Exemple #1
    void OnGUI()
        GUILayout.Label("Stored Lightmaps", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

        ArraySize = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Array Size(" + ArraySize.ToString() + ")", ArraySize);

        GUILayoutOption[] layout1 = new GUILayoutOption[2];

        layout1[0] = (GUILayoutOption)GUILayout.Height(75);
        layout1[1] = (GUILayoutOption)GUILayout.Width(75);

        scrollpos1 = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollpos1);
        for (int i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++)
            // Debug.Log("Loop1 i = " + i);
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField(i.ToString(), "", GUILayout.Width(20));
            baketex[i]   = (Texture2D)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField((Texture2D)baketex.GetValue(i), typeof(Texture2D), false, layout1);
            lighttex [i] = (Texture2D)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField((Texture2D)lighttex.GetValue(i), typeof(Texture2D), false, layout1);

            //----------- Each GameObject whit [i] lightmap index go here -----------

            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < arrayobjects.GetLength(1); i2++)
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("GameObject: " + i2.ToString(), "", GUILayout.Width(300));
                arrayobjects[i, i2, 0] = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField((GameObject)arrayobjects[i, i2, 0], typeof(GameObject), false, GUILayout.Width(300));
                arrayobjects[i, i2, 1] = (Vector4)EditorGUILayout.Vector4Field("Tiling (X-Y) / Offset (X-Y)", (Vector4)arrayobjects[i, i2, 1], GUILayout.Width(300));
                arrayobjects[i, i2, 2] = (bool)EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Use: ", (bool)arrayobjects[i, i2, 2], GUILayout.Width(300));

            for (int i2 = 0; i2 < arrayobjectsRealtime.GetLength(1); i2++)
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("GameObject: " + i2.ToString(), "", GUILayout.Width(300));
                arrayobjectsRealtime[i, i2, 0] = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField((GameObject)arrayobjectsRealtime[i, i2, 0], typeof(GameObject), false, GUILayout.Width(300));
                arrayobjectsRealtime[i, i2, 1] = (Vector4)EditorGUILayout.Vector4Field("Tiling (X-Y) / Offset (X-Y)", (Vector4)arrayobjectsRealtime[i, i2, 1], GUILayout.Width(300));
                arrayobjectsRealtime[i, i2, 2] = (bool)EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Use: ", (bool)arrayobjectsRealtime[i, i2, 2], GUILayout.Width(300));




        //-------------- Buttons -------------------

        if (GUILayout.Button("Read current maps"))
            if (LightmapSettings.lightmaps.Length > ArraySize)
                ArraySize = LightmapSettings.lightmaps.Length;


            for (int i = 0; i < LightmapSettings.lightmaps.Length; i++)
                // Debug.Log("Loop2 i = " + i);
                baketex.SetValue(LightmapSettings.lightmaps[i].lightmapFar, i);
                lighttex.SetValue(LightmapSettings.lightmaps [i].lightmapNear, i);

                //------------- Get objects with same lightmap index ---------
                if (baketex.GetValue(i) != null)
                    var i2 = 0;
                    foreach (GameObject r in staticobjects)
                        if (r.GetComponent <Renderer>())
                            if (r.GetComponent <Renderer>().lightmapIndex == i)
                                arrayobjects[i, i2, 0] = (GameObject)r;                                            // The real GameObject
                                arrayobjects[i, i2, 1] = (Vector4)r.GetComponent <Renderer>().lightmapScaleOffset; // Tiling Lightmap properties
                                arrayobjects[i, i2, 2] = (bool)true;                                               // use it??

