAVE] ";
            sql += "where CREATE_BY = '" + Session["empCode"] + "'";
            sql += "and LEAVETYPE_ID = '" + ddlLeaveType.Text + "'";
            sql += "group by LEAVETYPE_ID ";
            ds   = db.getData(sql);
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                noLeave = Convert.ToInt16(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["noLeaveDate"].ToString());
                noLeave = 0;
Exemple #25
        private void getDataList()
            CultureInfo cultureinfo = new CultureInfo("en-US");

            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = cultureinfo;
            string   Type   = Request.QueryString["Type"];
            string   FDate  = Request.QueryString["FDate"];
            string   TDate  = Request.QueryString["TDate"];
            string   LType  = Request.QueryString["LeaveType"];
            TimeSpan FTime  = TimeSpan.Parse("00:00:00");
            TimeSpan TTime  = TimeSpan.Parse("23:59:59");
            DateTime _FDate = DateTime.ParseExact(FDate, "dd/MM/yyyy", cultureinfo);
            DateTime _TDate = DateTime.ParseExact(TDate, "dd/MM/yyyy", cultureinfo);

            _FDate = _FDate + FTime;
            _TDate = _TDate + TTime;
            //DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse("11/04/2013", cultureinfo);
            string  sql;
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            sql  = "with reqLeaveData as ( ";
            sql += "select LEAVE_ID as LeaveID ";
            sql += ",convert(varchar(10),CREATE_DATE,103)  as CreateDate ";
            sql += ",convert(varchar(10),FROM_LEAVE_DATE,103) + ' ' + convert(varchar(5), reqLeave.FROM_LEAVE_TIME,114) + ' - ' + ";
            sql += "convert(varchar(10),TO_LEAVE_DATE,103) + ' ' + convert(varchar(5), reqLeave.TO_LEAVE_TIME,114) as LeaveDate";
            sql += ",NO_LEAVE AS NoLeave ";
            sql += ",LTYPE.TYPE AS LeaveType ";
            sql += ",NOTE ";
            sql += ",CASE ";
            sql += "WHEN STATUS = 'A' THEN 'อนุญาต' ";
            sql += "WHEN STATUS = 'R' THEN 'ไม่อนุญาต' ";
            sql += "WHEN STATUS = 'I' THEN 'รอพิจารณา' ";
            sql += "END as  STATUS ";
            sql += ",reqLeave.APPROVE_BY AS APPROVE_BY ";
            sql += ",REQ_CONFIRM AS ConfirmStatus ";
            sql += ",reqLeave.CONFIRM_BY AS CONFIRM_BY ";
            sql += "from [REQUEST_LEAVE] reqLeave  , [LEAVE_TYPE] LTYPE ";
            sql += "where reqLeave.LEAVETYPE_ID = LTYPE.ID ";
            sql += "and STATUS <> 'C'";
            sql += "and CREATE_BY = '" + Session["empCode"] + "' ";
            if (Type == "L")
                sql += "AND FROM_LEAVE_DATE >= '" + _FDate + "' AND TO_LEAVE_DATE <= '" + _TDate + "'";
                sql += "AND CREATE_DATE between '" + _FDate + "' AND '" + _TDate + "'";
            if (LType != "*")
                sql += "AND LEAVETYPE_ID =" + LType;
            sql += ")";
            sql += "select * , ";
            sql += "(select usr.FIRST_NAME + ' ' + usr.LAST_NAME from [USER] usr where usr.EMP_CODE = APPROVE_BY and STATUS <> 'รอพิจารณา') as APPROVE_NAME , ";
            sql += "(select usr.FIRST_NAME + ' ' + usr.LAST_NAME from [USER] usr where usr.EMP_CODE = CONFIRM_BY and ConfirmStatus <> 'false') AS COMFIRM_NAME ";
            sql += "from reqLeaveData ";
            ds   = db.getData(sql);
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                dtgList.DataSource = ds;
                BuildNoRecords(dtgList, ds);
        private void BindData()
            string  sql;
            DataSet ds;

            class_is.dbconfig db      = new class_is.dbconfig();
