Exemple #1
        public byte tval; /* Item type for book this spell is in */

        #endregion Fields

        #region Methods

         * Adjust damage according to resistance or vulnerability.
         * \param type is the attack type we are checking.
         * \param dam is the unadjusted damage.
         * \param dam_aspect is the calc we want (min, avg, max, random).
         * \param resist is the degree of resistance (-1 = vuln, 3 = immune).
        public static int adjust_dam(Player.Player p, GF type, int dam, aspect dam_aspect, int resist)
            GF gf_ptr = type;
            int i, denom;

            if (resist == 3) /* immune */
                return 0;

            /* Hack - acid damage is halved by armour, holy orb is halved */
            if ((type == GF.ACID && minus_ac(p)) || type == GF.HOLY_ORB)
                dam = (dam + 1) / 2;

            if (resist == -1) /* vulnerable */
                return (dam * 4 / 3);

            /* Variable resists vary the denominator, so we need to invert the logic
             * of dam_aspect. (m_bonus is unused) */
            switch (dam_aspect) {
                case aspect.MINIMISE:
                    denom = Random.randcalc(gf_ptr.denom, 0, aspect.MAXIMISE);
                case aspect.MAXIMISE:
                    denom = Random.randcalc(gf_ptr.denom, 0, aspect.MINIMISE);
                    denom = Random.randcalc(gf_ptr.denom, 0, dam_aspect);

            for (i = resist; i > 0; i--)
                if (denom != 0)
                    dam = dam * gf_ptr.num / denom;

            return dam;
Exemple #2
  * Calculation helper function for random_value structs.
 public static int randcalc(random_value v, int level, aspect rand_aspect)
     if (rand_aspect == aspect.EXTREMIFY)
         int min = randcalc(v, level, aspect.MINIMISE);
         int max = randcalc(v, level, aspect.MAXIMISE);
         return(Math.Abs(min) > Math.Abs(max) ? min : max);
         int dmg   = damcalc(v.dice, v.sides, rand_aspect);
         int bonus = m_bonus_calc(v.m_bonus, level, rand_aspect);
         return(v.Base + dmg + bonus);
Exemple #3
         * Calculation helper function for damroll
        public static int damcalc(int num, int sides, aspect dam_aspect)
            switch (dam_aspect) {
                case aspect.MAXIMISE:
                case aspect.EXTREMIFY: return num * sides;

                case aspect.RANDOMISE: return damroll(num, sides);

                case aspect.MINIMISE: return num;

                case aspect.AVERAGE: return num * (sides + 1) / 2;

            return 0;
Exemple #4
         * Adjust damage according to resistance or vulnerability.
         * \param type is the attack type we are checking.
         * \param dam is the unadjusted damage.
         * \param dam_aspect is the calc we want (min, avg, max, random).
         * \param resist is the degree of resistance (-1 = vuln, 3 = immune).
        public static int adjust_dam(Player.Player p, GF type, int dam, aspect dam_aspect, int resist)
            GF  gf_ptr = type;
            int i, denom;

            if (resist == 3)             /* immune */

            /* Hack - acid damage is halved by armour, holy orb is halved */
            if ((type == GF.ACID && minus_ac(p)) || type == GF.HOLY_ORB)
                dam = (dam + 1) / 2;

            if (resist == -1)             /* vulnerable */
                return(dam * 4 / 3);

            /* Variable resists vary the denominator, so we need to invert the logic
             * of dam_aspect. (m_bonus is unused) */
            switch (dam_aspect)
            case aspect.MINIMISE:
                denom = Random.randcalc(gf_ptr.denom, 0, aspect.MAXIMISE);

            case aspect.MAXIMISE:
                denom = Random.randcalc(gf_ptr.denom, 0, aspect.MINIMISE);

                denom = Random.randcalc(gf_ptr.denom, 0, dam_aspect);

            for (i = resist; i > 0; i--)
                if (denom != 0)
                    dam = dam * gf_ptr.num / denom;

Exemple #5
         * Calculation helper function for m_bonus.
        public static int m_bonus_calc(int max, int level, aspect bonus_aspect)
            switch (bonus_aspect)
            case aspect.EXTREMIFY:
            case aspect.MAXIMISE:  return(max);

            case aspect.RANDOMISE: return(m_bonus(max, level));

            case aspect.MINIMISE:  return(0);

            case aspect.AVERAGE:   return(max * level / Misc.MAX_DEPTH);

Exemple #6
         * Calculation helper function for damroll
        public static int damcalc(int num, int sides, aspect dam_aspect)
            switch (dam_aspect)
            case aspect.MAXIMISE:
            case aspect.EXTREMIFY: return(num * sides);

            case aspect.RANDOMISE: return(damroll(num, sides));

            case aspect.MINIMISE: return(num);

            case aspect.AVERAGE: return(num * (sides + 1) / 2);