                            if (r.GetComponent <Renderer>().realtimeLightmapIndex == i)
                                arrayobjectsRealtime[i, i2, 0] = (GameObject)r;                                                    // The real GameObject
                                arrayobjectsRealtime[i, i2, 1] = (Vector4)r.GetComponent <Renderer>().realtimeLightmapScaleOffset; // Tiling Lightmap properties
                                arrayobjectsRealtime[i, i2, 2] = (bool)true;                                                       // use it??


        if (GUILayout.Button("Load Maps info from Disk"))
            string path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Select beast maps info file", Application.dataPath, "ini");
            if (path.Length > 0)
                //-------------- Loading .ini file -------------
                cIni inifile = new cIni(path);

                string mapscountstr = inifile.ReadValue("MAPSCOUNT", "COUNT");

                int mapscount = 0;
                if (mapscountstr.Length > 0)
                    mapscount = int.Parse(mapscountstr);

                if (ArraySize < mapscount)
                    ArraySize = mapscount;

                int arrayofsset = 0;

                bool cancel = false;

                switch (EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex("Merge with current maps?", "If you choose merge, the loaded maps will be added after the current ones", "Merge", "Replace", "Cancel"))
                case 0:
                    for (int i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++)
                        if (baketex[i] != null)
                            arrayofsset++;                                    // = i;

                     * if (arrayofsset > 0)
                     * arrayofsset++;
                    if ((arrayofsset + mapscount) > ArraySize)
                        ArraySize = arrayofsset + mapscount;

                case 1:
                    for (int i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++)
                        // Debug.Log("Loop2 i = " + i);
                        baketex.SetValue(null, i);
                        lighttex.SetValue(null, i);
                        for (int i2 = 0; i2 < arrayobjects.GetLength(1); i2++)
                            arrayobjects[i, i2, 0] = null;
                            arrayobjects[i, i2, 1] = (Vector4) new Vector4();
                            arrayobjects[i, i2, 2] = (bool)false;

                        for (int i2 = 0; i2 < arrayobjectsRealtime.GetLength(1); i2++)
                            arrayobjectsRealtime[i, i2, 0] = null;
                            arrayobjectsRealtime[i, i2, 1] = (Vector4) new Vector4();
                            arrayobjectsRealtime[i, i2, 2] = (bool)false;

                case 2:
                    cancel = true;

                if (cancel == false)
                    int counter1 = 0;
                    for (int i = arrayofsset; i < ArraySize; i++)
                        string texpath = inifile.ReadValue("MAPS", counter1.ToString());

                        if (texpath.Length > 0)
                            baketex.SetValue((Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(texpath, typeof(Texture2D)), i);

                        texpath = inifile.ReadValue("MAPSDIRCOMP", counter1.ToString());
                        if (texpath.Length > 0)
                            lighttex.SetValue((Texture2D)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(texpath, typeof(Texture2D)), i);

                    for (int i2 = arrayofsset; i2 < ArraySize; i2++)
                        int counter2 = 0;
                        for (int i3 = 0; i3 < arrayobjects.GetLength(1); i3++)
                            string gpath   = inifile.ReadValue("MAP" + counter2.ToString(), "GAMEOBJECT" + i3.ToString());
                            string gtiling = inifile.ReadValue("MAP" + counter2.ToString(), "TILING" + i3.ToString());
                            string guse    = inifile.ReadValue("MAP" + counter2.ToString(), "USE" + i3.ToString());
                            Debug.Log(inifile.ReadValue("MAP" + counter2.ToString(), "GAMEOBJECT" + i3.ToString()));
                            if (gpath.Length > 0)
                                arrayobjects[i2, i3, 0] = (GameObject)GameObject.Find(gpath);
                                arrayobjects[i2, i3, 1] = (Vector4)vector4fromstring(gtiling);
                                arrayobjects[i2, i3, 2] = (bool)Convert.ToBoolean(guse);

