private void addViewInner(android.view.View child, int index, android.view.ViewGroup .LayoutParams @params, bool preventRequestLayout) { if (mTransition != null) { // Don't prevent other add transitions from completing, but cancel remove // transitions to let them complete the process before we add to the container mTransition.cancel(android.animation.LayoutTransition.DISAPPEARING); } if (child.getParent() != null) { throw new System.InvalidOperationException("The specified child already has a parent. " + "You must call removeView() on the child's parent first."); } if (mTransition != null) { mTransition.addChild(this, child); } if (!checkLayoutParams(@params)) { @params = generateLayoutParams(@params); } if (preventRequestLayout) { child.mLayoutParams = @params; } else { child.setLayoutParams(@params); } if (index < 0) { index = mChildrenCount; } addInArray(child, index); // tell our children if (preventRequestLayout) { child.assignParent(this); } else { child.mParent = this; } if (child.hasFocus()) { requestChildFocus(child, child.findFocus()); } android.view.View.AttachInfo ai = mAttachInfo; if (ai != null && (mGroupFlags & FLAG_PREVENT_DISPATCH_ATTACHED_TO_WINDOW) == 0) { bool lastKeepOn = ai.mKeepScreenOn; ai.mKeepScreenOn = false; child.dispatchAttachedToWindow(mAttachInfo, (mViewFlags & VISIBILITY_MASK)); if (ai.mKeepScreenOn) { needGlobalAttributesUpdate(true); } ai.mKeepScreenOn = lastKeepOn; } onViewAdded(child); if ((child.mViewFlags & DUPLICATE_PARENT_STATE) == DUPLICATE_PARENT_STATE) { mGroupFlags |= FLAG_NOTIFY_CHILDREN_ON_DRAWABLE_STATE_CHANGE; } }
public virtual void updateViewLayout(android.view.View view, android.view.ViewGroup .LayoutParams @params) { if (!checkLayoutParams(@params)) { throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid LayoutParams supplied to " + this); } if (view.mParent != this) { throw new System.ArgumentException("Given view not a child of " + this); } view.setLayoutParams(@params); }
public override void addView(android.view.View child) { if (child.getLayoutParams() == null) { android.widget.LinearLayout.LayoutParams lp = new android.widget.LinearLayout.LayoutParams (0, android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, 1.0f); lp.setMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); child.setLayoutParams(lp); } // Ensure you can navigate to the tab with the keyboard, and you can touch it child.setFocusable(true); child.setClickable(true); base.addView(child); // TODO: detect this via geometry with a tabwidget listener rather // than potentially interfere with the view's listener child.setOnClickListener(new android.widget.TabWidget.TabClickListener(this, getTabCount () - 1)); child.setOnFocusChangeListener(this); }
public virtual void updateViewLayout(android.view.View view, android.view.ViewGroup .LayoutParams @params) { if (!(@params is android.view.WindowManagerClass.LayoutParams)) { throw new System.ArgumentException("Params must be WindowManager.LayoutParams"); } android.view.WindowManagerClass.LayoutParams wparams = (android.view.WindowManagerClass .LayoutParams)@params; view.setLayoutParams(wparams); lock (this) { int index = findViewLocked(view, true); android.view.ViewRootImpl root = mRoots[index]; mParams[index] = wparams; root.setLayoutParams(wparams, false); } }
private void addView(android.view.View view, android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams @params, android.view.CompatibilityInfoHolder cih, bool nest) { if (false) { android.util.Log.v("WindowManager", "addView view=" + view); } if (!(@params is android.view.WindowManagerClass.LayoutParams)) { throw new System.ArgumentException("Params must be WindowManager.LayoutParams"); } android.view.WindowManagerClass.LayoutParams wparams = (android.view.WindowManagerClass .LayoutParams)@params; android.view.ViewRootImpl root; android.view.View panelParentView = null; lock (this) { // Here's an odd/questionable case: if someone tries to add a // view multiple times, then we simply bump up a nesting count // and they need to remove the view the corresponding number of // times to have it actually removed from the window manager. // This is useful specifically for the notification manager, // which can continually add/remove the same view as a // notification gets updated. int index = findViewLocked(view, false); if (index >= 0) { if (!nest) { throw new System.InvalidOperationException("View " + view + " has already been added to the window manager." ); } root = mRoots[index]; root.mAddNesting++; // Update layout parameters. view.setLayoutParams(wparams); root.setLayoutParams(wparams, true); return; } // If this is a panel window, then find the window it is being // attached to for future reference. if (wparams.type >= android.view.WindowManagerClass.LayoutParams.FIRST_SUB_WINDOW && wparams.type <= android.view.WindowManagerClass.LayoutParams.LAST_SUB_WINDOW) { int count = mViews != null ? mViews.Length : 0; { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (mRoots[i].mWindow.asBinder() == wparams.token) { panelParentView = mViews[i]; } } } } root = new android.view.ViewRootImpl(view.getContext()); root.mAddNesting = 1; if (cih == null) { root.mCompatibilityInfo = new android.view.CompatibilityInfoHolder(); } else { root.mCompatibilityInfo = cih; } view.setLayoutParams(wparams); if (mViews == null) { index = 1; mViews = new android.view.View[1]; mRoots = new android.view.ViewRootImpl[1]; mParams = new android.view.WindowManagerClass.LayoutParams[1]; } else { index = mViews.Length + 1; object[] old = mViews; mViews = new android.view.View[index]; System.Array.Copy(old, 0, mViews, 0, index - 1); old = mRoots; mRoots = new android.view.ViewRootImpl[index]; System.Array.Copy(old, 0, mRoots, 0, index - 1); old = mParams; mParams = new android.view.WindowManagerClass.LayoutParams[index]; System.Array.Copy(old, 0, mParams, 0, index - 1); } index--; mViews[index] = view; mRoots[index] = root; mParams[index] = wparams; } // do this last because it fires off messages to start doing things root.setView(view, wparams, panelParentView); }
public override void setCustomView(android.view.View view, LayoutParams layoutParams) { view.setLayoutParams(layoutParams); mActionView.setCustomNavigationView(view); }