            string            Type    = Request.QueryString["Type"];
            string            _FDate  = Request.QueryString["FDate"];
            string            _TDate  = Request.QueryString["TDate"];
            TimeSpan          FTime   = TimeSpan.Parse("00:00:00");
            TimeSpan          TTime   = TimeSpan.Parse("23:59:59");
            string            Name    = Request.QueryString["Name"];
            string            EmpCode = Request.QueryString["EmpCode"];
            string            LType   = Request.QueryString["LeaveType"];
            string            Status  = Request.QueryString["Status"];

            _FDate = _FDate + " " + FTime;
            _TDate = _TDate + " " + TTime;
            sql    = "select tbl1.*,isnull(RemainDate,(select NO_LEAVE from [ROLE_NO_LEAVE] where LEAVE_TYPE = tbl1.TypeID and ROLE_ID = tbl1.ROLE_ID)) as RemainDate ";
            sql   += "from ( ";
            sql   += "SELECT reqLeave.LEAVE_ID as LeaveID , usr.EMP_CODE AS EmpCode  , usr.FIRST_NAME + ' ' + usr.LAST_NAME  AS NAME , convert(varchar(10),CREATE_DATE,103) AS CreateRequest , ";
            sql   += "convert(varchar(10),FROM_LEAVE_DATE,103) + ' ' + convert(varchar(5), reqLeave.FROM_LEAVE_TIME,114) + ' - ' + ";
            sql   += "convert(varchar(10),TO_LEAVE_DATE,103) + ' ' + convert(varchar(5), reqLeave.TO_LEAVE_TIME,114) as LeaveDate, ";
            sql   += "reqLeave.NO_LEAVE AS NoLeave ,  STATUS , LType.ID as TypeID, ";
            sql   += "LType.TYPE AS Type ,NOTE AS Note ,usr.EMP_CODE ,usr.ROLE_ID ";
            sql   += "from [REQUEST_LEAVE] reqLeave , [USER] usr , LEAVE_TYPE LType ";
            sql   += "where reqLeave.CREATE_BY = usr.EMP_CODE ";
            sql   += "and reqLeave.LEAVETYPE_ID = LType.ID ";
            sql   += "and STATUS = 'I'";
            if (Type == "L")
                sql += "AND reqLeave.FROM_LEAVE_DATE >= '" + _FDate + "' AND reqLeave.TO_LEAVE_DATE <= '" + _TDate + "'";
            else if (Type == "C")
                sql += "AND CREATE_DATE between '" + _FDate + "' AND '" + _TDate + "'";
            if (Name != "")
                sql += "AND usr.FIRST_NAME like '%" + Name + "%' ";
            if (EmpCode != "")
                sql += "AND reqLeave.CREATE_BY = '" + EmpCode + "' ";
            if (LType != "*")
                sql += "AND reqLeave.LEAVETYPE_ID = '" + LType + "' ";
            if (Status != "*")
                sql += "AND STATUS = '" + Status + "'";
            sql += "and reqLeave.APPROVE_BY = '" + Session["empCode"] + "'";
            sql += ") as tbl1 ";
            sql += "left join ";
            sql += "( ";
            sql += "select (t2.NO_LEAVE - t1.sumLeaveDay) as RemainDate , EMP_CODE , LEAVE_TYPE ";
            sql += "from ( ";
            sql += "select CREATE_BY, LEAVETYPE_ID, sum(NO_LEAVE) as sumLeaveDay , sum(NO_LEAVE_HOUR) as sumLeaveHour ";
            sql += "from [REQUEST_LEAVE] ";
            sql += "where STATUS = 'A' ";
            sql += "and REQ_CONFIRM = 'true' ";
            sql += "group by LEAVETYPE_ID , CREATE_BY ";
            sql += ") as t1 ";
            sql += ", ";
            sql += "( ";
            sql += "select noLeave.LEAVE_TYPE , noLeave.NO_LEAVE , usr.* ";
            sql += "from [USER] usr ,  [ROLE_NO_LEAVE] noLeave ";
            sql += "where usr.ROLE_ID = noLeave.ROLE_ID ";
            sql += ") as t2 ";
            sql += "where t1.CREATE_BY = t2.EMP_CODE ";
            sql += "and t1.LEAVETYPE_ID = t2.LEAVE_TYPE ";
            sql += ") as tbl2 ";
            sql += "on tbl1.EMP_CODE = tbl2.EMP_CODE ";
            sql += "and tbl1.TypeID = tbl2.LEAVE_TYPE ";
            ds   = db.getData(sql);