                        for (int i3 = 0; i3 < arrayobjectsRealtime.GetLength(1); i3++)
                            string gpath   = inifile.ReadValue("MAP" + counter2.ToString(), "GAMEOBJECT" + i3.ToString());
                            string gtiling = inifile.ReadValue("MAP" + counter2.ToString(), "TILING" + i3.ToString());
                            string guse    = inifile.ReadValue("MAP" + counter2.ToString(), "USE" + i3.ToString());
                            Debug.Log(inifile.ReadValue("MAP" + counter2.ToString(), "GAMEOBJECT" + i3.ToString()));
                            if (gpath.Length > 0)
                                arrayobjectsRealtime[i2, i3, 0] = (GameObject)GameObject.Find(gpath);
                                arrayobjectsRealtime[i2, i3, 1] = (Vector4)vector4fromstring(gtiling);
                                arrayobjectsRealtime[i2, i3, 2] = (bool)Convert.ToBoolean(guse);


        if (GUILayout.Button("Store Maps info to Disk"))
            EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Important!", "If you want to start a new bake operation whitout lose current maps, move them to another folder in the project view! Beast will remove old maps otherwise!", "Ok");

            string path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("Save beast maps info to file", Application.dataPath, "beast_info", "ini");
            if (path.Length > 0)
                //-------------- Creating .ini file -------------
                if (File.Exists(path))
                    File.Delete(path);                     // Delete old ini file, otherwise files content will be merged.
                cIni inifile = new cIni(path);

                inifile.WriteValue("MAPSCOUNT", "COUNT", ArraySize.ToString());

                for (int i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++)
                    inifile.WriteValue("MAPS", i.ToString(), AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(baketex[i]));
                    inifile.WriteValue("MAPSDIRCOMP", i.ToString(), AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(lighttex[i]));

                for (int i2 = 0; i2 < ArraySize; i2++)
                    for (int i3 = 0; i3 < arrayobjects.GetLength(1); i3++)
                        inifile.WriteValue("MAP" + i2.ToString(), "GAMEOBJECT" + i3.ToString(), GetHierarchy((GameObject)arrayobjects[i2, i3, 0]));
                        Vector4 tiling = (Vector4)arrayobjects[i2, i3, 1];
                        inifile.WriteValue("MAP" + i2.ToString(), "TILING" + i3.ToString(), "(" + tiling.x.ToString() + "," + tiling.y.ToString() + "," + tiling.w.ToString() + "," + tiling.z.ToString() + ")");
                        inifile.WriteValue("MAP" + i2.ToString(), "USE" + i3.ToString(), arrayobjects[i2, i3, 2].ToString().ToLower());

                    for (int i3 = 0; i3 < arrayobjectsRealtime.GetLength(1); i3++)
                        inifile.WriteValue("MAP" + i2.ToString(), "GAMEOBJECT" + i3.ToString(), GetHierarchy((GameObject)arrayobjectsRealtime[i2, i3, 0]));
                        Vector4 tiling = (Vector4)arrayobjectsRealtime[i2, i3, 1];
                        inifile.WriteValue("MAP" + i2.ToString(), "TILING" + i3.ToString(), "(" + tiling.x.ToString() + "," + tiling.y.ToString() + "," + tiling.w.ToString() + "," + tiling.z.ToString() + ")");
                        inifile.WriteValue("MAP" + i2.ToString(), "USE" + i3.ToString(), arrayobjectsRealtime[i2, i3, 2].ToString().ToLower());


        if (GUILayout.Button("Set actual Maps in Beast"))
            bool cancel = false;

            if (!cancel)
                if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Do you want to apply these maps??", "If you have unsaved maps in beast, you will lose them", "Apply", "Cancel"))
                    LightmapData[] maps = LightmapSettings.lightmaps;
                    Array.Resize(ref maps, ArraySize);

                    for (int c2 = 0; c2 < maps.Length; c2++)
                        maps.SetValue(new LightmapData(), c2);

                    for (int c1 = 0; c1 < ArraySize; c1++)
                        maps[c1].lightmapFar   = baketex[c1];
                        maps [c1].lightmapNear = lighttex [c1];

                    LightmapSettings.lightmaps = maps;

                    for (int i2 = 0; i2 < ArraySize; i2++)
                        for (int i3 = 0; i3 < arrayobjects.GetLength(1); i3++)
                            bool use = (bool)arrayobjects[i2, i3, 2];

