Exemple #1
    boardSquare GetNextGemToFall(boardSquare square)
        boardAnalyzer bA = new boardAnalyzer(board, currentDirection);

        return(bA.RecurseToNextGem((int)square.transform.position.x, (int)square.transform.position.y, bA.DirectionX, bA.DirectionY));
Exemple #2
    //Returns list of adjacent gems marked destructable
    List <boardSquare> RecurseAdjacencyCheck(int x, int y, int dirX, int dirY, List <boardSquare> squareList, boardSquare originalSquare, bool searchStart)  //Template method
        boardSquare square = board.GetBoardStruct().StructCoreSquare[board.Get1DIndexFrom2D(x, y, board.Width)];

        if (searchStart)    //Recurse again if able
            //Debug.Log("Attempting recursion on original square");
            if ((x + dirX < board.Width && x + dirX >= 0) &&
                (y + dirY < board.Height && y + dirY >= 0))
                return(RecurseAdjacencyCheck(x + dirX, y + dirY, dirX, dirY, squareList, originalSquare, false));
        else   //If not the starting object, compare and check
            //Debug.Log(square + " is not equal to " + originalSquare);
            if (square.gemPrefab == originalSquare.gemPrefab && originalSquare.gemPrefab != null)
                if (!squareList.Contains(square))
                    //square.Comboable = true;
                    square.Destructable = true;
                    return(CheckSquareForAdjacency(square, squareList));
        return(squareList);  //Default escape
Exemple #3
    IEnumerator DelayedGemFallingAnimation(boardSquare square, int index, float delay)
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay));

        StartCoroutine(GemFallingAnimation(square, index));