Exemple #1
 public btHinge2Constraint(btRigidBody rbA, btRigidBody rbB, btVector3 anchor, btVector3 axis1, btVector3 axis2) : this(BulletPINVOKE.new_btHinge2Constraint(btRigidBody.getCPtr(rbA), btRigidBody.getCPtr(rbB), btVector3.getCPtr(anchor), btVector3.getCPtr(axis1), btVector3.getCPtr(axis2)), true)
     if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Exemple #2
 public btGeneric6DofSpringConstraint(btRigidBody rbB, btTransform frameInB, bool useLinearReferenceFrameB) : this(BulletPINVOKE.new_btGeneric6DofSpringConstraint__SWIG_1(btRigidBody.getCPtr(rbB), btTransform.getCPtr(frameInB), useLinearReferenceFrameB), true)
     if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Exemple #3
 public btGearConstraint(btRigidBody rbA, btRigidBody rbB, btVector3 axisInA, btVector3 axisInB) : this(BulletPINVOKE.new_btGearConstraint__SWIG_1(btRigidBody.getCPtr(rbA), btRigidBody.getCPtr(rbB), btVector3.getCPtr(axisInA), btVector3.getCPtr(axisInB)), true)
     if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Exemple #4
 public btRaycastVehicle(btRaycastVehicle.btVehicleTuning tuning, btRigidBody chassis, btVehicleRaycaster raycaster) : this(BulletPINVOKE.new_btRaycastVehicle(btRaycastVehicle.btVehicleTuning.getCPtr(tuning), btRigidBody.getCPtr(chassis), btVehicleRaycaster.getCPtr(raycaster)), true)
     if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Exemple #5
        public btRigidBody getRigidBody()
            global::System.IntPtr cPtr = BulletPINVOKE.btRaycastVehicle_getRigidBody__SWIG_0(swigCPtr);
            btRigidBody           ret  = (cPtr == global::System.IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new btRigidBody(cPtr, false);

Exemple #6
        public static btRigidBody upcast(btCollisionObject colObj)
            global::System.IntPtr cPtr = BulletPINVOKE.btRigidBody_upcast__SWIG_0(btCollisionObject.getCPtr(colObj));
            btRigidBody           ret  = (cPtr == global::System.IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new btRigidBody(cPtr, false);

Exemple #7
 public btFixedConstraint(btRigidBody rbA, btRigidBody rbB, btTransform frameInA, btTransform frameInB) : this(BulletPINVOKE.new_btFixedConstraint(btRigidBody.getCPtr(rbA), btRigidBody.getCPtr(rbB), btTransform.getCPtr(frameInA), btTransform.getCPtr(frameInB)), true)
     if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Exemple #8
 public btPoint2PointConstraint(btRigidBody rbA, btVector3 pivotInA) : this(BulletPINVOKE.new_btPoint2PointConstraint__SWIG_1(btRigidBody.getCPtr(rbA), btVector3.getCPtr(pivotInA)), true)
     if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Exemple #9
 public btSliderConstraint(btRigidBody rbA, btRigidBody rbB, btTransform frameInA, btTransform frameInB, bool useLinearReferenceFrameA) : this(BulletPINVOKE.new_btSliderConstraint__SWIG_0(btRigidBody.getCPtr(rbA), btRigidBody.getCPtr(rbB), btTransform.getCPtr(frameInA), btTransform.getCPtr(frameInB), useLinearReferenceFrameA), true)
     if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
        internal void Dispose()
            if (Body.isInWorld())

            if (m_aMotor.Handle != IntPtr.Zero)

