public ActionResult Assertion(int userID, int achievementID)
            string   userEmail, achievementImageURL;
            DateTime achievementDate;

            using (UnitOfWork work = new UnitOfWork())
                // Verify user actually has achievement
                if (!work.AchievementRepository.DoesUserHaveAchievement(userID, achievementID))
                    return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.NotFound));

                // If so, get data and generate assertion
                userEmail = work.UserRepository.GetUser(userID).email;

                achievement_template achievementTemplate = work.AchievementRepository.GetTemplateById(achievementID);
                achievementImageURL = JppUriInfo.GetAbsoluteUri(Request, achievementTemplate.icon);

                achievement_instance achievementInstance = work.AchievementRepository.GetUserAchievementInstance(userID, achievementID);
                achievementDate = achievementInstance.achieved_date;
            string salt = "CoeA8DQf"; // As we are exposing the salt anyway, using a constant isn't an issue, and it saves us from having to store every randomly-generated salt in the db
            string hashedEmail;

            hashedEmail = Sha256Helper.HashStringWithSalt(userEmail, salt);

            var badgeAssertion = new
                uid       = GenerateUniqueId(userID, achievementID),
                recipient = new
                    identity = "sha256$" + hashedEmail,
                    type     = "email",
                    hashed   = true,
                    salt     = salt
                image  = achievementImageURL,
                badge  = JppUriInfo.GetCurrentDomain(Request) + Url.RouteUrl("OpenBadgeDescriptionRoute", new { Action = "BadgeDescription", achievementID = achievementID }),
                verify = new
                    type = "hosted",
                    url  = JppUriInfo.GetCurrentDomain(Request) + Url.RouteUrl("OpenBadgeRoute", new { Action = "Assertion", userID = userID, achievementID = achievementID }),
                issuedOn = achievementDate.ToString("s", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                evidence = JppUriInfo.GetCurrentDomain(Request) + Url.RouteUrl("AchievementsPlayersRoute", new { id = achievementID, playerID = userID }),

            return(Json(badgeAssertion, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper for enabling or disabling comments on earnings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="earningID">The id of the earning</param>
        /// <param name="earningIsAchievement">Is this earning an achievement?  If not, assume quest.</param>
        /// <param name="newState">The new state (true = DISABLED, false = ENABLED)</param>
        /// <returns>True if successful, false otherwise</returns>
        private Boolean EnableDisable(int earningID, bool earningIsAchievement, bool newState)
            UnitOfWork work = new UnitOfWork();

            // Get the instance, check the user and alter
            if (earningIsAchievement)
                // Only instance owners or admins
                achievement_instance instance = work.EntityContext.achievement_instance.Find(earningID);
                if (instance.user_id != WebSecurity.CurrentUserId && !Roles.IsUserInRole(JPPConstants.Roles.FullAdmin))

                // Already enabled?
                if (instance.comments_disabled == newState)

                instance.comments_disabled = newState;
                // Only instance owners or admins
                quest_instance instance = work.EntityContext.quest_instance.Find(earningID);
                if (instance.user_id != WebSecurity.CurrentUserId && !Roles.IsUserInRole(JPPConstants.Roles.FullAdmin))

                // Already enabled?
                if (instance.comments_disabled == newState)

                instance.comments_disabled = newState;

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the logged in user has access to the earning
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="earningID">The ID of the earning</param>
        /// <param name="earningIsAchievement">Is the earning an achievement?  If not, it's a quest</param>
        /// <param name="work">The DB access</param>
        /// <returns>True if the user can access, false otherwise</returns>
        private bool UserCanAccessEarning(int earningID, bool earningIsAchievement, UnitOfWork work, out user earningUser, out object earningTemplate)
            // Set up out param
            earningUser     = null;
            earningTemplate = null;

            // Assume invalid, then check
            bool valid = false;

            if (earningIsAchievement)
                // Base query for achievements
                var q = from e in work.EntityContext.achievement_instance
                        where == earningID
                        select e;

