Exemple #1
        void checkForCompletedAnchors()
            // If any anchors have reached their drop points, then trigger a restriction zone rebuild
            int readyForWorkIdleCheckCount = 0;

            if (anchorPoints != null)
                foreach (BMod_AnchorPoint anchorPoint in anchorPoints)
                    if (anchorPoint.completedLockingSignal)
                        restrictedMovementAreaUpdateRequired = true;
                        anchorPoint.completedLockingSignal   = false;                       // Reset the signal
                    if (balPosWorkingStatus == balPolStatusEnum.startingUp)
                        // Part of start up sequence. Due to the rigid frame not being in a suitable
                        // position on loading, everything must wait until the anchorpoints have
                        // reached their lock positions before anything is sent to the linked frame.
                        if (anchorPoint.currentAction == BMod_AnchorPoint.AnchorCurrentActionEnum.idle)
                // If all the anchor points are idle, then the startup sequence is complete.
                if (balPosWorkingStatus == balPolStatusEnum.startingUp)
                    if (readyForWorkIdleCheckCount == anchorPoints.Length)
                        balPosWorkingStatus = balPolStatusEnum.readyForWork;
Exemple #2
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            // TODO Balance position needs to be upgraded to use a centre of balance
            // system, where the body is tilted and shifted as needed.
            // Process each of the distance holder and anchor points attached to this
            // class.
            if (restrictedMovementAreaUpdateRequired)
                restrictedMovementAreaUpdateRequired = false;

            // Control pad movement
            float hozAxis = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * maxSlideMovementSpeed;
            float verAxis = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * maxSlideMovementSpeed;

            noncumulativeOffset.x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
            noncumulativeOffset.z = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
            float keyBiasOffset = 0.5f;             // This goes towards how far forward the anchor point

            // is positioned in the direction of movement for keyboard based control.
            // Collect bias from external controls
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrow))
                slideOffset.z         = slideOffset.z + (maxSlideMovementSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
                noncumulativeOffset.z = keyBiasOffset;
                noncumulativeOffset.x = 0.0f;
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.DownArrow))
                slideOffset.z         = slideOffset.z - (maxSlideMovementSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
                noncumulativeOffset.z = -keyBiasOffset;
                noncumulativeOffset.x = 0.0f;
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftArrow))
                slideOffset.x         = slideOffset.x + (maxSlideMovementSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
                noncumulativeOffset.z = 0.0f;
                noncumulativeOffset.x = keyBiasOffset;
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow))
                slideOffset.x         = slideOffset.x - (maxSlideMovementSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
                noncumulativeOffset.z = 0.0f;
                noncumulativeOffset.x = -keyBiasOffset;

            // Controls switches
            bool isLeaningSwitch      = Input.GetButton("Button_R");
            bool isNoLegLiftingSwitch = Input.GetButton("Button_L");

            // Manual leg lifting button presses
            int anchorLift = -1;

            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Button_A"))
                anchorLift = 0;
            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Button_B"))
                anchorLift = 1;
            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Button_X"))
                anchorLift = 3;
            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Button_Y"))
                anchorLift = 2;
            if (anchorLift != -1)
                BMod_AnchorPoint anchorPoint = anchorPoints[anchorLift];
                anchorPoint.needsToLift = true;

            //Debug.Log("Hoz " + hozAxis + ", Ver " + verAxis);
            // Only apply horizontal and vertical slide axis if bal pos is ready for work
            if (balPosWorkingStatus == balPolStatusEnum.readyForWork)
                slideOffset.x = slideOffset.x + (hozAxis * Time.deltaTime);
                slideOffset.z = slideOffset.z + (verAxis * Time.deltaTime);
            // Rotation around centre point slide calculations here
            float rotAxis = Input.GetAxis("Hoz Rotate") * rotationDegreeDelta;