            m_aMotor.Dispose(); m_aMotor = null;
            ClosestCastResult.Dispose(); ClosestCastResult = null;
            Body.Dispose(); Body   = null;
            Shell.Dispose(); Shell = null;
Exemple #11
 public btConeTwistConstraint(btRigidBody rbA, btTransform rbAFrame) : this(BulletPINVOKE.new_btConeTwistConstraint__SWIG_1(btRigidBody.getCPtr(rbA), btTransform.getCPtr(rbAFrame)), true)
     if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Exemple #12
 public btHingeConstraint(btRigidBody rbA, btTransform rbAFrame, bool useReferenceFrameA) : this(BulletPINVOKE.new_btHingeConstraint__SWIG_6(btRigidBody.getCPtr(rbA), btTransform.getCPtr(rbAFrame), useReferenceFrameA), true)
     if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Exemple #13
 public btHingeConstraint(btRigidBody rbA, btVector3 pivotInA, btVector3 axisInA, bool useReferenceFrameA) : this(BulletPINVOKE.new_btHingeConstraint__SWIG_2(btRigidBody.getCPtr(rbA), btVector3.getCPtr(pivotInA), btVector3.getCPtr(axisInA), useReferenceFrameA), true)
     if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Exemple #14
 public void updateWheel(btRigidBody chassis, btWheelInfo.RaycastInfo raycastInfo)
     BulletPINVOKE.btWheelInfo_updateWheel(swigCPtr, btRigidBody.getCPtr(chassis), btWheelInfo.RaycastInfo.getCPtr(raycastInfo));
     if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
         throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Exemple #15
        public float solveLinearAxis(float timeStep, float jacDiagABInv, btRigidBody body1, btVector3 pointInA, btRigidBody body2, btVector3 pointInB, int limit_index, btVector3 axis_normal_on_a, btVector3 anchorPos)
            float ret = BulletPINVOKE.btTranslationalLimitMotor_solveLinearAxis(swigCPtr, timeStep, jacDiagABInv, btRigidBody.getCPtr(body1), btVector3.getCPtr(pointInA), btRigidBody.getCPtr(body2), btVector3.getCPtr(pointInB), limit_index, btVector3.getCPtr(axis_normal_on_a), btVector3.getCPtr(anchorPos));

            if (BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw BulletPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Exemple #16
 internal void removeFromWorld(BulletDotNETCharacter chr, btRigidBody body)
     lock (m_characters)
         if (m_characters.Contains(chr))
 internal void removeFromWorld(BulletDotNETPrim prm, btRigidBody body)
     lock (m_prims)
         if (m_prims.Contains(prm))
Exemple #18
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

            // Set our view from the "main" layout resource

            btBroadphaseInterface broadphase = new btDbvtBroadphase();

            btDefaultCollisionConfiguration collisionConfiguration = new btDefaultCollisionConfiguration();
            btCollisionDispatcher           dispatcher             = new btCollisionDispatcher(collisionConfiguration);

            btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver solver = new btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver();

            btDiscreteDynamicsWorld dynamicsWorld = new btDiscreteDynamicsWorld(dispatcher, broadphase, solver, collisionConfiguration);

            dynamicsWorld.setGravity(new btVector3(0, -10, 0));

            btCollisionShape groundShape = new btStaticPlaneShape(new btVector3(0, 1, 0), 1);

            btDefaultMotionState groundMotionState = new btDefaultMotionState(new btTransform(new btQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1), new btVector3(0, -1, 0)));

            btRigidBody.btRigidBodyConstructionInfo groundRigidBodyCI = new btRigidBody.btRigidBodyConstructionInfo(0, groundMotionState, groundShape, new btVector3(0, 0, 0));
            btRigidBody groundRigidBody = new btRigidBody(groundRigidBodyCI);


            btDefaultMotionState fallMotionState = new btDefaultMotionState(new btTransform(new btQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1), new btVector3(0, 50, 0)));

            btVector3 fallInertia = new btVector3(0, 0, 0);

            btCollisionShape fallShape = new btSphereShape(1);

            fallShape.calculateLocalInertia(1, fallInertia);

            btRigidBody.btRigidBodyConstructionInfo fallRigidBodyCI = new btRigidBody.btRigidBodyConstructionInfo(1, fallMotionState, fallShape, fallInertia);
            btRigidBody fallRigidBody = new btRigidBody(fallRigidBodyCI);


            for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++)
                dynamicsWorld.stepSimulation(1 / 60.0f, 10);

                btTransform trans = new btTransform();

                Console.WriteLine("sphere height: " + trans.getOrigin().getY());
		// solving 2x2 lcp problem (inequality, direct solution )
		void resolveBilateralPairConstraint(
				btRigidBody body0,
							btRigidBody body1,
			btMatrix3x3& world2A,
							btMatrix3x3& world2B,

							ref btVector3 invInertiaADiag,
							double invMassA,
							ref btVector3 linvelA, ref btVector3 angvelA,
							ref btVector3 rel_posA1,
							ref btVector3 invInertiaBDiag,
							double invMassB,
							ref btVector3 linvelB, ref btVector3 angvelB,
							ref btVector3 rel_posA2,

						  double depthA, ref btVector3 normalA,
						  ref btVector3 rel_posB1, ref btVector3 rel_posB2,
						  double depthB, ref btVector3 normalB,
						  double imp0, double imp1 );
Exemple #20
        internal void Dispose()
            if (Body != null)
                if (Body.isInWorld())
                    m_parent_scene.removeFromWorld(this, Body);
                Body = null;

