Exemple #1
        private void genStack(string rawPath,
                              BinStackOptions options)
            string schemaFile = schemaTxt.Text.Trim();

                this.statusLabel.Text    = "Generating binaries stack... Creating index...";
                this.statusLabel.Visible = true;

                string idFileXml        = this.quiXMLtxt.Text.Trim();
                string stackIndexFolder = idFileXml.Substring(0, idFileXml.LastIndexOf(@"\")) + "\\binStack\\";
                string stackIndexFile   = stackIndexFolder + "index.idx";
                if (!Directory.Exists(stackIndexFolder))

                //scans by frame
                int scbyframe = 100;

                //calculate number of frames
                int inumFrames = binStack.countFrames(idFileXml, scbyframe);


                //generate index
                binStack[] stackIndex = binStack.genIndex(idFileXml, schemaFile, rawPath, scbyframe, options);

                //Dangerous thing: we swap the values of FirstScan and spectrumIndex at the binStack

                //generate and save frames
                for (int i = 1; i <= inumFrames; i++)
                    this.statusLabel.Text = "Generating binaries stack... generating frame " + i.ToString() + "/" + inumFrames.ToString();
                    binFrame        currFrame = binStack.genFrame(stackIndex, i, scbyframe, rawPath, options);
                    string          frameFile = stackIndexFolder + currFrame.frame.ToString() + ".bfr";
                    FileStream      qFr       = new FileStream(frameFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
                    BinaryFormatter bFr       = new BinaryFormatter();
                    bFr.Serialize(qFr, currFrame);

                //Save index
                //WARNING: very dangerous change, but necessary to maintain old binstacks: in currFrame
                //         we swap the values of scanNumber by spectrumIndex (once we have obtained the desired
                //         spectrum, we use the unique index (spectrumIndex).
                for (int i = stackIndex.GetLowerBound(0); i <= stackIndex.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                    for (int j = stackIndex[i].scan.GetLowerBound(0); j <= stackIndex[i].scan.GetUpperBound(0); j++)
                        int scanNumber_t = stackIndex[i].scan[j].FirstScan;
                        stackIndex[i].scan[j].FirstScan = stackIndex[i].scan[j].spectrumIndex;

                        //this is not necessary, but I want to maintain the scanNumber elsewhere...
                        stackIndex[i].scan[j].spectrumIndex = scanNumber_t;

                FileStream      q = new FileStream(stackIndexFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
                BinaryFormatter b = new BinaryFormatter();
                b.Serialize(q, stackIndex);
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to generate binaries stack");
                this.statusLabel.Text    = "";
                this.statusLabel.Visible = false;

            this.statusLabel.Text    = "";
            this.statusLabel.Visible = false;

            MessageBox.Show("BinStack successfully created!!");
        private void genStack(string rawPath,
                              BinStackOptions options)

                this.lblStatus.Text    = "Generating binaries stack... Creating index...";
                this.lblStatus.Visible = true;

                string idFileXml        = this.tbxQuiXML.Text.Trim();
                string idSchema         = this.tbxSchema.Text.Trim();
                string stackIndexFolder = idFileXml.Substring(0, idFileXml.LastIndexOf(@"\")) + "\\binStack\\";
                string stackIndexFile   = stackIndexFolder + "index.idx";
                if (!Directory.Exists(stackIndexFolder))

                //scans by frame
                int scbyframe = 100;

                //load the XML file to a DataSet object
                DataSet quiXML = new DataSet();
                quiXML.ReadXml(idFileXml, XmlReadMode.Auto);

                DataView quiXMLv = new DataView(quiXML.Tables["peptide_match"]);

                if (!(options.averagingMethod == averagingMethod.mostIntense ||
                      options.averagingMethod == averagingMethod.none))
                    if (!quiXMLv.Table.Columns.Contains("PeakStart") ||
                        MessageBox.Show("This QuiXML file does not seem" +
                                        "to contain PeakStart / PeakEnd columns,\n" +
                                        "did you forget to use QuiXtoQuiX to get the inflection points?");
                        lblStatus.Text = "Error: no inflection points in QuiXML.";

                //calculate number of frames
                //int inumFrames = binStack.countFrames(idFileXml, scbyframe);
                int inumFrames = binStack.countFrames(quiXMLv, scbyframe);

                //generate index
                object     parObject  = "";
                binStack[] stackIndex = binStack.genIndex(quiXMLv,

                //generate and save frames
                for (int i = 1; i <= inumFrames; i++)
                    this.lblStatus.Text = "Generating binaries stack... generating frame " + i.ToString() + "/" + inumFrames.ToString();
                    binFrame currFrame = binStack.genFrame(stackIndex,
                                                           i, scbyframe, rawPath, options, this.lblStatus, ref parObject, i, inumFrames);

                    if (currFrame == null)

                    string          frameFile = stackIndexFolder + currFrame.frame.ToString() + ".bfr";
                    FileStream      qFr       = new FileStream(frameFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
                    BinaryFormatter bFr       = new BinaryFormatter();
                    bFr.Serialize(qFr, currFrame);

                //save index

                //WARNING: very dangerous change, but necessary to maintain old binstacks: in currFrame
                //         we swap the values of scanNumber by spectrumIndex (once we have obtained the desired
                //         spectrum, we use the unique index (spectrumIndex).
                for (int i = stackIndex.GetLowerBound(0); i <= stackIndex.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
                    for (int j = stackIndex[i].scan.GetLowerBound(0); j <= stackIndex[i].scan.GetUpperBound(0); j++)
                        int scanNumber_t = stackIndex[i].scan[j].FirstScan;
                        stackIndex[i].scan[j].FirstScan = stackIndex[i].scan[j].spectrumIndex;

                        //this is not necessary, but I want to maintain the scanNumber elsewhere...
                        stackIndex[i].scan[j].spectrumIndex = scanNumber_t;
                FileStream      q = new FileStream(stackIndexFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
                BinaryFormatter b = new BinaryFormatter();
                b.Serialize(q, stackIndex);

                string bsXml = Path.GetDirectoryName(idFileXml) + "\\" +
                               Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(idFileXml) + "_bs.xml";

                //Save the quiXML changes (spectrumIndex is now written)

                MessageBox.Show("In order to preserve the old QuiXML, " +
                                "the new QuiXML containing the spectrumIndex has been saved to:\n\n" +
                                bsXml + "\n\n" + "Please, remember to use this new QuiXML or its derivations in further analysis.");
            catch (System.Data.DataException e)
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to generate binaries stack. System Data Exception thrown : " + e.Message);
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to generate binaries stack");

            this.lblStatus.Text    = "";
            this.lblStatus.Visible = false;