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                dtgList.DataSource = ds;
                BuildNoRecords(dtgList, ds);
Exemple #27
        private void getDataList()
            string  sql;
            int     intval = 0;
            DataSet ds     = new DataSet();

            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();
            sql  = "with reqList as ( ";
            sql += "select convert(varchar(5),sum(NO_LEAVE)) + '/' + convert(varchar(5),COUNT(LEAVETYPE_ID)) as NoLeave ,YEAR(FROM_LEAVE_DATE) as yLeaveDate,MONTH(FROM_LEAVE_DATE) as mLeaveDate , CREATE_BY ";
            sql += "from [REQUEST_LEAVE] ";
            sql += "where LEAVETYPE_ID  = '1' ";
            sql += "and REQ_CONFIRM = 'true' ";
            sql += "and STATUS = 'A' ";
            if (rblPeriod.SelectedValue == "2")
                sql += "and MONTH(FROM_LEAVE_DATE) in (1,2,3,10,11,12)";
            else if (rblPeriod.SelectedValue == "1")
                sql += "and MONTH(FROM_LEAVE_DATE) in (4,5,6,7,8,9)";
            sql += "and YEAR(FROM_LEAVE_DATE) = '" + ddlYears.SelectedValue + "'";
            sql += ") ";
            sql += "SELECT distinct usr.FIRST_NAME + ' ' + usr.LAST_NAME as Name  , usrRole.ROLE_NAME as Position , req.CREATE_BY , ";
            if (rblPeriod.SelectedValue == "1")
                sql += "(select NoLeave from reqList where mLeaveDate = '4' and CREATE_BY = req.CREATE_BY and REQ_CONFIRM = 'true' ) as Time1, ";
                sql += "(select NoLeave from reqList where mLeaveDate = '5' and CREATE_BY = req.CREATE_BY and REQ_CONFIRM = 'true') as Time2, ";
                sql += "(select NoLeave from reqList where mLeaveDate = '6' and CREATE_BY = req.CREATE_BY and REQ_CONFIRM = 'true') as Time3, ";
                sql += "(select NoLeave from reqList where mLeaveDate = '7' and CREATE_BY = req.CREATE_BY and REQ_CONFIRM = 'true') as Time4, ";
                sql += "(select NoLeave from reqList where mLeaveDate = '8' and CREATE_BY = req.CREATE_BY and REQ_CONFIRM = 'true') as Time5, ";
                sql += "(select NoLeave from reqList where mLeaveDate = '9' and CREATE_BY = req.CREATE_BY and REQ_CONFIRM = 'true') as Time6, ";
            else if (rblPeriod.SelectedValue == "2")
                sql += "(select NoLeave from reqList where mLeaveDate = '10' and CREATE_BY = req.CREATE_BY and REQ_CONFIRM = 'true') as Time1, ";
                sql += "(select NoLeave from reqList where mLeaveDate = '11' and CREATE_BY = req.CREATE_BY and REQ_CONFIRM = 'true') as Time2, ";
                sql += "(select NoLeave from reqList where mLeaveDate = '12' and CREATE_BY = req.CREATE_BY and REQ_CONFIRM = 'true') as Time3, ";
                sql += "(select NoLeave from reqList where mLeaveDate = '1' and CREATE_BY = req.CREATE_BY and REQ_CONFIRM = 'true') as Time4, ";
                sql += "(select NoLeave from reqList where mLeaveDate = '2' and CREATE_BY = req.CREATE_BY and REQ_CONFIRM = 'true') as Time5, ";
                sql += "(select NoLeave from reqList where mLeaveDate = '3' and CREATE_BY = req.CREATE_BY and REQ_CONFIRM = 'true') as Time6, ";
            sql += "(select convert(varchar(5),sum(NO_LEAVE)) + '/' + convert(varchar(5),COUNT(LEAVETYPE_ID)) from [REQUEST_LEAVE] ";
            sql += "where LEAVETYPE_ID  = '1' ";
            sql += "and CREATE_BY = req.CREATE_BY ";
            sql += "and REQ_CONFIRM = 'true' ";
            sql += "and STATUS = 'A' ";
            if (rblPeriod.SelectedValue == "2")
                sql += "and MONTH(FROM_LEAVE_DATE) in (1,2,3,10,11,12)";
            else if (rblPeriod.SelectedValue == "1")
                sql += "and MONTH(FROM_LEAVE_DATE) in (4,5,6,7,8,9)";