            if (m_aMotor != null)
                if (m_aMotor.Handle != IntPtr.Zero)

                m_aMotor.Dispose(); m_aMotor = null;
            if (ClosestCastResult != null)
                ClosestCastResult.Dispose(); ClosestCastResult = null;
            if (Shell != null)
                Shell.Dispose(); Shell = null;
		btPoint2PointConstraint( btRigidBody rbA, ref btVector3 pivotInA )
			: base( btObjectTypes.POINT2POINT_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, rbA )
			m_pivotInA = ( pivotInA );
			rbA.m_worldTransform.Apply( ref pivotInA, out m_pivotInB );
			m_flags = ( 0 );
			m_useSolveConstraintObsolete = ( false );

	btContactConstraint(btPersistentManifold* contactManifold,btRigidBody rbA,btRigidBody rbB);
Exemple #23
		internal btTypedConstraint( btObjectTypes type, btRigidBody rbA, btRigidBody rbB )
			base.Initialize( type );
			m_userConstraintType = ( -1 );
			m_userConstraintPtr = ( (object)-1 );
			m_breakingImpulseThreshold = ( btScalar.SIMD_INFINITY );
			m_isEnabled = ( true );
			m_needsFeedback = ( false );
			m_overrideNumSolverIterations = ( -1 );
			m_rbA = ( rbA );
			m_rbB = ( rbB );
			m_appliedImpulse = ( (double)( 0.0 ) );
			m_dbgDrawSize = ( DEFAULT_DEBUGDRAW_SIZE );
			m_jointFeedback = ( null );
Exemple #24
        public btRigidBody getRigidBodyB()
            btRigidBody ret = new btRigidBody(BulletPINVOKE.btTypedConstraint_getRigidBodyB__SWIG_0(swigCPtr), false);

Exemple #25
 internal void removeFromWorld(btRigidBody body)
		internal btGeneric6DofConstraint( btRigidBody rbB, ref btTransform frameInB, bool useLinearReferenceFrameB )
			: base( btObjectTypes.D6_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, getFixedBody(), rbB )
			m_frameInB = ( frameInB );
			m_useLinearReferenceFrameA = ( useLinearReferenceFrameB );
			m_useOffsetForConstraintFrame = ( D6_USE_FRAME_OFFSET );
			m_flags = ( 0 );
			m_useSolveConstraintObsolete = ( false );
			///not providing rigidbody A means implicitly using worldspace for body A
			rbB.m_worldTransform.Apply( ref m_frameInB, out m_frameInA );
Exemple #27
	btFixedConstraint(btRigidBody rbA,btRigidBody rbB, ref btTransform frameInA,ref btTransform frameInB);
Exemple #28
		public btHingeConstraint( btRigidBody rbA, btRigidBody rbB, ref btVector3 pivotInA, ref btVector3 pivotInB,
												  ref btVector3 axisInA, ref btVector3 axisInB, bool useReferenceFrameA = false )
										 : base( btObjectTypes.HINGE_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, rbA, rbB )
			m_limit = new btAngularLimit();
			m_useReferenceFrameA = ( useReferenceFrameA );
			m_rbAFrame.m_origin = pivotInA;

			// since no frame is given, assume this to be zero angle and just pick rb transform axis
			btVector3 rbAxisA1; rbA.m_worldTransform.m_basis.getColumn( 0, out rbAxisA1 );

			btVector3 rbAxisA2;
			double projection = axisInA.dot( rbAxisA1 );
			if( projection >= 1.0f - btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON )
				btVector3 tmp;
				rbA.m_worldTransform.m_basis.getColumn( 2, out tmp );
				tmp.Invert( out rbAxisA1 );
				rbA.m_worldTransform.m_basis.getColumn( 1, out rbAxisA2 );
			else if( projection <= -1.0f + btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON )
				rbA.m_worldTransform.m_basis.getColumn( 2, out rbAxisA1 );
				rbA.m_worldTransform.m_basis.getColumn( 1, out rbAxisA2 );
				axisInA.cross( ref rbAxisA1, out rbAxisA2 );
				rbAxisA2.cross( ref axisInA, out rbAxisA1 );

			btMatrix3x3.setValue( out m_rbAFrame.m_basis, rbAxisA1.x, rbAxisA2.x, axisInA.x,
											rbAxisA1.y, rbAxisA2.y, axisInA.y,
											rbAxisA1.z, rbAxisA2.z, axisInA.z );

