public string getSurveyNotRepeatItem(long SID, long UID) { string str; Label_0017: str = ""; //objComm.CommandText = "SELECT TOP 1 ExpandContent FROM SurveyExpand WHERE SID=" + SID.ToString() + " AND UID=" + UID.ToString() + " AND ExpandType=2"; SqlDataReader reader = new checkState_Layer().GetSurveyExpand(SID.ToString(), UID.ToString(), "2"); int num = 0; Label_0002: switch (num) { case 0: if (!reader.Read()) { break; } num = 1; goto Label_0002; case 1: str = reader["ExpandContent"].ToString(); num = 2; goto Label_0002; case 2: break; default: goto Label_0017; } reader.Dispose(); return(str); }
public int getUID(long SID) { Label_0017: int num = 0; //objComm.CommandText = "SELECT TOP 1 UID FROM SurveyTable WHERE SID=" + SID.ToString(); SqlDataReader reader = new checkState_Layer().GetSurveyTable1(SID.ToString()); int num2 = 1; Label_0002: switch (num2) { case 0: break; case 1: if (!reader.Read()) { break; } num2 = 2; goto Label_0002; case 2: num = Convert.ToInt32(reader["UID"]); num2 = 0; goto Label_0002; default: goto Label_0017; } reader.Dispose(); return(num); }
public short getState(long SID2, long UID2) { short num; Label_0027: num = 0; //command.CommandText = "SELECT TOP 1 State FROM SurveyTable WHERE SID=" + SID2.ToString() + " AND UID=" + UID2.ToString(); SqlDataReader reader = new checkState_Layer().GetSurveyTable(SID2.ToString(), UID2.ToString()); int num2 = 1; Label_0002: switch (num2) { case 0: case 2: case 4: reader.Close(); return(num); case 1: if ((!reader.Read() ? 0 : 1) != 0) { } num2 = 5; goto Label_0002; case 3: if (Convert.ToBoolean(reader[0])) { num = 1; num2 = 0; } else { num2 = 6; } goto Label_0002; case 5: num2 = 3; goto Label_0002; case 6: num = 0; num2 = 2; goto Label_0002; num = 2; num2 = 4; goto Label_0002; } goto Label_0027; }
public int getSurveyStatus(OleDbCommand objComm, long SID, long UID) { int num; Label_0017: num = 0; objComm.CommandText = "SELECT TOP 1 State FROM SurveyTable WHERE SID=" + SID.ToString() + " AND UID=" + UID.ToString(); SqlDataReader reader = new checkState_Layer().GetSurveyTable(SID.ToString(), UID.ToString()); int num2 = 0; Label_0002: switch (num2) { case 0: if (!reader.Read()) { break; } num2 = 2; goto Label_0002; case 1: break; case 2: num = Convert.ToInt32(reader["State"]); if ((1 != 0) && (0 != 0)) { } num2 = 1; goto Label_0002; default: goto Label_0017; } reader.Dispose(); return(num); }