            // Calculate the restriction centre and compare with the actual roving centre.
            Vector3 biasActualCentre = new Vector3();

            foreach (Vector3 biasVector in biasMovementRestrictionArea)
                biasActualCentre = biasActualCentre + biasVector;
            biasActualCentre = biasActualCentre / biasMovementRestrictionArea.Count;
            if (Vector3.Distance(biasCentreTrack, biasActualCentre) > 0.0f)
                // If the centre if off then the robot is adjusting its balance
                balPosWorkingStatus = balPolStatusEnum.adjustingBalance;
                Vector3 biasMoved = Vector3.MoveTowards(biasCentreTrack, biasActualCentre, maxSlideMovementSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
                slideOffset = slideOffset + (biasCentreTrack - biasMoved) * 1.2f;                 // Boost the movement
                // Move the bias centre.
                biasCentreTrack = biasCentreTrack - (biasCentreTrack - biasMoved);
                if (biasCentreRepresentation != null)
                    biasCentreRepresentation.transform.position = biasCentreTrack;
                // If the balance point has been reached then declare ready for work, unless still in the start up sequence.
                if (balPosWorkingStatus != balPolStatusEnum.startingUp)
                    balPosWorkingStatus = balPolStatusEnum.readyForWork;

            // Roll through the anchor points and collect the limit reached offset vectices
            foreach (BMod_AnchorPoint anchorPoint in anchorPoints)
                // Only pull from the ones locked in place
                if (anchorPoint.lockedInPosition)
                    Vector3 limitCorrection = anchorPoint.limitReachCorrectionVector();
                    slideOffset.x = slideOffset.x + limitCorrection.x;
                    slideOffset.z = slideOffset.z + limitCorrection.z;

            // Update position sliders (Anchor points for now) with acceleration bias.
            // Only allow movement when balanced.
            if ((previousSlideOffset != slideOffset || rotAxis != 0.0f) && !isLeaningSwitch && anchorPoints != null)
                // Apply the slide and rotation changes to the anchor points.
                float angleRad = rotAxis * rotationDegreeDelta * Mathf.Deg2Rad;             // Changed rotationDegreeDelta to movementSpeed
                foreach (BMod_AnchorPoint anchorPoint in anchorPoints)
                    if (anchorPoint.lockedInPosition)
                        // Only apply offset as translation difference from previous offset if the anchor is locked.
                        Vector3 rotationOffset = Vector3.zero;
                        if (rotAxis != 0.0f)
                            // Rotation offset
                            Vector3 currentPosition = anchorPoint.anchorVertex.transform.position;
                            // The current position should be a vector from x = 0, z = 0. So be applying a rotation
                            // to the current position and keeping the offset, this should work as a way of creating rotation.
                            float xVal = currentPosition.x * Mathf.Cos(angleRad) - currentPosition.z * Mathf.Sin(angleRad);
                            float yVal = currentPosition.y;                             // We're not changing the height. Future versions may need to height check.
                            float zVal = currentPosition.x * Mathf.Sin(angleRad) + currentPosition.z * Mathf.Cos(angleRad);
                            rotationOffset = (new Vector3(xVal, yVal, zVal)) - currentPosition;
                        anchorPoint.anchorVertex.offset += (slideOffset - previousSlideOffset) + rotationOffset;                         // Apply the change in offset
                previousSlideOffset = slideOffset;

            // Check if any anchors have reached thier drop points.

            // If the counter bias has zero movement then any anchor points waiting for
            // release can be processed.
            // Check if prevent lift button is not pressed
            if (!isNoLegLiftingSwitch)
            }             //else {
                          //    Debug.Log("Button R pressed held");
                          // }

            // Adjust distance holder offsets
            float crouchAxis = Input.GetAxis("Crouch") * crouchRange;