			btQuaternion rotationArc; btQuaternion.shortestArcQuat( ref axisInA, ref axisInB, out rotationArc );
			btVector3 rbAxisB1; btQuaternion.quatRotate( ref rotationArc, ref rbAxisA1, out rbAxisB1 );
			btVector3 rbAxisB2; axisInB.cross( ref rbAxisB1, out rbAxisB2 );

			m_rbBFrame.m_origin = pivotInB;
			m_rbBFrame.m_basis.setValue( ref rbAxisB1, ref rbAxisB2, ref axisInB );
			btMatrix3x3.setValue( out m_rbBFrame.m_basis, ref rbAxisB1, ref rbAxisB2, ref axisInB );

			m_referenceSign = m_useReferenceFrameA ? (double)( -1 ) : (double)( 1 );
Exemple #29
		public btHingeAccumulatedAngleConstraint( btRigidBody rbA, ref btTransform rbAFrame, bool useReferenceFrameA = false )
		: base( rbA, ref rbAFrame, useReferenceFrameA )
			m_accumulatedAngle = getHingeAngle();
Exemple #30
		public btHingeAccumulatedAngleConstraint( btRigidBody rbA, ref btVector3 pivotInA, ref btVector3 axisInA, bool useReferenceFrameA = false )
		: base( rbA, ref pivotInA, ref axisInA, useReferenceFrameA )
			m_accumulatedAngle = getHingeAngle();
Exemple #31
		internal btSliderConstraint( btRigidBody rbB, ref btTransform frameInB, bool useLinearReferenceFrameA )
			: base( btObjectTypes.SLIDER_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, getFixedBody(), rbB )
			//m_useSolveConstraintObsolete = (false),
			m_frameInB = ( frameInB );
			m_useLinearReferenceFrameA = ( useLinearReferenceFrameA );
			///not providing rigidbody A means implicitly using worldspace for body A
			rbB.m_worldTransform.Apply( ref m_frameInB, out m_frameInA );
			//	m_frameInA.m_origin = m_rbA.m_worldTransform(m_frameInA.m_origin);

Exemple #32
	btGearConstraint(btRigidBody rbA, btRigidBody rbB, ref btVector3 axisInA,ref btVector3 axisInB, double ratio=1);
Exemple #33
 public override void addRigidBody(btRigidBody body, short group, short mask)
     BulletPINVOKE.btDiscreteDynamicsWorld_addRigidBody__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, btRigidBody.getCPtr(body), group, mask);
		void setAxis( ref btVector3 axis1, ref btVector3 axis2 );

		void setBounce( int index, double bounce );

		void enableMotor( int index, bool onOff );
		void setServo( int index, bool onOff ); // set the type of the motor (servo or not) (the motor has to be turned on for servo also)
		void setTargetVelocity( int index, double velocity );
		void setServoTarget( int index, double target );
		void setMaxMotorForce( int index, double force );

		void enableSpring( int index, bool onOff );
		void setStiffness( int index, double stiffness, bool limitIfNeeded = true ); // if limitIfNeeded is true the system will automatically limit the stiffness in necessary situations where otherwise the spring would move unrealistically too widely
		void setDamping( int index, double damping, bool limitIfNeeded = true ); // if limitIfNeeded is true the system will automatically limit the damping in necessary situations where otherwise the spring would blow up
		void setEquilibriumPoint(); // set the current constraint position/orientation as an equilibrium point for all DOF
		void setEquilibriumPoint( int index );  // set the current constraint position/orientation as an equilibrium point for given DOF
		void setEquilibriumPoint( int index, double val );

		//override the default global value of a parameter (such as ERP or CFM), optionally provide the axis (0..5). 
		//If no axis is provided, it uses the default axis for this constraint.

		internal btGeneric6DofSpring2Constraint( btRigidBody rbA, btRigidBody rbB, ref btTransform frameInA, ref btTransform frameInB, RotateOrder rotOrder )
			: base( btObjectTypes.D6_SPRING_2_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, rbA, rbB )
			m_frameInA = ( frameInA );
			m_frameInB = ( frameInB );
			m_rotateOrder = ( rotOrder );
			m_flags = ( 0 );
Exemple #35
 public void synchronizeSingleMotionState(btRigidBody body)
     BulletPINVOKE.btDiscreteDynamicsWorld_synchronizeSingleMotionState(swigCPtr, btRigidBody.getCPtr(body));
Exemple #36
		internal btSliderConstraint( btRigidBody rbA, btRigidBody rbB, ref btTransform frameInA, ref btTransform frameInB, bool useLinearReferenceFrameA )
			 : base( btObjectTypes.SLIDER_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, rbA, rbB )