            sql += "group by CREATE_BY , LEAVETYPE_ID)  as TotalLeave , ";
            sql += "(select convert(varchar(5),sum(NO_LEAVE)) + '/' + convert(varchar(5),COUNT(LEAVETYPE_ID)) as NoLeave ";
            sql += "from [REQUEST_LEAVE] ";
            sql += "where LEAVETYPE_ID  = '2' ";
            sql += "and CREATE_BY = req.CREATE_BY ";
            sql += "and REQ_CONFIRM = 'true' ";
            if (rblPeriod.SelectedValue == "2")
                sql += "and MONTH(FROM_LEAVE_DATE) in (1,2,3,10,11,12)";
            else if (rblPeriod.SelectedValue == "1")
                sql += "and MONTH(FROM_LEAVE_DATE) in (4,5,6,7,8,9)";
            sql += "and YEAR(FROM_LEAVE_DATE) = '" + ddlYears.SelectedValue + "'";
            sql += "group by CREATE_BY , LEAVETYPE_ID) as Errand, ";
            sql += "(select convert(varchar(5),sum(NO_LEAVE)) + '/' + convert(varchar(5),COUNT(LEAVETYPE_ID)) as NoLeave ";
            sql += " from [REQUEST_LEAVE] ";
            sql += "where LEAVETYPE_ID  = '3' ";
            sql += "and CREATE_BY = req.CREATE_BY ";
            sql += "and REQ_CONFIRM = 'true' ";
            if (rblPeriod.SelectedValue == "2")
                sql += "and MONTH(FROM_LEAVE_DATE) in (1,2,3,10,11,12)";
            else if (rblPeriod.SelectedValue == "1")
                sql += "and MONTH(FROM_LEAVE_DATE) in (4,5,6,7,8,9)";
            sql += "and YEAR(FROM_LEAVE_DATE) = '" + ddlYears.SelectedValue + "'";
            sql += "group by CREATE_BY , LEAVETYPE_ID ";
            sql += ") as Vacation ";
            sql += "FROM [REQUEST_LEAVE] req , ";
            sql += "[USER] usr , ";
            sql += "[USER_ROLE] usrRole ";
            sql += "where req.CREATE_BY = usr.EMP_CODE ";
            sql += "and usr.ROLE_ID = usrRole.ROLE_ID ";
            sql += "and REQ_CONFIRM = 'true'";
            if (rblPeriod.SelectedValue == "2")
                sql += "and MONTH(FROM_LEAVE_DATE) in (1,2,3,10,11,12)";
            else if (rblPeriod.SelectedValue == "1")
                sql += "and MONTH(FROM_LEAVE_DATE) in (4,5,6,7,8,9)";
            sql += "and YEAR(FROM_LEAVE_DATE) = '" + ddlYears.SelectedValue + "'";
            ds   = db.getData(sql);
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    intval += 1;

            System.IO.StringWriter       stringWrite = new System.IO.StringWriter();
            System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter htmlWrite   = new HtmlTextWriter(stringWrite);
            Session["dataList"] = stringWrite.ToString();
Exemple #28
        private void bindData()
            string  sEmpCode;
            string  sName;
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            string  sql;
            string  whereCause = "";

            sEmpCode = txtEmpCode.Text;
            //else sEmpCode = Session["empCode"].ToString();
            sName = txtName.Text;
            if (sEmpCode != "")
                whereCause += "and t1.EMP_CODE = '" + sEmpCode + "' ";
            if (sName != "")
                whereCause += "and t1.Name like N'%" + sName + "%'";
            if (ddlTypeLeave.SelectedValue != "*" && ddlTypeLeave.SelectedValue != "")
                whereCause += "and t2.LEAVETYPE_ID = '" + ddlTypeLeave.SelectedValue + "'";
            class_is.dbconfig db = new class_is.dbconfig();

            sql  = "select t1.EMP_CODE as EmpCode , t1.Name ,t1.NO_LEAVE , t1.TYPE , iif(t2.NoLeave is null,0,t2.NoLeave) as NoLeave , ";
            sql += "(t1.NO_LEAVE- iif(t2.NoLeave is null,0,t2.NoLeave) ) as remain ";
            sql += "from (	select usr.EMP_CODE , usr.FIRST_NAME + ' ' + usr.LAST_NAME as Name, noLeave.NO_LEAVE , leave.TYPE , leave.ID ";
