Exemple #1
 public DoProgressAsync_AsyncTask(BaseActivity _this, int pTitleResID, andengine.util.progress.ProgressCallable <T> pCallable,
                                  andengine.util.Callback <T> pCallback, andengine.util.Callback <Exception> pExceptionCallback)
     this._this              = _this;
     this.pTitleResID        = pTitleResID;
     this.pCallable          = pCallable;
     this.pCallback          = pCallback;
     this.pExceptionCallback = pExceptionCallback;
            // ===========================================================
            // Constructors
            // ===========================================================

            public TextureSourceWithWithLocationCallback(ITextureSource pTextureSource, andengine.util.Callback <TextureSourceWithLocation> pCallback)
                this.mTextureSource = pTextureSource;
                mCallback           = pCallback;
        // ===========================================================
        // Methods
        // ===========================================================

         * When all {@link ITextureSource}s are added you have to call {@link BuildableTexture#build(ITextureBuilder)}.
         * @param pTextureSource to be added.
         * @param pTextureRegion
        public void AddTextureSource(ITextureSource pTextureSource, andengine.util.Callback <TextureSourceWithLocation> pCallback)
            this.mTextureSourcesToPlace.Add(new TextureSourceWithWithLocationCallback(pTextureSource, pCallback));
Exemple #4
  * Performs a task in the background, showing a indeterminate {@link ProgressDialog},
  * while the {@link Callable} is being processed.
  * @param <T>
  * @param pTitleResID
  * @param pMessageResID
  * @param pErrorMessageResID
  * @param pCallable
  * @param pCallback
  * @param pExceptionCallback
 protected void DoAsync <T>(int pTitleResID, int pMessageResID, andengine.util.Callable <T> pCallable, andengine.util.Callback <T> pCallback, andengine.util.Callback <Exception> pExceptionCallback)
      *      new AsyncTask<Void, Void, T>() {
      *              private ProgressDialog mPD;
      *              private Exception mException = null;
      *              @Override
      *              public void onPreExecute() {
      *                      this.mPD = ProgressDialog.show(BaseActivity.this, BaseActivity.this.getString(pTitleResID), BaseActivity.this.getString(pMessageResID));
      *                      super.onPreExecute();
      *              }
      *              @Override
      *              public T doInBackground(final Void... params) {
      *                      try {
      *                              return pCallable.call();
      *                      } catch (final Exception e) {
      *                              this.mException = e;
      *                      }
      *                      return null;
      *              }
      *              @Override
      *              public void onPostExecute(final T result) {
      *                      try {
      *                              this.mPD.dismiss();
      *                      } catch (final Exception e) {
      *                              Debug.e("Error", e);
      *                      }
      *                      if(this.isCancelled()) {
      *                              this.mException = new CancelledException();
      *                      }
      *                      if(this.mException == null) {
      *                              pCallback.onCallback(result);
      *                      } else {
      *                              if(pExceptionCallback == null) {
      *                                      Debug.e("Error", this.mException);
      *                              } else {
      *                                      pExceptionCallback.onCallback(this.mException);
      *                              }
      *                      }
      *                      super.onPostExecute(result);
      *              }
      *      }.execute((Void[]) null);
      */// NB: In-method class moved just immediately below (DoAsync_AsyncTask1)
     new DoAsync_AsyncTask <T>(this, pTitleResID, pMessageResID, pCallable, pCallback, pExceptionCallback).Execute((object[])null);
Exemple #5
        // ===========================================================
        // Constants
        // ===========================================================

        // ===========================================================
        // Fields
        // ===========================================================

        // ===========================================================
        // Constructors
        // ===========================================================

        // ===========================================================
        // Getter & Setter
        // ===========================================================

        // ===========================================================
        // Methods for/from SuperClass/Interfaces
        // ===========================================================

        // ===========================================================
        // Methods
        // ===========================================================