			//m_useSolveConstraintObsolete = ( false ),
			m_frameInA = ( frameInA );
			m_frameInB = ( frameInB );
			m_useLinearReferenceFrameA = ( useLinearReferenceFrameA );
		internal btGeneric6DofConstraint( btRigidBody rbA, btRigidBody rbB, ref btTransform frameInA, ref btTransform frameInB, bool useLinearReferenceFrameA )
				: base( btObjectTypes.D6_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, rbA, rbB )
			m_frameInA = ( frameInA );
			m_frameInB = ( frameInB );
			m_useLinearReferenceFrameA = ( useLinearReferenceFrameA );
			m_useOffsetForConstraintFrame = ( D6_USE_FRAME_OFFSET );
			m_flags = ( 0 );
			m_useSolveConstraintObsolete = ( D6_USE_OBSOLETE_METHOD );
Exemple #38
		public btHingeConstraint( btRigidBody rbA, ref btTransform rbAFrame, bool useReferenceFrameA = false )
							: base( btObjectTypes.HINGE_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, rbA )
			m_rbAFrame = ( rbAFrame );
			m_rbBFrame = ( rbAFrame );
			m_limit = new btAngularLimit();
			//m_useSolveConstraintObsolete = ( false/*HINGE_USE_OBSOLETE_SOLVER*/ );
			//m_useOffsetForConstraintFrame = ( true/*HINGE_USE_FRAME_OFFSET*/ );
			m_useReferenceFrameA = ( useReferenceFrameA );
			///not providing rigidbody B means implicitly using worldspace for body B
			m_rbA.m_worldTransform.Apply( ref m_rbAFrame.m_origin, out m_rbBFrame.m_origin );
			//m_rbBFrame.getOrigin() = m_rbA.getCenterOfMassTransform()( m_rbAFrame.getOrigin() );
			m_referenceSign = m_useReferenceFrameA ? (double)( -1 ) : (double)( 1 );
Exemple #39
 internal void AddRigidBody(btRigidBody Body)
Exemple #40
		void updateWheel( btRigidBody chassis, RaycastInfo& raycastInfo);
Exemple #41
        public static btRigidBody getFixedBody()
            btRigidBody ret = new btRigidBody(BulletPINVOKE.btTypedConstraint_getFixedBody(), false);

Exemple #42
		btSliderConstraint( btRigidBody rbB, ref btTransform frameInB, bool useLinearReferenceFrameA );
	btMultiBodyPoint2Point(btMultiBody* body, int link, btRigidBody bodyB, ref btVector3 pivotInA, ref btVector3 pivotInB);
Exemple #44
 public virtual void addRigidBody(btRigidBody body, short group, short mask)
     BulletPINVOKE.btDynamicsWorld_addRigidBody__SWIG_1(swigCPtr, btRigidBody.getCPtr(body), group, mask);
		public btConeTwistConstraint( btRigidBody rbA, ref btTransform rbAFrame )
												: base( btObjectTypes.CONETWIST_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, rbA )
			m_rbAFrame = ( rbAFrame );
			m_angularOnly = ( false );
			m_useSolveConstraintObsolete = ( CONETWIST_USE_OBSOLETE_SOLVER );
			m_rbBFrame = m_rbAFrame;
			m_rbBFrame.setOrigin( ref btVector3.Zero );
Exemple #46
 public virtual void removeRigidBody(btRigidBody body)
     BulletPINVOKE.btDynamicsWorld_removeRigidBody(swigCPtr, btRigidBody.getCPtr(body));
		///override the default global value of a parameter (such as ERP or CFM), optionally provide the axis (0..5). 
		///If no axis is provided, it uses the default axis for this constraint.
		virtual void setParam( int num, double value, int axis = -1 );
		///return the local value of parameter
		virtual double getParam( int num, int axis = -1 );

		btPoint2PointConstraint( btRigidBody rbA, btRigidBody rbB, ref btVector3 pivotInA, ref btVector3 pivotInB )
				: base( btObjectTypes.POINT2POINT_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, rbA, rbB )
			m_pivotInA = ( pivotInA );
			m_pivotInB = ( pivotInB );
			m_flags = ( 0 );
			m_useSolveConstraintObsolete = ( false );