            sql += "from [USER] usr , [ROLE_NO_LEAVE] noLeave right join [LEAVE_TYPE] leave on noLeave.LEAVE_TYPE = leave.ID ";
            sql += "where usr.ROLE_ID = noLeave.ROLE_ID ";
            //sql += "and usr.EMP_CODE = '580009' ";
            sql += ")as t1 ";
            sql += "left join ";
            sql += "(select LEAVETYPE_ID , SUM(NO_LEAVE) as NoLeave , CREATE_BY ";
            sql += "from REQUEST_LEAVE ";
            sql += "where  REQ_CONFIRM = 'true' ";
            sql += "and STATUS = 'A' ";
            sql += "group by LEAVETYPE_ID , CREATE_BY ";
            sql += ")as t2 ";
            sql += "on t1.ID = t2.LEAVETYPE_ID ";
            sql += "and t1.EMP_CODE = t2.CREATE_BY ";
            if (whereCause.Length > 0)
                sql += "where ";
                sql += whereCause.Substring(4, whereCause.Length - 4);
            ds = db.getData(sql);
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                dtgList.DataSource = ds;
                BuildNoRecords(dtgList, ds);
            System.IO.StringWriter       stringWrite = new System.IO.StringWriter();
            System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter htmlWrite   = new HtmlTextWriter(stringWrite);
            Session["dataList"] = stringWrite.ToString();
Exemple #29
        private void DisplayMenu()
            string sql;

            class_is.dbconfig db  = new class_is.dbconfig();
            DataSet           ds  = new DataSet();
            DataSet           ds1 = new DataSet();
            int cnt;

            sql  = "select menu.MENU_ID ,menu.MENU_NAME , menu.MENU_LINK , menu.MENU_SUB_LINK ";
            sql += "from [USER] usr , [GROUP_MENU_PERMISSION] per , [MENU] menu ";
            sql += "where USER_NAME = '" + Session["userName"] + "'";
            sql += "and usr.USER_GROUP = per.GROUP_ID ";
            sql += "and per.MENU_ID_PERMISSION = menu.MENU_ID ";
            sql += "and (MENU_SUB_LINK is null or MENU_LINK = '')";
            sql += "order by menu.SEQ ";
            ds   = db.getData(sql);
            cnt  = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
            if (cnt > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
                    HtmlAnchor         a           = new HtmlAnchor();
                    HtmlGenericControl li          = new HtmlGenericControl();
                    HtmlGenericControl divDropdown = new HtmlGenericControl();
                    HtmlAnchor         aDropdown   = new HtmlAnchor();
                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["MENU_SUB_LINK"].ToString() == "")
                        if (Request.QueryString["Menu"] == ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["MENU_NAME"].ToString())
                            li.Attributes["class"] = "nav-item";
                            li.Attributes.Add("Style", "display: table-cell;");
                            a.Attributes["class"] = "nav-link active";
                            a.Attributes.Add("Style", "color:#ffffff; background-color:#e5b0f2; display: block;");
                            a.HRef      = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["MENU_LINK"].ToString();
                            a.InnerText = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["MENU_NAME"].ToString();
                            li.Attributes["class"] = "nav-item";
                            li.Attributes.Add("Style", "display: table-cell;");
                            a.Attributes["class"] = "nav-link";
                            a.Attributes.Add("Style", "display: block;");
                            a.HRef      = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["MENU_LINK"].ToString();
