/// <summary>
        /// #0 Called when the screen is constructed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="platform"></param>
        public override void init(IPlatform platform)
            menu           = new aceMenu();
            menu.menuTitle = "Welcome menu";

            messageSection                 = new smartMessageSection(messageTitle, message, platform.height, platform.width, 2, 2);
            messageSection.height          = 17;
            messageSection.margin.top      = 3;
            messageSection.margin.bottom   = 1;
            messageSection.padding.bottom  = 1;
            messageSection.doInverseColors = false;
            messageSection.backColor       = platformColorName.Black;
            messageSection.foreColor       = platformColorName.Gray;

            menuSection                 = new smartMenuSection(menu, platform.height, platform.width, 2, 1);
            menuSection.renderView      = textInputMenuRenderView.inlineKeyListGroup;
            menuSection.doShowTitle     = false;
            menuSection.doInverseColors = false;
            menuSection.padding.top     = 1;
            menuSection.padding.bottom  = 1;
            menuSection.backColor       = platformColorName.White;
            menuSection.foreColor       = platformColorName.Blue;



            layout.addLayer(messageSection, layerBlending.transparent, 50);
        public smartMenuSection(aceMenu __menu, IHasCursor forLayout, textInputMenuRenderView __renderView) : base(__menu, forLayout.height, forLayout.width, 0, 0)
            margin  = forLayout.margin;
            padding = forLayout.padding;

            renderView = __renderView;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Dijalog kojim se edituju propertiji nekog objekta. Podrzava paginaciju
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="platform">Platforma na kojoj se prikazuje dijalog</param>
        /// <param name="targetObject">Objekat koi se edituje</param>
        public dialogMessageBoxWithOptions(IPlatform platform, String title, String description, IEnumerable <T> options)
            : base(platform)
            layoutTitleMessage  = title;
            layoutStatusMessage = description;

            // Definicija izgleda ovog dijaloga
            dialogFormatSettings format = new dialogFormatSettings(dialogStyle.redDialog, dialogSize.messageBox);

            // Primenjuje pravila formatiranja
            format.apply(this, platform);
            backgroundDecoration = "=";
            writeBackground(null, true);

            //var titleDiv = new smartMessageSection(title, description, height, width, 2, 2);


            var menu = new aceMenu();


            var menuDiv = new smartMenuSection(menu, this, textInputMenuRenderView.inlineKeyListGroup);

            menuDiv.doShowValueRemarks = false;
            menuDiv.doShowTitle        = false;
            menuDiv.doShowRemarks      = false;

            //   titleDiv.setAttachment(menuDiv);

            // addLayer(titleDiv, layerBlending.transparent, 100);
        public void refresh()
            IEnumerable items = target.value as IEnumerable;

            menu = new aceMenu();

            menu.menuTitle       = "Inside " + target.pi.DeclaringType.Name + "->" + target.displayName + " collection";
            menu.menuDescription = "Collection type [" + target.pi.PropertyType.ToString() + "]";

            pageManager = new textPageManager <aceMenuItem>(10, 100, 1);

            itemSettings = null;

            Int32 c = 0;

            foreach (var t in items)
                if (itemSettings == null)
                    itemSettings = new settingsEntriesForObject(t);
                var mi = new aceMenuItem(t.ToString(), c.ToString(), t.GetType().Name, "", t);
 public smartMenuSection(aceMenu __menu, int _height, int __width, int __leftRightMargin = 0, int __leftRightPadding = 0)
     : base(__menu, _height, __width, __leftRightMargin, __leftRightPadding)
     doShowTitle        = true;
     doShowRemarks      = true;
     doShowInstructions = true;
     renderView         = textInputMenuRenderView.listItemSelectable;
        //public textInputMenuBase(aceMenu __menu, IPlatform platform, int __leftRightMargin = 0, int __leftRightPadding = 0): base(0, __width, __leftRightMargin, __leftRightPadding)

        protected textInputMenuBase(aceMenu __menu, int _height, int __width, int __leftRightMargin = 0, int __leftRightPadding = 0)
            : base(_height, __width, __leftRightMargin, __leftRightPadding)
            if ((__menu == null) && (menu == null))
                menu = new aceMenu();
            menu = __menu;
        protected virtual void init(IAceComponent component)
            commands = new aceMenu();
            commands.setItems(this, component);