Exemple #48
        public override void SetTerrain(float[] heightMap)
            if (m_terrainShape != null)

            float hfmax = -9000;
            float hfmin = 90000;

            for (int i = 0; i < heightMap.Length; i++)
                if (Single.IsNaN(heightMap[i]) || Single.IsInfinity(heightMap[i]))
                    heightMap[i] = 0f;

                hfmin = (heightMap[i] < hfmin) ? heightMap[i] : hfmin;
                hfmax = (heightMap[i] > hfmax) ? heightMap[i] : hfmax;
            // store this for later reference.
            // Note, we're storing it  after we check it for anomolies above
            _origheightmap = heightMap;

            hfmin = 0;
            hfmax = 256;

            m_terrainShape = new btHeightfieldTerrainShape((int)Constants.RegionSize, (int)Constants.RegionSize, heightMap,
                                                           1.0f, hfmin, hfmax, (int)btHeightfieldTerrainShape.UPAxis.Z,
                                                           (int)btHeightfieldTerrainShape.PHY_ScalarType.PHY_FLOAT, false);
            float AabbCenterX = Constants.RegionSize / 2f;
            float AabbCenterY = Constants.RegionSize / 2f;

            float AabbCenterZ = 0;
            float temphfmin, temphfmax;

            temphfmin = hfmin;
            temphfmax = hfmax;

            if (temphfmin < 0)
                temphfmax = 0 - temphfmin;
                temphfmin = 0 - temphfmin;
            else if (temphfmin > 0)
                temphfmax = temphfmax + (0 - temphfmin);
                //temphfmin = temphfmin + (0 - temphfmin);
            AabbCenterZ = temphfmax / 2f;

            if (m_terrainPosition == null)
                m_terrainPosition = new btVector3(AabbCenterX, AabbCenterY, AabbCenterZ);
                    m_terrainPosition.setValue(AabbCenterX, AabbCenterY, AabbCenterZ);
                catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                    m_terrainPosition = new btVector3(AabbCenterX, AabbCenterY, AabbCenterZ);
            if (m_terrainMotionState != null)
                m_terrainMotionState = null;
            m_terrainTransform   = new btTransform(QuatIdentity, m_terrainPosition);
            m_terrainMotionState = new btDefaultMotionState(m_terrainTransform);
            TerrainBody          = new btRigidBody(0, m_terrainMotionState, m_terrainShape);
Exemple #49
 public override void addRigidBody(btRigidBody body)
     BulletPINVOKE.btDiscreteDynamicsWorld_addRigidBody__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, btRigidBody.getCPtr(body));
		//! apply the correction impulses for two bodies
		//double solveAngularLimits(double timeStep,ref btVector3 axis, double jacDiagABInv,btRigidBody * body0, btRigidBody * body1);
		internal double solveAngularLimits(
			double timeStep, ref btVector3 axis, double jacDiagABInv,
			btRigidBody body0, btRigidBody body1 )
			if( needApplyTorques() == false ) return 0.0f;

			double target_velocity = m_targetVelocity;
			double maxMotorForce = m_maxMotorForce;

			//current error correction
			if( m_currentLimit != 0 )
				target_velocity = -m_stopERP * m_currentLimitError / ( timeStep );
				maxMotorForce = m_maxLimitForce;

			maxMotorForce *= timeStep;

			// current velocity difference

			btVector3 angVelA = body0.getAngularVelocity();
			btVector3 angVelB = body1.getAngularVelocity();

			btVector3 vel_diff;
			vel_diff = angVelA - angVelB;

			double rel_vel = axis.dot( vel_diff );

			// correction velocity
			double motor_relvel = m_limitSoftness * ( target_velocity - m_damping * rel_vel );

			if( motor_relvel < btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON && motor_relvel > -btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON )
				return 0.0f;//no need for applying force

			// correction impulse
			double unclippedMotorImpulse = ( 1 + m_bounce ) * motor_relvel * jacDiagABInv;

			// clip correction impulse
			double clippedMotorImpulse;

			///@todo: should clip against accumulated impulse
			if( unclippedMotorImpulse > 0.0f )
				clippedMotorImpulse = unclippedMotorImpulse > maxMotorForce ? maxMotorForce : unclippedMotorImpulse;
				clippedMotorImpulse = unclippedMotorImpulse < -maxMotorForce ? -maxMotorForce : unclippedMotorImpulse;