         * Performs a task in the background, showing a {@link ProgressDialog},
         * while the {@link Callable} is being processed.
         * @param <T>
         * @param pTitleResID
         * @param pMessageResID
         * @param pErrorMessageResID
         * @param pCallable
         * @param pCallback
        protected void DoAsync <T>(int pTitleResID, int pMessageResID, andengine.util.Callable <T> pCallable, andengine.util.Callback <T> pCallback)
            this.DoAsync <T>(pTitleResID, pMessageResID, pCallable, pCallback, null);
Exemple #6
 public DoAsync_Callback(BaseActivity _this, ProgressDialog pd, andengine.util.Callback <T> pCallback)
     this._this = _this; this.pCallback = pCallback;
Exemple #7
         * Performs a task in the background, showing an indeterminate {@link ProgressDialog},
         * while the {@link AsyncCallable} is being processed.
         * @param <T>
         * @param pTitleResID
         * @param pMessageResID
         * @param pErrorMessageResID
         * @param pAsyncCallable
         * @param pCallback
         * @param pExceptionCallback
        protected void DoAsync <T>(int pTitleResID, int pMessageResID, andengine.util.AsyncCallable <T> pAsyncCallable, andengine.util.Callback <T> pCallback, andengine.util.Callback <Exception> pExceptionCallback)
            ProgressDialog pd = ProgressDialog.Show(this, this.GetString(pTitleResID), this.GetString(pMessageResID));

             *      pAsyncCallable.Call(new Callback<T>() {
             *              @Override
             *              public void onCallback(final T result) {
             *                      try {
             *                              pd.dismiss();
             *                      } catch (final Exception e) {
             *                              Debug.e("Error", e);
             *                              /* Nothing. * /
             *                      }
             *                      pCallback.onCallback(result);
             *              }
             *      }, pExceptionCallback);
            pAsyncCallable.Call(new DoAsync_Callback <T>(this, pd, pCallback), pExceptionCallback);
Exemple #8
  * Performs a task in the background, showing a {@link ProgressDialog} with a ProgressBar,
  * while the {@link AsyncCallable} is being processed.
  * @param <T>
  * @param pTitleResID
  * @param pMessageResID
  * @param pErrorMessageResID
  * @param pAsyncCallable
  * @param pCallback
  * @param pExceptionCallback
 protected void DoProgressAsync <T>(int pTitleResID, andengine.util.progress.ProgressCallable <T> pCallable, andengine.util.Callback <T> pCallback, andengine.util.Callback <Exception> pExceptionCallback)
     /* Moved into new inner class: DoProssAsync_AsyncTask
      *      new AsyncTask<Void, Integer, T>() {
      *          private ProgressDialog mPD;
      *          private Exception mException = null;
      *          @Override
      *          public void onPreExecute() {
      *                  this.mPD = new ProgressDialog(BaseActivity.this);
      *                  this.mPD.setTitle(pTitleResID);
      *                  this.mPD.setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_save);
      *                  this.mPD.setIndeterminate(false);
      *                  this.mPD.setProgressStyle(ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL);
      *                  this.mPD.show();
      *                  super.onPreExecute();
      *          }
      *          @Override
      *          public T doInBackground(final Void... params) {
      *                  try {
      *                          return pCallable.call(new IProgressListener() {
      *                                  @Override
      *                                  public void onProgressChanged(final int pProgress) {
      *                                          onProgressUpdate(pProgress);
      *                                  }
      *                          });
      *                  } catch (final Exception e) {
      *                          this.mException = e;
      *                  }
      *                  return null;
      *          }
      *          @Override
      *          public void onProgressUpdate(final Integer... values) {
      *                  this.mPD.setProgress(values[0]);
      *          }
      *          @Override
      *          public void onPostExecute(final T result) {
      *                  try {
      *                          this.mPD.dismiss();
      *                  } catch (final Exception e) {
      *                          Debug.e("Error", e);
      *                          /* Nothing. * /
      *                  }
      *                  if(this.isCancelled()) {
      *                          this.mException = new CancelledException();
      *                  }
      *                  if(this.mException == null) {
      *                          pCallback.onCallback(result);
      *                  } else {
      *                          if(pExceptionCallback == null) {
      *                                  Debug.e("Error", this.mException);
      *                          } else {
      *                                  pExceptionCallback.onCallback(this.mException);
      *                          }
      *                  }
      *                  super.onPostExecute(result);
      *          }
      *      }.execute((Void[]) null);
     new DoProgressAsync_AsyncTask <T>(this, pTitleResID, pCallable, pCallback, pExceptionCallback).Execute();
Exemple #9
  * Performs a task in the background, showing a {@link ProgressDialog} with an ProgressBar,
  * while the {@link AsyncCallable} is being processed.
  * @param <T>
  * @param pTitleResID
  * @param pMessageResID
  * @param pErrorMessageResID
  * @param pAsyncCallable
  * @param pCallback
 protected void DoProgressAsync <T>(int pTitleResID, andengine.util.progress.ProgressCallable <T> pCallable, andengine.util.Callback <T> pCallback)
     this.DoProgressAsync <T>(pTitleResID, pCallable, pCallback, null);