                // Can the user "see" this earning?
                var mine = from e in q
                           where e.user_id == WebSecurity.CurrentUserId
                           select e;

                var publicUsers = from e in q
                                  where e.user.privacy_settings != (int)JPPConstants.PrivacySettings.FriendsOnly
                                  select e;

                var friendOnlyFriends = from e in q
                                        join f in work.EntityContext.friend
                                        on e.user_id equals f.source_id
                                        where e.user.privacy_settings == (int)JPPConstants.PrivacySettings.FriendsOnly &&
                                        f.destination_id == WebSecurity.CurrentUserId
                                        select e;

                // Concat the queries and see if we have anything
                achievement_instance instance = mine.Concat(publicUsers).Concat(friendOnlyFriends).FirstOrDefault();
                if (instance != null)
                    valid           = true;
                    earningUser     = instance.user;
                    earningTemplate = instance.achievement_template;
                // Base query for quests
                var q = from e in work.EntityContext.quest_instance
                        where == earningID
                        select e;

                // Check different scenarios
                var mine = from e in q
                           where e.user_id == WebSecurity.CurrentUserId
                           select e;

                var publicUsers = from e in q
                                  where e.user.privacy_settings != (int)JPPConstants.PrivacySettings.FriendsOnly
                                  select e;

                var friendOnlyFriends = from e in q
                                        join f in work.EntityContext.friend
                                        on e.user_id equals f.source_id
                                        where e.user.privacy_settings == (int)JPPConstants.PrivacySettings.FriendsOnly &&
                                        f.destination_id == WebSecurity.CurrentUserId
                                        select e;

                // Concat the queries and see if we have anything
                quest_instance instance = mine.Concat(publicUsers).Concat(friendOnlyFriends).FirstOrDefault();
                if (instance != null)
                    valid           = true;
                    earningUser     = instance.user;
                    earningTemplate = instance.quest_template;

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates an achievement view model with information about a single achievement
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The id of the achievement</param>
        /// <param name="userID">The id of the user for achievement progress info</param>
        /// <param name="questID">Use this to return only achievements related to a particular quest.</param>
        /// <param name="work">The Unit of Work for DB access.  If null, one will be created</param>
        /// <returns>Info about a single achievement</returns>
        public static AchievementViewModel Populate(int id, UnitOfWork work = null)
            if (work == null)
                work = new UnitOfWork();

            bool     currentUserPendingSubmission = false;
            bool     currentUserEarned            = false;
            DateTime?currentUserEarnedDate        = null;

            if (WebSecurity.IsAuthenticated)
                achievement_instance instance = (from ai in work.EntityContext.achievement_instance
                                                 where ai.achievement_id == id && ai.user_id == WebSecurity.CurrentUserId
                                                 select ai).FirstOrDefault();

                // If instance exists, we have the achievement
                if (instance != null)
                    currentUserEarnedDate = instance.achieved_date;
                    currentUserEarned     = true;
                    // No instance, but might be pending
                    currentUserPendingSubmission = (from pending in work.EntityContext.achievement_user_content_pending
                                                    where pending.achievement_id == id && pending.submitted_by_id == WebSecurity.CurrentUserId
                                                    select pending).Any();

            // Get basic achievement info
            return((from a in work.EntityContext.achievement_template
                    where == id
                    select new AchievementViewModel()
                Quests = from step in a.quest_achievement_step
                         where step.achievement_id == id
                         select new AssociatedQuest()
                    ID = step.quest_id,
                    Title = step.quest_template.title,
                    UserGenerated = step.quest_template.user_generated
                ID =,
                Description = a.description,
                Image = a.icon,
                Requirements = from r in a.achievement_requirement select r.description,
                State = a.state,
                SubmissionType = a.content_type,
                Title = a.title,
                PointsCreate = a.points_create,
                PointsExplore = a.points_explore,
                PointsLearn = a.points_learn,
                PointsSocialize = a.points_socialize,
                CurrentUserPendingSubmission = currentUserPendingSubmission,
                CurrentUserEarnedDate = currentUserEarnedDate,
                CurrentUserHasEarned = currentUserEarned