			// sort with accumulated impulses
			double lo = (double)( -btScalar.BT_LARGE_FLOAT );
			double hi = (double)( btScalar.BT_LARGE_FLOAT );

			double oldaccumImpulse = m_accumulatedImpulse;
			double sum = oldaccumImpulse + clippedMotorImpulse;
			m_accumulatedImpulse = sum > hi ? btScalar.BT_ZERO : sum < lo ? btScalar.BT_ZERO : sum;

			clippedMotorImpulse = m_accumulatedImpulse - oldaccumImpulse;

			btVector3 motorImp; axis.Mult( clippedMotorImpulse, out motorImp );

			body0.applyTorqueImpulse( ref motorImp );
			btVector3 tmp;
			motorImp.Invert( out tmp );
			body1.applyTorqueImpulse( ref tmp );

			return clippedMotorImpulse;

Exemple #51
 public override void removeRigidBody(btRigidBody body)
     BulletPINVOKE.btDiscreteDynamicsWorld_removeRigidBody(swigCPtr, btRigidBody.getCPtr(body));
		internal double solveLinearAxis(
			double timeStep,
			double jacDiagABInv,
			btRigidBody body1, btVector3 pointInA,
			btRigidBody body2, btVector3 pointInB,
			int limit_index,
			btVector3 axis_normal_on_a,
			btVector3 anchorPos )

			///find relative velocity
			//    btVector3 rel_pos1 = pointInA - body1.getCenterOfMassPosition();
			//    btVector3 rel_pos2 = pointInB - body2.getCenterOfMassPosition();
			btVector3 rel_pos1 = anchorPos - body1.m_worldTransform.m_origin;
			btVector3 rel_pos2 = anchorPos - body2.m_worldTransform.m_origin;

			btVector3 vel1 = body1.getVelocityInLocalPoint( ref rel_pos1 );
			btVector3 vel2 = body2.getVelocityInLocalPoint( ref rel_pos2 );
			btVector3 vel = vel1 - vel2;

			double rel_vel = axis_normal_on_a.dot( vel );

			/// apply displacement correction

			//positional error (zeroth order error)
			double depth = -( pointInA - pointInB ).dot( axis_normal_on_a );
			double lo = (double)( -btScalar.BT_LARGE_FLOAT );
			double hi = (double)( btScalar.BT_LARGE_FLOAT );

			double minLimit = m_lowerLimit[limit_index];
			double maxLimit = m_upperLimit[limit_index];

			//handle the limits
			if( minLimit < maxLimit )
					if( depth > maxLimit )
						depth -= maxLimit;
						lo = btScalar.BT_ZERO;

						if( depth < minLimit )
							depth -= minLimit;
							hi = btScalar.BT_ZERO;
							return 0.0f;

			double normalImpulse = m_limitSoftness * ( m_restitution * depth / timeStep - m_damping * rel_vel ) * jacDiagABInv;

			double oldNormalImpulse = m_accumulatedImpulse[limit_index];
			double sum = oldNormalImpulse + normalImpulse;
			m_accumulatedImpulse[limit_index] = sum > hi ? btScalar.BT_ZERO : sum < lo ? btScalar.BT_ZERO : sum;
			normalImpulse = m_accumulatedImpulse[limit_index] - oldNormalImpulse;

			btVector3 impulse_vector = axis_normal_on_a * normalImpulse;
			body1.applyImpulse( ref impulse_vector, ref rel_pos1 );
			btVector3 tmp;
			impulse_vector.Invert( out tmp );
			body2.applyImpulse( ref tmp, ref rel_pos2 );

			return normalImpulse;
Exemple #53
		public btHingeConstraint( btRigidBody rbA, ref btVector3 pivotInA, ref btVector3 axisInA, bool useReferenceFrameA = false )
				: base( btObjectTypes.HINGE_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, rbA )
			m_limit = new btAngularLimit();
			m_useReferenceFrameA = ( useReferenceFrameA );

			// since no frame is given; assume this to be zero angle and just pick rb transform axis
			// fixed axis in worldspace
			btVector3 rbAxisA1, rbAxisA2;
			btVector3.btPlaneSpace1( ref axisInA, out rbAxisA1, out rbAxisA2 );

			m_rbAFrame.m_origin = pivotInA;
			m_rbAFrame.m_basis.setValue( rbAxisA1.x, rbAxisA2.x, axisInA.x,
											rbAxisA1.y, rbAxisA2.y, axisInA.y,
											rbAxisA1.z, rbAxisA2.z, axisInA.z );

			btVector3 axisInB; rbA.m_worldTransform.m_basis.Apply( ref axisInA, out axisInB );

			btQuaternion rotationArc; btQuaternion.shortestArcQuat( ref axisInA, ref axisInB, out rotationArc );
			btVector3 rbAxisB1; btQuaternion.quatRotate( ref rotationArc, ref rbAxisA1, out rbAxisB1 );
			btVector3 rbAxisB2; axisInB.cross( ref rbAxisB1, out rbAxisB2 );

