Exemple #1
        protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool validImage = false;

            advertiser logo = new advertiser();

            validImage = logo.validateLogoDimensions(fiuLogo);

            if (validImage)
                bool flag = false;
                flag = logo.updateLogo(fiuLogo.FileBytes, logo.getCompanyID(User.Identity.Name));
                if (flag)
                    lblMessage.Text      = "Upload Successful";
                    lblMessage.Visible   = true;
                    lblMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
                    lblMessage.Text      = "Upload Failed";
                    lblMessage.Visible   = true;
                    lblMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                lblMessage.Text      = "Upload Failed. Please ensure image is in .jpg or .jpeg format and having dimensions 150x100.";
                lblMessage.Visible   = true;
                lblMessage.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
        protected void btnPurchaseDetails_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string     jobseekerID = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString();
            advertiser purchase    = new advertiser();
            int        unitAmount  = 1;
            string     totalUnits  = purchase.GetUnitCountByEmail(User.Identity.Name);

                bool flag = purchase.DepleteUnitsByEmail(unitAmount, User.Identity.Name);
                //Redirect user to success page
                if (flag)
                    purchase.PurchaseJobseeker(jobseekerID, User.Identity.Name);

                    Response.Redirect("PurchasedJobseekerDetail.aspx?id=" + jobseekerID + "&units=" + totalUnits + "&amt=" + unitAmount);

            catch (SqlException)
Exemple #3
        protected void btnExtendAdvert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            dataAccess database   = new dataAccess();
            advertiser post       = new advertiser();
            string     totalUnits = post.GetUnitCountByEmail(User.Identity.Name);

            int    unitAmount = 0;
            double addDate    = 0;

            if (ddlAdvertLength.SelectedValue.ToString() == "15")
                addDate    = 15;
                unitAmount = 1;
            else if (ddlAdvertLength.SelectedValue.ToString() == "30")
                addDate    = 30;
                unitAmount = 2;
            DateTime expiryDate = post.GetExpireDateByJobPostID(GridView1.SelectedValue.ToString());

            bool flag = post.DepleteUnitsByEmail(unitAmount, User.Identity.Name);

            //Redirect user to success page
            if (flag)
                database.updateData("UPDATE jobsdb_JobPost SET ExpireDate ='" + string.Format("{0:yyyy/MM/dd}", expiryDate.AddDays(addDate)) + "' WHERE ID='" + GridView1.SelectedValue.ToString() + "'");
                Response.Redirect("PostSuccessfull.aspx?PostID=" + GridView1.SelectedValue.ToString() + "&type=e&amt=" + unitAmount.ToString() + "&units=" + totalUnits);
Exemple #4
        protected void btnCheckout_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            dataAccess database     = new dataAccess();
            advertiser purchaseUnts = new advertiser();
            Int64      ID           = 0;
            string     insertString = "INSERT INTO jobsdb_UnitOrder (Employer, UnitQty, UnitAmount, Date, Paid, Credited, Active) VALUES ('" + purchaseUnts.getCompanyID(User.Identity.Name) +
                                      "','" + txtTotalUnits.Text.ToString() + "','" + unitAmount + "',GETDATE(),'N','N','Y'); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()";

            ID = database.insertData_ReturnID(insertString);

            Response.Redirect("Order.aspx?OrderID=" + ID);
        protected void FillGridView()
            advertiser    company = new advertiser();
            SqlDataSource sqlDataSourcePurchasedJobseekers = new SqlDataSource();

            sqlDataSourcePurchasedJobseekers.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ZamJobsConnString"].ConnectionString.ToString();
            string companyID = company.getCompanyID(User.Identity.Name);

            sqlDataSourcePurchasedJobseekers.SelectCommand = "SELECT jobsdb_PurchaseJobseeker.Company, jobsdb_JobSeeker.ID, jobsdb_JobSeeker.FirstName, jobsdb_JobSeeker.LastName, jobsdb_JobSeeker.ContactNumber, jobsdb_JobSeeker.Email FROM jobsdb_JobSeeker INNER JOIN jobsdb_PurchaseJobseeker ON jobsdb_JobSeeker.ID = jobsdb_PurchaseJobseeker.Jobseeker WHERE Company ='" + companyID + "'";
            GridView1.DataSource = sqlDataSourcePurchasedJobseekers;
        protected void btnDownloadCV_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            advertiser CV          = new advertiser();
            string     jobseekerID = Request.QueryString["JobseekerID"].ToString();