Exemple #7
            ICollection <IVertex> oVerticesToLayOut,
            LayoutContext oLayoutContext,
            out Int32 iRows,
            out Int32 iColumns
            Debug.Assert(oVerticesToLayOut != null);
            Debug.Assert(oLayoutContext != null);

        #if false
            Some definitions:

            W = rectangle width

                H = rectangle height

                    A = rectangle aspect ratio = W / H

                                                 V = number of vertices in graph

                                                     Vrow = number of vertices per row

                                                            Vcol = number of vertices per column

                                                                   R = number of grid rows = Vcol + 1

                                                                                             C = number of grid columns = Vrow + 1

                                                                                                                          First simulataneous equation, allowing Vrow and Vcol to be fractional
            for now:

            Vrow * Vcol = V

                          Second simulataneous equation:

                          C / R = A

                                  Combining these equations yield this quadratic equation:

                                  C + [(-A - 1) * C] +[A * (1 - V)] = 0
Exemple #8
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            RaycastHit2D hit;
            if (hit = Physics2D.Raycast(new Vector2(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition).x, Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition).y), Vector2.zero, 0f))
                if (hit.collider.tag == "Hex")
                    Hex    h = hit.collider.gameObject.transform.GetComponent(typeof(Hex)) as Hex;
                    aspect aspc;
                    if (aspect_scroll.GetComponent <AspectScroll> ().selected_aspect == "NULL")
                        aspc      = new aspect();
                        aspc.name = "NULL";
                        aspc = aspect_dictionary [aspect_scroll.GetComponent <AspectScroll> ().selected_aspect];
                    h.aspect = aspc;
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
            RaycastHit2D hit;
            if (hit = Physics2D.Raycast(new Vector2(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition).x, Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition).y), Vector2.zero, 0f))
                if (hit.collider.tag == "Hex")
                    Hex h = hit.collider.gameObject.transform.GetComponent(typeof(Hex)) as Hex;

                    aspect aspc;
                    aspc      = new aspect();
                    aspc.name = "NULL";
                    h.aspect  = aspc;
Exemple #9
         * Calculate hp for a monster. This function assumes that the Rand_normal
         * function has limits of +/- 4x std_dev. If that changes, this function
         * will become inaccurate.
         * \param r_ptr is the race of the monster in question.
         * \param hp_aspect is the hp calc we want (min, max, avg, random).
        public static int mon_hp(Monster_Race r_ptr, aspect hp_aspect)
            int std_dev = (((r_ptr.avg_hp * 10) / 8) + 5) / 10;

                if (r_ptr.avg_hp > 1) std_dev++;

                switch (hp_aspect) {
                    case aspect.MINIMISE:
                        return (r_ptr.avg_hp - (4 * std_dev));
                    case aspect.MAXIMISE:
                    case aspect.EXTREMIFY:
                        return (r_ptr.avg_hp + (4 * std_dev));
                    case aspect.AVERAGE:
                        return r_ptr.avg_hp;
                        return Random.Rand_normal(r_ptr.avg_hp, std_dev);
Exemple #10
         * Wipe an object clean and make it a standard object of the specified kind.
         * Was previous "object_prep", is now a constructor for Object
        public void prep(Object_Kind k, int lev, aspect rand_aspect)
            int flag, x;
            Bitflag flags = new Bitflag(Object_Flag.SIZE);

            // Assign the kind and copy across data
            this.kind = k;
            this.tval = k.tval;
            this.sval = k.sval;
            this.ac = k.ac;
            this.dd = k.dd;
            this.ds = k.ds;
            this.weight = k.weight;

            // Default number
            this.number = 1;

            for(int i = 0; i < pval_flags.Length; i++) {
                pval_flags[i] = new Bitflag(Object_Flag.SIZE);

            // Apply pvals and then copy flags
            for (int i = 0; i < k.num_pvals; i++) {
                x = Random.randcalc(k.pval[i], lev, rand_aspect);
                for (flag = flags.next(Bitflag.FLAG_START); flag != Bitflag.FLAG_null; flag = flags.next(flag + 1))
                    add_pval(x, flag);
            if(k.Base != null) {

            // Assign charges (wands/staves only)
            if (tval == TVal.TV_WAND || tval == TVal.TV_STAFF)
                pval[Misc.DEFAULT_PVAL] = (short)Random.randcalc(k.charge, lev, rand_aspect);

            // Assign flagless pval for food or oil
            if (tval == TVal.TV_FOOD || tval == TVal.TV_POTION || tval == TVal.TV_FLASK)
                pval[Misc.DEFAULT_PVAL] = (short)Random.randcalc(k.pval[Misc.DEFAULT_PVAL], lev, rand_aspect);

            // Default fuel for lamps
            if (tval == TVal.TV_LIGHT) {
                if(sval == SVal.SV_LIGHT_TORCH)
                    timeout = Misc.DEFAULT_TORCH;
                else if(sval == SVal.SV_LIGHT_LANTERN)
                    timeout = Misc.DEFAULT_LAMP;

