private void CheckSelf(cef_delete_cookies_callback_t *self)
     if (_self != self)
         throw ExceptionBuilder.InvalidSelfReference();
 protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
     if (_self != null)
         _self = null;
        private static unsafe void OnCompleteImpl(cef_delete_cookies_callback_t *self, int num_deleted)
            var instance = GetInstance((IntPtr)self) as CefDeleteCookiesCallback;

            if (instance == null || ((ICefDeleteCookiesCallbackPrivate)instance).AvoidOnComplete())
        public CefDeleteCookiesCallback()
            cef_delete_cookies_callback_t *self = this.NativeInstance;

                        #if NET_LESS_5_0
            self->on_complete = (void *)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(fnOnComplete);
            self->on_complete = (delegate * unmanaged[Stdcall] < cef_delete_cookies_callback_t *, int, void >) & OnCompleteImpl;
 private void add_ref(cef_delete_cookies_callback_t *self)
     lock (SyncRoot)
         var result = ++_refct;
         if (result == 1)
             lock (_roots) { _roots.Add((IntPtr)_self, this); }
 private int release(cef_delete_cookies_callback_t *self)
     lock (SyncRoot)
         var result = --_refct;
         if (result == 0)
             lock (_roots) { _roots.Remove((IntPtr)_self); }
        protected CefDeleteCookiesCallback()
            _self = cef_delete_cookies_callback_t.Alloc();

            _ds0 = new cef_delete_cookies_callback_t.add_ref_delegate(add_ref);
            _self->_base._add_ref = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(_ds0);
            _ds1 = new cef_delete_cookies_callback_t.release_delegate(release);
            _self->_base._release = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(_ds1);
            _ds2 = new cef_delete_cookies_callback_t.has_one_ref_delegate(has_one_ref);
            _self->_base._has_one_ref = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(_ds2);
            _ds3 = new cef_delete_cookies_callback_t.on_complete_delegate(on_complete);
            _self->_on_complete = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(_ds3);
Exemple #8
 public unsafe extern int DeleteCookies([Immutable] cef_string_t *url, [Immutable] cef_string_t *cookie_name, cef_delete_cookies_callback_t *callback);
 public CefDeleteCookiesCallback(cef_delete_cookies_callback_t *instance)
     : base((cef_base_ref_counted_t *)instance)
 private void on_complete(cef_delete_cookies_callback_t *self, int num_deleted)
     throw new NotImplementedException(); // TODO: CefDeleteCookiesCallback.OnComplete
        public static int delete_cookies(cef_cookie_manager_t *self, cef_string_t *url, cef_string_t *cookie_name, cef_delete_cookies_callback_t *callback)
            delete_cookies_delegate d;
            var p = self->_delete_cookies;

            if (p == _p7)
                d = _d7;
                d = (delete_cookies_delegate)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(p, typeof(delete_cookies_delegate));
                if (_p7 == IntPtr.Zero)
                    _d7 = d; _p7 = p;
            return(d(self, url, cookie_name, callback));
 private int has_at_least_one_ref(cef_delete_cookies_callback_t *self)
     lock (SyncRoot) { return(_refct != 0 ? 1 : 0); }
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Delete all cookies that match the specified parameters. If both |url| and
 /// |cookie_name| values are specified all host and domain cookies matching
 /// both will be deleted. If only |url| is specified all host cookies (but not
 /// domain cookies) irrespective of path will be deleted. If |url| is empty all
 /// cookies for all hosts and domains will be deleted. If |callback| is
 /// non-NULL it will be executed asnychronously on the IO thread after the
 /// cookies have been deleted. Returns false if a non-empty invalid URL is
 /// specified or if cookies cannot be accessed. Cookies can alternately be
 /// deleted using the Visit*Cookies() methods.
 /// </summary>
 public int DeleteCookies(cef_string_t *url, cef_string_t *cookie_name, cef_delete_cookies_callback_t *callback)
     throw new NotImplementedException(); // TODO: CefCookieManager.DeleteCookies
 private void on_complete(cef_delete_cookies_callback_t *self, int num_deleted)
 internal static void Free(cef_delete_cookies_callback_t *ptr)
Exemple #16
 public unsafe int DeleteCookies([Immutable] cef_string_t *url, [Immutable] cef_string_t *cookie_name, cef_delete_cookies_callback_t *callback)
     fixed(cef_cookie_manager_t *self = &this)
         return(((delegate * unmanaged[Stdcall] < cef_cookie_manager_t *, cef_string_t *, cef_string_t *, cef_delete_cookies_callback_t *, int >)delete_cookies)(self, url, cookie_name, callback));
        public CefDeleteCookiesCallback()
            cef_delete_cookies_callback_t *self = this.NativeInstance;

            self->on_complete = (void *)Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(fnOnComplete);