                            a.InnerText = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["MENU_NAME"].ToString();
                        if (Request.QueryString["Menu"] == "รายงานวันลา" || Request.QueryString["Menu"] == "รายงานสถานะวันลา" || Request.QueryString["Menu"] == "รายงานวันลาคงเหลือ")
                            ds1 = getMenuSubLink(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["MENU_ID"].ToString());
                            li.Attributes["class"] = "nav-item dropdown";
                            li.Attributes.Add("Style", "display: table-cell;");
                            a.Attributes["class"] = "nav-link dropdown-toggle active";
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                            a.Attributes["data-toggle"] = "dropdown";
                            a.Attributes.Add("Style", "color:#ffffff; background-color:#e5b0f2; display: block;");
                            a.HRef      = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["MENU_LINK"].ToString();
                            a.InnerText = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["MENU_NAME"].ToString();
                            if (ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                //divDropdown.Attributes["class"] = "dropdown-menu";
                                for (int j = 0; j < ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++)
                                    //string dropdownName = "aDropdown" + j;
                                    divDropdown.Attributes["class"] = "dropdown-menu";
                                    aDropdown = new HtmlAnchor();
                                    aDropdown.Attributes["class"] = "dropdown-item";
                                    aDropdown.HRef      = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[j]["MENU_LINK"].ToString();
                                    aDropdown.InnerText = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[j]["MENU_NAME"].ToString();
                            ds1 = getMenuSubLink(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["MENU_ID"].ToString());
                            li.Attributes["class"] = "nav-item dropdown";
                            li.Attributes.Add("Style", "display: table-cell;");
                            a.Attributes["class"] = "nav-link dropdown-toggle";
                            //a.Attributes["class"] = "nav-link active";
                            a.Attributes["data-toggle"] = "dropdown";
                            a.Attributes.Add("Style", "color:#007bff; display: block;");
                            a.HRef      = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["MENU_LINK"].ToString();
                            a.InnerText = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["MENU_NAME"].ToString();
                            if (ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                                //divDropdown.Attributes["class"] = "dropdown-menu";
                                for (int j = 0; j < ds1.Tables[0].Rows.Count; j++)
                                    //string dropdownName = "aDropdown" + j;
                                    divDropdown.Attributes["class"] = "dropdown-menu";
                                    aDropdown = new HtmlAnchor();
                                    aDropdown.Attributes["class"] = "dropdown-item";
                                    aDropdown.HRef      = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[j]["MENU_LINK"].ToString();
                                    aDropdown.InnerText = ds1.Tables[0].Rows[j]["MENU_NAME"].ToString();