public Dictionary <string, int> variables = new Dictionary <string, int>();//the original game uses an array of bytes, I should be able to make due with this

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        path = Application.dataPath + "/../upscaled15fps/";
        Application.runInBackground = true;
        Application.targetFrameRate = 60;
        QualitySettings.vSyncCount  = 1;
        Debug.Log("puzzleSpeed == " + puzzleSpeed.ToString("0.000"));
        Debug.Log("turningSpeed == " + turningSpeed.ToString("0.000"));
        Debug.Log("movementSpeed == " + movementSpeed.ToString("0.000"));

        handwag         = Instantiate(Resources.Load("cursors/wagging-hand", typeof(Texture2D))) as Texture2D;
        handbeckon      = Instantiate(Resources.Load("cursors/beckon", typeof(Texture2D))) as Texture2D;
        dramamask       = Instantiate(Resources.Load("cursors/drama-mask", typeof(Texture2D))) as Texture2D;
        chatteringteeth = Instantiate(Resources.Load("cursors/chattering-teeth", typeof(Texture2D))) as Texture2D;
        throbbingbrain  = Instantiate(Resources.Load("cursors/throbbing-skull", typeof(Texture2D))) as Texture2D;
        blueeye         = Instantiate(Resources.Load("cursors/blue-eyeball", typeof(Texture2D))) as Texture2D;
        browneye        = Instantiate(Resources.Load("cursors/brown-eyeball", typeof(Texture2D))) as Texture2D;

        if (currRoom == null)
            currRoom = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <baseRoom>();
            if (currRoom != null)
                Debug.Log("found room " +;
    public baseRoom SwitchRoom(string roomName, int node, char facing)
        IncrementVariable("enter-" + roomName);
        Debug.Log("SwitchRoom(" + roomName + ")");
        if (currRoom == null)
            currRoom = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <baseRoom>();
            //Debug.Log("found room " +;
        GameObject go = Instantiate(Resources.Load(roomName, typeof(GameObject))) as GameObject;
        baseRoom   r  = go.GetComponent <baseRoom>();

        r.currPos.node   = node;
        r.currPos.facing = facing;
        if (currRoom != null)
        currRoom = r;