			//btVector3 tmp;
			rbA.m_worldTransform.Apply( ref pivotInA, out m_rbBFrame.m_origin );
			//m_rbBFrame.m_origin = rbA.getCenterOfMassTransform()( pivotInA );
			m_rbBFrame.m_basis.setValue( rbAxisB1.x, rbAxisB2.x, axisInB.x,
											rbAxisB1.y, rbAxisB2.y, axisInB.y,
											rbAxisB1.z, rbAxisB2.z, axisInB.z );

			m_referenceSign = m_useReferenceFrameA ? (double)( -1 ) : (double)( 1 );
		protected void initSolverBody( btSolverBody solverBody, btRigidBody rb, double timeStep )
			//btRigidBody rb = collisionObject != null ? btRigidBody.upcast( collisionObject ) : null;

			solverBody.m_deltaLinearVelocity = btVector3.Zero;
			solverBody.m_deltaAngularVelocity = btVector3.Zero;
			solverBody.m_pushVelocity = btVector3.Zero;
			solverBody.m_turnVelocity = btVector3.Zero;
			solverBody.modified = false;
			solverBody.pushed = false;

			if( rb != null )
				solverBody.m_worldTransform = rb.m_worldTransform;
				btVector3 tmp = new btVector3( rb.getInvMass() );
				btVector3 tmp2;
				btVector3 tmp3;
				rb.getLinearFactor( out tmp2 );
				tmp.Mult( ref tmp2, out tmp3 );
				solverBody.internalSetInvMass( ref tmp3 );
				solverBody.m_originalBody = rb;
				rb.getAngularFactor( out solverBody.m_angularFactor );
				rb.getLinearFactor( out solverBody.m_linearFactor );
				rb.getLinearVelocity( out solverBody.m_linearVelocity );
				rb.getAngularVelocity( out solverBody.m_angularVelocity );
				rb.m_totalForce.Mult( rb.m_inverseMass * timeStep, out solverBody.m_externalForceImpulse );
				//= rb.getTotalForce() * rb.getInvMass() * timeStep;
				rb.m_invInertiaTensorWorld.Apply( ref rb.m_totalTorque, out tmp );
				tmp.Mult( timeStep, out solverBody.m_externalTorqueImpulse );
				btScalar.Dbg( "Setup external impulses " + solverBody.m_externalForceImpulse + " " + solverBody.m_externalTorqueImpulse );
				///solverBody.m_externalTorqueImpulse = rb.getTotalTorque() * rb.getInvInertiaTensorWorld() * timeStep;

				solverBody.modified = false;
				solverBody.m_worldTransform = btTransform.Identity;
				solverBody.internalSetInvMass( ref btVector3.Zero );
				solverBody.m_originalBody = null;
				solverBody.m_angularFactor = btVector3.One;
				solverBody.m_linearFactor = btVector3.One;
				solverBody.m_linearVelocity = btVector3.Zero;
				solverBody.m_angularVelocity = btVector3.Zero;
				solverBody.m_externalForceImpulse = btVector3.Zero;
				solverBody.m_externalTorqueImpulse = btVector3.Zero;

		internal btGeneric6DofSpring2Constraint( btRigidBody rbB, ref btTransform frameInB, RotateOrder rotOrder )
			: base( btObjectTypes.D6_SPRING_2_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, getFixedBody(), rbB )
			m_frameInB = ( frameInB );
			m_rotateOrder = ( rotOrder );
			m_flags = ( 0 );
			///not providing rigidbody A means implicitly using worldspace for body A
			rbB.m_worldTransform.Apply( ref m_frameInB, out m_frameInA );
Exemple #56
		public btHingeConstraint( btRigidBody rbA, btRigidBody rbB,
									 ref btTransform rbAFrame, ref btTransform rbBFrame, bool useReferenceFrameA = false )
						: base( btObjectTypes.HINGE_CONSTRAINT_TYPE, rbA, rbB )
			m_rbAFrame = ( rbAFrame );
			m_rbBFrame = ( rbBFrame );
			m_limit = new btAngularLimit();
			m_useReferenceFrameA = ( useReferenceFrameA );
			m_referenceSign = m_useReferenceFrameA ? (double)( -1 ) : (double)( 1 );