                            if (use == true)
                                GameObject g = (GameObject)arrayobjects[i2, i3, 0];
                                g.GetComponent <Renderer>().lightmapIndex = i2;
                                //g.GetComponent<Renderer> ().realtimeLightmapIndex = i2;
                                Debug.Log(g.GetComponent <Renderer>().lightmapIndex);
                                g.GetComponent <Renderer>().lightmapScaleOffset = (Vector4)arrayobjects[i2, i3, 1];

                        for (int i3 = 0; i3 < arrayobjectsRealtime.GetLength(1); i3++)
                            bool use = (bool)arrayobjectsRealtime[i2, i3, 2];

                            if (use == true)
                                GameObject g = (GameObject)arrayobjectsRealtime[i2, i3, 0];
                                g.GetComponent <Renderer>().lightmapIndex = i2;
                                //g.GetComponent<Renderer> ().realtimeLightmapIndex = i2;
                                Debug.Log(g.GetComponent <Renderer>().lightmapIndex);
                                g.GetComponent <Renderer>().lightmapScaleOffset = (Vector4)arrayobjectsRealtime[i2, i3, 1];


        //--------------- Down Buttons -------------


        if (GUILayout.Button("Clear All"))
            for (int i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++)
                // Debug.Log("Loop2 i = " + i);
                baketex.SetValue(null, i);
                lighttex.SetValue(null, i);
                for (int i2 = 0; i2 < arrayobjects.GetLength(1); i2++)
                    arrayobjects[i, i2, 0] = null;
                    arrayobjects[i, i2, 1] = (Vector4) new Vector4();
                    arrayobjects[i, i2, 2] = (bool)false;

                for (int i2 = 0; i2 < arrayobjectsRealtime.GetLength(1); i2++)
                    arrayobjectsRealtime[i, i2, 0] = null;
                    arrayobjectsRealtime[i, i2, 1] = (Vector4) new Vector4();
                    arrayobjectsRealtime[i, i2, 2] = (bool)false;

        //if (GUILayout.Button("Reload Gameobject List"))


        if (GUILayout.Button("Close"))


        if (GUI.changed)
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string iniPath = currentDir + "/" + currentExeNameNoExt + ".ini";

            Console.WriteLine("SuperMeatBoy Multilanguage Loader 1.0");
            Console.WriteLine("Programmed by iAmGhost");
            Console.WriteLine("Project Page: https://github.com/iAmGhost/SuperMeatBoyMultilangLoader");

            string language, smbpath;

            language = getArgData(args, "language");
            smbpath  = getArgData(args, "smbpath");

            if (args.Length == 0 && File.Exists(iniPath))
                cIni ini = new cIni(iniPath);

                language = ini.ReadValue("LoaderOptions", "Language", "");
                smbpath  = ini.ReadValue("LoaderOptions", "SMBPath", "");

                if ((language == "" || smbpath == ""))
                    Console.WriteLine("Ini file example:");
                if ((language == null || smbpath == null) && !File.Exists(iniPath))
                    Console.WriteLine(currentExeName + " --language=Korean --smbpath=\"SuperMeatBoy.exe\"");
                    Console.WriteLine("Or create " + currentExeNameNoExt + ".ini.");

            if (Path.Equals(Path.GetFullPath(currentDir + currentExeName), Path.GetFullPath(smbpath)))
                Console.WriteLine("SMBPath is same as this loader.");
                Console.WriteLine("Halted for prevent infinite loop.");

            if (!File.Exists(smbpath))
                Console.WriteLine("Cannot find Super Meat Boy executable: {0}", smbpath);

            Console.WriteLine("Starting Loader...");

            SuperMeatBoyLanguagePatcher patcher = new SuperMeatBoyLanguagePatcher();

            patcher.Language         = language;
            patcher.SuperMeatBoyPath = smbpath;

            Console.WriteLine("Language: {0} (0x{1:X2})", language, patcher.LanguageCode);

