Exemple #1
         * Check if this enum class contains a enum of a specified id
         * @param refClass referencing class
         * @param id The id of the enum
         * @return TRUE if the enum is defined in this class
        public static bool containsEnumId(Type refClass, java.lang.Long id)
            bool     ret      = false;
            MapEntry mapEntry = null;

            mapEntry = (MapEntry)map.get(refClass);

            if (mapEntry != null)
                ret = mapEntry.idMap.containsKey(id);

Exemple #2
         * Get a tag by id as a Long
         * @param tag A tag id as a Long
         * @return A data struct containing the data of this tag
        public DataTypeIf getTag(java.lang.Long tag)
            lock (this)
                DataTypeIf data = store.getTag(tag);

                // set the locale for all I18N strings
                if (data is I18NSTRING)

Exemple #3
  * Set a tag by id as a Long
  * @param tag
  *            A tag id as a Long
  * @param data
  *            A data struct containing the data of this tag
 public void setTag(java.lang.Long tag, DataTypeIf data)
     store.put(tag, data);
Exemple #4
  * Get a tag by id as a Long
  * @param tag
  *            A tag id as a Long
  * @return A data struct containing the data of this tag
 public DataTypeIf getTag(java.lang.Long tag)
Exemple #5
  * Check if this enum class contains a enum of a specified id
  * @param id The id of the enum
  * @return TRUE if the enum is defined in this class
 public static bool containsEnumId(java.lang.Long id)
     return(EnumDelegate.containsEnumId(typeof(LeadOS), id));
Exemple #6
  * Check if this enum class contains a enum of a specified id
  * @param id The id of the enum
  * @return TRUE if the enum is defined in this class
 public static bool containsEnumId(java.lang.Long id)
     return(EnumDelegate.containsEnumId(typeof(RPMIndexType), id));