            Type consoleType = this.GetType();

            output           = new builderForLog(consoleType.Name + "_output", false);
            response         = new builderForLog(consoleType.Name + "_response", false);
            consoleIsRunning = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Dijalog kojim se edituju propertiji nekog objekta. Podrzava paginaciju
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="platform">Platforma na kojoj se prikazuje dijalog</param>
        /// <param name="targetObject">Objekat koi se edituje</param>
        public dialogPageViewerWithMenu(IPlatform platform, IEnumerable <String> content, String title, String description, T[] spec)
            : base(platform)
            layoutTitleMessage  = title;
            layoutStatusMessage = description;


            // Definicija izgleda ovog dijaloga
            dialogFormatSettings format = new dialogFormatSettings(dialogStyle.greenDialog, dialogSize.fullScreenBox);

            // Primenjuje pravila formatiranja
            format.apply(this, platform);

            backgroundDecoration = "=";
            // writeBackground(null, true);

            //var titleDiv = new smartMessageSection(title, description, height, width, 2, 2);

            Int32 h = height - header.outerBottomPosition;

            var editorDiv = new smartPageViewer(content, h, width, 0, 0);

            // titleDiv.setAttachment(editorDiv);

            var menu = new aceMenu();


            //var menuDiv = new smartMenuSection(menu, this, textInputMenuRenderView.inlineKeyListGroup);

            //menuDiv.doShowValueRemarks = false;
            //menuDiv.doShowTitle = false;
            //menuDiv.doShowRemarks = false;

            // editorDiv.setAttachment(menuDiv);


            // editorDiv.setAttachment(menuDiv);

            // addLayer(menuDiv, layerBlending.transparent, 100);
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Izvrsava se svaki put kad treba azurirati strukturu sadrzaja prema DataModel izvoru
        /// </summary>
        public void refresh()
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                path = "";

            if (File.Exists(path))
                filename = Path.GetFileName(path);
                path     = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);

            files = new fileSystemList(path, selectMode, extension);

            menu = new aceMenu();

            switch (selectMode)
            case dialogSelectFileMode.selectPath:
                menu.menuTitle = "Select directory path";

            case dialogSelectFileMode.selectFileToOpen:
                menu.menuTitle = "Select file to load (".add(files.pattern, " ").add(")", " ");
                //items.AddRange(Directory.EnumerateDirectories(path, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly));
                //items.AddRange(Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, pattern, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly));

            case dialogSelectFileMode.selectFileToSave:
                menu.menuTitle = "Select file or type filename (*".add(extension, ".") + ")";
                //items.AddRange(Directory.EnumerateDirectories(path, "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly));
                //items.AddRange(Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, pattern, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly));

            foreach (var di in files.directories)
                String      nm       = "";
                aceMenuItem menuItem = null;
                if (files.rootDirectory.Parent != null)
                    if (di.FullName == files.rootDirectory.Parent.FullName)
                        nm                = "..";
                        menuItem          = new aceMenuItem(nm, "", "<dir>", "<lock>", di);
                        menuItem.helpLine = "Move to parent";

                if (files.rootDirectory != null)
                    if (di.FullName == files.rootDirectory.FullName)
                        nm                = ".";
                        menuItem          = new aceMenuItem(nm, "", "<dir>", "<lock>", di);
                        menuItem.helpLine = "This directory";

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(nm))
                    nm                = di.FullName.Replace(files.rootDirectory.FullName, "");
                    menuItem          = new aceMenuItem(nm, "", "<dir>", "<lock>", di);
                    menuItem.helpLine = di.FullName;


                //if (path == di.FullName)
                //    menu.selected = menuItem;

            foreach (var di in files.files)
                aceMenuItem menuItem = new aceMenuItem(di.Name, "", di.LastWriteTime.ToShortDateString(), "", di);
                menuItem.helpLine = di.FullName;

                //if (path == di.FullName)
                //    menu.selected = menuItem;

            pageManager = new textPageManager <aceMenuItem>(10);
 public smartMenuPropertyEditor(aceMenu __menu, int _height, int __width, int __leftRightMargin = 0, int __leftRightPadding = 0) : base(__menu, _height, __width, __leftRightMargin, __leftRightPadding)