public void calculateStats(StratumStatsDO curStrStats, SampleGroupStatsDO curSgStats, bool useDefault, float treePerAcre, float volumePerAcre, float treePerPlot, String method)
            double sgCV = 100;
             double sgCV2 = 0;
             double sgError = 40;
             int n = 0;
             int n2 = 0;
             int KZ = 0;
             int Freq = 0;

             calcStats cStat = new calcStats();
             if (!useDefault)
            if (method == "FIX")
               sgCV = cStat.getPntCV(plotVolume, plotVolume2, pntFac, plotCount);
               sgError = cStat.getSampleError(sgCV, plotCount, 0);
               n = plotCount;
               n2 = treePlot;
            else if (method == "PNT")
               sgCV = cStat.getPntCV(vBarSum, vBarPlot2, pntFac, plotCount);
               sgError = cStat.getSampleError(sgCV, plotCount, 0);
               n = plotCount;
               n2 = treePlot;
            else if (method == "F3P")
               sgCV = cStat.getPntCV(plotVolume, plotVolume2, pntFac, plotCount);
               sgCV2 = 30;
               sgError = cStat.getTwoStageError(sgCV, sgCV2, plotCount, treePlot);
               n = plotCount;
               n2 = treePlot;
               KZ = 1;
            else if (method == "P3P" || method == "3PPNT")
               sgCV = cStat.getPntCV(vBarSum, vBarPlot2, pntFac, plotCount);
               sgCV2 = 30;
               sgError = cStat.getTwoStageError(sgCV, sgCV2, plotCount, treePlot);
               n = plotCount;
               n2 = treePlot;
               if (method == "3PPNT") n2 = plotCount;
               KZ = 1;
            else if (method == "FCM")
               sgCV = cStat.getCV(treePlot, treePlot2, plotCount);
               sgCV2 = cStat.getCV(treeVolumes, treeVolumes2, treePlot);
               sgError = cStat.getTwoStageError(sgCV, sgCV2, plotCount, treePlot);
               n = plotCount;
               n2 = treePlot;
               Freq = 1;
            else if (method == "PCM")
               sgCV = cStat.getCV(treePlot, treePlot2, plotCount);
               sgCV2 = cStat.getCV(vBarSum, vBarSum2, treePlot);
               sgError = cStat.getTwoStageError(sgCV, sgCV2, plotCount, treePlot);
               n = plotCount;
               n2 = treePlot;
               Freq = 1;
            else if (method == "STR")
               sgCV = cStat.getCV(treeVolumes, treeVolumes2, treeCount);
               sgError = cStat.getSampleError(sgCV, treeCount, 0);
               n = treePlot;
               if (treePlot > 0)
                  Freq = (int)Math.Floor((treePerAcre * totalAcres) / treeCount);
                  Freq = 0;
            else if (method == "3P")
               sgCV = 35;
               sgError = cStat.getSampleError(sgCV, treeCount, 0);
               n = treePlot;
               if (treeVolumes > 0)
                  KZ = (int)Math.Floor((volumePerAcre * totalAcres) / treeVolumes);
                  KZ = 0;
            else if (method == "S3P")
               sgCV = cStat.getCV(treeVolumes, treeVolumes2, treeCount);
               sgCV2 = 35;
               sgError = cStat.getTwoStageError(sgCV, sgCV2, treeCount, treeCount);
               if (treeVolumes > 0)
                  KZ = (int)Math.Floor((volumePerAcre * totalAcres) / treeVolumes);
                  KZ = 0;
               Freq = 1;
            if (method == "FCM" || method == "PCM")
               sgCV2 = 100;
               cStat.getTwoStageSampleSize(sgCV, sgCV2, sgError);
               n = (int)cStat.sampleSize1;
               n2 = (int)cStat.sampleSize2;
            else if (method == "F3P" || method == "P3P" || method == "S3P" || method == "3PPNT")
               sgCV2 = 35;
               cStat.getTwoStageSampleSize(sgCV, sgCV2, sgError);
               n = (int)cStat.sampleSize1;
               n2 = (int)cStat.sampleSize2;
               n = cStat.getSampleSize(sgError, sgCV);

             // Find the strataStats_CN
             long? strStatsCN = GetStratumStatsCN(curStrStats, method);
             // Create SampleGroupStats record with StratumStats CN and save stats
             SampleGroupStatsDO newSgStats = new SampleGroupStatsDO(cdDAL);
             //copy standard info
             newSgStats.StratumStats_CN = strStatsCN;
             newSgStats.Code = curSgStats.Code;
             newSgStats.Description = curSgStats.Description;
             newSgStats.SgSet = curSgStats.SgSet;
             newSgStats.CutLeave = curSgStats.CutLeave;
             newSgStats.UOM = curSgStats.UOM;
             newSgStats.PrimaryProduct = curSgStats.PrimaryProduct;
             newSgStats.SecondaryProduct = curSgStats.SecondaryProduct;
             newSgStats.DefaultLiveDead = curSgStats.DefaultLiveDead;
             newSgStats.MinDbh = curSgStats.MinDbh;
             newSgStats.MaxDbh = curSgStats.MaxDbh;
             // general stuff
             newSgStats.TreesPerAcre = treePerAcre;
             newSgStats.VolumePerAcre = volumePerAcre;
             newSgStats.TreesPerPlot = treePerPlot;
             newSgStats.TPA_Def = (long)(treePerAcre * totalAcres);
             newSgStats.VPA_Def = (long)(volumePerAcre * totalAcres);
             if (treeCount > 0)
            newSgStats.AverageHeight = (float)(treeHeights / treeCount);
            newSgStats.AverageHeight = 0;
             newSgStats.KZ = KZ;
             newSgStats.BigBAF = 0;
             newSgStats.BigFIX = 0;
             newSgStats.SamplingFrequency = Freq;
             newSgStats.InsuranceFrequency = 0;
             //copy calculated stuff
             newSgStats.CV1 = (float)sgCV;
             newSgStats.CV2 = (float)sgCV2;
             newSgStats.SampleSize1 = n;
             newSgStats.SampleSize2 = n2;
             newSgStats.SgError = (float)sgError;
             if (useDefault)
            newSgStats.CV_Def = 1;
            newSgStats.CV2_Def = 1;
            newSgStats.CV_Def = 0;
            newSgStats.CV2_Def = 0;
             newSgStats.ReconPlots = plotCount;
             newSgStats.ReconTrees = treeCount;

             //long? sgcn = newSgStats.SampleGroupStats_CN;
             foreach (TreeDefaultValueDO myTDV in curSgStats.TreeDefaultValueStats)
            SampleGroupStatsTreeDefaultValueDO mySgTDV = new SampleGroupStatsTreeDefaultValueDO(cdDAL);
            mySgTDV.TreeDefaultValue_CN = myTDV.TreeDefaultValue_CN;
            mySgTDV.SampleGroupStats = newSgStats;