            byte[] data = CV.getCV(jobseekerID);
            // Open binary data in word .doc format
            Response.Buffer      = true;
            Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-word";
            Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=ZamJobsCV_" + CV.GetJobseekerName(jobseekerID) + ".doc");
            Response.Charset = "";

 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
         string ID    = Request.QueryString["JobseekerID"].ToString();
         int    idNum = Convert.ToInt32(ID);
             advertiser jobseeker = new advertiser();
             bool       flag      = jobseeker.checkJobseeker(ID);
             if (flag)
                 if (jobseeker.checkUserAccessToJobseeker(User.Identity.Name, ID))
                     btnDownloadCV.Visible = true;
                     lblErrorMsg.Visible   = false;
                     DetailsView1.Enabled  = true;
                     btnDownloadCV.Visible = false;
                     lblErrorMsg.Text      = "You do not have access to the requested jobseeker.";
                     lblErrorMsg.Visible   = true;
                     DetailsView1.Enabled  = false;
                     DetailsView1.Visible  = false;
                 btnDownloadCV.Visible = false;
                 lblErrorMsg.Text      = "There hase been an error with your request.";
                 lblErrorMsg.Visible   = true;
         catch (FormatException)
     catch (Exception)
         btnDownloadCV.Visible = false;
         lblErrorMsg.Text      = "There hase been an error with your request.";
         lblErrorMsg.Visible   = true;
Exemple #8
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            advertiser advertiser = new advertiser();
            string     ID         = advertiser.getCompanyID(User.Identity.Name);

            dataAccess database = new dataAccess();

            System.Data.DataTable logos = database.getTable("SELECT Logo FROM jobsdb_Employer Where ID='" + ID + "'");
            if (logos.Rows[0]["Logo"].ToString() == "")
                imgLogo.ImageUrl = "~/Images/no-logo.gif";
                imgLogo.ImageUrl = "UploadLogo.aspx?imageID=" + ID;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string     jobseekerID = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString();
            advertiser purchase    = new advertiser();

            if (purchase.CheckJobseekerStatus(jobseekerID))
                if (purchase.CheckExistingPurchaseJobseeker(jobseekerID, User.Identity.Name))
                    btnPurchaseDetails.Enabled = false;
                btnPurchaseDetails.Visible = false;
                lblMessage.Text            = "User does not exist or inactive.";
Exemple #10
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (Request.QueryString["PostID"] != null)
         advertiser    jobpost              = new advertiser();
         string        companyID            = jobpost.getCompanyID(User.Identity.Name);
         string        jobpostID            = Request.QueryString["PostID"].ToString();
         string        selectQuery          = @"SELECT        ID, Title, Overview,
                      (SELECT        CompanyName
                        FROM            jobsdb_Employer
                        WHERE        (jobsdb_JobPost.Company = ID)) AS Company,
                      (SELECT        Country
                        FROM            jobsdb_Country
                        WHERE        (ID = jobsdb_JobPost.Country)) AS Country,
                      (SELECT        Region
                        FROM            jobsdb_Region
                        WHERE        (ID = jobsdb_JobPost.Region)) AS Region,
                      (SELECT        Location
                        FROM            jobsdb_Location
                        WHERE        (ID = jobsdb_JobPost.Location)) AS Location,
                      (SELECT        Category
                        FROM            jobsdb_JobCategory
                        WHERE        (ID = jobsdb_JobPost.Category)) AS Category,
                      (SELECT        JobType
                        FROM            jobsdb_JobType
                        WHERE        (ID = jobsdb_JobPost.Type)) AS Type,
                      WorkExperience, WorkExperienceComment,
                      (SELECT        EducationLevel
                        FROM            jobsdb_Education
                        WHERE        (ID = jobsdb_JobPost.EducationLevel)) AS EducationLevel, EducationLevelComment, PersonalAttributes, Competencies, PostDate, ExpireDate
                     FROM            jobsdb_JobPost
                 WHERE        ID ='" + jobpostID + "' AND Company='" + companyID + "'";
         SqlDataSource sqlDataSourceJobPost = new SqlDataSource();
         sqlDataSourceJobPost.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ZamJobsConnString"].ConnectionString.ToString();
         sqlDataSourceJobPost.SelectCommand    = selectQuery;
         DetailsView1.DataSource = sqlDataSourceJobPost;
Exemple #11
        protected void btnPost_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SqlConnection connString = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ZamJobsConnString"].ConnectionString);