            // Default magic
            to_h = (short)Random.randcalc(k.to_h, lev, rand_aspect);
            to_d = (short)Random.randcalc(k.to_d, lev, rand_aspect);
            to_a = (short)Random.randcalc(k.to_a, lev, rand_aspect);
Exemple #11
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()

        draw_hex_from_hexes(4, ref grid);

        XmlDocument aspect_list_doc = new XmlDocument();

        XmlNodeList aspects_list = aspect_list_doc.GetElementsByTagName("aspect");

        foreach (XmlNode aspect in aspects_list)
            XmlNodeList aspect_data = aspect.ChildNodes;
            string      name        = "NULL";
            aspect      asp         = new aspect();
            foreach (XmlNode aspect_child in aspect_data)
                if (aspect_child.Name == "keywords")
                    asp.keywords = aspect_child.InnerText;
                else if (aspect_child.Name == "isPrimal")
                    if (aspect_child.InnerText == "true")
                        asp.primal = true;
                        asp.primal = false;
                else if (aspect_child.Name == "name")
                    name = aspect_child.InnerText;


                    asp.name = name;

                    Texture2D tex = null;
                    byte[]    fileData;

                    string file_name = Application.persistentDataPath + "/Aspect_Textures/" + name.ToLower() + ".png";

                    if (File.Exists(file_name))
                        fileData    = File.ReadAllBytes(file_name);
                        asp.texture = new Texture2D(32, 32);
                        asp.texture.LoadImage(fileData);                         //..this will auto-resize the texture dimensions.
                        asp.texture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
                        Debug.Log("Failed to load texture for: " + name + ", at path: " + file_name);
                else if (aspect_child.Name == "component1")
                    asp.component1 = aspect_child.InnerText;
                else if (aspect_child.Name == "component2")
                    asp.component2 = aspect_child.InnerText;
            aspect_dictionary.Add(name, asp);

        aspect_scroll.GetComponent <AspectScroll> ().aspects = aspect_dictionary;


Exemple #12
  * Calculation helper function for random_value structs.
 public static int randcalc(random_value v, int level, aspect rand_aspect)
     if (rand_aspect == aspect.EXTREMIFY) {
         int min = randcalc(v, level, aspect.MINIMISE);
         int max = randcalc(v, level, aspect.MAXIMISE);
         return Math.Abs(min) > Math.Abs(max) ? min : max;
     } else {
         int dmg   = damcalc(v.dice, v.sides, rand_aspect);
         int bonus = m_bonus_calc(v.m_bonus, level, rand_aspect);
         return v.Base + dmg + bonus;
Exemple #13
         * Calculation helper function for m_bonus.
        public static int m_bonus_calc(int max, int level, aspect bonus_aspect)
            switch (bonus_aspect) {
                case aspect.EXTREMIFY:
                case aspect.MAXIMISE:  return max;

                case aspect.RANDOMISE: return m_bonus(max, level);

                case aspect.MINIMISE:  return 0;

                case aspect.AVERAGE:   return max * level / Misc.MAX_DEPTH;

            return 0;
Exemple #14
            ICollection <IVertex> oVerticesToLayOut,
            LayoutContext oLayoutContext,
            out Int32 iRows,
            out Int32 iColumns
            Debug.Assert(oVerticesToLayOut != null);
            Debug.Assert(oLayoutContext != null);

        #if false
            Some definitions:

            W = rectangle width

                H = rectangle height

                    A = rectangle aspect ratio = W / H

                                                 V = number of vertices in graph

                                                     R = number of grid rows

                                                         C = number of grid columns

                                                             First simulataneous equation, allowing R and C to be fractional for

            R * C = V

                    Second simulataneous equation:

                    C / R = A

                            Combining these equations yields:

                            1 / 2
                            C = (V * A)

            Int32 V = oVerticesToLayOut.Count;

            // Compute the aspect ratio.

            RectangleF oRectangleF = oLayoutContext.GraphRectangle;
            Debug.Assert(oRectangleF.Height != 0);
            Double A = oRectangleF.Width / oRectangleF.Height;

            Double C = Math.Sqrt(V * A);
            Debug.Assert(A != 0);
            Double R = C / A;

            // Try the floor/ceiling combinations.

            // C floor, R floor

            iColumns = (Int32)Math.Floor(C);
            iRows    = (Int32)Math.Floor(R);

            if (RowsAndColumnsAreSufficient(iRows, iColumns, V))

            // C floor, R ceiling


            if (RowsAndColumnsAreSufficient(iRows, iColumns, V))

            // C ceiling, R floor

            iColumns = (Int32)Math.Ceiling(C);
            iRows    = (Int32)Math.Floor(R);

            if (RowsAndColumnsAreSufficient(iRows, iColumns, V))

            // C ceiling, R ceiling


            Debug.Assert(RowsAndColumnsAreSufficient(iRows, iColumns, V));