            if (distanceHolders != null)
                if (isLeaningSwitch)
                    // This is to allow the rotational leaning of the robot.
                    Vector3 leanAxis = new Vector3(-Input.GetAxis("Hoz Rotate"), 0.0f, Input.GetAxis("Crouch"));
                    leanAxis = leanAxis * 1.5f;                     // Increase the movement range
                    foreach (BMod_DistanceHolder distanceHolder in distanceHolders)
                        Vector3 distHold      = distanceHolder.vertexPoint.transform.position;
                        Vector3 groundHolder  = new Vector3(distHold.x, 0.0f, distHold.z);
                        float   distToCentre  = Vector3.Distance(biasActualCentre, groundHolder);
                        float   distToTracked = Vector3.Distance(biasActualCentre + leanAxis, groundHolder);
                        float   ratioAlt      = distToTracked / distToCentre;
                        float   tiltOffset    = 0.0f;
                        if (ratioAlt != 1.0)
                            tiltOffset = distanceHolder.distanceToHold - (distanceHolder.distanceToHold * ratioAlt);
                        distanceHolder.distanceToHoldOffset = tiltOffset;
                    // Alter the height of each distance holder by the crouch axis
                    foreach (BMod_DistanceHolder distanceHolder in distanceHolders)
                        distanceHolder.distanceToHoldOffset = crouchAxis;
Exemple #3
 void checkForReleaseableAnchors()
     // Cycle through anchor points to check for any that need to be released.
     // Priority given to those furthest away from this balance position, which any tied then on priority value.
     if (anchorPoints != null)
         BMod_AnchorPoint anchorToUnlock = null;
         int unlockedCount = 0;
         List <BMod_AnchorPoint> requestors = new List <BMod_AnchorPoint>();
         foreach (BMod_AnchorPoint anchor in anchorPoints)
             if (anchor.needsToLift)
             if (anchor.lockedInPosition == false || anchor.currentAction == BMod_AnchorPoint.AnchorCurrentActionEnum.waitingForBalance)
         // Only proceed if there's less anchor points unlocked than the maximum allowed.
         if (unlockedCount < maxReleasable && requestors.Count > 0)
             if (requestors.Count > maxReleasable)
                 // Filter by distance and then by priority if needed.
                 // Distance is how far from original lock position
                 // Use a dictionary with the distance rounded to whole number. If a duplicat entry exists,
                 // it is overriden if the duplcate has a lower priority level.
                 // Dictionary is then sorted highest to lowest and first entry taken out.
                 Dictionary <int, BMod_AnchorPoint> distanceAnchors = new Dictionary <int, BMod_AnchorPoint>();
                 foreach (BMod_AnchorPoint anchorCheck in requestors)
                     // Only working with ground height of zero for the distances for now.
                     // Was used originally as part of the pushing through the ground test.
                     Vector3 nonHeightAnchor             = new Vector3(anchorCheck.anchorVertex.transform.position.x, 0.0f, anchorCheck.anchorVertex.transform.position.z);
                     int     distanceToOriginalLockPoint = Mathf.RoundToInt(Vector3.Distance(anchorCheck.lockedPosition, nonHeightAnchor) * 10.0f);
                     if (distanceAnchors.ContainsKey(distanceToOriginalLockPoint))
                         if (distanceAnchors[distanceToOriginalLockPoint].priorityIndex < anchorCheck.priorityIndex)
                             // Replace original anchor point
                             distanceAnchors[distanceToOriginalLockPoint] = anchorCheck;
                         distanceAnchors.Add(distanceToOriginalLockPoint, anchorCheck);
                 // Loop through keys and find the largest distance
                 int maxDistanceFound = -99;
                 foreach (int keyEntry in distanceAnchors.Keys)
                     if (keyEntry > maxDistanceFound)
                         maxDistanceFound = keyEntry;
                 // If a distance was found that wasn't the initialiser number then assign for unlocking.
                 if (maxDistanceFound != -99)
                     anchorToUnlock = distanceAnchors[maxDistanceFound];
                 // Allow the anchor to be unlocked.
                 anchorToUnlock = requestors[0];
         // If an anchor point was found to release, then unlock it.
         // Safety check status will need to be implemented to allow centre point time to move
         // within restriction zone if restricted area shrinks past it.
         if (anchorToUnlock != null)
             anchorToUnlock.currentAction = BMod_AnchorPoint.AnchorCurrentActionEnum.waitingForBalance;
             balPosWorkingStatus          = balPolStatusEnum.adjustingBalance;            // Make sure this is called.
             //anchorToUnlock.lockedInPosition = false;
             anchorToUnlock.needsToLift = false;
             Vector3 nonHeightAnchor = new Vector3(anchorToUnlock.anchorVertex.transform.position.x, 0.0f, anchorToUnlock.anchorVertex.transform.position.z);
             Vector3 currentPosition = nonHeightAnchor;
             // Update the unlock position to be slightly above the current position
             anchorToUnlock.unlockedPosition      = new Vector3(currentPosition.x, currentPosition.y + anchorLiftHeight, currentPosition.z);
             restrictedMovementAreaUpdateRequired = true;