            string     title        = txtJobTitle.Text;
            string     overview     = txtJobOverview.Text;
            string     companyEmail = User.Identity.Name;
            dataAccess advertiser   = new dataAccess();
            advertiser post         = new advertiser();
            string     totalUnits   = post.GetUnitCountByEmail(User.Identity.Name);
            DataTable  IdTbl        = advertiser.getTable("SELECT ID FROM jobsdb_Employer WHERE email = '" + companyEmail + "'");
            Int16      companyID    = Convert.ToInt16(IdTbl.Rows[0]["ID"]);
            Int16      country      = Convert.ToInt16(ddlCountry.SelectedValue);
            Int16      region       = 0;

            if (ddlRegion.SelectedValue != "")
                region = Convert.ToInt16(ddlRegion.SelectedValue);
            Int16 location = 0;

            if (ddlLocation.SelectedValue != "")
                location = Convert.ToInt16(ddlLocation.SelectedValue);
            Int16 type     = Convert.ToInt16(ddlJobType.SelectedValue);
            Int16 category = Convert.ToInt16(ddlCategory.SelectedValue);
            Int16 jobType  = Convert.ToInt16(ddlJobType.SelectedValue);

            Int16  experience         = Convert.ToInt16(ddlWorkExperience.SelectedValue);
            string exerienceComment   = txtWorkExperience.Text;
            Int16  education          = Convert.ToInt16(ddlEducation.SelectedValue);
            string educationComment   = txtEducation.Text;
            string personalAttributes = txtPesonalAttributes.Text;
            string competencies       = txtCompetencies.Text;
            string postDate           = string.Format("{0:yyyy/MM/dd}", DateTime.Today);
            int    unitAmount         = 0;
            string expiryDate         = string.Format("{0:yyyy/MM/dd}", DateTime.Now.AddDays(Convert.ToDouble(ddlAdvertLength.SelectedValue.ToString())));

            if (ddlAdvertLength.SelectedValue.ToString() == "15")
                unitAmount = 1;
            else if (ddlAdvertLength.SelectedValue.ToString() == "30")
                unitAmount = 2;

            // create query string to insert data in database
            string insertString = @"
                        insert into jobsdb_JobPost
                        values ('" + title + "','" + overview + "','" + companyID + "','" + country + "','" + region + "','" + location +
                                  "','" + category + "','" + type + "','" + experience + "','" + exerienceComment + "','" + education +
                                  "','" + educationComment + "','" + personalAttributes + "','" + competencies + "','" + postDate + "','" + expiryDate + "'); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()";

                bool flag = post.DepleteUnitsByEmail(unitAmount, User.Identity.Name);
                //Redirect user to success page
                if (flag)
                    //SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(insertString, connString);
                    Int64 id = advertiser.insertData_ReturnID(insertString);
                    // Call ExecuteNonQuery to send command
                    Response.Redirect("PostSuccessfull.aspx?PostID=" + id + "&type=n&amt=" + unitAmount.ToString() + "&units=" + totalUnits);
            catch (SqlException)
Exemple #12
 advertiser parentav;        //parent navigator
 void Start()
     parent   = transform.parent.gameObject;
     parentav = transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <advertiser>();
Exemple #13
        protected Int64 getUnitAmount()
            advertiser unitAmt = new advertiser();
